[NSW] Arm and Hammer Nubbies Dental Toys for Dogs 4-Pack $9.97 @ Costco Auburn / Lidcombe (Membership Required)


Looks like a good deal, they are typically around $10 each. Reviews are good, durable and suitable for dogs up to 16kg.

Price ending .97 usually indicates manager's special and store specific, you can call your local store to check availability but sometimes they don't disclose the price. Quote item number 178474.

Another bargain is Nerf launcher with 5 balls for $4.97, looks like this, did not take picture because I took the last one. Item number 201911 if you want to check with your local store.

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  • you have a lot of balls to post this, considering the orange toy

    still, people might go nuts for this deal

  • +1

    Nice post OP although you are slightly off with the price ending meaning. A price ending in .00 (previously .94) indicates a warehouse specific manager markdown. A price ending in .97 is a buyers markdown and often is applied to all warehouses, the only exceptions usually being for perishable type food products.

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