If your name is Jesus, Mary or Joseph, come into Boost, show your photo ID and you get a free Original Boost Juice today 20 Dec.
Free Boost Juice - If Your Name Is Jesus, Mary or Joseph - Thu 20 Dec

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Was it saint nick? I think that should.
It was Saint Branners, the patron saint of cranial deformities
What about Judas ???
Judas 5?
J = judas
V = 5
Does it count if my name is Christopher which is one of Australia founder where boost juice is sitting on?
wasn't Christopher Jesus's middle name before he shortened it?
As a Christopher myself, we all know that it means 'Christ bearer'. Traditionally 'bearing Christ in our heart and soul'. Which is about as close to Jesus as you can get without being Jesus. So we should get at least 1/2 a free drink
How can you get half of a free drink? It's still a drink, and it's free!
Why the hell did my parents name me GOD?name me GOD?
Were they dyslexic ?
You mean they spelt DOG incorrectly? That's a bit unfair, jv
Thanks for explaining it lazypanda. You're a genius
Thanks - I thought he meant 'GDO', like the guy in that play people were waiting for.
Waiting for Godot??
mmm.. sacrilicious
I'm constantly referred to as either 'Jesus Christ' or 'Oh Jesus', even by strangers!, so hopefully when I visit Boost Juice, I can just walk up and collect my free drink.
Jesus is actually a common name in some parts of the world, but it's pronounced hey-seuss. I wonder if that will qualify?
If American TV is to be believed, lots of dudes named Jesus boost more than just juice…
Since Hispanics are pretty much the only ones who name their kids Jesus and they are the ones that pronounce the name like that, I'm sure they will qualify.
one of my middle names is Joseph, I wonder if this qualifies. It is on my ID. Will find out during my lunch break
Ughh, looks like Xenu is missing out on a free juice.
My name is Pontius Pilate.
Get your friend to head into Boost Juice about 1 minute before you… Ask him to stand back from the counter so he doesn't actually have to order.
Then as you walk in, get him to yell out "Hey Jesus, whatcha up to?", to which you reply "Not bad, Joseph, just getting a juice".Don't forget to arrive on a donkey, just in case they ask for ID
Donkeys have IDs?
Looks like Jews and Chinese will never any free drinks from Boost.
I think Chatime, Gon Tea or EasyWay could do promotions like this but offer to people with rare chinese names.
uh… Jesus, Mary and Joseph were all Jews by the way…
And I don't know of many Chinese without an English name!
They should do Mohammed during ramadan…..
I think that might get a bunch of people bombed/beheaded…
Mary and Joseph is not rare, they are very common English names. Even though I was given a Chinese name by my parents, it does not appear in any of my official Australian ID. so I still won't be able to get any free drink!
what about Santa?
You mean Satan. Lot of folk with dyslexia on this thread.
I'm refereed to as Jesus when i'm batting at Cricket, mostly by the bowler, wicket keeper and slips.
One of the Three Wise Men was named Jonathan…
This is one of the funniest posts of comments on OZB
what about for kwanzaa!
I wanna get to know this kid if he makes it to 18years old…
I would think if Jesus can turn water to wine he would probably have learnt how to make boost juice from fruit before and wouldn't really require this deal.
but Jesus on ozbargain requires this deal
My name is Joseph G. Suss! Do I get two?
Alright, you were waiting for somebody to say it: Your name looks Suss! :)
how low will this company go for extra sales?? pathetic
Jesus H Christ!
Damn parents named me Jebus!
This is just awesome. Well done, Boost Juice.
I was named after a saint. Is that close enough?