La Española Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3.78L $48 @ Coles


$1.27 per 100ml.

Cheapest olive oil as been for some time. Normally I prefer to get Australian oil but can't say no to this price.

Classic also on sale

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  • +4

    Good price Picked on up yesterday
    Read in The Australian yesterday Spain has had a bumper crop of olives for oil this Northern Autumn. Lets hope the prices continue to go down accordingly!

    • Ive been of the opinion to buy just enough to tide over as these are temporary prices, a bit like dairy which since earlier this year has dropped in price.

  • +8

    I remember buying the tin version for $18 on sale at Coles before COVID hit 😳

    • Yep it seems so long ago. I don't know when or if ever prices will go down again. There needs to be a massive over supply to drive down prices.

      • Ahh the days.

        High prices are here to stay in this country!

        • Yeah. If the supply chain becomes cheaper I’m sure they won’t drop prices as we’re now used to the current price.

  • +1

    Cobram 3L was $50 at Woolworths/Coles recently. $46 equivalent at Aldi (subject to stock).

    You'd have to be struggling, don't care about quality if you buy this or missed out on the deals.

    • Is Spanish olive oil a poor man's choice??

      • +2

        Not according to millions of Spaniards. Couple of decades ago expats in Canberra heavily favoured Carbonell which was usually panned by Australian "experts" in taste tests.

      • Any Australian olive oil I've tried has been top notch. I don't see a reason to get something else to save a few $$.

      • +4

        I find the flavour to be better than any Australian made supermarket supplied olive oil.

        The reason I use EVOO is for its bold flavour and I think it could be due to the quality of olives grown in Australia but all of them lacks flavour and punch.

        There is no reported quality or tampering issues on any of the tests done on Spanish olive oil.

        I would stay clear of any Italian made olive oils. Especially the ones sold in 4l size tins.

        • Yes many times the Ïtalian"oils are doctored with hazelnut oil, corn oil etc

        • +1

          I find La Española EVOO strikes a good balance, not over powering and so a good allrounder (salads, marrinades), but enough going on to also make it a good dipping oil for bread etc.

  • +3

    $13 a litre is a good price these days. La Espanola has been a household favourite of ours for going on a decade. I picked one up one myself a couple of days ago.

  • The tin version 4L was $65 yesterday not sure if this has the same oil.

    • +2

      Yes same oil, the tin packaging is favorable as it prevents light from causing the oil to oxidised prematurely. Hence its priced more as it has a longer shelf life.

      It takes me around 6 months to consume 4litres so my preference is always going for the tin as it keeps the freshness of the oil better.

      The plastic bottle is fine if your going to consume it within a month or two.

      • And less toxic fat soluble chemicals leaching into the oil too when its from a tin rather than plastic bottle! Our local Drakes has a Spanish brand Isabella on sale 4 L tin EVOO for 55

        • +1

          Presume the tin is lined with BPA to stop corrosion though

          • @0 0 0: Hope not! Wouldn't the oil stop the corrosion? Are food worldwith is the UN/WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius designed to make us ill , dependant on Big Farma and Big FarmBiz and kill us and depopulate along the way

            • +2

              @glyptothek: Not sure but I would expect all tins to be lined with some sort of cancerous coating.

              • @0 0 0: Bit paranoid aren’t you?

              • @0 0 0: You're not supposed to eat the coating

          • @0 0 0: I thought the little rubbery pull out pourer things meant there was a bladder on the inside of the tin.. though ive never opened one up

        • Unfortunately I think it's highly likely the tins are lined with plastic, can't find any definitive answers. Best way to check is to cut one open and scratch the inside to see if anything comes off.

    • so a lot more expensive!

  • +2

    I was going to fork out the $15/L for Australian olive oil, then had a better look in my Doomsday Box and lo and behold, I found a 3L tin of Australian olive oil! Yes, I did indeed do a little dance and smiled in the memory of all the family and friends who give me shit about having my own mini dry goods supermarket aka 100L storage box, full of regularly used items I've bought whilst on sale. Sure, I have no storage room, anywhere, but the savings! The savings!

    • Cool story Hansel

      • +1

        What will he have when doomsday comes, silly move.

      • +1

        It's true, I'm so hot right now.

    • +1

      In a doomsday scenario you can consume the oil or use it as fuel in your diesel generators.

  • +1…

    How would the La Gina EVOO 3.78L compare against this deal ($49.00)?
    This one is cold pressed.

    The only thing that concerns me is:

    Origin: Packed in Italy from multiple origins.

  • Is it cheaper then Costco? Thanks

    • +1

      I think it's similar price but the Costco is their own branded but shows country of origin as Spain.

  • 1 US gallon = 3.785 litres

  • Cheapest olive oil as been for some time.

    Spain had a bumper crop this season, Australia not so much. Prices should start falling.

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