Betrayal at House on The Hill (2nd Edition) $15 (RRP $75) in-Store Only @ Toymate


Bargain price for this game (next cheapest I could find was $67.95 at Amazon). Haven't played this myself but 7/10 on boardgamegeek is solid. Note this is the 2nd edition, there is a 3rd edition which exists so check the differences out online if needed.

Price drops to $14.25 instore if you have "gold" status in their free loyalty program.

Also, credit to @chul00p4 with this deal (Smash up Marvel or Disney $15 in-store @

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  • +2

    Roughly 20 units in stock at Parafield SA

    • if I get there in 2hrs and they're all sold out..

      • Well, dont leave us hanging, how'd you go?

        • GOT ONE!!! :D there were about 3-4 left (that I could see on shelf anyway)

          • @Jaspa7: Nice one! I was starting to get worried, lol.

  • +1

    Basically always this price at Toymate but stock seems to always be pretty low. Says no online sales for me as usual too.

    Never figured out is there any way to price match this somewhere in Vic?

    • Cheers, I've edited to post to in-store only, sorry.

  • +9

    Good chaotic fun game, but expect some flops every now and then - given its sort of a randomness bonanza it can spit out some situations that are anticlimactic depending on how things play out.

    I think the 3rd edition didn’t make major improvements - so at this price this is the way to go.

  • Toymate does have great deals from time to time on board games. You need to go to the stores though as shipping basically kills the deal. If you are really lucky you may be able to find these in-store (they aren't on their website any more):

    Exit: The Game + Puzzle – The Deserted Lighthouse $8 BGO link

    The Adventures of Robin Hood $25 BGO link

    I saw some of the Deserted Lighthouse game at Garden City (QLD) in the puzzle section last week maybe? Don't think they have any of the Robin Hood game at either Loganholme or Garden City.

    • Those exit games were at Aldi recently for 10 bucks, there were heaps so hopefully they are soon to be hitting clearance. They weren't in a big box like this tho so maybe this is different?

      • I don't think I saw any of the games at Aldi. I don't go every week but I didn't see the Orchard Toys games either when they were supposed to be there so I dunno. Maybe we just get shafted up here in SE Qld.

  • Bonkers price
    Can recommend if you got like the time and attention span for it ( I don’t these days unfortunately)

  • +3

    Fantastic game at a ripper price. Highly recommend.

  • OOS by the look of it
    Great deal for those that got it though

    • In-store only now it seems, lots of stock at the store I went to (Parafield, 20+ units), but there's no decent online stock checker unfortunately.

  • Is this one of those board games that’s so captivating people lose track of time, end up staying over, and you get to have a cozy spooning session?

    • +1

      Game title could be appropriate.

  • Been this price for over 12 months at least on the GC. Though good price.
    Always have some good prices on games I assume they buy in bulk such as "marvel united" etc.

  • i heard 2nd edition has a lot of bugs and it was fixed in the 3rd edition. So i suggest people to get 3rd edition instead.

    • +2

      I've heard 2nd edition has a few bugs, however third edition is $80, so i think for 15 bucks, second edition will be fine.

      • Agreed, this was my thinking too!

  • Betrayal at Balder's gate was same price so if there's stock around grab that too if your a D&D fan.

  • great game, also if you turn on a scary or mysterious background sound theme it would create a great atmosphere

  • That feeling when none of your friends are into board games :')

    • I know how you feel, a mate of mine started a free boardgame group in Adelaide to get people together for games. If you're keen, reach out to some community groups in your area.

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