def » user profile

Member Since | 17/07/2024 |
Last Seen | 24/03/2025 |
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The Samsung Buds before this generation held up well with sound quality & noise cancellation. Sadly this generation is a regression on both…

It cannot be local, so you'll have to look for it frozen. I think costco has some, idk anywhere else though.

I've got one, and its a great buy at this price, comparable to hair dryers that are in the range of many hundreds of dollars more. Although…

def replied to
rooster7777 on [Prime] Amazon Basics Tools (e.g. Hammer $9.90, Wire Brush Set 5 $12.90, Nail Kit 550 $7.90 Delivered) @ Amazon AU

Yes, those colours have always been strongly gendered in the western tradition, but it used to be the opposite way -- blue for girls and…

def replied to
Thayer on Dr Martens Mens 1460 Pascal $99.99 (UK 10,11,12,13) + $8 Delivery ($0 C&C/ $150 Order) @ Platypus Shoes

They aren't -- only the stuff labeled that says "vintage" at the end of the style name is. Its only a few iconic styles/colours (1460…

def replied to
Thayer on Dr Martens Mens 1460 Pascal $99.99 (UK 10,11,12,13) + $8 Delivery ($0 C&C/ $150 Order) @ Platypus Shoes

My experience with the 1460s is they tend to run large, especially given they break in a lot. The boxy-fit also contributes to running…

def replied to
OZGE on [Prime] Energizer Max Plus AAA Batteries - 24 Pack $12.50 ($11.25 S&S) Delivered @ Amazon AU

12.50 for me on the 10th. Either returned to 12.50 or its targeted somehow.

I've bought this La Gina EVOO (well, not this, the 4L La Gina EVOO in the tin. I am assuming this is the same stuff just cheaper…

def replied to
Bdawg on [PC, Prime, GOG] Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY & LEGO The Lord of the Rings - Free @ Prime Gaming

Potentially, as long as you aren't pushing the transcoding (live converting of the video quality/format) too hard. If you aren't trying to…

def replied to
ColdFusion on 50% off Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder $299.50, Hario Pour Over Kit $22.97 + Delivery ($0 w/ $69 Order) @ Lime Blue Coffee

Absolutely the Fellow, if they are priced remotely in the same territory. IMO the baratza grinders are decently priced, easy to get and…

def replied to
LimeBlueCoffee on 50% off Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder $299.50, Hario Pour Over Kit $22.97 + Delivery ($0 w/ $69 Order) @ Lime Blue Coffee

Just my 2cs on your omni roasts as someone who does both filter (v60) and espresso at home. I think your omni roasts are generally really…

I had a pixel 6 and the minute the USB-C iPhone 15 came out I was just waiting for a deal to replace it even though it was working fine,…

def commented on iPhone 15/Pro/Pro Max from $0/$449/$799 on 24-Month 300GB $99 Monthly Plan (Port-in/New Customers, In-Store Only) @ JB Hi-Fi
Just went into a JB and tried to get the $0 handset fee on the iPhone 15 128gb. Salesforce refused to finalise the deal with Telstra on the…

def joined OzBargain.
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