Proactive Action - Xiaomi (& Other Chinese Brands / Import) Phone Owners Affected by 3G Shutdown (Now Due to Be Network Blocked)


  • Certain 4G and 5G phones currently working on VoLTE may be actively blocked through a government directive after 28th October
  • These are usually grey import phones that revert to 3G for 000 emergency calls
  • There are a lot of people ignoring the annoying text and voice messages on their phones, thinking "My phone IS 4G/5G, I am not affected"
  • Come October 28, there is going to be a tsunami of shock and anger

Oct 24 last minute legislation to block 4G and 5G phones that revert to 3G for 000 calls

Banana3's Summary (READ THIS FIRST to understand what the issue actually IS, instead of spouting "3G shutdown has been announced for years…")
"Again, the issue is not whether 3G should be shut down or not. I think most people in this discussion agree that it needs to be shut down. The issue is that a few years ago the communication was: as long as your phone supports 4g, then you should be fine. Then earlier this year: No, 4g alone is not going to cut it, you need to have a phone that supports VoLTE. Then: Wait, actually, not just any VoLTE, only those that the network allows your phone to use (yes, Vodafone told me that when my perfectly working VoLTE phone stopped working after they shut down 3g). Then on the last minute: Oh wait, actually, not just that, your phone also needs to be able to call 000 on 4g by default. None of these have been properly planned, or thought of, or mitigated. It's all just a big mess. If anyone is confused, it's not their fault."

What to do?

Useful information:
The Little Known Problems with VoLTE Emergency Calling -…


          • +3

            @askbargain: its possible much newer international models, grey imports etc may also be affected

            • -7

              @semaj: So phones never designed for Australian market

              • +1

                @askbargain: Phones that were never designed for Australian legislation.

              • +2

                @askbargain: yeah, all international guests/visitors/workers who purchase local SIMs should also purchase new smart phones on arrival

                • +3

                  @semaj: let's see the chaos at the airports tomorrow then

        • +1

          Oh no, not my Samsung Note 3!

          • @ihfree: What?? I have note 3 too for backup!

            • @CyberMurning: Yep, It's kind of a second backup now(and only until tomorrow).

              I updated to Lineage/Android 11 and it is still surprisingly usable.

              • @ihfree: Let me know if you can test it tomorrow or day after (to see if blocked or not)

                • @CyberMurning: I won't be able to test it easily but it's near certain that it would be blocked - I don't think the phone even has Volte and I don't believe this would have been added through third party distro.

    • So I've got a dumb one related to this. I have a Blackvue 4G LTE module for my dashcam and I have a Belong SIM in it with an active service. I got a text from them the other day saying that if I don't replace my device before November 28th, the service attached to it will be terminated. It's so idiotic because this is a data only service and provisioned as such. Wondering if anyone else has come across this and has any advice?

      • Is it a data only Sim, I have a boost 28day Unlimited call, x anount of data in a 4g router, this router can receive SMS messages and I've had no messages, but I do expect issues with it in a few days time.

        • Yeah, as I mentioned, it's a data only sim/service. I've been getting the notification messages to my own phone (which is also with Belong) as it's the primary number on my account. Exact wording of the message is this:

          "URGENT: 3G closes this Monday. When it does, the device you use with service [insert mobile number here] may not connect to the mobile network. Make sure to check this with the manufacturer before 28 October 2024, and upgrade if necessary. You can also cancel your service if you no longer need it. If you don't upgrade your device before 28 November 2024, you service will be disconnected. If you've upgraded since 20 October 2024, please disregard this message"

          So yeah, me receiving that has me worried because this module, which I purchased in Australia via Dash Cam Owners Australia is the only LTE module that Blackvue sells here and I bought it in September 2023 and is a 4G module so I don't know what I should do.

          • @Devastator0: We won't know for a few days but I expect a data only sim should be fine, don't quote me on that though.

          • @Devastator0: unfortunately all we can do is wait and see what happens - and it may be delayed or staggered due to notification periods.

            It may also be worth trying another provider (Optus/Voda) which doesn't rely heavily on LTE band 28 like the Telstra network

    • In before @brendanm….

      Just buy a new phone already FFS

      • +3

        It's more than that, ffs I am using a Samsung S20 Ultra with an unboxed Samsung S24 Ultra, this is going to knock out my secondary phones and potentially my router, already seen business owners angry they had to replace their EFT machines, cars are also affected, this goes way above just replacing a phone(often a perfectly good and hardware capable phone/device)

        • -1

          I am using a Samsung S20 Ultra with an unboxed Samsung S24 Ultra

          Why would either of those 2 phones be affected?

      • +1

        and potentially any other 4G / IoT device that uses 4G data and or SMS but doesn't support 4G VoLTE emergency calls

        4G alarms, 4G medical pendants, 4G security cameras, 4G data monitors, etc, etc

        Plus it sounds like there's a number of phones which do support VoLTE - but don't use this for emergency calls due to firmware limitations which may also be blocked.

    • -1

      Looks like OP has not been reading posts about 3G shutdown over the lat few months as this has been discussed many times w.r.t. some 4G phones needing 3G to make 000 calls.

      • -1

        That's correct, and still as far as I know now this was only open for consultation on 24/09/2024 and then enacted on 24/10/2024 despite numerous submissions against it even from the major Telco's including Telstra.

        • -2

          It has been known for years when the 3G shutdown 000 calls are going to be a problem. I have known for the last 18 months and have seen various newspaper and tech posts over the last year and posts on OZB for at least 4 months.

          • +6

            @AndyC1: This post is not about 000 calls being a problem after the 3G shutdown

            This post is about 4G and 5G devices being blocked from accessing the 4G and 5G mobile networks for Voice/Data/SMS because of newly enacted Emergency Calling Rules - 24/10/2024

            • -1

              @semaj: So what number do you dial for emergency in OZ? I have dialed 000 for over 50 years since we first got a phone. The oz number 000 for emergency services is used because it was the hardest three digit number to make a mistake dialing and at the time it was designed the exchanges only support a max of 999 numbers and your call was connected manually.

              • @AndyC1: 000 is the local emergency number in Australia


                112 is an international standard emergency number which can only be dialled on a digital mobile phone. It is accepted as a secondary international emergency number in some parts of the world, including Australia, and can be dialled in areas of GSM network coverage with the call automatically translated to that country’s emergency number. It does not require a simcard or pin number to make the call, however phone coverage must be available (any carrier) for the call to proceed.

                But the problem being raised by this topic is that some/many 4G and 5G devices are going to be blocked from accessing the 4G/5G mobile network entirely - if they aren't able to call 000 using 4G VoLTE

                • @semaj: Love the web site 000 and the other number, so secondary….

                  Promoting a number other than 000 is dangerous as it does not work on all phones in OZ. Phones != just mobile phones.

                  • @AndyC1: Apart from being unrelated to this topic - awareness of 112 is important as this can generally be dialled from a 'screen locked' mobile phone - local or international model device.

                    If you're at the site of an emergency and your phone is flat/damaged whatever - you should be able to call 112 from anyone's ('screen locked') mobile phone without needing the PIN/fingerprint/face whatever to unlock the phone.

      • -1

        Please share with me the ozbargain posts relating to this, where 4G phones being affected is clear in the Subject? (other than specific brands)

    • How to check our phone is okay/not? Sending text to where?
      Or everyone should try call 000 tomorrow? Kidding

    • -5

      Just use the other thread already dedicated to the whinging about this FFS.


        I'm sure many people, like myself would have done this if the other thread had a more relevant subject/title

        In my search I did not find and had no reason to view "Proactive Action - Xiaomi (and Other Chinese Brands) Phone Owners Affected by 3G Shutdown"

        • +1

          In my search I did not find and had no reason to view "Proactive Action - Xiaomi (and Other Chinese Brands) Phone Owners Affected by 3G Shutdown"

          Why would "3G Shutdown" not be a valid search criteria you would have tried if actively looking for info on
          Checks notes
          The 3G shutdown thats about to happen

          • +3

            @SBOB: Because I have been aware of the impending 3G network shutdown for many years and don't have a Xiaomi (or Other Chinese Brand) phone.

            What I was not aware of, was the Emergency Calling Rules changes enacted on the 24/10/2024 that will affect many 4G/5G phones - iPhone, Android, etc and in my case many 4G device (router, alarm, medical pendant) which use 4G data and SMS - which will now most likely be network blocked because they can't make 4G VoLTE emergency calls.

            • @semaj: Same, aware for several years, but there was no government regs/laws til recently and this is why I am angry, doesn't effect my daily driver phone but the recent government move appears to impact other devices I use( along with others and their devices ).

            • @semaj:

              and don't have a Xiaomi (or Other Chinese Brand) phone

              What phone/device do you have that's impacted?

              • +2

                @SBOB: Numerous 4G routers for backup internet, a number of 4G backup Alarm panels, and family/friends 4G medical pendants that make 4G calls to monitored mobile numbers - not 000.

                All Australian stock, purchased from Australian vendors.

                So whilst these devices would otherwise work for their intended purposes ACMA is forcing telco's to block these from accessing all network services.

                It's currently unclear if the block will be against all carriers or just the blocking carrier - but it has the potential to render all of these devices useless.

                It's also unclear if this will apply to Data only plans - or if after being blocked will it be able to be unblocked for a special data/IoT access plan

                • @semaj:

                  All Australian stock, purchased from Australian vendors.
                  So whilst these devices would otherwise work for their intended purposes ACMA is forcing telco's to block these from accessing all network services.

                  I haven't seen any definitive info that says devices which are clearly data only would be blocked, or is this just an assumption you're making? The carrier knows the devices and can easily determine they are not a phone handset. Perhaps waiting 24hrs would be worthwhile before the pitchforks :)

                  If they are blocked, I would think there would be a very high success rate in requesting a refund via the retailer/manufacturer if they do indeed stop working (assuming they are within a reasonable lifespan of device timeframe eg a couple of years)

                  • @SBOB:

                    I haven't seen any definitive info that says devices which are clearly data only would be blocked, or is this just an assumption you're making? The carrier knows the devices and can easily determine they are not a phone handset. Perhaps waiting 24hrs would be worthwhile before the pitchforks :)

                    Thats the problem, there is no definitive information - and It may be blocked tomorrow, or Nov 1, or after 30 days of SMS notifications, or when the Telco gets an updated list…

                    Assumptions, email warnings and the lack of clear information and planning around this hastily introduced amendment to the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination is a major issue.

                    If they are blocked, I would think there would be a very high success rate in requesting a refund via the retailer/manufacturer if they do indeed stop working (assuming they are within a reasonable lifespan of device timeframe eg a couple of years)

                    Unless the retailer/manufacturer was aware that this new amendment was coming it's unlikely they could be held accountable.

                    Also not going to solve the immediate problem of knowing ahead of time which devices will be affected and need to be replaced

                • -2

                  @semaj: My prediction is that all these devices will simply carry on, and work like they did the day before. This is like another y2k 😂

    • +2

      Here we go again…..

    • I read through it. If your phone can't access the emergency service because of the shutdown then they are removing access to the network entirely. Seems reasonable.

      Not sure what the issue is, you'd prefer having a phone that looks like it works but can't use emergency services when you may need it? Sounds like a terrible plan.

      • +2

        If your phone can't access the emergency service because of the shutdown then they are removing access to the network entirely. Seems reasonable.

        Not really - and even Telstra's submission suggests they disagree - recommending consideration that only voice services be blocked - allowing continued access to data and SMS.

        Many VOIP services have waivers acknowledging that access to 000 is not guaranteed - apparently thats sufficient.

        No mobile phone can make a 000 emergency call without power, or cell tower coverage (plenty of regional area's with no network coverage)
        Would a warning about that be sufficient or would it be reasonable to block ALL phones ?

      • Seems reasonable.

        I have a daily driver phone which is not affected, but I also use 2ndary phones with my daily driver that are hardware compatible, but not software compatible.
        I also use a 4g router and its likely to be denied service soon.

        The issue is 000 3g calls, my issues, hardware compliant 2ndary phones released in 2020 and potentially a router are going to be denied service due to the government.

        And the government legislation was not known several months ago, they introduced it, in the last few months, this is what I have issue with.

        • Yep, perfectly fine working devices at risk/likely being blocked and becoming e-waste due to the government's knee jerk reaction and lack of notice/understanding/consultation/accountability.

          crazy timeline:

          On 21 August 2024, the Minister for Communications directed us to amend the ECS Determination to improve reliability of access to the Triple Zero ECS in response to the recommendations from the Bean Report and the shutdown of the 3G mobile network. Source

          Consultation opened: 24 Sep 2024 - Consultation closed 08 Oct 2024 Source

          "The direction requires us to amend the ECS Determination to achieve certain targets by 1 November 2024" Source

          • @semaj: I’m afraid that this is 100% this current government keeping to form. They know best, and you will be happy. Consulted, transparent and honest, just like on the tin.

            • @HelpMeiCantSee: It wouldn't matter which Gov was in, this is Australia - competence not essential.

    • +6

      I feel this is a work of harvey norman boss to increase his store sales

    • Yep, it happened. My Oneplus 7T Pro is blocked.

      • Which network though?

        • Telstra

          • @TheNachoman180: Was thinking of creating a post with a poll based on network, with people confirming their devices have been blocked. But there are already too many threads out here on this topic.

          • +2

            @TheNachoman180: It will probably work on Vodafone.

            My Xiaomi Mi 9T is still working on Amaysim (Optus) this morning even though they told me it wouldn't.

          • @TheNachoman180: Boost Mobile (Telstra) is still working normally in my OnePlus Nord CE3 Lite 5G. I bought it grey import from Kogan seller in Melbourne.

            Vodafone is also good.

      • Is the device network blocked (no service / no data / no SMS) or just not able to make/receive voice calls?
        - if only voice calls, you might be able to enable VoLTE until network blocking occurs

        Did you receive 28 days notice?

        Before blocking you're meant to be sent 4 notifications through the 28 day notificaiton period:

        65 (2) The carriage service provider must:
        (a) promptly send a notification to the end-user or customer advising that the mobile phone is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service and all carriage services supplied by the provider in connection with the mobile phone will be disabled after 28 days;
        (b) 7 days after the notification sent under paragraph (a), send a second notification to the end-user or customer advising that the mobile phone is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service and all services supplied by the provider in connection with the mobile phone will be disabled in 21 days;
        (c) 7 days after the second notification sent under paragraph (b), send a third notification to the end-user or customer advising that the mobile phone is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service and all services supplied by the provider in connection with the mobile phone will be disabled in 14 days; and
        (d) 7 days after the third notification sent under paragraph (c), send a fourth notification to the end-user or customer advising that the mobile phone is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service and all services supplied by the provider in connection with the mobile phone will be disabled in 7 days.

        • +1

          I was sent them, but I enabled VoLTE so thought I was fine. Network blocking has occurred due to the new government mandate that was only announced like a week ago.

        • Sorry this was the notifications from the draft amendment - actual amendment has more lax notification requirements: Source

          69 Notification requirements and restrictions on supply where a current customer’s mobile phone can no longer access the emergency call service – carriage service providers
          (1)  This section applies if a carriage service provider has identified, on or after 2 November 2024, that a mobile phone of an end-user that is accessing, or attempting to access, the provider’s own mobile network is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service using both:
          (a)  the provider’s own mobile network; and
          (b)  if the provider’s own mobile network is unavailable, the mobile network of other carriage service providers who provide carriage services to the public.
          (2)  The carriage service provider must, within 5 business days, notify the end-user that the mobile phone is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service and that the carriage service provider will cease supply of carriage services to the mobile phone on a date that is between 28 and 35 days from the date of the notification.
          (3)  The carriage service provider must, before ceasing supply of carriage services to the mobile phone, send a further two separate notifications to the end-user that the mobile phone is no longer configured to be able to access the emergency call service and the carriage service provider will cease supply of carriage services to the mobile phone. 
Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 1)
          (4)  The carriage service provider must cease supply of carriage services to the mobile phone: (a) no earlier than 28 days after the notification sent under subsection (2); and
(b) no later than 35 days after the notification sent under subsection (2).
          (5)  In addition to the information included in a notification under subsection (2) and prior to the ceasing of supply of carriage services to the mobile phone, a carriage service provider must also provide information to the end-user about alternative mobile phones that are available, including information about alternative low cost or no cost mobile phones that can access the emergency call service.

      • Same situation with my OnePlus 7 Pro. I've had a chat with many others on Reddit about this issue and we're all in the same boat here. Vodafone might still be working though…

    • I just got blocked after I made a phone call , I have poco NFC 3X

      • No signal? Data? Cannot call/sms or receive call/sms? VoLTE icon on top of the phone?

        • Can't call again , says select a Sim and the bost Sim card is greyed out and can't select the Sim card. On wifi ATM works fine and don't have other Sims to try.

          • @vomit05: Maybe try Vodafone network? Not sure about Optus network

          • @vomit05: are you able to send/receive sms messages?

            • @semaj: I only have bost Sim. And I can't make calls or SMS messages

              • @vomit05: Sorry to hear that - its terrible that a phone less than 4 years old would be subject to this ruling

                hopefully you're able to communicate with boost through their app (over wifi) and get some resolve

      • Same..blocked after a restart just now

        Disabled the Woolworths SIM and it's working fine on Amayasim.( both were volte enabled). Neither work if both SIM slots are active.

    • +1

      Is this blocking to make sure that devices that can make a normal call but can't make call to 000 are replaced as it would otherwise give a false sense of security thinking it can be used to call 000?

      • +1

        Spot on!

      • +2

        Yes, thats pretty much the only reasoning behind this amendment.

        However instead of just blocking voice calls (as suggested by Telstra) they ACMA decided to block all services Voice/Data/SMS.

        • Yeah … blocking the data was the one that I wasn't aware until I got the SMS advising so. I am on Boost, got the SMS but it's still working as of now.

        • -1

          Just blocking voice calls is likely to leave a number of users continuing to use their incompatible mobile phones as their main communications device (using only data calls or messaging), leaving them without access to 000. Those same users have also figured out they don’t need car insurance …

    • So today is the day?

      Has anyone's phone stopped working?

    • +2

      Tasmania will be the first: from here:…

      " Incompatible devices will be blocked from accessing our network from 28 October, and Tasmania will be the first state to have its 3G network switched off.

      Tasmania doesn’t share borders so we’re able to have better control of the overall experience to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible before we close down the mainland states and territories.

      The rest of Australia will be completed by Monday 4 November, so while this is a progressive closure, it is relatively quick, and we urge you to check your tech and take any necessary actions in the next few days.

      If we haven’t covered it, don’t hesitate to chat now. "

    • All your phone still on ! right .No shut down.

      • Still receiving warning message (Boost) as of this morning.

      • Nope, both my secondaries that support VoLTE and band 28 have been blocked.

    • +2

      mum's redmi note 11 has been blocked by boost this morning

      i called boost last thursday and they said the phone will be fine as it has volte enabled and band 28 / 700mhz and they would ask the back office to update their details for the phone

      still the phone has been blocked

      the phone is blocked even if i put in a different carrier's sim card in

    • Hey James, thank you very much for your persistent, diligent, thoroughly researched and clearly articulated rationale to get this matter and process dealt with more competently, more thoughtfully and patiently than the absolutely unnecessary farcical wreck it has become in the last 2 months.

      I'm absolutely pssd that my only path to keep a set of fully functioning and 4G LTE compatible phones (and likely other non-voice devices) operating in Aus would now involve a step that is illegal in Aus, whilst remaining a legal activity in nearly all other markets.

  • Jb hi fi selling the redmi 13C 4G for $174. if it works I'll buy that if my redmi note 9s is blocked. Specs look identical though so logically either both work or neither do. Decent basic phone for calls and texts

    • +2

      You can't tell from the specs.

      Mine is 5G. It has way good enough specs. But because the settings required are turned off by default, and turning them on requires getting into technician mode and loading some files I don't have, it becomes an expensive brick tomorrow.

  • +7

    Is the Gov taking this opportunity to filter Chinese tech out of the mobile comms system in Aus? With the looming war n all. Would slow down their spies. Maybe …

  • +4

    I contacted Xiaomi global support regarding if the modem using 3G for emergency calls AT support DOT mi DOT com

    Their response was not exactly helpful.

    Xiaomi Support.Global
    17:38 (1 hour ago)
    to me

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Hello, Greetings from Xiaomi Customer Support! This is Shelley.
    We at Xiaomi value your trust and we apologize for the inconvenience. Rest assured that we'll assist you on this.
    Generally, the shutdown of 3G network does not affect the use of 5G/4G network. Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE does not support VoLTE function during emergency calls. When you make an emergency call, you can use any available network at that time. In addition, Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE supports the following network frequency bands for your reference:
    Supports 5G/4G/3G/2G
    5G NR: n1/n3/n5/n7/n8/n20/n28/n38/n41/n66/n77/n78
    4G: FDD-LTE Band 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/12/13/17/18/19/20/26/28/32/66
    4G: TDD-LTE Band 38/40/41/42
    3G: WCDMA Band 1/2/4/5/6/8/19
    2G: GSM:2/3/5/8
    The function of making phone calls requires the support of your carrier. We suggest that you consult the carrier to verify it.
    In addition, we don't recommend that you root the device. Such operation will disable some of the built-in security features of the system, and those security features are part of what keeps the operating system safe and your data secure from exposure or corruption. And this misuse will void your phone's warranty and it may render your phone useless depending on the security measures in place on your phone.
    We hope the above information helps you.
    Best Regards
    Xiaomi Global Email Service

    • +1

      "Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE does not support VoLTE function during emergency calls"
      So it is understood then that they will take no action?

      That's really dumb as it completely wipes out the Australian market for them.
      Anyone have tips for reaching higher ups rather than just customer service?

        1. Generally, the shutdown of 3G network does not affect the use of 5G/4G network.
        2. Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE does not support VoLTE function during emergency calls.
        3. When you make an emergency call, you can use any available network at that time.

        I am unable to fathom the amount of ambiguity in these three sentences, coming from a Global Customer Service Team.

        • The same ambiguity we've got from Telcos. It does suggest what they are not saying is what we want to hear.

          Early on in this saga I got on to a Telco techie (actual person) who told me my Redmi Note 9 would work after the 3G shutdown - with VoLTE etc turned on. I suppose I'll know after midnight tonight. Got a backup freeby from Amaysim, so good to go anyway.

          • @JH100: It was actually midnight last night.

            • @WatchNerd: Oh … I'm connected via VoWiFi at the moment, and as far as I can tell the phone is working. Will check again soon when I'm out and about.

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