4 Round Trip Tickets to Los Angeles Early January-Unable to Use-HELP

Los Angeles return in January-unable to use-HELP !!!

We have 4 tickets from Sydney to Los Angeles departing early in January school holidays, 16 nights in USA, which we are now unable to use (a very long story) for 2 adults & 2 kids.

I got onto our travel agent, who said that as tickets are non-refundable, the only thing that she said could be done, was to try to sell them or give them away, as the airline allows a name change for $150/person up until few days before departure.

We paid around $7000 about 6 months ago (think it was $2000 for each adult & $1500 for each child) & we would obviously like to get as much back as possible. We have travel insurance, but that won't cover any loss, name change or cancellation.

The price included the credit card fee, 2 checked bags & food, drinks & seat selection.

The travel agent also said the childrens tickets could be converted to adults tickets by paying the difference between child & adult fare, but if tickets used by 1 adult & 3 children, there's no refund for child using adult ticket.

HELP !!!!!

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to sell them, if the travel agent can't sell them ?

The agent said they would send out an email to their thousands of email subscribers & if they sold them for us they would charge us a small fee, but they want us to put a selling price on the tickets & be prepared to sell any number of them from one to four tickets. They suggested asking 10% less than we paid or near offer & to be very negotiable, as the closer it gets to departure date, the less likely we are likely to sell them for anything like we paid. She also said airlines don't allow name changes, but luckily ours does. If we sold them, they could handle the funds & process any credit card payments & as the tickets have already been paid for, full payment wouldn't be needed straight away, so if someone wanted a ticket or tickets, they could pay them off over a few months.

One of our relatives said they would give us some frequent flyer points for the tickets, but we really need the cash.

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closed Comments

      • +5

        Why come to ozbargain lol if the agent is selling them

      • +16

        Sucks to be the poor people you sold your non-transferrable tickets to. They're going to get to the airport and be denied entry.

        This also sounds super dodgy/didn't happen, because you can't just split bookings like this to go to 2 separate couples. The only way to do this is to cancel and rebook.

        • +2

          OP will upload redacted supporting evidence next week to prove us all wrong. I hope.

          Also 3+3.2≠6.4

        • +9

          this, this totally did not happen lol

        • +6

          maybe plot twist of the agent never ticketed them?

          • @gromit: maybe we're talking to the agent and the whole story is a marketing ploy trying to sell these tickets

        • +3

          yup bar none only cancel and rebook is possible
          his ticket is worthless, and he is too proud to acknowledge it and start telling porky

      • +2

        doubt it unless you can provide proof

        TA can't change airline rules, airlines can cancel ticket and rebook but they can't change security vetting information from the original ticket

        • -6

          you really shouldn't make silly comments when you don't know what you are talking about. Have you ever negotiated anything ? Agents might send a lot of people who need extra bags or agents can sometimes get seat choice included.

          • +1

            @robo99: I negotiated a lot of thing in my life
            Adding extra baggage and stuff is not a big deal

            Change a ticket to a different name is a big deal and can’t be done apart from cancel and rebook bar none

            Has you work in any security vetting agencies ?

            • -7

              @MrMarket: stop maintaining that names can't be changed, when you are obviously wrong, as we've just done it & sold our tickets through our travel agent. FFS-which dodgy airlines do you fly with ?

              • @robo99: Your scheme or scam got exposed move on
                People see your ads they goes on ozbargain or search and see this thread game over

                • -1

                  @MrMarket: what ? No scheme. NO adverts. Do you admit now that you were wrong about name changes ?

                  • +1

                    @robo99: No you are wrong I am not wrong in saying you can’t change a ticket to another name period
                    Have to cancel and rebook
                    Scam alert

                    • -1

                      @MrMarket: posted the terms from agent contract. You really have to stop this mis info.

                    • @MrMarket: this sent from agent. It's a stock standard group contract. She said all her bookings with this airline have the same conditions as group bookings. That's what was negotiated, along with extra baggage & seats at no charge.

                      She did say that the only difference to below, is name changes must be done by the airlines ticket office & they don't work after hours or weekends, so really the last time this can be done is 2 or 3 business days before departure.


                      Page 2 of 4

                      General: Allowed changes to this contract/group can be done only after deposit is paid
                      Name change:
                      Before ticketing: permitted free of charge
                      After ticketing: permitted at AUD150.00 per person up to departure
                      Date changes:
                      Before ticketing: permitted at no fee, fare will be same or higher than original fare.
                      After ticketing: permitted at AUD150.00 plus any applicable fare difference if same
                      booking class is not available. Fare will be same or higher than original fare.

                      • @robo99: What is the Travel Agent name?

                        After ticketing: permitted at AUD150.00 per person up to departure

                        (this is bullshit, the information has to passed on to various security system for background check way before the departure date for international flight)

                        Scam alert

                        you can repeat the same old lies and dodgy information doesn't make it true

                        • @MrMarket: phone the airline & ask for a group quote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really can't admit you are wrong can you.

                        • @MrMarket: forgot that we did get a group quote at start of the year. Here are the standard group conditions. Have a read


                          hank you for giving Fiji Airways Ltd the opportunity to quote for your group. Please quote the above
                          reference number in all future correspondence. Fares quoted are applicable to new bookings only.
                          ❖ At this stage no reservations are being held on behalf of your group.
                          ❖ Quote is valid for 14 days from the date group quote is sent
                          ❖ Seats will only be requested once the quote is accepted.
                          ❖ This quote is subject to change and is subject to group seat/fare availability at the time of booking
                          ❖ If outside of 355 days of departure quote is to be used as a guideline only and has to be requoted
                          once flights are within the system range.
                          ❖ Group fare quoted is applicable to new bookings only
                          ❖ Unless you advise otherwise we will insert your email & phone number as a 24/7contact in
                          the booking for any changes. Please advise if you would like this contact to change.
                          ❖ We are happy to insert additional contact for the group on your advice.
                          ❖ If you are a Travel Agent, we request at the time of booking seats, you provide your
                          IATA or TID’s number and/or Pseudo City Code (PCC).
                          GROUP SIZE: As per quote
                          ITINERARIES: As per quote
                          TRAVEL DATES: As per quote
                          CLASS OF TRAVEL: Economy Class
                          CHILD/INFANT: 2-11 years inclusive – Pay 75% of the adult nett fare level
                          0-23 months inclusive – Pay 10% of the adult gross fare level
                          GENERAL: Please advise us as soon as possible if you wish to proceed in making the
                          group reservation.
                          Page 1 of 4
                          Page 2 of 4
                          Your request to make the group reservation will constitute acceptance of the terms and
                          conditions outlined below.

                          GROUP/FARE TERMS & CONDITIONS:

                          (a) All published fare rules are to be adhered to unless otherwise specified.
                          Fare quoted is per person.

                          (b) Travel is on direct Fiji Airways prime/operated flights only unless otherwise specified.

                          (c) This quotation is based on as per quote passengers travelling in the group.
                          Should group size fall below 10 of the above number they may not be eligible for the
                          group terms and conditions and instant payment may be required and/or it may be
                          subject to re-quote.

                          (d) Group bookings are made through Fiji Airways (Group) Sales and if a Travel
                          Agent, IATA or TID’s number and/or Pseudo City Code (PCC) to be supplied.

                          (e) The airfare quoted is subject to seat availability at the time of reservation.
                          Should the gross fare increase above 5% Fiji Airways reserves the right to re-negotiate
                          the above quotation. Any increases on off-line carriage itineraries or sector fares will be
                          applied. Taxes are subject to change. Flight schedules are subject to change.

                          (f) Splitting from the main group:
                          Before ticketing:
                          10% permitted. Fare will be same or higher than originally quoted for the group.
                          If more than 10% of the Group members split away from the main group booking
                          Fiji Airways reserves the rights to re-quote Main Group at any time.
                          After ticketing:
                          Standard fare rules apply

                          (g) Deposit: Non-refundable/non-transferable deposit of AUD100.00 for Economy Class
                          and AUD150.00 for Business Class per person is due within 14 days of reservation
                          confirmation. Failure to pay deposit within 14 days of confirmation will result in auto
                          cancellation without prior notice. Re-booking of the same group will result in higher fare.

                          (h) Names are due no later than 60 days prior to departure
                          Failure to advise names 60 days prior to departure will be considered as a cancellation
                          and Fiji Airways reserve the rights to cancel group booking without prior notice.
                          Cancellation policy applies.

                          To hold seats without names (within 60 days of departure) full payment per person must
                          be received to secure the seats. If these seats are cancelled, full payment will be
                          forfeited to Fiji Airways.

                          (i) Final payment is due no later than 45 days prior to departure. Failure to make
                          payment at least 45 days prior to departure will be considered as a cancellation and Fiji
                          Airways reserve the rights to cancel group booking without prior notice.
                          Cancellation policy applies.

                          For group bookings created within 30 days of departure date, full payment
                          must be received immediately and final ticketing is due 15 days prior to
                          departure date.


                          General: Allowed changes to this contract/group can be done only after deposit is paid
                          Name change:
                          Before ticketing: permitted free of charge
                          After ticketing: permitted at AUD150.00 per person up to departure
                          Date changes:
                          Before ticketing: permitted at no fee, fare will be same or higher than original fare.
                          After ticketing: permitted at AUD150.00 plus any applicable fare difference if same
                          booking class is not available. Fare will be same or higher than original fare.
                          Any changes within 60 days of the first outbound flight for the entire group will be
                          considered as a cancellation.

                        • -1

                          @MrMarket: so you won't admit you were wrong, so you're doing a dodgy albo & deflecting

                    • -1

                      @MrMarket: you could get a group quote & you would get these conditions. Not hard to do.

      • +2

        What was the point of this thread?

        • +1

          It was a rage bait and people seem to fall for it

        • -3

          was trying to get a little help to find suggestions to where to advertise our tickets. Instead got a lot of abuse from people who didn't seem to know that could do name changes. They should have said "I think" instead of "you can't".

          At least now some of you realise you can name change some airline bookings. BIG QUESTION is why don't all airlines allow this ?

  • +1

    Travel agents must have some special power to change names completely. Interesting.

    • -4

      yes, it's called paying the name change fee. Not sure what part of this you don't understand.

  • +7

    doubt it very much it got sold, the whole scheme smells fishy.

    • +9

      Yep smells dodgy. In space of 3 mins he went from 0 to having 2 buyers confirmed, tickets split, names changed and a failed math that says $6400 and to cap it off a Travel Agent that doesn't want their name mentioned as they are already "too busy". Hope I am wrong and it is just a very unusual situation and he got his money.

      • +6

        Travel Agent that doesn't want their name mentioned as they are already "too busy".

        must be very very special travel agent to have that much work considering
        Webjet and flight centre two of Australia largest travel companies has flag profit downgrade in recent weeks and share price drop 30-40%

        • +2

          I predict the next post will be titled: Help, my TA isn't responding to my messages any more

        • -2

          I guess it's xmas booking finalisation time, plus told her about all the crazy comments on here.

      • -4

        rule #1 in business, look after your existing customers & don't waste time with tyre kickers. This will get your referrals & beats advertising every time.

      • -2

        $3000 + $3200 paid. $150 x 4 name change fees. Roughly $100 in credit card fee. What's hard to understand.

        • +2

          $3000+$3200 DOES NOT equal $6400

    • -3

      it seems you don't like being proven wrong. Why don't you call me racist next ?

  • +5

    3 seperate couples interested within 12 hours… popular tickets :)

    • -1

      they paid $1500 & $1600 per person, which is much cheaper than anything around in early Jan now. If you must go in school holidays, fares are now crazy, guess because flights are full or nearly full. Check on skyscanner. $3000, $4000 or even $5000 round trip for economy.

    • it is school holidays

  • +6

    Wow, this is such a tempting deal OP!

    Because if there's ONE thing that the US DHS, CBP and TSA are well-known for, it's their relaxed, jovial and positively carefree attitude to airline passenger security screening for all visitors entering their country through official points of entry. Especially when you're travelling on tickets that were originally sold to completely different end-user/s that have been changed at the last minute by some idiotic travel agent who couldn't wait to be done with this case so they could pocket their sweet markup.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Sign me up for a 16-day stay in America with a chance of a diplomatic incident, being placed in detention, ruining your family's "holiday"/permanently scarring your children and being permanently added to various air carrier and national no-fly lists! Anything for that 10% discount.

    • US customs don't muck around. They might ask for proof of purchase, might be hard…

    • +1

      But the whole family gets a free rectal exam, some might say that’s worth more than 10%

    • -6

      stop showing your ignorance. There is no big deal in doing name changes, except in seams on qantas, but who wants to fly on qantas.

      • +1

        Imagine been repeatedly shown Fiji Airways policies and still acting like you haven’t gotten lucky here (if it’s played out as you said - look forward to hearing how 2 seperate groups check in on the same booking number - relying on the first person doing the right thing at check in)

        • -5

          your talking about standard online policies !!!! Am sure the likes of flight center when they are negotiating fares with an airline say, this is what we want & am sure they would get it especially if they buy a huge allocation of seats.

          If an agents gets a big allocation, they are going to sell that airline & not work of smaller commissions on other airlines. In other words sell an airlines, not be an order taker.

          What's the big deal about 4 people on the same booking ? Did you mean to say that or is that a typo ?

  • +1

    Maybe travel agents buy seats in blocks without assigning names initially, and hold on to them until all are purchased?

    If OP is telling the truth, then maybe that makes sense?

    • +2

      They definitely don’t do that.

      • -4

        of course they do. Call it a group or just an allocation, but they do it. Think you need to check your info.

    • that's what we did last year. We had asked for fares for certain dates & she said if you go these dates, which from memory were a day or 2 later going out & 1 day later coming it would be much cheaper. Think it was a group. We only had to put down $200/person & balance was due 2 months before departure.

  • I'm wondering if the travel agent was able to change the name simply because the tickets were reserved by the agent but not issued under any name yet, i.e. that is the airline has reserved it but not assigned them to anyone yet. That's my thought, but looks like the OP got the outcome they wanted!

    • +1

      Travel agents can only hold seats until the end of the same day.

      • -3

        where do you get this crazy idea from ? Anyone can make a booking over the phone & you get 2-3 days to pay or simply let it lapse. Have done this before. When I saw a sale once last year to go to Fiji, I phoned up, made the booking, it was on a weekend from memory. Phoned travel agent on the Monday. She gave us a better price & said we had a few days to pay, but she did say cancel the phone booking as airline system will pick up 2 identical bookings with same name & cancel 1 or both.

      • -1

        try this, phone fiji airways on

        13 3454 (13 FIJI)

        say you want to book some flights to usa, canada or wherever & ask how long do I have to pay for these once booked. If they say 2 days ask if can have longer & they might say 3 days. The only caveat, is if a sale fare which finishes earlier than 2-3 days.

    • this year, we got the tickets 3 days after booked. We booked & then had a few days to pay. Last year was different, as stated above.

  • +2

    Is this an elaborated ad for the travel agent that will be revealed in an upcoming post?

    • -2

      she doesn't want any of the nutters from here calling her

  • Was a very, very interesting read!

  • +9

    my money's on this whole thing being a scam to rob some honest hardworking ozbargainers. otherwise OP would have posted on their real account

  • +1

    he will never be seen again… or she.

    • -1

      what ?

  • -1

    Was talking to agent who said our funds will be deposited today & should be in our account tonight or tomorrow. She did say that there are many group bookings around with people walking away from their initial deposits. She hasn't got any but has received emails from other agents she works with.

    • Why didn't you just walk away from your $800 deposit then? I'm confused.

      • -1

        we paid in full months ago, when things were financially much rosier.

  • +12

    here is the deal on gumtree: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/sydney-city/bus-train-plane/…

    Screenshot for record purposes: https://ibb.co/C9TsBvp

    • +5


      There's no name change involved, as only a deposit has been paid, so no name on the booking yet.


      No coincidence “Robert” is selling on Gumtree and “robo99” is the poster here. Maybe this is all just an elaborate fantasy haha

      • -6

        our tickets were issued in our names & the dates were different.

        • +6

          Same number of days, same emphasis on inclusions, same emphasis on arrival & departure times, same offer to pay off in instalments…

          • +4

            @Randolph Duke: A very sensible conclusion lol

          • +3

            @Randolph Duke: Also OP gave the same talk of credit cards being the most secure way of paying as the snoworld website haha

      • -4

        last time I looked, I haven't had a sex change

    • -6

      our tickets were on different dates

    • +5

      Now everything make sense lol, good detective work

      • -4

        what makes sense ? Not a lot of sensible comments here. Some people still saying can't change names, when we did or our travel agent did for us.

        • +7

          Don't worry mate. I have come to the conclusion and it is a sensible one lol.

          • -4

            @kolorijo: doesn't sound very sensible. Not sure about the attitude. Doesn't seem to be any expert comments here.

            • +5

              @robo99: Not to you, but to anyone else here it does lol.

    • +2

      From OP: "No I believe what some self appointed expert says online, rather than a travel agents who's been doing it for 30 plus years & is trying to help us."

      From TA's website: "We've been helping groups of up to 300 go skiing since the early 1980s."

      lolz keep denying it OP

    • +2

      Great find! So as expected, OP is a fraud and is trying to promote his travel agent company, but in doing so has completely obliterated his and his companies reputation.

      Love to see it :)

    • +3

      The business that Robo here definitely doesn’t work for who he claims has been doing business for over 30 years, who on their own website seem to get confused if it’s 20 or 30 years, was only registered with an ABN in 2020, and only registered for gst last year lol


      • I don't work for anyone. Don't think they do domestic travel, so don't think they need to be registered for gst, at least not for sales.

        • of course they do, does matter what you are selling, if you are Australian based and doing any significant amount of business (i.e. more than $75k a year, you must be registered for GST and any business needs an ABN regardless of the amount they do.

      • think they virtually closed during covid. Their post covid prices were insanely low. Think they bought 1000s of seats. Made online fares look just stupid.

  • OP has a girlfriend, but she goes to a different school

  • The forum poster has been banned for sockpuppeting, ghost account usage and SPAMing in the forums. Thread closed.

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