Focal Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate 1kg $33.95 Delivered @ Focal Nutrition


Not the cheapest to past deals but the cheapest in the market.


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Focal Nutrition


  • +1

    Cheers, ordered

  • -1

    damn just ordered 454 gram California gold off iherb for $29.27

    • +2

      Paid way too much

    • +1

      This price would have been okay when this brand used the "Creapure" creatine (made in Germany), unfortunately they use something else now, most likely made in China.

  • +29

    Cheaper from ebay with ebayplus code MA15MS

    • +1

      Thanks came to $28.81

    • Thanks 👍

    • Nice find. Can't cancel my order :(

    • +11

      For non eBay Plus members, use MA10MS (total becomes $30.50)

      • Bought. Thank you

    • +2

      True bargains are in the comments.

    • +5

      Yes. You can safely take Creatine monohydrate 20mg with your medication ( seroquel, Ozempic and Ibuprofen) with out worry about any side affects or drug interactions. Link

      • +1

        Thanks doc

      • +3

        20mg eh? Well the daily recommended doses for Creatine monohydrate are in the order of 3-5g. So 20mg would be like a naturopathic dose, a tincture if you will.

  • Is pure creatine monohydrate (Creapure), the one made in Germany, a lot safer than the regular ones like this one?

    • What is unsafe about this?

      • Nothing unsafe about creatine, just dont know what you get from craatine made in china, it could have contamination and not be a clean product.

    • Not sure, probably not though I believe there is a difference between regular and micronised creatine?
      (edit the FAQ says this is micronised so good deal)

    • I wouldn't say "safer" but you can be assured it isn't contaminated:

      Creapure® is on the Cologne List® and is tested for banned substances regularly. By using only products of the Cologne List®, athletes reduce the risk of unintentionally becoming the victims of doping.

  • Was also looking for NAC and this appears to be the cheapest

    • Nice smelling perfume 🤣👍

      • Evidence outweighs smell :D

        • I don't doubt it, last time I bought nac as soon as I opened satchel I couldn't stop dry reaching.

          I chucked it out, my mate was telling me to buy nac tablets but the memory of the stench of Nac scared me.

          Just a heads up to anyone considering trying nac, get the tabs.

    • What does it do?

  • Got one. Thanks.

  • Just a heads up on recent research casting doubt on the efficacy of creatine in helping build muscle.

    • Saying the 5mg daily does no significant improvement and need to explore higher dose

    • +1

      Really interesting. It's always been touted as the one legit supplement backed by decades of research, so this is going to challenge a lot of people!

    • +10

      I would cast doubt on the quality of this recent research. Creatine supplements would help those who consume their stores of creatine during a workout, enabling them train harder for longer, building more muscle.

      This study was conducted on people who did not initially work out regularly- they would not consume their stores of creatine in the first place because they are new to training and relativity unfit.

      A waste of time and money to put their names on a paper.

    • +2

      2kg lean gain in less than three months? Admittedly I'm not into bodybuilding or anything but, creatine or not aside, that seems huge to me?

      • +1

        Its pretty huge - this leads me to believe that both groups were likely beginner level allowing for huge gains. This actually serves to further pollute the study as there are a lot of additional variables that need to be taken into account.

      • it was 1.8kg in 7 days lol atleast that what it said. that is insane..

    • +1

      I think there are some fundamental gaps in the study that may need to be thoroughly reviewed. Specifically, were both groups training using the same regimen, impact on recovery and capacity etc?

      As a layperson, aside from the neurological and longevity benefits, I understand that creatine aids people doing resistance training by ensuring energy stores are saturated. Meaning you are able to train harder, and longer…with higher frequency, thereby increasing hypertrophy.

      If both the control group and the group taking the supplement were on exact same training regimen, aside from fluid retention, I don't see how there would be any noticeable hypertrophy differences. It's not an anabolic supplement.

      Some other questionable aspects of the study, the duration was for 12 weeks, considering without a loading phase, saturation takes about 5 weeks, they pretty much shortened the actual duration of "effective use" to just about 5 weeks. 5 weeks is sweet (profanity)-all when it comes to muscle growth.

      This is further exacerbated if the participants of the study are "newbies" where newbie gains and extremely different responses to the regimen would further muddy the waters - which coupled with the extremely short length of the study (See issue above) would serve to further compromise the results of the study.

      Again, I'm a layperson who's been training for almost 2 decades, but I'm sure the more qualified sports scientists would absolutely tear the study to shreds unless the press release is grossly simplifying the actual results.

    • Consensus is not effective. Seems like we have to up our intake.

    • Claiming "methodological problems" to throw away a decade (longer?) of research is a huge red flag.

      Prior studies literally state methodology and results in the article


    This is not bad on subscribe and save. 1.2kg for $37.80

    • -1

      Your math is weak, every cent counts on OzB

      • -3

        The difference is 20 cents on 200g, but when using cash rewards it works out cheaper. I prefer the separate bags at smaller quantity for convenience when emptying into a jar, so better deal for me. In addition, I prefer to buy from Amazon to create further good will. If you considered good will, you too would do the same.

        I’ll give you an example just to make sure you understand. I bought the Braun shaver from Amazon the other day that someone put up on Ozbargain then changed my mind when I saw another brand on Amazon I preferred, but they had already started the shipping process and couldn’t cancel my order. When I rang to discuss my options, out of GOOD WILL they gave me the shaver for free.

        How about them apples?

    • this is a good deal for the 500g quantity - I don't get through that much creatine. thanks!

  • +1

    They have a Micronised Creatine Monohydrate version for $43, does anyone know if it's worth the premium?

    • +1

      Yes. Supplements that cannot pass through the gut and be absorbed are a waste of money

      • Still trying to work out if there's a difference (?), the cheaper one in this deal says Micronised Powder in the images and full Description has: 100% Pure Micronised Creatine Monohydrate

        Personally, I'm only interested in the super, super fine powder and happy to pay extra for it.

        Have yet to see or try an Aussie brand that isn't gritty.

        The only one I put up with occasionally is the ATP Creapure, which is ~$46 for 500g atm.

  • Purchased recently from previous OzB deal via Ebay.

    Fast delivery, good product, recommended.

    I portioned it into a smaller container/jar for daily consumption.

  • Im still going thorugh the last bag that i bought from Ozb.

  • -1

    consume 0.1g X your BW. 3-5g is not enough.

    • +1

      Where did you get that figure?

      • +1

        Finding a standardised dose from the literature is difficult, it's not too clear, except that most research has been conducted at that 3-5g dose and it's hard to find significance that a higher dose presents any benefit.

        The figure that I keep seeing that individualises creatine to body weight and is most reproduced in the scientific literature is 0.03g/kg, which works out to about 2g for most women and 2.5g for most men. Most of the statistical evidence shows the vast majority of the benefit comes from sub 3g doses and its hard to find reproducible evidence that a significant margin of benefit can be had at higher doses.

        Personally, I take 3g. I find an objective improvement from it, which likely represents most or all of the possible benefit. It also jacks my creatinine and drops my eGFR on my bloods, which is fine from a health perspective but shows that I'm greatly increasing my renal clearance at this dose, so that provides some feedback that the dose is sufficient.

        • Wouldn't you expect it to scale inverse to your dietary intake? Eg vegans might need double what an avid omnivore eats

          • @Wolfenstein98k: Yeah, you could make that argument. Apparently a typical omnivore that includes meats in their diet most days will get a dietary intake of 1g or so. You could argue someone who omits meat from their daily intake could increase their creatine supplementation by that 1g they are missing from dietary sources.

            I still thinks 3g is good, considering the 0.03g/kg recommendation is going to be closer to 2g than 3g for most people. It's an easy figure to deal with knowing anyone is almost certainly not missing out on any significant benefit. In fact if you go anyway you could argue for a smaller dose.

      • instagram reels. its super effective.

    • larger doses and the 20g loading phases are just code for "give me more money". Having said that, creatine also exists in red meat so your 3-5g supplements is usually just that. Anyone taking creatine is probably also eating a lot of red meat for protein. You'll be fine.

  • +4

    Hey OzB, thanks for all the love once again!

    Aside from our sincere thanks, a few customers might have issues with their order not going through. This error has been fixed now :)

    And just for everyone, the current expiry of Creatine is 24 September 2026!

    Happy Sunday,

    • I should get rewards points for the referrals heheheh

      • send me a message with your order number :)

        Warm regards,

    • +1

      What is the difference between the Creatine linked in this post VS the Micronised Creatine Monohydrate version for $43 ?

      • Grab the cheaper one! Its all micronised :)

        Warm regards,

  • Creatine appears to be generally safe, although when it is taken at high doses there is the potential for serious side effects, such as kidney damage. High doses may also stop the body from making its own creatine.

  • Creatine aside where do I get decent source of protein? All my searching leads to TVP

  • I've been eating my 2kg creatine bag for like 2 years

  • Do they mix well with water? The one I have from myprotein does not mix with water at all, or it hardly does

    • +2

      Luke warm water

    • I pop mine in the morning coffee

  • I tried creatine monohydrate in the past but it played up with my guts. I got on to creatine HCL recently and didn't have any issues, so I'm using that now. It is more soluble than monohydrate, so your body absorbs it a lot easier. It is also more concentrated, so you don't have to take as much as monohydrate. I take 1-2g per day by adding it to my protein shake.

  • Thanks OP, purchased a few. Taking 30g a day at the moment and feeling it helps with brain fog.

    • No worries! That's a lot there!

  • Here's what the science says about creatine monohydrate.

    Its benefit is overstated. It doesn't work.…

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