Hey guys,
Battlefield 2042 is the cheapest that I've ever seen on Steam!
Hey guys,
Battlefield 2042 is the cheapest that I've ever seen on Steam!
I disagree, it is not too bad at all, especially at this price,
It ok, but wouldnt even bother, dont give dice the $$. So many other ganes worth playing
same for me it is enjoyable, obviously btf1 was much better but honestly this is still a very fun game that has active servers
It's hard for me to change my enjoyment of a game based on how much I paid for it, there are games that are worth your time and ones that aren't.
I try to get in to it every few months and each time I find myself wishing I was playing 1/4/5 instead as they are just much better games.
1/3/4/5/BFBC2 are all better games. But this is $7 and has properly active servers (not just the same 50 blokes on after they get the kids to sleep).
Dice recently updated the anti cheat system to a slightly more robust one for the earlier BF games (BF1) in particular
Might be worth reinstall the game and seeing if the cheating is truly gone. BF1 had some really epic map designs and the sniping mechanics in it felt much better than 2042.
Ironically seen so many more cheaters in BF1 this week
Damn. Back to Helldivers 2 for me I guess.
If I recall, this effectively blocks the game from running on the Steam Deck and (there are dozens of us /sarcasm) anyone else attempting to run it on Linux.
One could have excused it if it launched that way, but going backwards in support is pretty bad. Even if those users only make up ~1.8%…
Is this the game that retired sniper grandpa in my youtube shorts plays?
Isn't this the game where tanks glitched through walls? lol….
lots. of gamers would've bought it at this point for the campaign but…
do we have to install any other software to play online
Yeah, the god forsaken EA play app. Absolute horse dook
Nah.. BF3 was best in franchise imo
I thought it was a shame they didn't go forward with 2142. Was a great game for that time.
Nostalgia is powerful my man
didnt they?
2006? mech's ?
i remember the demo, same with Quake Wars which came out the year after
its gotta be BFBC2
i have to agree, they went all out in the game from game play right through to the sound track.
i think people really dont appreciate the detail they went into in getting all the historical guns into the game, yes some were a one off that never got a go on the battlefield BUT it was their and a design concept. also gotta take my hat off for them going to gun jesus for his worldly wisdom of everything guns and he lol admitting that when BF1 came out his chanel got a massive boost in views.
great game, great soundtrack
Haven't played it in acouple years but even back then I was able to get some enjoyment out of it for afew months. For this price and after even more updates I'd say it's worth giving it a chance if you've ever enjoyed BFs gameplay. While it's by no means BF3, 4 or 1 quality, satisfying moments can still be had.
Just bought it, tried finding several games but no one is playing.
Refunded straight away.
'Conquest 64' servers is where it's all at.
I play with my mates 2-4 times a week.
So much fun.
No problems finding a game.
Conquest 64. Breakthrough.
Portal browser lists servers. Several with <10ms for Australia.
Don't get this game you will play it for max 2 hours then get bored
Unfortunately it is $7.20 too much. Bought the game and have spent most of my time joining empty lobbies and trying to find a game. If only there were some type of browser to view current servers…
There is a server browser, it's just not obvious. From memory the menu option is named "portal" or something along those lines. Use google or something to find out how to access the server browser if you can't find it, that's what I did when I bought the game..
There is a server browser. While this is, IMO, one of the most meh BF releases in recent memory, it is unquestionably worth $7.20.
Which game is worse, this or veil guard?
Not about price , it’s about support the EA which fk em
I've got no problem supporting them when they make good games. Eg that Dead Space remake is pretty solid. But sadly it's also a reminder of a different era when EA actually made the occasional good, original game. I just recently went back and played Desert Strike on emulation, I loved that back in the day and it's still a bit of fun today. Maybe they could give us a modern remake of that. Although I saw a trailer for Cleared Hot the other day - if that turns out to be good then they may have beaten EA to the punch on a new Strike game.
I still play this regularly. If you like arcade FPS PvP 32v32 there's still games available. The people still having a sook three years after release need a better hobby.
Still not worth it. As a long time Battlefield fan, this game is one of the greatest disappointments of my gaming life.
They've spent a few years since release applying many layers of lipstick to this particular pig, but it's still a pig.
At least if you get this you're not wasting a lot of money, and you won't end up wasting too much time before moving onto something better.
this game is one of the greatest disappointments of my gaming life
This seems a little hyperbolic. And yet another lesson in not getting sucked into hype.
Not at all hyperbolic. I didn't say one of the worst, I said one of the most disappointing. It's not a question of hype, it's a question of the standard set by the series' previous instalments. My group of friends played BC2, BF3, BF4, BF1 together most nights for years, BF5 was a bit shaky but we still had a fair bit of fun with it. We were hoping 2042 would be a step up from BF5 but instead it was a disaster that felt like they'd discarded everything that made Battlefield Battlefield in order to chase the current trends set by assorted battle royale and hero shooters.
I still regularly play BF4. Growing community again. There are a couple of Aust servers that are always full.
600 hours in and still so many vechiles and weapons im yet to master. Really enjoy the online play, most weeks the mode of the week is competitive and engaging.
Finally bought it. Needed to complete the Battlefield collection.
Liked BF Bad Company 2 the best.
Hated BF1 with it non stop cut scenes.
All the negative comments sure I don't blame you, but surely the campaign is worth 7 bux tho, or is that shit too?
There is none.
No campaign lol. Fail.
This game is still not a very good game even after fixing a lot of bugs, just the core design is bad.