4 Round Trip Tickets to Los Angeles Early January-Unable to Use-HELP

Los Angeles return in January-unable to use-HELP !!!

We have 4 tickets from Sydney to Los Angeles departing early in January school holidays, 16 nights in USA, which we are now unable to use (a very long story) for 2 adults & 2 kids.

I got onto our travel agent, who said that as tickets are non-refundable, the only thing that she said could be done, was to try to sell them or give them away, as the airline allows a name change for $150/person up until few days before departure.

We paid around $7000 about 6 months ago (think it was $2000 for each adult & $1500 for each child) & we would obviously like to get as much back as possible. We have travel insurance, but that won't cover any loss, name change or cancellation.

The price included the credit card fee, 2 checked bags & food, drinks & seat selection.

The travel agent also said the childrens tickets could be converted to adults tickets by paying the difference between child & adult fare, but if tickets used by 1 adult & 3 children, there's no refund for child using adult ticket.

HELP !!!!!

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to sell them, if the travel agent can't sell them ?

The agent said they would send out an email to their thousands of email subscribers & if they sold them for us they would charge us a small fee, but they want us to put a selling price on the tickets & be prepared to sell any number of them from one to four tickets. They suggested asking 10% less than we paid or near offer & to be very negotiable, as the closer it gets to departure date, the less likely we are likely to sell them for anything like we paid. She also said airlines don't allow name changes, but luckily ours does. If we sold them, they could handle the funds & process any credit card payments & as the tickets have already been paid for, full payment wouldn't be needed straight away, so if someone wanted a ticket or tickets, they could pay them off over a few months.

One of our relatives said they would give us some frequent flyer points for the tickets, but we really need the cash.

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closed Comments

    • there is interest. We have not set a price. we'd like 10% off what we paid. Not much left now at anything like what we paid. Cos anything in january school holidays is way more expensive now. I've said we'd take $6k & cover the name change fees of $600 & credit card fees of about $100.

      Not desperate yet. Might be if haven't sold them by xmas. Agent did say, she's sold some name change tickets in mid Dec for Jan flights in the past, when nothing left on most airlines.

  • +8

    I think OP has misread the audience here. OZBers want more than a 10% discount. They'll fight tooth and nail to get you to sell at a 75-80% discount and even then they'll want to pay with discounted gift cards.

    • -4

      no, we'd like to get 90% of what we paid. Some airlines are $300-$5000 or more for 1 ticket now. We paid $7k for 2 adults & 2 kids. Plus we got extras not including in online fares, which seem to always be more than through travel agent. We get extra checked bag & seating.

      • +8

        You're failing to understand the point that people may not necessarily care about your so called "extras", let alone how much you paid for them. All that is irrelevant.
        You're in OzB, folks here only care about value for money. If you want to keep that attitude and stick to 90% of value then you'll be struggling. Be prepared to sacrifice a lot more if you are expecting a stranger to step up to your offer.

        • -2

          it's not 90% of value. We'd like 90% of what we paid. The value now is much higher. If we said we'd take 70%, someone would offer us 50%.

          • +4

            @robo99: Your thought process is utterly stupid. Clearly you are ignoring anyone giving you any real practical advice. The value is what you paid for not what the tickets cost else where on the market because they would be buying from you and not the open market. Add to the fact that it's not even a tier 1 carrier.

            Hopefully the agent gets you what you want or close to it because nobody in the right mind will take your bait unless they are stupid themselves.

            You are treating your tickets like they are same rare concert tickets for an act who is performing their last gig. It's just a plane ticket. People nowadays even hesitate to buy off dodgy booking sites and book through the airlines themselves and here you are trying to off load your tickets with no flexibility and fixed dates with an agent working in the background. Seriously, who would even remotely consider this?

            • @thousandsuns: By this logic, houses bought 20 years ago at 200k but are now millions would still be valued at 200k?

              Value of an item is always how much someone else is willing to pay for it at a point in time

              • +3

                @kenny12341: I think you misunderstood my point quite poorly. For OP, he is valuing the tickets based on what he paid for as the ask is to retain 90% value of what he paid for.

                Now compare that to the open market where many airlines and TAs are selling the same tickets with different levels of flexibility that meets the everyday consumer's particular needs. The value for the OP is not the same as any other normal consumer in the open market given the hoops and complications someone needs to jump through the process to attain the tickets.

                Look at it like a house he is selling that has a big ditch in the backyard. Why would anyone pay the same price for this house when they can find one without the big ditch? Then comes the value and competition, how much will the general population value that ditch in the background and how much is the he willing to let go to make the sale? The tickets are not a basic need item like a house so the comparison is much worse. You can always travel on a different date but if you like a house and you know you want it you'll buy it based on your suitability as you'll spend many years there.

                Note: This is only my personal view. Why would I purchase tickets from a stranger tied to an agent who bought has set dates, etc. Why would I not shop around for a better value at a better time during school holidays as this is a vacation trip and not an emergency trip? What's the viability of me paying ~$6k when I can go for a much cheaper price at a different time of the year or maybe even use rewards points to travel free even? The January school holidays is a dumb selling point. Any logical parents will ensure they book flights for that works best for cost viability as well as timing. It comes down to better planning. Not to mention, I would not even get direct support from the airlines if I have any issues so I would need to go through a TA, further hassles to add.

              • +2

                @kenny12341: you comparing an asset that has no expiry date that generating an income
                to a ticket that has no value past a certain date if you do not exercise to use

                in the stock market we call it an option contract that will expire worthless
                compared to you owning the actual shares

              • @kenny12341: yeah but a flight to LA isn't a necessity and those needing to travel urgently is unlikely to settle for someone else's dates as I mentioned prior

  • -1

    Does your travel insurance cover inability to travel due to sickness (e.g. COVID-19)? Would be pretty easy to come down with a sickness preventing you from travelling… I'd just go visit some local doctors surgeries.

    • Already sounds dodgy and will not work. Agent is across it and when it comes to providing evidence for sickness, it will not work unless they intentionally get sick. In which case then it becomes insurance fraud.

      Unless your poiny is thet just get sick to allow them to change the date. Still sounds dodgy after all the back and forth.

    • tried this, but got to be on your death bed or a close relative just died (but think that has to be close to departure date)

  • +22

    10% discount? Mate you've got to be joking

    So many risks involved with this it's laughable

    You'd be lucky to get 50% back

    • +1

      absolutely. no one will pay $5k for a ticket for surge pricing unless it's for an emergency, and then they need specific dates. those who can afford to pay it will have the money and wouldn't consider this due to the hassle. so how much the tickets cost now is irrelevant.

      • -7

        where did you get $5k from ? We've been offered $5k for 4 tickets. Trying to get it up a bit.

        • +5

          you said the same ticket is 4800 now in an earlier post for the same dates now? I'd take the 5k for those tickets in a heartbeat. commiserations on the loss, had to rebook tickets for parents recently and lost 80% of the fare so can relate

          • -7

            @May4th: agent says there are fares on hawaiian for around $2k but their flights land in LA late at night & coming home at 7am, which means need to pay for 2 nights accommodation, but can't do anything day of arrival or depart.

            Ours arrive am 1st day & late evening departure coming home.

            Also with ours can get qantas points & extra checked bag & seating.

    • -2

      we'd like to get 90% of what we paid, months ago. Since then the price has gone up a lot. Had an offer for 2 adults & 2 kids for $5000 & we're negotiating at present.

      • +2

        when did you receive that offer

        • this am, through the agent. She says she thinks she can get it up a bit. We have $300 accommodation booked which is non-refundable. She says she can probably use that to bump up the offer. Easy to change names or add names to an accommodation booking I guess.

          • +23

            @robo99: Just accept the offer immediately.

            • -6

              @MS Paint: no, we told them we'd take $6k & they or the agent can have the $300 accom.

              So costs of $600 (4 name changes) & about $100 credit card fees, would give us $5300 which we can live with. Agents says she'll easily sell the $300 accommodation & we said she can keep any proceeds.

              Just in they offered $5500.

              • +28

                @robo99: Then just accept that offer immediately

  • -1

    last resort. chargeback and potentially blacklisted /

    • -2

      huh ?

  • +9

    Hi, is this available?

      • +14

        Color me surprised.

        You might find they’ll actually take 0 tickets.

        If you get a genuine offer for anything above $4k, my advice would be to snap their hand off.

  • +7

    This legit sounds like such a scam haha you can't transfer tickets and they're just trying to get someone to bite.

    • -1

      not sure where you are getting your info from, but obviously wrong. Why on earth do you think you are correct ?

      • +2

        Just what a scammer would say…

        • -1

          far out. No I believe what some self appointed expert says online, rather than a travel agents who's been doing it for 30 plus years & is trying to help us.

  • ill offer tree fiddy

  • +2

    Good luck finding a random to buy them. Your best bet would be a family or friend.

    • +1

      travel agent says she should be able to sell. She has a lot of school teachers & people with school aged kids on her email list, who can only go in school holidays (obviously some families will take kids out of school but most won't). She's had a few offers. A few stupid ones & one that said was for 4, but now for only 2 people.

  • -2

    I sympathize with your situation.

    I don't know why you can't go anymore but I think the best answer to your distress is a Very good Travel Insurance (you can get new one before departure, even if you have a subpar one currently), Reading T&C of Travel Insurance in detail to see what is covered and a well planned visit to the doctor.

    Idk your situation so I can't comment on morals/ethics related to this but you sound desperate/ money tight and this will probably be the best way to get you 100c on the $ adj for insurance premiums

    Best of luck

    • +1

      we'd basically need a dr to say one of us is dying & insurance companies don't pay out easily. Had to make a minor claim last year through NIB & it was a long process to get a small amount back. Friends had major problems when in a serious car accident. (someone died) & insurance co. wanted to argue every single details & wouldn't pay upfront. They wanted friends to pay & then claim when they got home.

      • -2

        I confess I do not have first hand experience but assume if you have a very good travel insurance (top tier offering) and your family is "too sick to go", personally I can't see how they would not cover it. I guess things in travel insurance may have changed from COVID

        • +3

          if you have a very good travel insurance (top tier offering) and your family is "too sick to go", personally I can't see how they would not cover it

          They actually have to be "too sick to go" though, you can't just have a doctors note saying they can't go. The insurance company is within their right to ask why they can't go, and having a cold or the runs isn't going to cut it.

          • @MrFunSocks: am insurance co. would probably say go & see our doctor.

  • +3

    At the end of all this I feel like we all need a big story time post.

    Someone wake me when it's here :)

    • It's here

      • Bless you lol. Bit anticlimactic haha. OzBarginers are scary good at detective work lol

  • +1

    OP, have you received the actual tickets from the airline, or can you see your order on the airline's website? Why does it feel like the TA hasn't actually bought the tickets and just asking for extra cash for doing nothing

    • no have tickets

    • Reselling: While not always permitted by airlines, some third-party websites allow you to resell your tickets to other travelers.

      I don't doubt you'd be able to find some dumb dumb who thinks you can legally sell them your tickets and they can go on your flights, and just because some third-party websites might let you do it doesn't mean that it's allowed or that the airlines will let them board the flight.

      • +1

        Name changes: Some airlines allow you to change the name on the ticket for a fee, allowing you to transfer the tickets to someone else who can use them.

        Isn't this the more relevant result?

        • +1

          It’s an AI response that’s extremely generic. The companies policy is the only thing that matters.

          • +2

            @Randolph Duke: OP appears to be well across the fare rules in consultation with the TA who booked them. I just don't get why so many are claiming OP is misinformed. Generative AI is currently using the World Wide Web as a data set. I don't believe any have yet attained self-awareness. How then is this any less relevant than random individual web pages commenters have found using Google?

            • +2

              @sumyungguy: Here’s Travel Agent policy from Fiji Airways:


              Passenger Name Changes
              Travel agents must ensure that passengers are booked using the names as they appear on passports or other
              valid travel documents. The only exception permitted is correction of misspelt passenger name of the same

            • +2


              OP appears to be well across the fare rules in consultation with the TA who booked them. I just don't get why so many are claiming OP is misinformed.

              OP thinks that being able to correct a typo in a name means that they can also just change the name to a completely different persons name and transfer the ticket to them. That's not how it works. OP is misinformed because they fail to understand that's not what name changes are for.

              • +1

                @MrFunSocks: Why then is OP's TA actively helping to find a buyer?

                • +2

                  @sumyungguy: Because OP's travel agent gets more money from OP the more OP tries to make changes.

                  Or OP's travel agent is incompetent, which seems to be the case here.

      • -1

        I've told you many times, it's no big deal to do a name change. Just because some airlines don't, so what. The real question is WHY airlines like poor old qantas don't allow it ?

        • +1

          because the vast majority don't allow it. most of them allow name change (meaning correcting mistakes, misspellings or you changing your name), but that is it. Qantas isn't the special one out here. Even Fiji state it is not allowed, however if correct you seem to have found a friendly contact in Fiji that will do it.

          • -1

            @gromit: I guess it might depend on individual travel agents contracts with airlines. Fiji air allows it.

            • +1

              @robo99: unlikely, sounds more like you have gotten lucky with a contact that doesn't enforce it in Fiji, Airlines are generally very strict on this condition for international travel as they submit to the authorities passport and traveller information.

              • +1

                @gromit: he got feed the wrong info, his ticket are worthless he is just hoping and praying.

                only way is to cancel and issue new ticket as his information has already gone through various background security system

                his only hope is the TA can cancel it get some sort of credit and rebook it under a different name but can't transfer the same ticket to another person

  • +2

    this is why i buy from airlines DIRECT! if you want something done right, do it yourself!

    • +8

      Do you mean we should build a plane and fly it?

    • +1

      what does that even mean ? Anyone why would anyone but direct, pay more & get almost zero service.

  • +6

    This sounds more like a reissue of the tickets rather than a standard name change. Im surprised your agent would even offer to resell it.

    • -4

      no just a name change. No big deal. Not sure why a few people are trying to make a big deal out of a name change.

      • +3

        Because very few airlines offer it, and Fiji’s own policy said they don’t except for misspellings.

        • -3

          maybe you're talking about online ticket sales. Think contract fares have nothing to do with online fares.

          • +2

            @robo99: The document linked above is specifically for travel agents selling Fiji Airways fares.

            Can be easily found: https://www.fijiairways.com/en-au/travel-agents

            • -4

              @Randolph Duke: presume if you sell a lot of one airline, you negotiate things like fares & terms & conditions. What is says online is probably totally irrelevant. It seems many here think what is online is set in concrete. Also many seem to think online is cheapest. We've found agents often have cheaper fares with other bonuses.

              • +1

                @robo99: I think that’s optimistic ar best and the travel agent has only asked Fiji Airways if a name changes is allowed, not an actual passenger change.

                I do hope you are able to offload them and it all goes smoothly!

                • -7

                  @Randolph Duke: a name change is a passenger change.

                  I imagine an agency goes to an airline, if they don't already have a contract & says this is what we want & when they arrive at pricing after back & forth (just like buying a car), then when the agency can't get the price any lower, they ask for free stuff, like extra bags, seating, lounge access, extra frequent flyer points, whatever.

                  If they do have a contract & airline can obviously see how much business they do, then airline wants to keep them. It's a buyer market, like real estate has become.

                  • +3


                    a name change is a passenger change.

                    It’s not, which has been explained in other posts.

                    I imagine an agency goes to an airline, if they don't already have a contract & says this is what we want & when they arrive at pricing after back & forth (just like buying a car),

                    That’s not how it works.

                  • +3

                    @robo99: airline dictates what commission TA get when booking through them, there is no going back and forth bullshit

                    read flight center investor report and you will see how it works

                  • +4

                    @robo99: Unless your travel agent is selling in the tens of millions of dollars range of fares for Fiji airlines every year, they're not getting anything special - and even then, they will NOT get the ability to make international fares transferrable.

                    • +1

                      @MrFunSocks: yep it sounds a lot like all the websites that sell dodgy MS licenses. They all claim the prices are so cheap as they sell so much so MS gives them a great deal. The reality is unless you are dealing with a multi national TA they won't have anything like the buying power needed to negotiate special deals for them, and even then they won't be letting them bypass fare rules except in exceptional circumstances.

  • +4

    Dude please tell me you’re joking!
    I would have taken the 5k offer and ran! To get a family to want to go to the same place at the same time as you is going to be difficult, next time don’t book a holiday you can’t really afford rookie mistake

    • +2

      the $5k offer was not a real offer. They said they wanted 4 tickets for $5k, but in the end only wanted 2 tickets with no actual offer. Testing us I feel. Lots of families go to LAX for disney, universal, etc. etc. Still over 2 months away & but clever use of credit card payments, they could probably not have to pay 1/2 until xmas & the rest after they come back.

  • +1

    Not a chance in hell you'll offload them for a 10 percent discount.

    • as stated, we'd like to get 90% of what we paid. What we paid months ago, is much less than the fare now.

      • +7

        You can state it over and over, but you won't wish this one into reality.

        You need a family of 4 with two kids under 12 wishing to travel on those dates via Fiji who are yet to book a trip.

        You need that family to be ok with buying off a stranger

        You need them to be reading ozbargin or on your TA's travel list

        All the best with finding that needle.

  • +3

    Now I know what you have been offered ($5k).

    Im going to offer lower in few weeks. Maybe $2k or less.

    • +1

      Except he wasn't, they were just feeling him out to buy two tickets.

  • -1

    We are a community of frugal people. And generally frugal people always have some extra $$ stashed away for a rainy day. It seems you don't have the extra $$. Please hand over your OzB membership.

    • +1

      He only joined a few days ago

  • +2

    Would you consider taking Eneloops as payment in exchange for your 4 tickets? The total quantity you want is negotiable, it's the OzB official currency.

    • Are these tickets a 'high yield' investment?

    • Would you consider taking Eneloops as payment in exchange for your 4 tickets?

      who has that sort of currency just lying around in these tough times? the OP will have to settle for payment in KFC nuggets which i hoarded during the great chicken shortage of 2023

  • Given you mention you have two checked bags per person, were they tickets booked as comfort fares, or a cheaper fare and then added more bags? Reason I ask is the comfort fares offer refunds with a fee. If you can do that, will be a lot quicker and less hassle than trying to sell.

    • no cheapest fare, but not online. It seems the fares we bought have nothing to do with online fares.

  • which travel agent is this?

    • -5

      talking to agent this am & told her about the comments on here about not being able to name change. She laughed & said because some airlines don't allow it, many think none will. She said don't put her details online, as she's crazy busy finalising 100s of Xmas bookings & doesn't want a lot of people phoning/texting/emailing.

      • +1

        You should still share it. Pretty sure most of the people here would have already locked in their Xmas plans by now anyway.

        This community loves deals. And you have mentioned your TA being able to get special deals that's better than anything online.

  • +4

    I need therapy for my persistent schadenfreude; however, I find myself cheering for either:

    • The OP neglecting all advice, holding out for a better and better deal and ending up with no trip and $0.00
    • Finding a buyer at a price satisfactory to the OP, but not being able to complete the transfer as per all the available T&Cs.
    • +1

      my bet he will end up with $0 unless they can cancel and get credit and rebook the ticket under a different name bar none
      TA don't make the rules, airlines have rules, but their rules is governed by government and its security protocol

    • +3

      SOLD !!!

      Agent sold all 4 tickets, to 2 couples. $3k & $3.2k (the kids tickets have been upgraded to adults tickets & name changes done). We'll get around $6400 less $700 in fees. Happy with that. Agent said we'd have funds by end of week.

      • +2


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