• expired

50% off Vitasoy UHT Oat or Almond Milky 1L $1.50 @ Woolworths

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Arguably one of the best dairy alternative for coffee especially at this price point. It contains sunflower oil which may not be suitable for some people.

Almond milk is also on half price.

EDIT: Still half price this week

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good price. Thanks for posting.

  • -6

    Almond milk is also on half price.


  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +4

    C'mon Amazon, time to PM

    • Amazon limit your quantity though

      • +3

        The limit is 6 boxes on Amazon. Are you buying more than this from woolies? My woolies has already been cleaned out haha

        • Do they normally reduce the boxes price also? I only ever noticed the single units being price matched which was limited to 6.

          • @Slo20: Sometimes, the box has gone to half price couple times before but very rare. Though I'm not sure if they are matching Woolies or others

          • +1

            @Slo20: Just checked and they price matched woolies half price in the last deal. Guess they are just ignoring it this time.

  • +1

    Cheap , thanks OP

  • -1

    Can't froth any of this stuff, its super watery

    • +2

      Maybe not with the milky one. But with the standard unsweetened one there's no issue.
      What machine do you have?

      • +1

        Froths well everytime with my aldi frothererererer

    • +2

      Froth okay for me. Slightly more finicky in that wand placement must be maintained throughout process for success.

  • How is this compared to the unsweetened variant as thats what I currently use.

    • +2

      This has closer taste to real milk. I can't stand the unsweetened one (they taste like dirty water to me lol). For $1.50 I'd say try one yourself.

      • +2

        I don't think you will go back. I never did after trying the milky version

  • +5

    The ALDI barista oat milk is the best tasting and frothing version imo. But it contains seed oils. For cooking and breakfast I find some of the organic oat milks to be perfect. Macro organic has no added oil. Pure harvest uses an organic high oleic sunflower oil (though not sure if purely cold pressed).

    • Thanks this was valuable info. My partner drinks oat milk and im extremely conscious about keeping industrial seed oils out of our diets.

      • +1

        lol industrial

        • +3

          I heard they use industrial RNA genetically modified chemical 5G chemtrail seed oil

        • +2

          If you look into the history of seed oils, specifically rapeseed/canola and other seeds, they were originally invented/used for manufacturing purposes as they were very cheap to make. Rapeseed is specifically toxic and needs to be processed with chemicals to create the non toxic, edible canola (same seed, different name for the oil). Doesn't make today's food approved seed oils all bad, esp the cold pressed varieties. What I don't like is my oil processed using hexane and other petroleum based solvents, which most seed oils are. Much like I prefer virgin, cold pressed, olive oil and avoid other refined olive oils. But it's not an ideological statement, drink whatever oil you like.

      • Why would anyone neg your comment? Bunch of evangelical idiots.

    • +7

      Seed oils are fine.

      If you disagree, try producing a reasonable source.

      • I don't believe anyone here is trying to convince you. Drink whatever you want…

    • +1

      how much is the aldi barista oat milk?

  • +1

    Cmon Amazon do your thang!

  • Got milk?

  • whys it have sunflower oil

    • I suppose it gives the milky taste/texture?

  • +1

    Did anyone else have boxes of these selling at their Coles for $12 and then have those boxes reduced to $5.50 per box? I regret not buying the lot after realising that nobody sells them for anything close to these prices.

    You'd think that long-life products like these would be a tiny fraction of the price of the perishable competition. Nice and flat, easy to store and ship. I don't get why they're not 50 cents. Probably a combination of what people are willing to pay and also the weight or something like that.

  • this Oat milk is my fav, Froths well for coffee. Could never do soy.

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