• expired

Earn 20x Everyday Rewards Points on Apple Gift Cards (Limit 10 Cards Per Day) @ Woolworths (In-Store Only)

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Earn 20x Everyday Rewards Points on Apple Gift Cards $20, $30, $50, $100, $200 & Variable Gift Cards

^Offer available from 27/11/24 to 3/12/24 on all denominations of gift cards listed. Available in store only at Woolworths Supermarkets and select Woolworths Metro. Scan your Everyday Rewards Card to collect 20x points. Excludes Woolworths Online and MILKRUN. Standard points will not be earned on amount spent on gift cards, but the relevant number of bonus points which you qualify for under this offer. Bonus points can take up to 14 business days to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card from date of purchase. Refer to individual cards for their terms and conditions. Unless specified, a limit of 10 cards per day per Rewards Member. For variable cards where you choose the amount to load, limit of 10 cards per day per Rewards Member. Rewards Points $20=400, $30=600,$50=1000, $100=2000, $200-4000, Variable Gift Card $1 spend = 20x Rewards Points. TM and ©2024 Apple Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. While stocks last. Card image shown may vary.

Basically 10% of the gift card’s value returned to you in the form of Everyday Rewards points.1

Any questions, please refer to the FAQ. The FAQ covers gift card deals at Woolworths, as well as Apple gift cards.

Please note there have been multiple reports in past deals of Apple gift cards being tampered. Please refer to this FAQ for more information.

  1. The 10% calculation assumes you opt to redeem your Everyday Rewards points for Everyday Rewards Dollars (either through Money Off Shopping or Bank For Christmas). - Credits to WookieMonster 

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closed Comments

    • +3

      coz not everyone got an edu account :(

      • I do not have either. Signed in at the payment stage and it did not require a edu email address.

    • +12

      u could have gotten it even cheaper with the gc

      • +1

        do agree. redeem the gc into account and purchase from edu web and then checkout with credit = 19% off

        • Excuse my stupidity but how do you get the extra percent off? Is it only when you pay with your gift card balance?

          • @Oddie: purchase from edu web instead of normal one and you will get 10% off and then pay with gc and you will save another 10% also cashrewards.

    • +1

      Because you can use Gift Cards to make purchases on the education portal.

      • awesome. 🤩

        • +2

          LOL so you missed out on 10% extra off your iPad using these gift cards? THAT is why you still need these :P

          • -2

            @jay889344: Check Apple On Campus prices before you draw that conclusion.

            • -2

              @xmagic: OMG some folks are slow. YOU CAN USE Apple account balance on the AOC store also. SO if you buy on the AOC already at a discount then pay with your account balance which you got using 10% of Apple Gift Cards, essentially you're saving 20%. My goodness is it really that hard to understand?!?

              Thats what we're talking about man. All well and good to not know, but when you don't know like you, don't come in here with a smug 'I know better' attitude

              • -1

                @jay889344: Slow down there cowboy

                I might have misunderstood your comments with Apple's BFCM promos, which is not compatible with AOC/Edu prices:

                Offer valid on qualifying purchases of eligible Apple products from 29 November 2024 to 2 December 2024, at a Qualifying Location. Offer subject to availability. Qualifying purchases can receive a discount equal to the value of the eligible Apple Gift Card off the price of the eligible product and will be charged for all items at check-out, including the Apple Gift Card. Customers purchasing eligible iPhone devices via carrier offer in Apple Store locations only are also eligible to receive an eligible Apple Gift Card. This offer cannot be combined with the Apple Employee Purchase Plan, or education or business loyalty pricing. Some methods of payment types are not accepted under this offer. See check-out for details. Additional restrictions apply. View the full terms and conditions of the offer here.

                So, yes, AOC/Edu to get you ~10-15% off, then gift card for another 9-10% (in reality it's just shy of 19% off instead of 20% because of the double dipping with different types of discounts).

                However one more interesting finding - on particular selection of products on Apple's BFCM offers, you may receive more discounts than the usual AOC/Edu + GC combination. For example:
                On MBA M3 15", retails at $2199:
                - on AOC + GC: $1966.80 on tag, use $2000 of GC = $1800-$1818 out of pocket + $33.2 balance left to use ~= 19.65% off RRP
                - on BFCM + GC: $2199 on tag, use $2200 of GC = $1980-$2000 out of pocket + $321 balance left to use ~= 22.19% off RRP
                (depends on how you calculate discounted Coles/WW Apple GC - 10% off vs 20x points which could be 9.09% off)
                So if Apple account balance from GC leftovers are useful (e.g. you're paying AC+ or Apple subscriptions) then BFCM may be a better deal (~$50 of saving)

                • -2

                  @xmagic: Not reading this essay, but its irrelevant as the discussion is about why you would use Apple gift cards if you can just buy on AOC, which you also referenced in your comment. Now all of a sudden, you're taking about BFCM to try make sense. Irrelevant as not what we were discussing.

                  Point remains - Clearly you can buy on AOC using gift card balance for extra discount so regardless of your essay above, thats what I was saying which is 100% correct and OP's smug comment about 'wHy wOuLd yOu nEeD gIfT cArDs wHeN yOu cAn jUsT bUy oN aOc' is stupid

                  • -1

                    @jay889344: The essay is not for you, mate.

                    I wonder where are all those negativity came from… I guess that's internet.

                    • -1

                      @xmagic: I responded as responses with your know it all arrogance deserved - 'before you draw that conclusion' and 'slow down there cowboy' when you were wrong the whole time.

                      It seems as you said you misunderstood what was being said to begin with, so lets just leave it at that. You seem like a nice enough guy anyway

      • Can you buy an iphone discounted in apple Edu portal?

        • You can buy it from there, but it's not discounted. An iPhone is not considered a device required for Education.

    • edu portal doesn't discount iphone 16

  • +1

    Can you not use these when buying from the edu store?

    • Yes

  • Can these be used to pay for App Store subscriptions?

    • +1


    • This is exactly what I use them for

      • Subscription e.g icloud storage?
        If so, should i cancel/interrupt the direct debit setup while there is still balance remaining? And if the balance is residual, i assume the remaining will get direct debited from the usual payment method (e.g credit card)?

  • Can I use these to pay my apple care cover for iPhone 16 pro?

    • No

      • +2

        I thought the general consensus reached during the previous Apple gift card deal at Woolworths was that you could only do this if you went to a physical Apple Store with your device within 60 days of purchase (as long as the staff member lets you do that, which they should).

        Has something changed in the last few weeks?

        • If you pay for the 2/3 year upfront cost. Not the month to month.

        • I tried to renew apple care+ for my MacBook within the grace period at an Apple store using a gift card and they said it's not possible. This was a couple of weeks ago.

          Before it used to say something like "Expires on" in the about section, now it says "Renews" date. Maybe they can't do it anymore after rolling onto the annual plan.

    • +1

      Yes, if you pay for the full 2/3 years in a physical Apple Store within 60 days

    • Yes. Just go to the store.

    • As long as you've added your Apple account "card" to your wallet then you can use it to tap and pay at the Apple Store for Applecare+.

      (I did this a few weeks ago for my iPhone 16 Pro Max at Broadway)

  • I need to buy an iPad for next school year. Apple usually runs a back to school promotion in January with bonus gift card or AirPods.
    These gift cards will be handy to maximise the discounts.
    Thanks OP

  • -7

    Awesome i can earn some points while paying my ATO bill. Ill have to call that nice Indian gentleman back.

  • +2

    Good old days when Apple Gift cards used to have 15-20% more value (offers) from Woolies and Coles.

    • Most of that time was for the iTunes Store gift cards though right? The good discounts dried up when they started having a single card that you could also buy Apple products with.

  • +10

    I said this on the other post while it was on going, adding it here as so many commented with issues:

    My advice to anyone reading this prior to your purchase is to:
    1. Always buy them at a counter in front of staff
    2. Make sure politely advise them of the situation
    3. Ask to open them prior to actually paying for the cards (the cards are worthless until the payment goes through and card activated)
    4. Double check the serial number on the inside matches the outside (again, prior to payment!)
    5. Serial numbers match? Cool, scan ER card and make payment.

    Optional, but in my opinion worth it:
    6. Add to Apple account immediately.

    • Has there been that many cases of gift cards not working?

      • +2

        Yes, I was even in Target where someone was not happy about his Apple gift card not working. Staff didn't know, I explained it to them both… Thankfully for the individual the staff were understanding and got him a new gift card. I tried to explain to the guy that he should immediately open and check the serial numbers match + if appropriate add to his Apple account, he refused saying he didn't want anyone "looking at the code"… Oh well, hopefully it wasn't tampered as well with for his sake.

      • +2

        I once bought a gift card that had been tampered when I had opened it I was very lucky the staff were aware of the situation and refunded me immediately. However this doesn't happen for everyone

    • Is this an issue for variable gift cards?

      • +1

        Yes, all higher amounts (could be lower as well, but I don't think scammers would go through the trouble).

    • +1

      FWIW when I purchased $3k worth of Apple GCs during the last 20x EDR a couple of weeks back, the person at the counter actually suggested checking the SNs matched before processing them.

      Whether that person knew this from other customers doing it, or because there's internal WW notifications of possible scams, I don't know.

      • Woolworths had yet to honour the promotional points the last time they offered this deal.

    • +1

      I had an issue about a year ago where the card didn't activate properly but the Woolworths system (and receipt) said it did.
      From memory I think I got an "invalid code" error on my phone (rather than "code has already been redeemed").

      All numbers matched (card, receipt, etc.). Woolies investigated and found it was actually an error on their end, and issued me a new card. Was a bit of a hassle and a few days waiting, but they did offer me an additional woolies gift card for the hassle.

      I know this doesn't help anyone buying them, but just putting it out there that it isn't always a scam when it doesn't work.

  • Apple pricematch other retailers?

    • yes. limited retailers such as Jbhifi HM TGG excluding costco digidirect, but I did match an airpods pro2 last year. Only within 10% off. If you need to use the account credit you only can purchase from phone sale, offline store can also pm and you can use gc directly but you cannot use account credit

      • +1

        Have you tried using your account balance in store within Apple Pay? It's been an option for the past few months.

        • haven't. searched on the social media it seems some people succeeded. worth a try. pm and pay directly at store

        • I was surprised that it worked - and could be used for Applecare+ too.

  • +1

    What about for the Apple Turkey store?

    • Different currency mate - you'd need to buy a Turkish GC.

  • +1

    If you don’t meet the criteria for AOC store, be careful buying from Apples’s AOC portal. I had an issue with my macbook purchased through the AOC portal around four months ago, took it to apple store and was asked for either the teacher id, a student id or a proof that my kid is in uni.

    • +2

      Tell them you were a student 4 months ago.
      Not their business to know any further.

  • this to purchase new iPhone or would there be a better deal?

  • Would Coles deal with celebration gift card be safer? Apple education pricing seems the same for iPhone 16.. how to get 10% off education pricing?

    • students don't need iphone 16. It is cheaper to buy macs and ipads mainly.

  • +1

    Just what I needed after finding out the Big W in town hall doesn’t sell GCs and couldn’t get this weeks Apple GC deal!

    • I was hoping to find them at Big W town hall too. Quite annoying that they don't have them at all.

      • Even in suburbs the Big W have been cleared out of any denominations bigger than $50.

  • I wonder if there will be an upsized cashback soon

  • When is Coles one happening? 😢

  • +2

    "Why did you redeem it?"

    • Ma'am listen to me!!

  • I don't shop at WW. Mostly coles. So it's only points back on your WW rewards card? I prefer 10-14% off Apple gift cards personally

    • Yep, this deal will only let you earn Everyday Rewards points.

      I mean, you can redeem Everyday Rewards Dollars at more than just Woolworths (i.e. EG Ampol on mainland Australia, BIG W, BWS, MILKRUN, Petstock, MyDeal, Everyday Market), plus you can always convert Everyday Rewards points into Qantas points. However, none of those interest you, then fair enough!

      Knowing Apple, there will probably be a deal soon for 20x Flybuys points on Apple gift cards at Coles. Apple seems extra keen on pushing deals on Apple gift cards after their recent release of M4 products.

  • Can I confirm that I can use these gift cards to purchase an iPhone?

    • Yes you can

  • So, from that link…
    In this context, “tampering” refers to someone taking an unactivated Apple gift card from a store, swapping the sheet containing the gift card code with a sheet containing an already-redeemed gift card code, then sealing up the packaging again and returning the gift card to the store to be purchased by another person

    I'm not sure why that should be that complicated?
    Could the scammer just open packaging of unactivated card, write down the code, seal it back and put it on the shelf, and then spend it online when it's activated by someone? Serial number would match in that case.

    • +1

      If they leave the original redemption code in there then there's a high chance that the customer will redeem it before the scammer is able to. They obviously don't want to risk that.

      I have seen a very recent example of a tampered Apple gift card where the serial numbers matched because instead of swapping them out they just scratched off a few characters on the redemption code. That particular type of tampering doesn't seem to be anywhere near as common but it would still be a good idea to check that the redemption code hasn't been removed or damaged when you're confirming that the serial numbers match.

  • +1

    Thanks OP , got instant points worth $180 on buying $1800 gift card

  • +1

    Went into my local Woolies this morning and got a $100 gift card to top up my apple account for my Apple music and icloud subscription for the next little while.

    My local had been low on stock for some time, especially the $100 denominations - I got one of four remaining, though there were more in the lower denominations. Kind of frustrating that they don't stock up before a deal like this, especially considering these could make okay xmas presents. Though my local is pretty useless, I get the sense that they don't really care about what customers want and are just there to clock in and clock out.

    Went to the self-serve, and because it was a gift card it required an attendant to 'approve' the purchase before I could pay and I got a popup to say that I had successfully converted enough points to 1,000 Qantas points - though I am not sure if it was the bonus points that converted to Qantas points, or if I was already on the edge of having enough to convert before the transaction and the $100 is what pushed it over? Either way, I went straight to my car and added it to my apple account with no problem.

    I see comments about the cards being tampered with, but I am really not sure how this is possible as it has a tamper strip. If this had have been removed or tampered with, it would have been pretty obvious when inspecting the card?

    All in all, smooth transaction for me. Extra 1,000 Qantas points for something I would have purchased anyway is why I like these deals.

    • There have been cases where people would cut at the bottom of the pack, swap cards and then carefully glue it back together. So that’s how it can get tampered without touching the tampering strip.

  • +2

    Just saw some shocking behaviour at town hall. After walking from another store which had already been cleared out at 9 am there was two ladies who were standing by the gift card section and a bunch of us were nearby. The staff went to put a new batch of gift cards out and she took the whole lot in addition to the pile of 30 or 40 in her hands. I said isn’t there a 10 card limit so can she share them with the rest of us who are waiting as well and her response was she has multiple accounts so too bad she was closest to the stand. After much argument with people around, her only concession was that she would give up the smaller denominations to us and keep the 100 and 200 for herself. Thankfully the staff had a few bags behind the counter and were able to give them out fairly to those who had been waiting.

    • +1

      That is the sort of behaviour that you see coming out of America and their black Friday sales, shame to hear it is happening here :(

  • Thanks OP, Bought $1800 worth.

    I was also cautious about the tampering but did see the anti tampering stripe. I opened them straight after purchase and made sure the barcode outside match the inside card before I left the store.

  • No variable gift cards at the wynard metro location. Are they only available at the normal woolworth stores?

    • I went to the Pitt Street store and it was cleared out by 9am if anything other than $50 and below.

  • Just picked up 10x $200 gift cards today.
    They were super helpful and had no problems checking the serials on each card before scanning.
    My digital receipt shows the points credited immediately after.

  • I was told by 2 cash register ladies at Woolies today saying max reward points is up to $1000 purchase per day, can someone clarify that?
    Glitch23, did you get all $2000 worth of points today?

    • Just purchased $2K giftcards and received 40000 reward points ($200) in my account.

    • The catalogue T&C says the limit is ten gift cards per EDR member per day. Three Woolies staff told me $1000.00 per transaction, though nothing in the catalogue T&C says this.

      So, did multiple transactions to buy 4K worth of cards.
      Received the expected 80,000 points, no problem.

      • My bet is that the $1000 restriction was not mentioned in the catalogue for a few reasons, including:

        • The store manager has instructed staff to not authorise purchases of over $1000, due to fraud and scam concerns.

        • The checkouts will prevent all three staff members you spoke to from authorising any purchases of gift cards over $1000. In my experience, very few staff at a given Woolworths store are allowed to authorise high-value purchases, and different staff members have given different approval levels. During the recent Vanilla Mastercard gift card deal, the checkout stopped a junior staff member from authorising my $507.95 purchase and had to call over their supervisor to do this.

  • Thanks OP.
    Just got $800 Apple GC -> $80 Everyday Rewards.
    Now hoping for 8% cashback tomorrow.

    • What's the cashback offer?

      • Last couple years Cashrewards was running an uplifted cashback on the Black Friday day for a few hours for www.apple.com.
        In 2023, it was 8% - capped at $150
        In 2022, it was 10% - capped at $100
        I guess they post info only tomorrow.
        In theory, you can save 10% on Gift Cards, get $xx bonus gift card from Apple, get Cashback 8% on the purchase amount excl. GST.

    • Please share more!

  • Can someone please let me know the edu site address and process to purchase an iPad….not a student but hoping to use my stack of gift cards

  • Most of the Woolies around my area have ran out of stock. What stores has everyone bought it from recently?

  • @WookieMonster I didn't see anything mentioned, but in your experience is there a limit on the number of EDR bonus points that can be earned over the duration of this promo (like you said there was with the Flybuys one)?

    • Woolworths enforces a gift card purchase limit for these sorts of deals, not a points earning limit.

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