The ESV Church Bible is an affordable, practical choice for churches to use as part of their weekly worship services or outreach, featuring all-new typesetting, a durable cover, woodfree paper, and a sewn binding.
ESV Church Bible Hardcover $8.32 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon US via AU

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“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6-7)
"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you." Ezekiel 25:17
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." Ezekiel 23:20
Ezekiel is the best.
So what again MOFO!
Ezekiel 25:17 with extras from QT
"And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron." Judges 1:19
At least we're safe from OT Yahweh in our cars.
'He went up from there to Bethel. And while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!"'
'And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys.'
Kings 2:23–24
And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys
Well, that escalated quickly.
Was that all a single sentence ?
"exsiccatum est fœnum, et cecidit flos; verbum autem Domini nostri manet in æternum"
“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.” - Isaiah 40:8
this is what ozbargain has been waiting for this black friday.
Not sure if it's someone's joke, but I guess fitting given Jesus died on Black Friday
Something something Black Sabbath.
something something bible black
Mate, spoilers!
Jesus died
Only for 3 days, and rose again.
I hate when stories just bring characters back to life like that. It's just lazy writing.
@illusiveguy: Nah Jesus was physically resurrected. Yeah, I understand your wit, but bruh we have to get this matter straight otherwise it ill be bendy 2000s year later and expand to 23849 genders
He had to rise 3 days later… Cyber Monday deals were too good.
Kinda crazy to see the number of votes for it, I guess Australian aren't as atheist as they pretend
In the 70s a record crowd filled the MCG for a Christian evangelist. Religion, of any kind, will always be appealing to a certain type of person looking for meaning in their life. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but certainly fascinating to think about, and enjoy our richness of culture across our beautiful planet.
These are free in many hotels
I thought I was joking too. I knew the Gideon's part, but did not actually know it was the same version. That's actually hilarious
Not sure you're meant to take them, but tbh, I'd wager someone going to a hotel and leaving with a Bible would make them cream their pope pant jeans.
I'm pretty sure they want you to take them.
I thought I recalled reading a literal invitation to take it home, inside one of those bibles. A quick google doesn't quite go that far, but the pants creaming is definitely accurate.
Fun fact: the bible is the most stolen book in history.
Drake Hotel?
I understood that reference.
Is it really a hot take to say that random scrolls written over a thousand years ago by fervent cult members in the Middle East, and later copied by even more fervent monks, contains copious amounts of BS? I think even some Christians know this, but choose to be nominal Christians because it's the subculture all their friends and family are in.
The Abyss of Ignorance
“The Goatherder’s Guide to the Galaxy”
I’m kinda thinking about going back to church after 17ish years just for the networking opportunities.
I think it could help with social mobility if I pick the right one
Depends on your perspective. To me, it's amazing how many historically accurate claims are in there (right down to specific underground drainage ditches which we have since found and still work).
There is a lot of wisdom captured in the book, philosophised by people far wiser than probably any OzBargain poster. Not only that, but what remains in the canon has been filtered through many thousands of devout hands. There's probably something there.
So - does it contain factual inaccuracies? Supernatural claims we have since proven to be false? No doubt. But is that the most remarkable thing about it, or even a remotely noteworthy fact? No.
far wiser than probably any OzBargain poster
If that were true then an account that just posts Holy Bible quotes would be more popular than OZB celebrities like JV.
@Wolfenstein98k: You’ve hit the nail on the head. Granted, its purpose after alterations was indeed as a means of unification (and then/therefore control).
It was written before the time of mass literacy, so the historical records and important information are relayed in grandiose story format to capture the (then) layperson’s attention. It was never a word for word accurate historical account.
@HelpMeiCantSee: So you're saying if you remove all the BS about sky wizards, resurrections, global floods, magic, and every other supernatural aspect of it, you still think the bible is worth reading because… checks notes it talks about 2000 year-old underground drainage ditches?
@ozbargainjimmy: Enthusiastic atheist here. Some of the core messages of Christianity are great; be of service to others, don't get caught up in greed and be a douche etc. I can get behind that stuff, the only issue is that plenty of religious people think their religion has a monopoly on those ideas and it can only be served in a package deal with begging for mercy from the lightning bolt-throwing sky wizard who is all-powerful yet somehow can't be blamed for anything.
Parts of the Bible are very probably a record of people and events that existed, other parts are very probably sensationalised Chinese whispers and the fever dreams of primitive societies. The Christian institutions that have been built up over the centuries are mostly problematic and think their survival is much more important than being held to account for the various awful stuff they've done/condoned.
Overall, two thumbs down.
The earth will pass away before God's words will pass away. (Matthew 24:35)
settle down heretic, stop manifesting
Hard core
Is it really? (Disco Elysium reference)
The Matrix is actually about the trans experience, according to the creators, but you are free to believe what you wish
It makes sense that the writer/directors own experiences would get into any movie. Probably best to not overthink remarks like that.
That's like an English teacher arguing that purple curtains are an allegory when the author said otherwise
@belongsinforums: I'm not denying there is trans experiences and feelings infused into The Matrix. Just that it doesn't seem as overt as all that to me. A straight man writing and making a movie will have heterosexual experiences infused in his movie, perspectives he has as a straight man, or a woman, or a crime detective, or whatever. It'd have to be unavoidable for most directors who write and direct their own movies. I don't think anyone would notice the difference. If you look at the pilot scene they shot first you can see that the Wachowlskies knew what was cool, whether they were trans or not the movie wouldn't be very different, they'd still know what was cool.
@AustriaBargain: If it was more overt, it probably wouldn't have been so popular.a bit like how gay artists use straight language in their songs or gay actors play straight characters
According to them decades later when they both come out as trans. Convenient retcon. I'm really not sure what parts of The Matrix are the trans experience?
I love that trans (or is he drag?) character in The Fifth Element though, they're hilarious. If any sci-fi movie was going to be promoting queer culture it'd be Fifth Element where the main character is the classic alpha male detective but he is the odd one out in that universe full of eccentric characters.
Coming out and being trans are two completely different things. I'm not trans but can only imagine that body dysmorphia is a growing feeling, rather than a sudden realisation
The Matrix is actually about the trans experience, according to the creators, but you are free to believe what you wish
That's a pathetic surface-level interpretation for the feeble-minded and one invented two decades after the film was released.
If you want to actually understand all of the blatant and very obvious references to Gnostic and Buddhist teachings in The Matrix then this analysis published by two professors of religion/philosphy is a great read and breaks it down in exhaustive detail.
It shouldn't come as any surprise given that The Matrix in general is a huge amalgamation of so many existing literary, film and TV influences (Neuromancer, Philip K. Dick, Blade Runner, John Woo/Hong Kong action films, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, etc) and was nowhere near as supposedly "revolutionary" in terms of original concepts as it's made out to be.
The Matrix came out before the modern trans/LGBT movement even existed as it we know it today and well before the Wachowski brothers/sisters/whatevers became obsessed with gender identity and reinventing themselves as political activists. The movie has been hijacked and appropriated by all manner of loons peddling the usual identity politics/culture wars BS.
It's no coincidence that the last decent movie The Wachowskis directed (V for Vendetta) was released in 2007, before they adopted the mantle of being ambassadors of the Church of LGBT first and directors second. Everything since then that they've been involved in has been utter garbage including The Matrix Resurrections.
How? Every character is heterosexual.
Gay actors play straight characters. Doesn't mean anything. I'm just going by what the creators of the text themselves said
I'm just going by what the creators of the text themselves said
The Wachowskis have now been relegated to bandwagon-jumping, irrelevant Hollywood has-beens trying to stay topical by latching onto the flavour of the month in that cesspool that is American identity politics.
It's kind of like believing Roman Polanski's claim that he didn't rape anyone after he fled the US and never returned. It's Hollywood. These people literally lie for a living and they're some of the most mentally ill narcissistic personalities you could ever find.
You taking them at face value is like believing films to be reality. Ironically… as Morpheus says in The Matrix "nothing is as it seems". It's an all-too familiar pattern in the rise of prominent directors/actors in that industry, they start out independent and innovative, produce some genuinely interesting work and then they sell-out or are co-opted by the industry into becoming a mouthpiece or a puppet to push particular agendas.
yikes bro should've saved this one for Twitter
Seek help.
Oh no! Someone is thinking!!
Where can I find a copy of this that isn’t $100 ($1,500 for the hardcover, yikes!)?
Here - $40-ish
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume
You could also pick up a copy of The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls
And The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim
Or just listen to Slayer so you "won't be force feed profecies, from a book of untruth for the weakest mind"
@Serious Lee: Cringe
(And I'm a huge Slayer fan - but those lyrics are being shouted by a Christian engaging in irony for entertainment :) )
Where can I find a copy of this that isn’t $100 ($1,500 for the hardcover, yikes!)?
I'd recommend finding this particular translation/edition by James M. Robinson (one of the world's leading authorities on the NHL), here's two listings on AbeBooks for it:
That print is one of the original complete NHL translations from the 1980s and it's the most faithful in terms of accuracy to the source material with minimal commentary/fluff. A lot of the newer translations of the NHL post-1980s have suffered from the inclusion of politically-correct revisionism, deliberate changes to definitions/wording/vocabulary/grammar to advance an editor's/institute's personal agenda and other extraneous influences that really shouldn't be there (in an ironic way, it's kind of a microcosm of what's happened to the Christian Bible over the centuries but luckily we still have access to original, unmolested and uncensored versions of the NHL to this day, unlike in the case of the Bible).
Thanks dude. Appreciate the reply.
bro thinks he's Rust Cohle 😂😂😂😂😂
Sweet, reincarnation is real!
you're getting a lot of downvotes. i think they must be christians.
All geared up for the next Bryce Mitchell fight
how many chapters in this book, and when was this written?
Lots. Over a long period of time.
66 (books) in the New Testament.
ESV? Does this one warn about gas leaks and electric shocks?
Just waitting for KJV version
Underrated comment
The power of christ compels you!
Yes BUT my imaginary friend left me when I became an Adult ;))
Downvotes, ouch. Not very Christian
Haha, guess their god is not the forgiving/loving type or they don't practice what they preach ;-)
The 11th Commandment.
"Thou shalt not downvote"?
Well said, curious to know which imaginary being left first?
A. Santa
b. unicorns
C Fairies
d. This
E. All togetherThey're not imaginary, and they're not your friend.
Ouch, downvotes. That's not very accepting and tolerant!
woodfree paper
I thought that said wordfree and I was like, they've done it, they've made a Bible worth reading!
Came for the comments and was not disappointed
Holy B1ble? Holy Sh1t!
I Do Not Stand by in the Presence of Evil
You run away?
Wow, evil? That’s quite a label! I’m not sure if I should be offended or impressed 😈
Really sells the confidence when each noun/verb/adjective in their sentence needs to be capitalized. Must be living in their very own scripture.
Bless.@mellow: I was referencing Alita: Battle Angel, with the phrase:
"I Do Not Stand by in the Presence of Evil"
"De profundis clamavi ad te"
@Thayer: Uh, cool story. You're still capitalizing words weirdly and in a way that's not from that movie either?
"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."
- L. Ron Hubbard
thank you for this