This was posted 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Back Order] Ginpo Japanese Donabe Hana Mishima Clay Pot No. 9 $45.13 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon JP via AU

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About this item:

  • Size (W x D x H): Approx. 11.0 x 12.2 x 6.5 inches (28 x 31 x 16.4 cm)

  • Weight: Approx. 9.7 oz (2.72kg)

  • Compatible Heat Sources: Direct flame, microwave, oven-safe. *Not induction compatible

  • Capacity: Approx. 10.9 fl oz (3.2L)

  • Made in Japan

  • Material: Pot, heat-resistant ceramic, lid - ceramic; Recommended user: 4 to 5 people; *This product is made of ceramic, so the color and pattern may be different Thank you for your understanding

Mod 31/10: Available again at $44.68, down from $45.13.
Mod 6/11: Now on back order. Usually dispatched within 4 to 6 weeks

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

    • +27

      uh yeah, thanks for letting us know.

        • +12

          Well if you dont use them, you can give them to me fir free

            • +18

              @[Deactivated]: Well you still can give it to me.

                • +12

                  @[Deactivated]: i'll have it, thanks

                • +11

                  @[Deactivated]: Can I have them then if you aren’t giving them to that guy?

                • +8

                  @[Deactivated]: Thanks for letting us know again that you work in industry helping people

                    • +6

                      @[Deactivated]: the whirlpool forums are that way ->

                      this is ozbargain thanks.

                      • +5

                        @mushyboy: He's not welcome at Whirlpool any more. He's in the penalty box 😂

                        • +7

                          @KangaDrew: He's also permanently banned off AVSForum and the forum too. His last posts before being banned on a few years ago seem to be exactly the same argumentative and self-destructive behaviour. And now openly admitting he works for a council and insults and abuses people that contact his employer. Is there a way a referral can be made to try and get him some mental health assistance? Maybe the mods can assist here before this guy really loses it, there is some very worrying behaviour going on here and it feels like this could end very badly.

                          • +2

                            @howcan: He wasn't banned on those forums! He "asked to be banned" smh The fact that he's banned everywhere is a telling sign that he can't even see how he's the common denominator in all of his online feuds 🙄

                            In all seriousness though, he truly does need some help. Single basement dwellers who don't go out and breathe fresh air are always a cause for concern.

                            • +2

                              @[Deactivated]: FWIW (as I don't want to be feeding your ego-fueled delusions of grandeur any more than you're already doing so yourself) I was sent the link to your banned WP profile after you got banned from OzBargain for a week. If you actually thought I could be bothered to look you up myself, you flatter your self-importance way too much.

                            • +2

                              @[Deactivated]: Yeah, I was intrigued as to whether there was a behavioural pattern of long winded rants, insults and abuse, and after 30 seconds my suspicions were confirmed 😂

                              Oh yeah, I think everyone is enjoying the irony that you have punched out another essay length comment on a bargain forum trying to justify your unnescessary abusive behaviour, containing claims that other people take online discussions too seriously, and to top it off, it's in reply to someone you claim is not an important person to you in the slightest and an insignificant person. Love it.

                              Funny how in some comments you claim to be a reviewer for council fine infringements, but you're also the receptionist who fields phone calls from the public. Umm okay champ.

                              Not sure why you can't see that boasting about insulting and abusing people during the course of your employment, and then going home to swear and abuse people on the internet until you get banned is not a problem. You aren't the hero you think you are in your mind.

                              • +4

                                @howcan: Every one of your points were astute and bang on, well said.

                                The pitiful cringe is strong with him, that's for. And I see that he's decided a name change was in order to try and hide his tracks after 15+ years worth of being banned under "cevolution".

                                Pro tip: The Internet never forgets.

                                • +3

                                  @KangaDrew: I just hope it's a wakeup call for Cevolution that he's leaving a trail of toxic and abusive behaviour across the entire internet, and even boasting about this terrible abusive behaviour towards innocent members of the public while he's at work. He's already been temporarily banned twice here in the last few weeks, I think he's inevitably going to add another feather in his 'permanently banned' cap. I hope he goes and gets the mental health care that he needs so he can put a stop to this self-destructive behaviour, I don't think he even realises what he's doing.


                                  The 1800 011 511 Mental Health Line is NSW Health's 24/7 statewide phone service which links people with NSW Health mental health services. It is a free service.

                • +3

                  @[Deactivated]: If you’re giving them away I’d be keen

        • +2

          Weird flex but okay

          • -7

            @Serapis: There was no flex. I just said that this bargain isn’t for me because I don’t need anymore clay pots, as I have other clay pots, and off of that it’s been quite entertaining seeing what’s unfolded from such a harmless comments and all of the negative ratings. Not only that, it identifies that there are too many people on OzBargain that aren’t really charitable (they just pretend to be) who look down on homeless people, and don’t understand the first thing about them, and don’t want to. And yet these same people are giving away free prizes to other fortunate members when they all meet up for this sites 18th birthday celebration in the coming weeks 🤣

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: You are the only one who mentioned and talked about homeless people. The council usually has a nice lady handling the phone calls, not a Karen.

              • -6

                @Arch9896: I mentioned homeless people only because some idiot on here asked for my clay pots, and I said in response that I would rather give them to a homeless person than anyone on OzBargain, which was met with a lot of negative feedback, hence that proves my point.

                I’m no Karen, the majority of people that call council are though. I have lived in the same LGA for over 20 years, and I have called my council once for a kerbside clean up… I certainly don’t call them because there is a crack in the footpath and I’m concerned someone might trip over it, or because I’m scared that a branch will fall off of a tree and hit someone, or to have grass cut at my local park, or because I want signs place somewhere, or because someone is parking out the front of my house and I don’t like it and want the spot for myself, or because a homeless person has pitched a tent in a nearby park, etc… I have better things to be doing with my life than to worry about all that kind of stuff.

                • +3

                  @[Deactivated]: I’m homeless and on Ozbargain, I can’t tell if you want to give them to me or not.

    • +2

      I'd love one thanks

    • I'll have to dig mine out

    • why so many negs???

    • +3

      Why is ozb full of people like this

  • +1

    Interested in this as we are looking at having hotpot gatherings in our house. Has anyone had experience with this or similar clay pots over charcoal? I just bought 2 x ceramic hibachi grills for the Korean bbq like set up but the description states direct flame. So maybe need to look at butane gas burners, but prefer not to if it works on charcoal.

      • +1

        Appreciate you trying it out to let me know.

      • +25

        Doesn't need more clay pots, feels the need to tell a story about that

        Doesn't have any experience using them over charcoal, feels the need to tell a story about that

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: Are you still giving yours away? I'd be keen

          • @[Deactivated]: Maybe you can try it and tell us how it goes when you cook your food in a ceramic pot inside a ceramic smoker. Would it be doubly as moist?

    • +1

      you can use Banko ware over charcoal fire. Harder to control the heat but yes it's possible.

    • +2

      Traditionally, clay pot rice in Hong Kong/ Guangdong/ Singapore was made using a charcoal stove, which gave the dish a distinctive flavor.

      • That cool was really impressive.
        How she managed to look after all those dishes simultaneously is quite a treat.
        But that's reassuring.

      • +1

        If Hong Kong and Singapore are mentioned, good to mention Malaysia too :)

    • +1

      It's a Japanese Donabe, and usually they're made to use over charcoal.

      I'd expect them to handle charcoal heat if they can handle an open flame (which is hotter, and often more localised, rather than a spread-out radiant charcoal heat) but obviously check the manual.

      • +1

        Perfect. I think I might order it then if worse comes to worst I'll order butane but at least I know I can chuck on the charcoal. Donabe hibachi holding a donabe hotpot. I'll take a photo once it arrives. I can also provide feedback on it's efficacy.
        Edit: it's all sold out :( snooze you lose

  • +4

    Bought one in June 2023 at 60+ AUD, good quality with no issues. Perfect for hotpots, or asian style soups.

  • Cooking over a flame what's the difference between using this and a steel pot? (I assume mine are stainless steel)

    • Food tastes better in a claypot. Looks more appetising too.

    • "Clay cookware heats up more slowly and more evenly than metal, and it holds and distributes heat more diffusely. Those qualities are what make it ideal for simmered soups and curries, for braises or tender baked meats where the juices create self-basting steam, and for evenly and perfectly cooked rice or beans"….

  • +4

    We have this. First one arrived broken, bought again second time it was posted for ~$45.
    Wife seasoned it, highly recommeded.

    It's fairly standard, quality is good/average —- not bad. We use it on our gas stovetop.

    • +1

      Did you have to return the the item back for a refund or they let you keep it? One of the review says they needed to return via DHL. Bit concern on buying a fragile item from Amazon as they tend to skimp on packaging.

      • +1

        Pretty sure I provided a photo for the original one (broken as recieved in box) and they advised a refund rather than having to return it.
        I requested a replacement but that was a no-go. This was 2023.

  • +1

    Been wanting to get one but wondering whether it has much difference from an enamel dutch oven or shallow french pan. Can anyone has both comment on the similarities and differences?

    • I'd like to know as well

    • There are likely some differences in how it transfers heat, which may be important for some dishes (e.g. achieving even, light mi guoba on rice in one-pot dishes).

      But the most important difference is the aesthetics and shape.

      We use smaller claypots for serving up soups and one-pot dishes. They're certainly much more attractive on the table than a pot, and the gently rounded bottom makes it easier to eat out of or serve from. With a more squared-off shape, food gets stuck around the edges of the bottom.

  • Made in Japan! Tks.

    • +1


  • +8

    Is there anyone giving these away for free? I could settle for this brand but would prefer Romertopf’s.

  • nice, thank you.
    just bought one now.
    Hope the international delivery could be safe, no crack

  • Has anyone had any leak on them?

    I previously bought a couple of Japanese made clay pots, and whilst boiling on the cooktop, you will find they leak liquid through the bottom. Wonder if they are really Japanese made, or made in another country claiming to be Japan.

    • I have the same brand and using for the past two years. No leaks, however being a donabe it will eventually crack/leak with use. This shouldn't happen for a long while though. Did you season yours properly and not shock them?

      • Yeah I did. Happened to two pots both of which were brand new out of the box.

        Starting to suspect I got sold faulty or the pots were not actually Japanese made, as I've had other Japanese claypots that are older than me.

        • Does sound like a defect. I've always been taught to first season new donabe with rice water, never heat it without liquid in it and never heat it when the bottom is wet. No issues with the ones I had for many years.

          • @YellowWiggle: Yup those are the same rules I've been following.

  • Thanks OP, purchased!

  • damm oos already :(

  • -1

    temu cheaper

    • pls post a deal

      • +1

        If you're using a proper donabe for cooking, the Temu garbage likely won't cut it.

    • +4

      Made in china vs make in Japan that's a big diff

  • +2

    Available again


    • +1


      • Still waiting for my free one from old mate above :(

  • This was a wild thread considering it's for a clay pot. This is why I love ozbargain so much.

  • -3

    Im so glad I got rid of prime. Bargains are getting more garbage by the day. People getting excited by rubbish.

  • +1

    Bought this from the last sale, it just arrived and it was completely shattered, both the pot and the lid.

    The packaging is very poor, it is just the pot and the lid sitting on some cardboard, no bubble wrap or anything.

    Buyer beware.

    • Mine was broken in half, the lid was fine though.

      • I've contacted Amazon CSR 5 times now as I don't want to spend time going to the post office sending this back, all of them have said the refund has been actioned as Amazon Gift Card balance but nothing.

        Guess I'll have to go through their regular process and send it back to them.

        • Did you get your refund back in the end?

          • @firestint: Refunded via their normal process and was issued the Amazon Gift Card credit about an hour after I dropped it off at the post office.

            What a waste of time, yawn.

            Amazon removed my review as well, lol.

  • Mine broke in half as well. Lid was okay too.

  • Mine arrived with a crack in the bowl. Amazon CSR told me to repack, reorder and await a courier to pick it up and would refund + difference when they had it back to check as the price had doubled to order a new one (last one) next day. Courier never showed up, new one arrived working fine. Advised CSR again 2 days later, they checked and agreed to refund the original + difference price once I sent a photo of the damage, and I would not need to send back now (noting I offered to send a photo the first time, but they declined and first asked me to drop off at a local collection point, but I pointed out there were none near me).

    It's a nice clay pot.

  • Just received and the pot is completely shattered too. Same as others, what were they thinking? No bubble wrap or any other protection, not even a fragile sign on the box. Of course the pot would be damaged during transit…

    Anyway, chatting with the CSR, initially he said I would have to wait for a week before anything can be done because the item arrived ahead of schedule. I was like wtf, first the item came damaged, now because of your policy I would have to wait for another week for some outcome? Magically after giving my 2 cents, he was able to "do something with the system" to process a full refund back to my gift card balance (which should take 2-3 hours).

    • Keep the goods just in case. All 5 CSRs that I engaged said they processed the refund but I never received it until I went through the regular refund process via post office return.

      Amazon CS is next level rubbish.

      • Already got my refund within 2 hrs, maybe because I paid using gift card.

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