How Can I Upgrade from nbn FTTC to FTTP to Reduce Dropouts?

We have NBN with 'More' at the moment and its the Fibe to the Curb connection. We get a lot of drop outs when working from home with only 2 primary users. They tend to only drop out for a minute or so but when on a call for work it's not ideal.

We currently pay $67/month for 100/20 plan with them thanks to the CBA discount.

Is there a cost effective way to upgrade to get the FTTP connection without having to pay $90 a month ongoing? I don't think we need much more speed, just better connection/reliability. Whenever i have asked their tech support they can't see any issue which is madness, given we all experience the drop outs on different devices even the ones right next to modem and NBN box.


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    • I do agree with ditching copper for Fiber.

      There's some troubleshooting you can do for now.
      Move your equipment closer to the router, sit next to it if your on WiFi. It may reduce your dropouts.

      Switch to wired ethernet connection if your devices has ethernet port.

      Try connecting the NBN NCD to a different telephone wall point

  • +3

    They recently reduced the minimum speed requirement on free FTTC upgrades from 250/25 to 100/20 so you should be eligible. Perhaps get in touch with More and see if they'll put you in the queue, and if not, churn away to Leaptel and save a couple of bucks a month for the next year:

  • +1

    100/20 is $64.95/m for 12 months with Leaptel. Ask Leaptel for an existing customer deal or swap ISP after 12 months to get a new deal.

    You might need to purchase a new router if the dropouts persist on FTTP.

    • You must have a different internet to me. My internet says Leaptel 100/20 costs $74.95 for the first 12 months, then $89.95 ongoing.

      • 100/20 is $64.95/m for 12 months with Leaptel if swapping from FTTN to FTTP or FTTC to FTTP.

        100/20 is $74.95/m for 12 months if you already have nbn FTTP or are using another nbn tech type.

  • FTTP $75/m with more Telecom using CBA yello. 250/25 or something like that irrc.

  • -1

    Try another provider, I am betting the issue is "More", not the actual technology …

    • Im with @7ekn00 on this. Was with more for just over a year. Frequent dropouts and unavailability. Always due to issues with the vocus backend. Switched to AGL and now buddy. And the only dropouts has been a nbn issue. And only twice for a short time. Had NBN since start of 2020 first with telstra and only a handful of dropouts total with those providers. Vocus backend 1 year. Too many to count

  • -4

    Is there a cost effective way to upgrade to get the FTTP connection without having to pay $90 a month ongoing?

    LOL so too cheap to pay $276 dollars over the year to get a 'free' FTTP upgrade to fix your connection issues.

    I don't think we need much more speed, just better connection/reliability.

    Your ISP retailer doesn't make the rules nor are they the ones doing the upgrade. If you want the 'free' FTTP upgrade, you have to have a min speed plan and agree to stay at that speed for 12 months. Once you agree to that, your ISP can put a request in to NBN to do the upgrade for you.

    Whenever i have asked their tech support they can't see any issue which is madness

    Maybe the issue isn't the connection but your device, bad modem rebooting?

    • -1

      LOL Lots of cry babies here. OP is cheap, just put in an order for a higher speed plan to get the upgrade. $276 is nothing for good internet.

  • +1

    Move to Leaptel or Aussie BB and upgrade with them to FttP but drop the speed / plan back down after a month - there's no need to be signed up for the full 12 months at the higher speed.

    The sooner you can switch to FttP the better….FttC / FttN are rubbish given they rely on copper for part of the connection journey and are prone to dropouts.

    • -3

      they rely on copper

      Nothing wrong with copper.

  • You can drop back yo the slower speed, just change provider the month after the upgrade is done

  • FTTC here been rock solid since day 1, except for when i ported to Spintel 3 years ago they broke it, then rock solid with ABB either side of the spintel issue

  • What router do you have? Regular dropouts like that sound less an NBN issue and more an issue with whatever router you're using. That said, could be degrading copper.

    Worth churning to try someone new as well if More isn't helpful. Other ISPs tend to actually find the root cause of issues in my experience whereas More support is awful (you get what you pay for).

  • +1

    I had drop outs with FTTC no matter the provider or router, so I figured it was my FTTC connection. Upgraded to FTTP for free with More last year and when the tech came out to install, he checked and said NBN cable or something from the pit was faulty. He replaced everything and took the whole day to install my FTTP (I think I was lucky the guy decided to finish the job in one appointment and not leave and come back later). With FTTP now, we don't get drop outs anymore, connection very stable. We pay $75 per month for 250/25 plan (35% CBA discount). It's definitely worth upgrading and your CBA discount should continue on the FTTP plan too.

  • Treat yourself to FTTP anyway. The ALP and News Corp went to war over it, political careers ended, infrastructure set back a decade. After all that fuss the least you can do is finally claim your free FTTP upgrade.

  • +1

    Don't you have to be in the right colour code on the "Great Spreadsheet" to be eligible for the upgrade?

  • We had a car crash which destroyed the nbn box so nbn decided to upgrade whole area to ftp. All for free!

    • +2

      Could be an option. What's the best way to organise a car crash? Bikies?

  • im with Voda. Router was my issue (netcomm). Frequent drop outs etc. It was outside warranty and they would not give me another modem. So i bought an Asus modem and has been working flawlessly since. Even streaming from my phone to the tv doesnt lag anymore and my NAS files dont buffer over wifi. Cant believe ive been living like this..

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