• expired

Lyca Mobile: $14 Cashback on 10GB 28-Day $7.50 SIM or eSIM (New Customers) @ TopCashback AU & ShopBack


TopCashback AU link

ShopBack link

Just saw that both TCB and SB are running the exact same promo, be sure to check with each provider their terms!

$6.50 PROFIT !!!

As usual, be sure to check the terms below (note these are from TCB, but I'd assume they likely apply to both providers)

Cashback terms and exclusions

What will stop me getting my cashback

  • SIM must be activated within 60 days of purchase for cashback to be eligible.

  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. If there is more than one SIM in an order, it may result in an untracked purchase and will be ineligible for cashback. The existing customer rate will therefore apply to subsequent orders.

  • Cashback is ineligible on use of any codes not approved and posted by TopCashback.

  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards and/or use of gift cards for payment.

  • Cashback is ineligible on purchases made via the retailer's mobile app.

What else is essential

  • Customer status (new or existing) for Lyca Mobile generally entails a new mobile number and/or email address. Lyca Mobile has sole discretion on determining status and acting upon fraudulent and/or excessive transactions as they deem necessary. TopCashback has no control over this.

  • eSIMs are eligible for cashback, but must be activated within 60 days of purchase.

  • Most retailers calculate cashback based on purchase amount excluding GST, other taxes, and delivery fees. Your cashback may report lower than expected due to this.

  • Always return to TopCashback and click through via the pink cashback button to the retailer's website for each new transaction.

  • Ensure the TopCashback link is the last one used to visit the retailer's website prior to completing your purchase.

Good to know

  • Ensure you disable plugins such as Honey, AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole & VPNs prior to clicking/tapping from TopCashback as they will prevent your order from tracking.

  • If you cancel / return / exchange / modify your completed order, it will no longer be eligible for cashback and will be declined in your account.

What to do and when

  • Missing cashback claims must be lodged within 100 days of purchase.

Enjoy! :D

Referral Links

Referral: random (4053)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU
Lyca Mobile
Lyca Mobile
ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU

closed Comments

  • May be there's a catch, haha.

    • Collecting all the cash before they go bust and don't pay cashback?

    • +2

      i'm having flashbacks of this cashback $30 Cashback on $22.50 28-Day 100GB Unlimited XL Plan

    • Do they require you to take a photo of yourself / your ID? Most telcos don't, they're just happy to let you key the details in, but TPG does, but I don't trust them to keep that stuff safe so I am not keen on that process.

  • +2

    On ShopBack it states the $14 cashback rate is only for the "Unlimited 15" plan which is 4GB Data for $15.00.

    Cashback Rates
    New Lyca Mobile Users 0.6%
    Unlimited Plan 15 (New Customer only) $14
    Existing Lyca Mobile Users $5

    • +1

      according to shopback's app banner - 10Gb for $7.50 with $14 cashback

      • Got pic of the banner?

        Edit never mind saw it

      • +1

        I'd still wait for SB to fix up their page before purchasing, in case there's a starting time that's not shown in the banner or some other problem one will have better chance of making a claim.

    • When you click to the Lyca website via ShopBack (or TopCashback), you will find the 10GB data for $15 (now at 1/2 price = $7.50).

    • I have written to ShopBack to point out the contradiction between the flash banner and the store cashback rates.

  • Does it use Telstra network? Can it be used as interim Sim for activating new boost Sim deals ?

    • I intended to do exactly this…after siging up and porting…I had to change to Coles mobile as the Lyca simply did not work

      • What do you mean by did not work?

        • +1

          first i couldnt receive or make calls to some phones, then the voicemail didnt work at all, then texting and mms didnt work… "help"line just said leave it with us for 24 hours

    • Uses vodafone

    • +1

      Switching your existing number to Lyca Mobile has never been easier. Follow the steps below:
      1. Obtain Your IMEI Code:

      Call your current mobile service provider and request your PUK code. This unique code is essential for the porting process.

      1. Obtain Your Personal Unlocking Code (PUK Code):

      Contact your present mobile service provider and request your PUK code. Remember, this code is crucial for the number porting procedure.

      Except for this bit, is this really part of the porting process?!?

      • Yes, kind of strange they need the IMEI or PUK.

  • +5

    I cannot express enough how poor this supplier is… their profuct is abysmal and their customer service even worse.

    • +1

      So you won’t use their products and services even they paid you?

      • +4


      • Take the money, throw the card.

  • Question is, will it track at $14 for each order we place? If we use a different email address, are we treated as a “New Customer”?

    • +1

      I did that with my TC account and it tracked, hopefully it gets confirmed too.

  • It tracked at $0…. Seems not right

    • Shopback?

      • TopCashback

        • +4

          All fixed for TCB. See my comment here.

    • same =="

    • Same. Tracked at $0 and no customary "You've recieved cashback in your account" email as well! :O

      • Is this TopCashback?

        • Yep TCB.

          • +2

            @MagicFox: All fixed for TCB. See my comment here.

            • @tightarse: Thanks TA @tightarse! I can see the correct cashback in my account now. 👍

    • Shopback hasn't tracked yet

      • +1

        @yanlianglee I just cancelled my untracked ShopBack order by calling Lyca. Maybe the best option when it hasn't tracked.

        • Now it tracked as $0 lol

  • I'd just wait for TA to wake up in the morning.

    • What time does he wake up?

      • +4

        Hello 👋

      • Chew your arm off?

  • +1

    So if I've already ordered on Topcashback, will ordering again on Shopback qualify me as a "new customer"?

  • +2

    Lycamobile = Useless Service

  • the perfect port in and port out when the costco vodafone deal comes up

  • +2

    Disabling autorenew didn't work for me - said invalid cancellation date. Is this normal?

    I was able to delete my payment method, however, after which autorenew was turned off.

    • You probably need to activate the service first

      • This was after activation.

        I was not able to log in to the account before activation - I think it's not possible.

  • Esim failed to activate and purchase tracked at $0.
    Seems like I am going to waste a lot of time or be out of pocket when I didn’t need this in the first place. Oh well.

    Edit: tracking at $14 now.

    • Which one did you buy. Unlimited 15 or the 10 gb and from ShopBack or top Cashback


      • -1

        The $7.50 one from TCB. Everything is good now. Sim and cashback tracking are good.

  • +9

    @Save 50 Cent @Charlie Dont Surf @MagicFox @trixieb @tofu @Turd @marcelo0410

    Hey guys, thanks for waking me up lol. TopCashback should now be tracking in your accounts correctly. All the best :)

    • Damn, you got pm-emails?

      • +2

        It was tongue-in-cheek lol. Just woke up to see how the promo was going ☺️

    • +1

      Customer status (new or existing) for Lyca Mobile generally entails a new mobile number and/or email address

      Since it could be read as new mobile number OR email address, can you confirm if a new service (number) with an existing email address will be treated as a new customer?

      • +1

        It is obviously just a long winded way of saying I dont know.

      • +1

        Maybe they need to fix their app to allow seamless pass thru merchant purchases and tracking. It works perfectly with CR.

    • -1

      Thanks for your work TA, but please ensure you get proper sleep!

      I bought one of the Lyca SIMs last week (for $7.50 cashback!), so I'm going to skip this deal as I'm not confident that I'll qualify as a "new customer".

    • Hi @tightarse, just received an email from TCB and the previous transaction was declined and new one was added with only $8 from my end. Can you have a look?

      • Same here

        • @marcelo0410 @Modesty and others, nothing to worry about. Please see my comments here. Thanks.

  • Would love to buy these sim from TCB. However bought boost sim from this deal (21/9) which is still show pending

    • +3

      Hi. Nothing to worry about. Boost approval estimate is around 14 weeks so it’s just a matter of having a little patience. Any issues beyond that, please let me know 👍

  • Purchased and tracked in 14 minutes :)
    I never try Lyca Mobile, so new customer. I'll use new number just for the data and other freebies from using the new number :P



    It's best to use dual sim phone or second old phone for this kind of sim card deals.

  • +1

    Great to see esims eligible and props to TA for jumping in to confirm.

    Night and day between TC service and SB since SB's mass layoffs.

  • +1

    So is that new rule that says cashback is void if you port out before it is paid only applicable to boost deals?

  • So only 1 purchase per person for new customer rate? The terms don't make it clear.

    • I think so.

      "The existing customer rate will therefore apply to subsequent orders."

      • It's so people don't scam the promo and order 20 sims

    • +1

      Lyca Mobile generally entails a new mobile number and/or email address. Lyca Mobile has sole discretion on determining status and acting upon fraudulent and/or excessive transactions as they deem necessary. TopCashback has no control over this.

      So they can decide to honor one cashback per person regardless

  • I notice there are many of these sim deals,
    1. What is actually defined as "new customer"? can you be with them 12 months ago and then now rejoin as a new customer/service? because the discounts do get better (in most cases)
    2. How do you sim hop so quick? will they get suspicious if you join for 27 days and then cancel the service the day b4?
    3. Has any1 been refused connection/service with a telco that you have joined in the past? especially with the discounted starter packs that ColesWorth have on sale every week?
    It is a telcos priority to maximise profits hence to congest the bandwidth.

    • Lyca Mobile generally entails a new mobile number and/or email address. Lyca Mobile has sole discretion on determining status and acting upon fraudulent and/or excessive transactions as they deem necessary. TopCashback has no control over this.

  • Ordered through the app, thanks. Hopefully it tracks as last order didn't.

    • Cashback is ineligible on purchases made via the retailer's mobile app.
      Hopefully there's a TCB app that you used.

    • You had one job..

  • Does porting out before the cashback is paid out void the cashback?

    • Keen to know this too! Looking for an interim sim before I go back to Boost 12 months.

  • Has anyone ordered more than one and they tracked?

    • Doesnt matter because TCB has declared this

      Lyca Mobile has sole discretion on determining status and acting upon fraudulent and/or excessive transactions as they deem necessary. TopCashback has no control over this.

      So its up to Lyca to honor multiple.

      Order more at your own risk

      • I'm guessing they may check postal address to decide if you are new or returning.

        • +1

          Name and DOB/ ID used to verify service

  • Topcashback is tracking within 15 minutes.

    Still waiting tracking with Shopback and its about 4 hours already

  • Is it easy to port and transfer over an existing number?

    • +1

      Probably one of the most difficult telcos to port in, customer service is also terrible

    • tried to port in my number yesterday, never received the 4 digits OTP, you dont even know where the number are sent to.

    • Dont even think of doing it :)

  • +9

    Just a BIG WARNING for everyone.
    Lyca rejected many claims when they gave out $7.50 profit in March 2024.
    If you don't mind keep chasing for another 4 months, some of you may be lucky enough to get your cashback eventually.
    I am not going to touch it.

    • Please always provide context. Your link is to a deal where nothing tracked and members were asked to submit missing cashback claims to SB. Thank you 👍

      • +3

        please read from mid-page 3 & 4, many comments regarding rejection.
        I've read all 4 pages of comment, it looks like to me it's an issue from Lyca side rather than SB.

        • +4

          Thanks. I can see that. However it’s rejection of untracked claims. Not rejection of tracked orders. Anyway that was SB so it’s best if I stay out of commenting on that issue. Have a great day!

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