This was posted 3 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Disney Villainous $25 (OOS), Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power $25 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ EB Games (Online Only)


All time low as far as I'm aware (at least for Disney Villanous).

This is part of EB's Mad Monday sale.

Available now for EB Games Level V or EB Plus members, open to general public from midnight AEDT.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Wow! Some huge savings in some great games! Thanks OP; primed and ready for 11pm!

  • +1

    Got them both. Lots of fun. Recommend the Disney > Marvel for gameplay. And better expansions

    • Thanks
      Got them both too though no confirmation emails

  • Everything sold out before could checkout, waste of time.

  • +2

    Checkout kept erroring and logging out and then everything is out of stock.

  • +2

    Website did a big doodoo all over the internets

  • +2

    Website has crapped itself. Stayed up late for nothing.

    • Was just about to say the same lol. Actually the board game is the only thing not immediately showing as out of stock for me.

      • +1

        Shows in stock for me. Can still add to cary but impossible to checkout

  • +4

    Disappointing. Despite the website saying things were in stock for delivery (and still saying that), on trying to checkout it says they're not available. Also repeated website drop outs and needing me to repeatedly log back in.

  • +1

    Zzz… Impossible to actually buy anything because the website is unusable.

  • Managed to snap one after 15 attempts (Disney Villainous not Marvel) for pick-up at Chatswood NSW. The website is frustratingly bad.

  • +1

    Just got it through Zing after around 200 tries. $32.95 posted. Can't remove neg. What a crapshow though, especially this late at night kicking it off

    • Thanks, Zing had stock for delivery for me too.

  • Having the same issues as everyone else, website errors constantly, can't checkout, very frustrating, waste of time. Great price/deal if you can get it.

    After trying 20 times, I posted the above comment. After commenting, I went back to the website and everything went through no problems, might have got lucky. Had to go delivery, shipping was a bit steep ($15) but click and collect was showing OOS.

    • Oddly Zing seam $6 cheaper for the same postage for me

      • Same I had split my order between ebgames and zing to score both the games and some mugs :)

  • Apologies for the neg OP but can't seem to remove now. Seems websites behaving better now and still in stock with delivery now $6.95

    • No worries. If you actually want to revoke it you should be able to do it here.

      • +1

        Done :)

  • Got them both.
    Managed to get the Marvel one way after OOS but the website was playing up a lot
    No confirmation emails though.

    • Stock for delivery seems to be still available, I managed to get both Delivered(from different locations) after checking intermittently.

  • Really got to shout out to all the eb games and zing staff today. Just went to pick up my order online (yes horrible online platform, see comment above). The staff on site are so busy running around packing everything but they are still so lovely and helpful!! Well done!

  • $23.95 shipping to regional WA takes it out of impulse buy territory for me, fingers crossed for an Amazon price match…

    • Regional QLD has the same insane shipping cost too :(

  • I was able to order one for C&C while there were stock available, but they had to refund me because they didn't actually have stock at the store. Now that it is sold out, I have no way to re-order. Annoying. It's like I need to order multiple copies to ensure I can get one and then return any excess copies.

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