This was posted 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Sony PlayStation VR 2 $593.95 Delivered @ The Gamesmen via Everyday Market


Gamesmen dropped their Playstation VR 2 Price to $593.95.

When combined with Everyday Market 35% ($350 Cap) Cashback.

You can bring the price down to $386.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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The Gamesmen
The Gamesmen

closed Comments

  • CHEAP!

    • only 90 bucks more for the PC adapter you have the best of both worlds pc and ps5 vr headset!! :D

  • Bam, that is tempting!

    • +1

      they are 100% worth it for ps5 and they are a pretty good on pc as well.

      • PC caveats remain pretty significant at this stage, especially with Quest 3S prices.

        • +1

          yeah but if you own both ps5 and pc its a great value headset. because you can use it on both.

  • Shittttt this is real tempting

  • Ooft…

  • +1

    If only it was the Horizon bundle…

    • +2

      yeah that game is more a show case game it shows off all the features of the psVR 2 most of the other VR games don't really take advantage as much :D

      • I'd still rather have it than not have it. It's like Astro's Playroom was for PS5 but Horizon is for VR2

  • I know this will make me throw up all over the lounge from motion sickness but I'm still tempted at this price

    • +2

      Start slowly, ease into it, most people can get over it within a week or two.

      • +1

        I don't know man haven't ever been able to play 1st person games for more than 10mins

        • +1

          Okay then yeah, might be more of an issue for you in that case!

        • You could try travel sickness meds. It's about the same for me with smooth locomotion - about 10m in I start feeling nausea.

          Anything else, Beat Saber, Chat apps, etc have all been fine which is most of my use anyway.

    • Interestingly, I only occasionally got motion sickness from VR. Most of the time it was fine.

      But when I was playing PS4 a few years ago, I got motion sickness after about 5 or 10 mins, just using a normal TV (playing first-person combat games like Last of Us).

  • You can bring the price down to $386.

    Cashback excludes GST so it is ~$405 after cashback

    • +1

      My recent Everyday Market purchases have tracked the full 35% Inc GST. Not sure if that will get adjusted later…

  • Im confused, i havent used everyday market before. Will i get the 35% or the 5% Existing woolworths customer purchase? Thanks

    • 35% everyday market

  • +1

    This and PS Pro on GT7 is amazing guys. I got chills driving the Supra in game and then driving my car in real life. Being able to walk around the cars virtually is also insane. Lighting on paintwork and headlight textures is chefs kiss.


    • So I a lot better than VR1 and Quest 3?
      I already have the VR1 and Quest 2.

      • +4

        There are some comparison images you can look at, someone owns both and took photos of games thru the lens.…

        Something to take into account is your meta game library. You won't be able to play your Meta quest games on the PSVR since they're locked to the Quest ecosystem.

        • +1

          Thanks @scrimshaw, very helpful, Quest 3 looks a lot better.
          I don't have a large game library yet

        • +1

          Awesome comparison - Quest 3 definitely is sharper but the colours and blacks look great on the OLED display. I do miss the OLED displays from my Samsung Odyssey+

      • +1

        100% better than VR1. VR1 was something you accepted because VR was fun enough for the compromises. VR2 is fast and clear enough to not worry.

        Hard to compare Quest3. I would still get a Quest overall but if you intend on playing PS5 then the VR2 will shine in it's proprietary features.

    • Could you please elaborate more on the differences you felt using PSVR2 with PS5 and PS5 Pro? Thanks in advance

      • Comes down to PS5 is like playing the standard GT7 but more blurry. PS Pro is like playing in replay mode graphics to the point you notice it is held back by the physical lens limitations.

        • Thanks mate. In your experience, has it been worth the upgrade?

  • cashback capped at $30. am i missing something?

  • +3

    Tempting but I have a Meta Quest 2 collecting dust

    • +3

      Get another one to collect dust too.

    • +1

      i sold q2 on ebay for $300
      do that and get this to collect dust instead

      • Didn't know it can fetch that much! Got to try

  • "Capped at $50 per member for Everyday Market Customers. Capped at $50 per member for New Woolworths Online Grocery Customers."

    Is this legit?

    • What? It’s $350 per transaction

  • No ps5 slim :(

    • +3

      Yes there is, fortnite bundle $436.76 after cashback

      • Not bad! Couldn't find it when searching, I'm after the slim though

        • +2

          That is the slim lol

          The regular ps5 has been discontinued

      • you wont get cashback. they will cancel the order

  • +4

    OK this is wild - but kinda risky

  • waiting for q3 deals….anything?

  • Thanks OP! Got one!

  • +2

    Going to get a Meta Quest 3 with this cashback instead

    • It that mean the Quest 3 will be $650 after the cashback?

  • Can we pay this by using WW gfit card dollars?

  • Cant do anything fun tethered to a ps, get a quest 3

    • +1

      My racing rig doesn't move much while I'm playing GT7, and no matter how much I play my battery doesn't go flat.

  • Alright - I bit. Fingers crossed it all tracks fine.

    I did get a weird text from Woolies saying that my order will be delivered today between 12am and 12am to Gympie Woolworths (I'm in Brisbane) which I assume and hope is just a weird glitch in the system…

  • +1

    Order cancelled, boo

    • Oh no, when did you order

  • +1

    Showing out of stock now :(

    Seeing the comments about cancelled orders… maybe listed by mistake

  • How fast does the cashback come?

  • Mine cancelled too

  • Was thinking this but decided to wait for a quest 3 deal

  • No longer showing

    Smelly gamesmen

  • Hahaha, they finally found the glitch. gg

  • Ordered cancelled…

    • Too good to be true ??

  • hmm i havent got a cancellation yet.

  • GG party’s over

  • Cancelled as well. Very cool, thanks TheGamesmen

  • Would the 35% cashback apply to the $668 ps5? So it would in theory work out to be $434

  • Careful…. I was clicking through the Woolworths link even though it showed the cashback for market place and Woolworths and goes to the same link and even tracked correctly but was advised to click through market place link. Not sure what I’m going to do now ><

  • Order cancelled here too.

  • lol cashback just tracked. I wonder if that means I'm now ineligible for the bonus on other items. I guess so.

  • +1

    Good luck they still haven't paid my cash back for this from back in September. They have refused to respond to shopback and I'm $150 out as a result of the last cashback claim.

    • +1

      Yeah I probably just avoided myself a bunch of hassle in the future

      I actually remember your comment from September too

      • +1

        I want to neg this deal as I have a problem with everyday market but don't want to associate it with shopback as they are trying (for 3 months) to help . It's a bit ridiculous.
        @gotyourback has been responding but helpless in this as everyday market aren't playing game.

        • +2

          Pretty glad it got cancelled then. Thanks for your feedback

        • So how does it work, the seller (gamesmen) need to give approval to the shopback provider that you made the purchase? I thought it all just tracks automatically online and they can tell

          • @SuperMid: It didn't track for whatever reason. Then shopback rectified it after I claimed missing cash back they put the $150 in my account as pending. From then the cashback was cancelled as everyday rewards/gamesmen redacted the cashback stating I didn't use the shopback platform or whatever other BS even though the clicks were registered.
            So that's them scamming me right now and if they don't pay shopback I can't be paid.
            I'm actually contemplating going to fair trading against everyday market

            • @maverickjohn: Personally I wouldn't use anything that I wouldn't have bought without a cashback until the cashback is in the account just because of this sort of thing, that way I can return it.

              If you do go to fair trading I hope you end up getting paid.

              • @nmartin84: Yeah I had it unopened for ages until shopback put it as pending in my account, then got burnt after the everyday market redacted it.

  • +1

    I refuse to upvote this deal, as I paid double this. 😂😭

    • +2

      No worries , no one actually get this deal.

      • Just kidding about, not a jealous person. I went with Amazon preorder back in the day. It is great. But as we have also had a Meta Quest 3 from launch, wow, that's a device everyone in the house loves so literally the PSVR2 is now collecting dust. I mean it really is. I should clean it down or pack it away. 🙂

  • Not cancelled yet 🤞

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