Musashi and Optimum Nutrition Half Price Sale @ Chemist Warehouse


Musashi and optimum nutrition half price sales by the looks! Bars, Whey, Creatine, Capsules etc.

Optimum nutrition products

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  • Might have to smack a tub of Optimum Nutrition

  • +3

    Thanks, been waiting to grab a cheaper 2kg tub of protein

    • +9

      Check the protein % before you buy Musashi powder, it's not very high. INC is a little better, and for the $/protein ratio.…

      On the other hand I like the Musashi 90g bars, they are also half price at Woolworths.

      • Yeah noticed, seems like that tastes good according to reviews will give it a go.

      • Check the quality of protein. Most of the garbage out there probably does very little for actual gains.

      • Musashi 100% Whey is a great product for the price. Don't confuse with the other one ("High Protein"?) which is rubbish

        • Also their whey has got pretty high sugar compared to amino z

          • @TheFIREnanceGuy: You are comparing different ingredients (WPC blend vs WPI). There is no added sugar in either product

      • Yup, Musahsi is a crap brand these days compared to what it used to be about 25 years ago. Shame really. But i think they changed ownership etc and then became more about mass branding and bottom dollar.

      • whats inc

  • +2

    Whats the highest % of protein per 100gram out of these 2 brands. I use vital strength 100% whey which is 82%

    • +3

      Optimum Nutrition has so much filler. 2.5g of saturated fat and 8g of carb a serve for the 'Performance Whey'.

      • ON has many different types / options so it basically depends what you want. Also some of their fillers is about flavour, consistency, texture etc. So it depends if thats important or not for you. They are also a very reliable and tested brand in terms of what they say it contains to what it actually contains. But being a US brand, yes they are a pricier especially with importation and taxes, shipping etc. Saying that , there are far far pricier brands out there both in australia and US.

        • What is main difference whey isolate and whey concentrate?

          Any much difference between ON vs cheaper brands like amino z and bulk nutrients for when ON is not on sale?

          Also anyone see the expiry date yet for the ON deal?

          Also is protein supplements only for when you cant need your protein requirements? Meaning you should stick to food sources most of the time?

          • @ATTS: Isolate is basically more processed than concentrate to remove carbs (lactose) , fats etc. Hence you get a higher % of protein per serve and less chance of allergies (actually works better for me as even with WPC i do get some allergies ). But for a lot of people WPC is fine in terms of allergies as it is already has been processed to remove a lot of the carbs and fats that milk contains. Plus WPC has other positive properties that WPI doesnt have due to the extra processing .

            In terms of difference between ON and Aminoz or bulk, technically they are all the same as long as the product you get from them is a similar type of protein (WPC, WPI, Casein etc). But ON is arguably better flavouring and better with mixability and texture etc, but generally considerably pricier.

            Food sources is always better method of getting your protein as long as the macros dont affect your diet / getting too many carbs and fats along with the protein. But for a lot of people protein powders provide a simpler method of getting some extra protein, they might do it pre / post workout or as a meal replacement or as an extra with a smaller meal / snack.

            • @lonewolf: Thanks for detailed explanation! btw what are the extra positive properties of wpc

              • @ATTS: Being less processed means, just things like growth factors and other minor properties milk has isnt as affected while the extra processing of wPI can remove / lessen those properties. But it seems to also depend on the type of processing used to make WPI.

    • +16

      Not exactly answering your question but ive moved to aminoZ for the best value high protein powder when they do the occasional deal which is outatanding value.
      Previously i use to.go with musashi high protein back early covid days when the 2kg was often $40. It says its roughly a 90% protein blend but amino z is about the same.% but only WPI which is the best protein type.

      • +5

        Where is Jay.. bring us some deal.. we are all waiting..

        • +3

          Should be one in 3-4 weeks for Black Friday

      • +1

        got a 22% code txt to me by aminoZ and 1kg of WPI was still $60 delivered.

        • +1

          They have deals where its like 4 kg of WPI for $120 or somewhere around that plus like cashbacks / points rewards etc.

          • @lonewolf: how frequently do these happen? do u reckon black friday will have a good deal?

            • @grack: Usually happens every few months or so. They will probably have one For black friday or xmas / boxing day judging by their previous sales.

      • I go with bulk nutrients. They seem slightly cheaper than aminoz at normal prices and I've always liked the powders.

  • +5

    Sucks they got rid of the free shipping.

    • +3

      Shipping is also based on weight and not a flat $9.99. So annoying.

    • That was a long time ago now

      • +4

        It was like a year ago? Not allowed to complain about the good old days of 2023 when things were better.

        • Over 18 months ago yeah. I think that is not recent.

    • +3

      Why wouldn't you recommend and is there a brand you would? I also got them last time, they have a good amount of protein and the flavour was surprisingly good, not great but better than some other protein bars.

    • +3

      The high protein bars are insane for macros

  • +3

    If you're after free shipping and have prime - a few ON items appear to be the same price such as…

    Some are close enough to beat the shipping cost too depending on quantity

  • Optimum Nutrition Isolate Chocolate Milkshake 2.28kg - out of stock :/

  • +3

    Musashi always half price. No one pays $6 per bar

  • +2

    Would say it's good quality. Never had any "sensitivity" issues with Musashi. High Protein has green tea extract for a little boost.

    • boost for what

      • +1

        More of a warning. Was having it and wondering why it seemed like a mid/subtle pre workout.

  • +1

    Musashi is largely 50% off at Woolworths this week as well. I plan to get a few things with my 10% off monthly shop thanks to Woolworths Mobile.

  • +1

    optimum isolate seems pretty steep. $85 for 2.3kg, but pretty high % of protein to calories

    • +1

      75% protein is pretty shit for isolate tbh. Bulk Nutrients isolate is 85% protein and $93 for two kilos, less if you buy in bulk, and that's the every day price.

      • i was comparing it to calories. 100 calories for 25g protein for optimum

        BN is ~115 calories for 26g protein so a bit behind actually

        • +1

          … why would you compare calories?

          Protein has 4 calories per gram, so 25g of protein is always going to be 100 calories.

          Comparison of vanilla flavours shows 100g of Musashi is going to deliver you 78 grams of protein and 380 calories. 100g of BN WPI will deliver 88g protein and 387 calories.

          • @sauron256: to see how much filler there is. i see lots of protein shakes that have 6 calories per gram of protein which means there's 2 grams of filler

            • +1

              @pHyR3: @pHyR3 Use the "per 100g" on the nutritional panel. If something has 86g protein per 100g, then it's 86% protein, 14% filler.

              6 calories doesn't indicate 2 grams of filler, it would indicate that it's either 0.5g of carbs (4 calories per gram), or ~0.2g fat (9 calories per gram).

              • @sauron256: right i dont want carbs or fat, i want protein

  • +1

    I tried a mushashi bar and I'll be honest, it was the most horrendous thing I've ever eaten. Felt like I was eating cardboard.

    • +1

      yeah, they arent known for flavour, consistency as some other brands, but pricing on their bars during these sales is decent.

  • +2

    Best value here seems to be "Faction Labs 100% Pure Creatine Monohydrate 500g" for $24.99 + Cashback. I'll snag some to keep me going until the next Amino Z sale. Thanks OP

  • -2

    Just a heads up: from a casual browse, it looks like both brands use sucralose as a sweetener. Sucralose will absolutely devastate your gut microbiome and gut lining, and also has been shown to (profanity) up your metabolism, and potentially trigger diabetes. Plus causes more fat gain.

    • +2

      Anyone else who knows these things care to comment? I can't tell if this is real or just something a naturopath put online, and I'm too tired to do the research.

      • +2

        The studies stating these claims are animal based studies. So so it is theorized that ASBs (in this case sucralose) may impact the gut microbiome, causing changes in appetite regulation and weight, but this is not yet supported by research. In fact, some studies found that sugar-sweetened beverages can have more impact on the gut than ASBs. More human- based research is needed to understand the effect of ASB intake on the gut microbiome

        Ramne S, Brunkwall L, Ericson U, Gray N, Kuhnle GGC, Nilsson PM, Orho-Melander M, Sonestedt EGut microbiota composition in relation to intake of added sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages and artificially sweetened beverages in the Malmö Offspring Study.Eur J Nutr.(2021-Jun)

        -However, - this study did show some negative association during pregnancy (below). Other than this I haven't come across anything relevant

        ^Laforest-Lapointe I, Becker AB, Mandhane PJ, Turvey SE, Moraes TJ, Sears MR, Subbarao P, Sycuro LK, Azad MB, Arrieta MCMaternal consumption of artificially sweetened beverages during pregnancy is associated with infant gut microbiota and metabolic modifications and increased infant body mass index.Gut Microbes.(2021)

  • thanks op

  • Musashi, it's 44 servings for 55.49.
    BulkNutrients, it's 33 servings per kg, so 66 for 2kg. $78 per kg(can go cheaper with buying more).
    Costs more at BN, but you get more servings and is more pure given it's 30g a serve with 22 protein vs 44g a serve with 24g protein.

    Unless you want all the other stuff in Musashi's servings, I'd probably still go BulkNutrients and can bulk buy for more discounts.

  • To those who have tried both, which one tastes better?

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