• expired

Free - 30 PlayStation Advent Calendar 2024 Avatars @ PlayStation


It's a promo running in Germany, Switzerland and Austria but the codes are universal work on all EU region accounts (including AU).

Desktop users can redeem here: https://store.playstation.com/?transactAction=redeemVoucher&…

Date Avatar Code
DAY 1 (25/11): "1994" Born To Be Wild Sled TKRQ-K433-2N22
DAY 2 (26/11): "1995" I Believe I Can Fly Glider NJE4-D8XE-KMTT
DAY 3 (27/11): "1996" Ultimate Adventure Heroine 262Q-F5F2-JA95
DAY 4 (28/11): "1997" Ready, Set, Go HTC3-CJAX-GX5K
DAY 5 (29/11): "1998" Daniel's Little Brother TTLT-JFJQ-XHK2
DAY 6 (30/11): "1999" Silent Sister GLBH-N8A6-89KJ
DAY 7 (01/12): "2000" The Future Is Not Set K23G-P29H-T54L
DAY 8 (02/12): "2001" Gamer Snack For Cyberpunks PT2B-2E8M-HFH2
DAY 9 (03/12): "2002" The Last Sword of Fantasy CTML-8GN6-8P24
DAY 10 (04/12): "2003" Katana of Justice NGB4-LF4L-N2J4
DAY 11 (05/12): "2004" Hit the Tone JNGX-ALQ5-P43G
DAY 12 (06/12): "2005" Colossal Shadow QAGC-4BP9-Q7N7
DAY 13 (07/12): "2006" Doris, The Spider 6DQ9-F969-ME4J
DAY 14 (08/12): "2007" Unknown Treasures Explorer RPXF-B95N-DG5F
DAY 15 (09/12): "2008" Robotronic Companion NG4X-MLCB-6KN2
DAY 16 (10/12): "2009" Light holder FE29-C5HF-9Q95
DAY 17 (11/12): "2010" More is More Badge 94FF-M3RM-MTB5
DAY 18 (12/12): "2011" Ready for adventure M5H8-NXGN-6B2T
DAY 19 (13/12): "2012" World Explorer 9AB5-HK9B-A2NE
DAY 20 (14/12): "2013" Best Memory 9PM5-B7FP-E9L8
DAY 21 (15/12): "2014" Lock and Load TP59-LNKQ-A6JP
DAY 22 (16/12): "2015" Horror Lantern 4MRG-8K3A-BBL7
DAY 23 (17/12): "2016" Back to the beginning EX27-XRFF-DPGD
DAY 24 (18/12): "2017" Nightmare Pauli QKMA-CMET-862Q
DAY 25 (19/12): "2018" The Long Ride FMGX-65C4-QRMP
DAY 26 (20/12): "2019" Days Gone OR Born To Survive 2019 G2JD-JMNR-HPAC
DAY 27 (21/12): "2020" Glorious Fox 85CJ-GX64-9QGH
DAY 28 (22/12): "2021" We come in peace 47QB-MXRN-ML83
DAY 29 (23/12): "2022" Gaming Trainee LH7D-BA4R-LJQD
DAY 30 (24/12): "2023" Abracadabra 5XCL-4HRC-KFXT

There will be one code per day until 24 Dec.

Credit to HUKD.

Bonus PlayStation Wrap-Up 2024 Avatar

Region Code
EU Q237-5LR9-357P
US KHKG-H25M-5757
Japan 5H8Q-A37B-6DJ6

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closed Comments

  • Thanks

  • +7

    Danke schoen

  • +18

    I don't know why but I redeemed them, cheers.

  • Spielverlauf

  • Thanks OP

  • +2

    I think I'd rather they give me a discount on PS+ Essential subs #bahhumbug :)

    /Reminisces of old days where you could stack discounted subs

  • cant redeem not region lol

  • +5

    Most, if not all, of these are clearly AI generated. Very bizarre.

  • Thanks

  • +3

    Thanks OP. I thought they'd all be individual PS iconic characters/games but they seem to be totally random, or as someone else said, AI generated. Very odd! But hey, if it's free, I add.

  • How gracious of Sony…..

  • +1

    The codes can be redeemed on AU account, but they do not work on JP or HK account.

    • It kind of makes sense, I imagine it also doesn't work on US accounts. Edited the description.

  • +2

    Has anyone else been having issues redeeming these codes in the past few hours?

    I got up to DAY 15 (09/12): "2008" and now every code shows "something went wrong" when trying to redeem it on the website.

    • +2

      Could it be this?

      There is a limit of around 10 codes you can redeem per day. You will have to wait a full 24 hours before doing more codes.

      • Yep, definitely that. I encountered the same thing last week when entering these. I kept getting an error, and had to wait out a full 24 hours. If you try redeeming another code before that, the 24 hour "lock-out" resets.

      • I did try after 48 hours and was still seeing the same message. Left it for a few days and it is now letting me redeem again, so not sure if this is exactly the reason, but would assume it is at least related.

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