LG NeoChef 42L Smart Inverter Microwave Oven MS4236DB
if you missed the 23L deal and want something bigger.
LG NeoChef 42L Smart Inverter Microwave Oven MS4236DB
if you missed the 23L deal and want something bigger.
Doesn't cause drops out for me :)
I have the previous model, havnt tested wifi but it does cause interference with my wireless headphones. Cant hear anything within about 2m when its running
All microwave ovens emit interference. If your wifi channel coincides with the interference then you'll have dropouts. You can try change channels if you're affected. Mine is clear on channel 1.
Thanks! That's informative. I thought it was worse with the inverters. Where dem shielding at….
Stupid of them to use the sane channel. These things bound to happen.
Erm, microwave ovens use 2.4GHz because that's the resonant frequency of water - they can't choose another channel, because then they wouldn't be able to heat your food.
@cheesusme: As discussed elsewhere in the these comments, it depends on exactly where in the 2.4GHz spectrum your microwave sits, how much leakage it has, and what channel your Wifi is running on. These three variables can change the effect from zero to lots, and everywhere in between - and it's also changed by the distance and direction of your microwave…
Definitely makes my Bluetooth drop. Never noticed wifi impact though.
Don't do it, I just replaced my 3 year old LG Microwave, mum had to replace hers about a month out of warranty and the ones at work are garbage,
LG should stick to TV's and let someone else make Microwaves.
what failed please?
Nothing? Probably paid comment to trash the competitors
If someone wants to pay me to tell the truth, ill take their money but unfortunately, this is just a user experience.
Both mine and mums kept just restarting,
Mine, about 2 months ago would just, mid cook stop, restart and then I would have to start the cooking again.
My LG micro wave got internal rusting. 3 years.
FWIW mine is 5.5 years old (bought refurbished) and going strong, the 2 at work are working really well too.
let someone else make Microwaves.
If I remember correctly, the actual research and development and the manufacturing for microwaves is done by couple of Chinese companies then sold to companies like LG, Samsung etc.
I got a LG NeoChef 3 years ago.
Interior surface coating has all lifted, interior LEDs and coverings have all broken or deteriorated.
Terrible appliance.
Maybe its the plastic film you didnt peel off
I assure you, it is not.
I got an LG Neochef 5 years ago.
Interior surface coating is intact, interior LED is working fine, nothing's broken.
Great appliance.
Same. Bought from 2019 and still going strong. No issues with Wifi 5, but 2.4 dropped sometimes.
If anyone's concerned about WiFi interference or how evenly it heats up, I posted a bit of info in the 23L post.
superb dude!
If the microwave is interfering with the wifi signal the only conclusion is that the microwave is notcontained inside the oven
I think you missed the info in that post. All microwaves have RF leakage as they're not perfect faraday cages. The Sharp I measured will kill wifi just as well as the LG if the wifi AP was on channel 11. You can try and change wifi channels to avoid the interference, in my case I switched to channel 1 and it was fine.
Ua the reaosn for the effect onn the kcirowave is the microwave leakage is greater for the 1200w lg vs the 700w kmart one so the effect on wifi os notoceablr
I had one, used for 2 years.Died after the warranty period.Worked ok otherwise . Bought another one couple of months ago. It takes close to 2 minutes to heat anything properly. Not at all recommended. At work, we have 5 year old Westinghouse ovens, works like a charm. Reheating time is less than a minute
Does anyone still have the Smeg $500 ones from 2007. Mine won't die….. :(
bought this for $179 last year at TGG still haven't opened it yet
same model number ? and was it a black friday sale?
Mine's very similar except it has a knob/dial on it (MS4266OBS) - been going strong for almost 6 years now. Doesn't affect wifi/bluetooth, but the digital display/clock kinda went psycho for a few days with parts of the display not working, but then fixed itself.
This is $206 at Goodguys Commercial - can't see any huge difference between the four 42L (1200W) models
I have a NeoChef and it does cause bluetooth interference if you're directly in front of the unit. If you're over 1m away from it then there's no issue.
All my devices are on 5Ghz wifi and haven't noticed any interference with it.
Nice price.
Wonder whether this causes WIFI drop outs? I don't mind because I am usually heating up my 2 minute noodles and can't play games while I wait.