This was posted 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pink Ram Horn Aquarium Snail (Aquarium Cleaner) $4.99 Each + $3.99 Postage ($14 Express, $0 SYD C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


Lots of very nice coloured new pink ramshorns have grown out nicely for us and are ready for sale!

These are small red/pink snails, great for any freshwater aquarium.
They are quite hardy, and although prefer an temperature range of 20-28 C however only thrive at temperatures over 22 degrees.

Ram Horns can grow to over 2cm in size, but usually slow down their growth significantly at about 1cm in diameter.

People often inquire about snails exploding in population when introduced to a tank, but there is a bit of a misconception with this: Snails will propagate until they reach an equilibrium with the food available for them in the tank. If you add snails and their population explodes, it means there is tones of food (usually left over fish food) for them to eat, and they are eating it. In other words: Doing their job. Once the food is gone, their population will reduce to enough snails that can survive on how much food is left after your fish are done with it. If they still keep up a massive population, that usually means you are feeding your fish too much.

Snails are very resilient to postage issues, so much so we can send them in letters ($3 postage) and 99% of the time there is no issue. We do replace or refund fully if there are any issues with your order as well anyway.

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Sydney Aquascapes
Sydney Aquascapes

closed Comments

  • +2

    How are these on toast?

    • +2


    • cracker

  • +1

    So how is this a bargain? What's the normal price?

    • -4


      👮‍♂️ 🚨 🛑 Unofficial OzBargain Police on deck to detain 'Associated' posters! 👮‍♂️ 🚨 🛑

      Please respond to our demands or we will complain about this page not being 'OzAdvertising'!

      Full price being listed on your page is not an adequate description of how this is a bargain!

      Consider this your first warning!

      • +1

        I might be wrong but I sense some sarcasm, did I do something wrong?

        • -7

          If you find yourself acting like a reddit mod, you might want to consider your priorities in life 🤔

          Check out the comments in my last post: you dont want to be like that kid.

          • @Brandingo: I don't use reddit so not sure what you mean? Anyway it doesn't sound positive and I think you want me to stop judging your free adz?

            • -8

              @WatchNerd: You have never heard about the horrible people who tend to become "reddit mods" or "discord mods"? Seems either you're very young, very old or don't communicate over the internet much then. (Not intended as an insult, just curious).

              I'll explain it here then since it's quite interesting:
              Large online communities with chat features tend to require moderation of their content at some point otherwise discussion derails or bad things happen etc (pretty obvious). These communities usually solve this by appointing individuals as "mods" (moderators) who have the power to ban others and enforce whatever the communities terms of service are.
              These mods are typically not paid, and this job is also quite time-consuming, so individuals who do this job are usually volunteers who want to spend significant amounts of their time to be able to do this job.
              Now, the crux here is: Why would you WANT to do this kind of job? What could it possibly provide an individual with? Well there's one clear answer: Power over others.

              For this reason, the kind of person who tends to become a Mod in these communities, is one which enjoys having, using (and often abusing) power over others so much that they would sacrifice a significant amount of their time to just do something which makes them feel superior. It also tends to be the kind of person who isn't able to get, or keep, a paid job doing the same thing (manager) which usually means they act very badly when they do have this power.

              This leads to the stereotype of "Insert social media platform with mods here mods" being people who enjoy sticking their nose into other people's business, abusing their power, constantly policing people's speech and what they post, and just being slimy people overall.

              So when someone comes in trying to police what someone else is doing, that's cringe. And if they are wrong, that's just pathetic.

              To come to my situation: I'm a small business owner, and like the stereotype, if you counted my hours I would be earning below minimum wage (Running your own business is the only way you can do that legally ;D). I have been posting on Ozbargain for years and go out of my way to try and follow all the rules. My posts are actual bargains, and judging by the votes I'm not the only one who thinks so. There are a decent amount of people who watch out for my posts and enjoy them showing up here.

              So when someone jumps in to try and stir up trouble, it's pretty clear that they don't know what they are doing and just want to get a kick out of telling someone off. You are quite literally kicking the underdog, and indirectly supporting the people who own the massive companies that might get you a dishwasher for $10, but will eventually own all your houses, pay you nothing and gladly let the government tax and inflate your savings away to nothing.

              TLDR: That single sentence reveals an individual as just part of the herd.

              • +1

                @Brandingo: Jesus Effing Christ.

                You are definitely from Reddit.

                You can have my neg for being condescending, arrogant and conceited. They asked a valid question and you carry on with this tripe. Grow up.

                Negging based on issue with rep treating site users with utter contempt and disrespect. Absolutely disgusting display. I would hate to deal with someone like this if I had an issue with a product or needed assistance.

                This overly aggressive confrontational direction that reps take rarely ever works out well for them in the long term and only ends up being future references.

                InB4 all the comment and voting police turn up to scold me.

    • These are normally sold around $10 each. You can see the reviews, we have the best prices for the best colours in the pink ram horns 😉

  • Can this be shipped to SA?

    • +5

      Yep, via snail mail.

  • There are some at on sale for $1.45 each and 5 for $4.99. Though on the site it says color varies but it does include pink..

    • +1

      Yup! They will give you a mix of colours, mostly brown. You wont get pinks like these for that price :)

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