• expired

$20 Referral Bonus Each for Referrer and Referee @ Raiz Invest (Micro-Investing & Wealth Management)


Hey guys, just received an update from Raiz Application.

Referral and referee each get $20 each.

Start investing your spare change now!

Referral Links

Referral: random (207)

$5 each for referrer & referee (after minimum $5 investment).

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Raiz Invest
Raiz Invest

closed Comments

  • +5

    Tried this once before..did absolutely nothing performance wise….better off saving your dollars and investing some decent money.

    • +1

      what risk portfolio?

      • You choose

        • +1

          what did u choose?

          once before..did absolutely nothing performance wise…

          over what time period ?
          deposit and frequency?

          • +1

            @capslock janitor: I was just doing the round up investing on all my purchases. Did it for a few years. Probably 3. Its just not enough money to justify any of it.

            • +3

              @Fergy1987: So you don't know what you invested in, and you didn't invest enough to make it worth it….

  • why had nobody else been concerned by the liveness check with selfie+photo ID?

    no terms for destruction of said reqquirements either

  • +4

    No Minimums
    We never charge fees on a $0 account balance and you can get started with as little as $5. Get started today.

    Also $4.50/month up to $20k so you can't start too micro or else you'll just be eaten up by fees?

  • +3

    Invested by me: $10
    Market Return: $46.80
    Dividends: $9.52
    Rewards: $589.05
    Balace: $660.85

    Not too bad for just doing surveys and signing up!! Up from $10

    • Are the surveys still lucrative? seems interesting way to make a bit of extra money on the side in my free time.

      • +1

        Depends, I did it for 2 months straight… got tiring after awhile, now hardly do any

    • What surveys? This is for micro-investing…also what about the $4.50/month account keeping fee??

  • +3

    I've been a member since September 2017.

    Invested by me: $20,892.87
    Market Return: $9,481.24 of which are:
    Dividends: $3,898.71 (included in the market return above)
    Rewards: $150.75
    Balace: $30,562.36

    Not bad for putting roughly $50 a week a way for 7 years.

    • -1

      what risk portfolio for those 7yrs ?

      • Aggressive

    • -1

      That's pretty good.

  • +1

    You can signup pull out the referral bonus leave account empty then every so often you will get emails for a bonus $10 when you invest and you can harvest those without paying any fees either. That's about all I find it useful for.

    • +1

      Isn’t there account keeping fees for this?

      • +2

        Pull the money out before the month switches and triggers a fee. $0 balance is no fee

  • -1

    Tried them some time ago.
    Was total fail.

  • +1

    Using Raiz since 6 years, it used to be known as Acorns back then. Like it. Just do weekly investment, roundups and surveys. Love it

    • Is it worth it for the $4.50 fee though as there are other micro investing options that don’t charge that fee?

  • +1

    I consider it a cost of one small regular coffee which helps me in inculcating my investing discipline. Over the years, I have earned $202 in rewards and answering surveys which offsets the monthly costs.

  • someone just got a refferal.

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