Lower price than the previously posted deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/860986.
I need to stock up on some larger sizes to keep in the bedside table, apparently the ones I have in there are too small for my wife's boyfriend.
Lower price than the previously posted deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/860986.
I need to stock up on some larger sizes to keep in the bedside table, apparently the ones I have in there are too small for my wife's boyfriend.
Ah finally a deal on my size 🤭
Oh wait, only 12! Won’t last me a night 😑
You can get nasal sprays for that
Ask the guy to bring some extras
username checks out
King single?
King virgin
Anything smaller?
They make smaller ones?! No wonder these keep falling off.
To my wife's onlyfans?
Yeah she gives it all away for free
True ozbargainer
Your wife has one too? I'm in.
How far in?
OP you should change your name to simp_bargainer
After a night with my wife's boyfriend, you would have to change your username too.
"apparently the ones I have in there are too small for my wife's boyfriend".. also need to get some for my dad.
Or do you mean your "Daddy"? :)
These can be used to make your room smell like latex
Are these for dwarf Kings or non-dwarf Kings? Asking for a friend.
Your friend will need Khazad-dûm King size variant
Another Ozbargain deal that will gather dust in a drawer.
You and me can change that 😏
That's cheap for a lifetime supply of frangers.
Exactly what my wife says when I finish.
Woops, I dropped my monster condom, that I use for my magnum dong
Classic Benny Hill Comments ….. they never get old ?
Man, sex is expensive these days…
Check public toilet walls. Can usually find a good deal there.
Pull out is cheaper
Until you're unsuccessful and then you pay for it for the rest of your life
You bet, costs a lot to move cities each time that little bugger tracks me down.
Hawk Tuah king size
I keep these in the car just so my date gets impressed. Boy will she be surprised.
And disappointed.
Too big for me
The best condom ever and the only brand with big sizes.
When I arrived here in Australia a decade ago, all the condoms were and still are for fking ants lmao
I buy their 60mm one at Woolworth, everything else is bloody 40s, 50s, WTF!
Two kinds of OzBargainers - it's either 'I need a weeny one' or 'I need donkey sized'
We're all really happy for you.
hahaha… OP, love the description. By any chance… are you on the r/BicyclingCirclejerk?
I'm not sorry, well, not the Bicycling one.
"Wife's boyfriend" is used very often in that sub 😂
Appreciate it mate how are my kids doing?
Those kids are all dong. Even little Sophia can't wear her swimsuit without being teased.
Oops sorry my bad champ thought you might have been someone else.
Wrong wife.
C'mon Hank, those kids dicks are bigger than them sausages!
Genuine question, and please don't make jokes as I'm a pretty private person and I am incredibly embarrassed about having to post this in public, but at this point I seriously don't know where else to ask this question, I have tried getting advice from everywhere I can think of and it is really upsetting.
Does anyone know anything larger (wider) than this either in Australia or shipped to Australia which is anything resembling affordable? All I can find is "mysize" on Amazon which seems to go anywhere between $3-$9 per individual condom which is insanity. Are there other brands, stores, or products I can look out for?
Do I need to use a shipping forwarder or something? If so - are US standards up to the same as TGA, or are there other factors regarding quality/safety that I need to look out for? Will I have problems importing something given they're technically "medical devices" that may have not been approved by TGA?
As an alternative, "internal" condoms seem to be the only other viable option but that is equally confusing as to where to buy, and particularly where to buy affordably. This is not an ideal option but I don't know if it's the only way.
If anyone has ANY idea as to where I can get further help on this issue I'd much appreciate it. Thank you in advance for respecting my privacy and not treating this as a joke.