Sicko - A Film by Michael Moore (2007) - Free Streaming with No Ads @ YouTube


With the recent with the alleged shooting death of that Healthcare CEO in the USA by Luigi Mangione, Film maker Michael Moore has decided to release his 2007 Oscar-nominated film SICKO.

Sicko is a 2007 American political documentary film by filmmaker Michael Moore. Investigating health care in the United States, the film focuses on the country's health insurance and the pharmaceutical industry. Moore compares the for-profit non-universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba.

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Michael Moore
Michael Moore


      • +1

        so why dont they try for a reform and hold companies accountable through a 3rd party org or have a watchdog like ACCC but nah that breaching on MUH FREEDOM

    • +3

      United HealthGroup is about 8.5% before tax (the health insurance alone section is about 6%), they're kind of the darling of health insurers in the US in terms of profitability, so I can see why their CEO in particular was targeted. While it would make a marginal difference for policy holders in terms of overall cost, we're talking tens of thousands of people who were likely bankrupted because their care wasn't paid for when it could have been.

      The US healthcare system is broken from top to bottom, from salaries to middlemen to overpriced pharma to incentives to over-provide services, but health insurers aren't an innocent part of that system simply because their margins are low.

    • You cannot cure the individuals if the System is Sicko (or Psycho). re: Gabor Mate, addiction expert.

    • +2

      The costs are high because

      1. The hospitals are for profit and charge exorbitant rates

      2. The supplies the hospital uses are priced at the 'free market' rate (e.g. AU $5 saline bag billed at $100 in the US)

      3. Drugs are priced at the 'free market' rate by the pharmaceutical industry (e.g. US$200‐$300 for a vial of insulin that costs AU$35 - this is the cash price not subsidised)

      You end up with a system where a simple antibiotic visit costs $500-$1000 instead of $50.

      Insurance is expensive, it has to be because the costs they are insuring are out of control. To maximise their profits the insurance industry arbitrarily decide that the treating doctor is wrong and refuse to pay for healthcare already delivered. 15-30% chance your claim is denied and you are out of pocket thousands of dollars. Someone is responsible for the company's policy on denying claims.

  • +2

    I am in the same line of work as this guy, I'm dealing with a debilitating chronic health condition which has upturned my life, and I believe strongly in affordable health care for everyone, but I would still never consider killing someone and justifying it on this basis.

    To my mind, he's not a martyr; he obviously has serious mental health issues. What excuse do his supporters have?

    And regardless of whether his beliefs have merit, the question is: do you believe that it's acceptable to kill someone who has directly or indirectly killed others? Many societies, including our own, have moved past the death penalty. For one, it's wildly hypocritical.

    • +1

      I don't think anyone with a functioning brain would object to Putin getting assassinated, so it's a matter of where you draw the line. In this instance, nobody's saying murdering CEOs in retribution is a healthy thing, but they are saying the CEO (and his wife, granted it's not his kids' fault) brought it upon himself by profiting so handsomely off the misery of others. Luigi isn't a garden variety murderer.

      • +1

        Fair enough. But I do see a number of people getting behind Luigi or his "cause". Even if most people wouldn't object to an assassination of Putin, that doesn't make it any less morally grey, and we don't need to glorify killing.

        • Is it wrong, or indeed morally grey, to terminate a mass murderer?
          I think there are obvious questions as to how a civil society works, and the death penalty really doesn't make a country more civilised, but that is IMO more because of standards of behaviour and all the complications the penalty brings. People are entitled to feel the worst of human beings don't deserve to live, even if taking the matter into their own hands isn't acceptable.

          • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: law of the land.

            Regardless, should be locked up for life for his crimes.

            The second we as a democracy start endorsing murder based on who the victim was, is one step closer towards a dictatorship.

            • @chadleyshe: That's a fair analysis, and one of many reasons I don't support the death penalty. But I also don't endorse the limp-wristed way some people talk about mass murderers' lives being of value and it being state sanctioned murder to terminate them.

              Many people feel that way, and you get nowhere appealing to their sense of some non-existent dignity of the offender, rather than the health (pardon the pun) of the society.

      • -1

        So all CEOs of health insurers/banks etc should be murdered?

        The President of the USA endorsed and supported the actions of Israel, which led to the deaths of thousands of innocents, should he be murdered?

        The lockdowns globally during covid led to thousands committing suicide and those governments who were slow to act, resulted in also thousands of deaths due to covid, should they be murdered?

        • +1

          Hundreds of thousands to millions of deaths due to Covid.

          Apart from the moral issues the trouble with assassination is you end up with a tit for tat situation where you kill my guy so we will kill yours. Look at the insanity we have with the “chop chop” gangs. There is a saying that “an eye for an eye” just makes us all blind. As much as we might like to step back and let them at it there is usually innocents that get caught in the crossfire.

          If American had a proper judicial system these guys would be prosecuted in the courts; funny how they don’t. There are people cheering on this guy who aren’t interested in fixing the underlying issues.

          One of my favourite sayings is “If you do as you’ve always done then you get what you’ve always gotten”. Assassinating one man will mean nothing. Voting in a party that will do something about it just might.

          • @try2bhelpful:

            One of my favourite sayings is “If you do as you’ve always done then you get what you’ve always gotten”. Assassinating one man will mean nothing.

            Except it has gotten people talking. Uncomfortable, but true.

            • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Talk is cheap and fleeting. The people talking now will be talking about something else next week. Just dangle another shiny bauble over them. Unless it leads to fundamental changes to the system it is basically pointless. What are the odds the GOP will do anything to fix the health system? That legislation will mean better access to a fairer and cheaper system?

        • Hamas brutally raped and murdered the traditional owners of Israel, the Hebrew (Jewish) people. The tragic irony is they attacked pro-Palestinian, left wing Indigenous Hebrews.

          • @Landsmith: Yeah but the deaths of 40,000 plus people where the vast majority are innocent civilians is not something you brush under the carpet. Frankly both sides are wrong but one side has killed a lot more people. So what exactly is Israel planning to do once they destroy all these cities?

            • @try2bhelpful: Each human life matters, if only the billions upon billions given to Hamas was used to protect civilians. Or at least they shouldn’t hide military equipment and fighters amongst innocent Palestinian civilians. Or at least Palestine’s brothers and neighbours, such as Egypt, should do the decent thing and allow refugees to shelter there until the war ends. Or at least Hamas should release the remaining hostages so that the war can end. Or at least Hamas should take back their promise to repeat the October 7 brutality again and again.

              • +1

                @Landsmith: Or Israel could stop indiscriminately shelling civilian areas including hospitals. Frankly I’m not supporting Hamas but you can’t just say Hamas bad, Israel good. Israel has been flaunting UN resolutions for decades. If you want to talk about the hostages Israel shot a few of the unarmed hostages themselves. You are seriously naive if you think the war would end if the hostages were released. Maybe Israel could stop bulldozing houses of innocent families. Or they could stop building settlements on occupied land. I repeat. What do they intend to do in the areas where they are destroying Palestinian cities? Why should surrounding countries take in refugees until the war ends? Israel is doing the bombing why shouldn’t they take in the refugee civilians. They push people end to ‘safe havens” then shell them as well. I don’t agree with what Hamas has done and I don’t agree with Israels’s retaliation. At least I’m not so biased I can’t see there is an issue on both sides. However, when it comes to scale one side is killing a lot more innocent civilians than the other side.

                • @try2bhelpful: You are seriously naive if you think Israel bombed those hospitals. As was proven, PIJ (hamas affiliated) accidentally fired rockets at a hospital carpark.

                  But you are serially naive if you believe the responsibility for the tragedy in the deaths of innocent Palestinians is the result of indiscriminate killing by Israel. It’s plain as day that Israel give ample, ample warning to civilians to vacate areas identified as Hamas military. Hamas want their people dead and thus prevent many Palestinians from fleeing for safety. Hamas want their people dead and thus continue to base military equipment and fighters amongst children, grandmothers and the infirm. What a morally bankrupt government Hamas is. They deliberately hide weapons and fighters in hospitals, schools and UN buildings.

            • @try2bhelpful:

              …So what exactly is Israel planning to do once they destroy all these cities?

              2 words: Yinon Plan

          • +1

            @Landsmith: "….the traditional owners of Israel"….are you having a larf, most of the modern population of Israel are ethnically eastern Europeans, whose ancestors converted to Judaism, they are not Semites.

            • @alidli: Another captive of the Russian conspiracy theory. Whether convert or ethnic, there is a clear archeological and historical line of descent from modern indigenous inhabitants of Israel, the Hebrews, and those from the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They have a greater right over the land than European Australians have over Australia.

              • @Landsmith: So you are advocating we had Australia back to the Indigenous people?

                • @try2bhelpful: Yes! I voted for the voice.

                  • @Landsmith: I voted for the Voice as well but that was a far cry from handing Australia back to the Indigenous people. Don’t get me started on Dutton’s scare campaign.

              • @Landsmith: "Russian conspiracy theory"…here we go; it can be proven by DNA that many "Jews" in Israel are not semitic and are not descendants of the original Judaeans.
                And no-one has any "right" over any land, especially not Eastern Europeans over land in the Middle East.

                Land and resources was and will always be fought over and which the conquerors will keep (as in Australia's case); until such time as another group who are more powerful (which doesn't always mean military) want to have it for themselves.
                for example; the Gaza strip, the Golan heights (see the Yinon Plan or is that a conspiracy theory too?).
                And coming soon….Taiwan.

                • @alidli: Here we ago again with the Protocols fair right conspiracy theorists. It can be proven that the present day Jews of Israel have a direct DNA link to their ancestors in the time of Christ. Being a religion as well as an ethnic group. In fact they share more with their Middle East neighbours than they do with Europe. Being exiled to Europe for 1900 years is going to result in some European mixing. Much like today’s indigenous Australians often have 1 or more European ancestors. That doesn’t make them less indigenous. The indigenous people of the land of Israel have maintained an uninterrupted presence in the form of a Sanhedrin since the initial exile in AD70.

                  • @Landsmith:

                    It can be proven that the present day Jews of Israel have a direct DNA link to their ancestors in the time of Christ.

                    What all of them?

                    In fact they share more with their Middle East neighbours than they do with Europe.

                    What all of them?

                    Being exiled to Europe for 1900 years is going to result in some European mixing.

                    In 1900 years I would think that would result in a very substantial amount of mixing with religious, non-semetic European Jews (why does a religious, 99% non-semitic, European Jew have any claim on land in the Middle East?).

                    Much like today’s indigenous Australians often have 1 or more European ancestors. That doesn’t make them less indigenous.

                    Well in 1900 years time, it kind of would because unless they kept breeding with purebred Australian aboriginals their original DNA would be very diluted.

                    The indigenous people of the land of Israel have maintained an uninterrupted presence

                    Yes a tiny group in comparison to the non-Semitic European Jewish population there now who have taken over the land; and that tiny group's presence there for 1900 years was not in isolation, other ethnic groups have been living on the same land for 1900 years (who are in the process of being kicked off it (or just killed) and new groups who are about to also be kicked out of much of the surrounding areas (or again just murdered) to clear the area to make a Greater Israel).

                    • @alidli: And yet despite being the rightful owners, they gladly share their land with peoples from all nations in one of the world’s most robust democracies. I’m trying to count how many indigenous Hebrews form part of the Palestinian Authority. Or how many Jews are members of the Hamas administration of Gaza.

                      • @Landsmith: Notice you didn't answer any of my points, just a typical irrelevant look-over-there reply.

                        Think you'd better go back to playing computer games in Mummy's basement and earn your Hasbara Zionist bonus defending Eastern European invaders/ land grabbers/ genociders on a different forum.

                        • @alidli: Didn’t expect to encounter far right extremists on OzBargain. Keep listening to Candace Owens.

                          • @Landsmith: You DIDN'T? This place is absolutely infested with them. Trumpamzees, cookers, this place has the lot.

                            • -1


                              this place has the lot.

                              including rabid Zionists apparently.

                          • @Landsmith: Who's Candace Owens?

                            And there's nothing as far right and callously extreme as the the current Knesset you want me to copy and paste some of their infamous quotes to you about what they think of us goys?
                            Or from the Talmud?
                            Or clips of Israeli soldiers?

                            Anyway don't want you to miss your gaming time….I've got better things to do like reading history books and current affairs written from both sides of the situation than to spend any more time "debating" with you.

    • +2

      crazy times we live in when people openly endorse an assassination of a citizen regardless of their status in society.

    • +1

      I don't claim to know much about this case, but my thoughts based on what little I know are:
      - CEO has wife and kids
      - killing CEO doesn't fix problem
      - does the public REALLY support murdering heads of businesses if IN THEIR ESTIMATION the business isn't operating ethically?
      - alleged murderer: would the public be falling over themselves to justify his actions if he was poor/middle class, or not highly educated, or not western origin?

      Just sad all round.

      • -1
        • CEO has wife and kids

        The kids matter, but the wife is what was known in post-WWII Germany as a 'Mitläufer'. She's also directly benefiting from denying healthcare and she's long been aware.

        • +1

          So much misinformation, worse than Twitter/X

          • -1

            @Landsmith: Nothing misinformed in the slightest. She was happy to enjoy the spoils of his immoral life. She's part of the problem. Her pain is not important here.

            • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: So murder is the wages for an immoral life? Well that should be the end of a fair few GOP politicians including Trump. I can’t stand the man but I’m not advocating murdering him.

        • Wasn't the wife estranged from the CEO?
          and had been for a while.

    • The US still has the death penalty so it's not hypocritical.

      • -1

        I know, it’s called abortion and millions of innocents die every year.

        • Future gun owners and school shooters minimised . Also somebody else's business and body, so not your problem to conflate.
          It's a MYOB situation, wherever it is. Just getting in before I hide your dross.

          • -1

            @Protractor: No, guns must be banned as well as abortion. Responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year.

            • @Landsmith: American has created & earned their own 'special version of natural selection.And they've made it clear they love it that way, and will accept no outside interference. Gun death is a natural event at schools these day.So rife that our media should not even report gun crimes any more.That said, you nor your religion have any weight on what happens to a woman and her body. Forcing more ppl onto a planet bulging at seems is a religion driven agenda. It's part of the problem (manifold) and no part of any solution.
              When religions pay their way they can have the community's ear.They already interfere with govt and policy at the direct conflict with what the Australian constitution says.

              • @Protractor: Women’s (and men’s) bodies should be protected. Women and men should not use their bodies to deprive another human being of his (or her) life. Ergo abortion is wrong because it deprives a human being of his/ her right to life.

                • @Landsmith: We get to choose the sort of life we lead to. As adults. Do tata .
                  This is the bit where I hide your content.So no more dialogue for me.
                  Good luck?

    • +1

      Only in Murica they think killing is an option before having any sort of functioning health system

  • +1

    Insane accusation. Luigi was mowing old ladies' lawns with me that whole day. Can't have been him.

    • He wasn't fixing people's plumbing around Brooklyn?

  • The irony of that lard arse lecturing about the health & pharma industry is quite something. Nice that it's free though.

    • I know ,it's like a privileged Afrikaaner millionaire whinging about American migrants.
      Hasn't he grown the place by 12 sprogs himself?

  • Headline: A father of two murdered by multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur dressing up in ‘poor face’,

  • +1

    Obama fixed healthcare by taking nuns to court for failing to pay for abortion and birth control cover. Yay Luigi, thanks for justicing the ceO.

    • Religion should never be more important than people’s health. If your health cover is part of your employment it should cover all your health.

      Vigilantly bullshit isn’t justice.

      • -4

        Abortion isn’t health.

        • +1

          Oh yes it is. This is a medical procedure between the pregnant woman and her doctor. The reason that Ireland finally accepted reproductive rights was because women were dying due to their draconian abortion laws. If women had a partial miscarriage an argument began as to if the foetus us still had a heartbeat so women were dying from septicaemia. Women are not incubators for your religious views.

          • -1

            @try2bhelpful: Abortion is the murder of an unwanted human being.

            • @Landsmith: It is removing a number of cells. This is correct at both a legal and biological level.

              The best way to reduce the number of abortions is to provide free safe contraception. Maybe the Catholic Church could take some of their tax free money and invest it in contraceptive research? Then they might provide something useful.

              If you don’t want an abortion then don’t have one. We aren’t forcing our beliefs on your body.

              • @try2bhelpful: And murder is also the removal of cells from the earth. It’s who those cells belong to that make it murder.

                • @Landsmith: Your definition is neither legally nor biologically accurate.

                  • -1
                    • @Landsmith: Well that looks like a good point to leave this with the observers on this site. I’m sure they found your last argument incredibly compelling.

                  • @try2bhelpful: I wonder, should religious cells that support Israels genocide should be removed from earth?

                    Not only has mental yahoo gained the gold medal in terrorism in the modern age, he's also somehow changed the definition of genocide to defending ourselves in someone else's country.
                    Pre-emptive genocide is apparently now self defence.
                    (Oh we sunk Syrias fleet, just in case")
                    Even if anybody observes or criticises any of this blood thirsty child and mother mass slaughter they are labelled anti semetic. My my, this govt has lost it's brains,it's balls and it's sovereignty. But it's empathy and conscience were given away as they wet the bet over Duttons side mouth dares.
                    Yet Dutton has never said a word about the neo nazis in Melbourne (or anywhere) Could it be because they have the familiar aroma of young Liberals?

            • +1

              @Landsmith: Amazing how much certain types like you seem to care about supposedly preserving life, when they openly support regimes like Netanyahu's, which happily target any civilians in the way…

              • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Pretty consistent in condemnation of brutal and gratuitous slaughter, threatened to happen again, and again until the indigenous are driven out, from the river to the sea.

                These people slaughtered thousands of Israelis and then slaughtered 40,000+ of their own by preventing them from heeding countless warnings from the indigenous inhabitants of Israel that they would be destroying the military capability of Hamas, and bringing to justice the brutal murderers.

                Hamas gleefully starved their people, took away their shelter and set up their weapons and fighters amongst innocent school children, the elderly, infirm and women. And then we have the brutal treatment the lgbt Palestinians in Gaza by Hamas. Their only hope is to flee to the most vibrant and democratic nation of the Middle East today.

                • +2

                  @Landsmith: I was leaning toward the Israelis after Oct 7. What they've done since is indiscriminate and, frankly, not what you'd expect of a supposed democracy.

                  • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Indiscriminate would describe the 7 October attacks. The nearly month long warning by Israel, following the October murders, and the countless subsequent warnings to Gaza people to remove themselves from the weapon stores and the fighters’ hideouts, has reduced casualties, but the glee and joy Hamas have in putting their people in harms way have tragically led to the needles deaths of tens of thousands of innocents. Stop storing weapons in schools and hospitals, and stop firing rockets from schools and hospitals.

                    • +1

                      @Landsmith: Well that is one way of looking at it. Indiscriminately slaughtering civilians by invading their cities would be another way. It wasn’t Hamas that was destroying the cities and I doubt they were gleeful. The tragic deaths of tens of thousands of innocents is on the hands of the Israeli government. It does appear the Israeli government has learnt something from history. Demonise a people so their deaths can be written off as collateral damage. That the slaughter of children is a necessary evil to meet an ultimate goal. Me, I have never considered that as acceptable no matter who the victims are.

        • +1

          It is, except in the minds of ****ing idiots who don't know how reproduction (or s*x assault) works.

          • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Love the GOP politician who decided that if a woman was really raped then her body would shutdown so she didn’t get pregnant. They live in a whole new level of stupid over there.

            • -2

              @try2bhelpful: Yeah, the only problem is we all know that the millions and millions of abortions are not done because of rape or the mother might die, it is done as a form of birth control, and very often not to tiny foetuses, but to millions and millions of innocent little human beings.

              • @alidli: They are a bunch of cells.

                Me I believe every child born should be wanted and loved. That families have the means and ability to give that child the best start in life. Then again most of the religious people think life ends at birth as far as the quality of life for the child is concerned. Or maybe they just think more fodder for molesting priests is fair enough.

                • @try2bhelpful:

                  most of the religious people

                  Stupid generalisations provide an interesting insight into the poster.

                  • +1

                    @mickeyjuiceman: OK, I will clarify by saying the religious people who want to turn women into incubators.

            • @try2bhelpful: The one where men can supposedly give birth…oh wait that’s here too now…

  • Michael Moore predicted that Kamala would win the presidential election. I don’t trust his insights anymore. He is very 20th century.

    • The US's idiosyncratic health system is a 20th century idiosyncrasy.

  • +1

    When you look as unhealthy as Michael Moore I don’t think you should be lecturing others on health lol

    • Why not?
      RC parents took/take their kids to the very church that ran and covered up the worlds largest pedo industry.

  • I was watching the part of this where they're in a Canadian hospital and the people in the waiting room are saying they see a doctor within 30 or 40 minutes. How come here in Australia you have to wait up to 6 hours (or more) to see a doctor in the ER?

    • -1

      Mainly because we are flooded with migrants who prefer free treatment over wasting their money on a Dr.And because other local sponges game the free treatment as well.Then there's the methwits.
      Anybody who is treated for something that at admission is clearly a non emergency (or drug related) should pay via their wages (deduction, or it's added to their payable tax, or taken from the refund). The ED charge should be at or over the maximum consultation rate at a medical practise.

  • Aren't all films free on stremio already?

  • -3

    SICKO - is this movie about Joe Biden?

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