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40% off Grinders Coffee Beans 1kg $21 @ Woolworths

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Found 40% off Grinders Coffee Beans on the Woolies app. Strangely, it doesn't appear in the in-store catalogue.

Never tried it before so no idea if they're any good.

Enjoy ☕️

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closed Comments

  • +25

    ALDI medium roast 1kg still cheaper

    • Is the ALDI one any good? Is it also made in Oz?

      • +8

        Good fresh , Australian .

        • +8

          It’s roasted in Melbourne, but it’s absolutely not grown in Australia

          • @linkindan: I thought Australian grown coffee was for rich people only, but the prices aren't nearly as high as I thought they'd be.

            • +1

              @TEER3X: Australian grown doesn’t actually taste good though. At least I have not found any that do.

        • +1

          Not good different?

      • +5

        Yes - Aldi's Lazzio medium roast is quite good. Award-winning. I regularly drink it, alongside the Grinders advertised here and Lavazza's Italy range. All 3 are decent morning brews.

        • I have the Columbia beans from Aldi

          • +4

            @Wiadro: Colombia

          • @Wiadro: yep we are drinking Aldi Lazzio Columbia single origin. Not bad, but will grab the Grinders one at this price

        • +1

          Got something strange going on with last months Aldi Medium beans.

          It's like they are hydrophobic! Can't dial them in at all. Grinding way finer than usual, and still very thin. Chucked then in the Jura auto machine and it's like dry pucks coming out.

          Used the Aldi beans for years. But never experienced this before.

          Also have some Coles brand intense and Lime Blue beans. No issue with either of them. Seems like I've got a stale bag (but roast date was within 2 weeks of opening).

      • +3

        finally caved and tried the ALDI. its good, and wont be paying 20-40$ kg again.

      • I have tried a couple of the Aldi beans, I had to return them, the coffee gets a watery taste. Harris and Maccona beans are way better, a bit expensive now.

    • -4

      It is but this is much high quality. But if you’re on a budget and just need a caffeine fix then Aldi is great!

      • How is it higher quality? Are the beans from a different country?

        • Aldi medium roast makes a bloody harsh long black. Grinders smooth blend is much easier on my stomach.

  • +10

    It’s probably very old stock

    • +3

      Yeah it is. My local Woolies is showing the roasting date as being sometime back in June. No thanks

      • +1

        How do you decipher the batch code to see the roasting date on these? Thanks!!

        • I'd also like to know 🤔

    • +1

      I grabbed two bags which had the following dates:
      Best Before: 08/2026 X242 10:01
      Best Before: 09/2026 X256C 13:45
      Can anyone decipher thr rosted date from the above? Is Roasted date just BB date + 2yrs?

  • +1

    On Amazon different flavour, Crema only available in 500g packs.

  • +7

    Do yourself a favour and spend a bit more on some freshly roasted beans from a specialty roaster

    • -2

      How much more?

      • +1

        Roasters around me charge around $50 a kg. Bit too pricey for me.

        • +3

          Good deal but still double aldis price. The trade off is the inconsistency in aldi beans. I imagine that cheap beans are the leftovers of all the expensive bags, making the taste somewhat unpredictable

      • +3

        Inglewood sunset Blvd can be had for sub $30 semi often. Couple of other roasters usually offer similar prices for 1kg as well.

        In a tough spot aldi beans I find are comparable to grinders for a bit cheaper then this price.

        • -1

          so double or triple aldi? got it

          • @belongsinforums: Yep double aldi is the best you will get.

            But it's also much better then aldi so some people are happy to spend a little bit more for better taste.

        • I vote this as well, Inglewood at 50-60% off is the price/quality sweet spot!

        • +1 for Inglewood sunset bvd

      • +1

        Airjo and lime blue are on here pretty regularly with beans under $35.

      • +1

        Speciality roasters like Ona, Stitch, Five sense etc are $60/kg. But you can't compare them to Grinders.

    • What do you recommend?

  • +2

    Got some of these recently and it was very average quality compared to my regular aldi dark beans.

  • +3

    Been using these for a while as not always bothered to order our fav BLK from undercover roasters and the Mrs doesn't like the taste of ALDI beans.
    Always seems to be within a month of roasting and consistently good compared to our local inner city roasters who have on and off batches for triple the price…
    This is worth the money imo compared to other supermarket trash

  • Grinders are bad beans

    • Taste is subjective, but I agree. Boring flavour.

    • Better than Aurora..

    • Can you elaborate? Bad taste, texture, crema, all of the above, something else?

  • Roast date?

    • Someone above in the comments said June (so not very fresh). YMMV.

  • +1

    Harris Farm have their 500 gram bags of Wood Fired roasted beans on special at the moment for $12.
    Roasted on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Bought some today but have not tried yet.

    • They're pretty good. Used to get them for years when I had a HF nearby.
      Looks like the range has made it to Coles recently too.

  • +2

    Most beans that both giants have stock have all mostly dropped the roasting dates on the packaging and instead have expiry date now.

    • +3

      The Aldi beans supposedly has the roasted date coded below the Expiry date in yyyymmdd format.
      So a number like 20240920 would be a roasted date of the 20th of September 2024.

      • +2

        @athua - This is correct. I bought a 1kg bag of Lazzio medium roast beans from Aldi that had been roasted 1 month ago on Friday:


        Generally I prefer bags of beans that have been roasted 1 and half to 2 weeks prior to purchasing, but for the Lazzio beans it’s often not easy to find them quite that fresh. For supermarket beans that’s one reason why sometimes I buy Campos beans, because Campos list the roasting date and generally you can find Campos beans that were roasted 1½ to 2 weeks ago.

  • +2

    I remember getting these for $9 per kilo on Amazon a few years ago. Good times…

  • Or do yourself a favour and pay an extra $12.54 and get vastly superior beans: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/872415

    • +3

      I didn’t like airjo beans. Why do you think they are superior? Did they change something recently?

    • +2

      I prefer Lime Blue Brazil SO

    • +1

      I don't think airjo is that great in the scheme of coffee beans flavours. There are many better beans than airjo. But it still better than grinders. With that id agree.
      A very good fresh and cheap coffee would be the bay beans for $25/kg https://www.baybeans.com.au/ozbargain.html

      • Do they send the 2 x 1 Kg bags in one delivery? If so many people won't drink even half fresh,

        unless you have a big coffee deinking family and visitors.

        • +2

          Yeah they do but just freeze one bag straight away and pull it out the day before you want to open it. Generally it would halt the oxidisation process while frozen and kind of resume (as a general indication, not a rule) so you will get more life out of your bean purchase

          • -1

            @maverickjohn: I know a lot of people do this, but for many the verdict is still out if that really helps or not.

          • @maverickjohn: Sounds like a great hack! No risk of moisture getting in the bag?

  • Amazon @18.90 with s/s and prime

  • +3

    Grinders is owned by Coca Cola if that is any indication of quality.

    As others have suggested the Aldi Medium Roast beans are a better buy. Not mass produced in a factory and the roast date is fairly recent.

    • +2

      Aldi coffee is definitely worth a go, especially if your coffee standard is random supermarket brands that have been on the shelf for months.

      Fremantle Coffee Roasters was my go to from supermarkets, Farmer Jacks used to sell it for $26 per kg, but it's been a while since I've checked the price.

    • This is so relevant. It’s awful coffee. Mass produced mud.

    • Black Bag roast for Aldi so they are mass produced in a factory. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, though.

  • I find St Ali Wide Awake beans to be the best tasting and most consistent so far. I order it at work
    Yet to try Aldi. Might give it a go

    • Most of the St Ali range are good. Pity they're super expensive (~$65/kg)

  • +1

    These are what we use exclusively. We don't buy at the normal price and buy a few bags at $20 when they are cheap.

    I have tried the ALDI and a few others but keep coming back to the Grinders especially the Cafe Crema….

    I like it….

  • +1


    2kg Organic beans currently for $28

    $80+ for free shipping

    have been buying from this place for years and their beans are way better than the supermarkets ones.

    • DM if you need a referral

    • Damn that's a good price. Are they often that cheap? I don't need another 2kg of beans now, but I might in a month.

    • That is cheap! Thanks for sharing :)

  • Also is free if you're on Grinder😜😜

    • It was only a matter of time for a comment like this 🤣

  • +1

    I am a borderline coffee addict, but I'm very new to my coffee journey and I still like my coffee very 'smooth' (aka NOT strong)

    This has been my favourite bean so far (the low strength version)
    I've tried all of the expensive and cheap Woolworths beans, but Grinders has been my favourite.

    I use a Breville Barista express, and am advanced enough to adjust the grind, volume and extraction.

    • +1

      This has bean your favourite so far? 🤔

    • +3

      I'm the same. I love coffee, but only if it's smooth and creamy. I want to enjoy it, not have my tongue ripped to shreds.

      A lot of coffee "enthusiasts" recommend super strong beans that honestly taste like shit.

      I have a Breville Touch and these beans work well with it. Get a good even extraction, nice crema, and just an overall good coffee.

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