Property near a Transmission Tower

Can anyone share the pros and cons of having a transmission tower close to a property? Approx 59 meters from the property.


  • +18

    I hear the serenity is incredible!

    • +3

      Do you think it adds value?

      • hard to say…

        I came to this thread just to find these comments. My world is in balance, time to go dig a hole.

    • +2

      I know what you're saying, but actually, you can sometimes hear buzzing or crackling from high tension lines in wet or humid weather.
      On the other hand, you should be safe from lightning, as the tower would take any strikes.

  • +2

    Define Transmission tower? Phone tower? NBN Fixed Wireless Tower? TV Tower? Amateur Radio Operator with Tower in their backyard? All have varying differences and often different frequencies/power output.

    • +10

      Tranmission towers are defined. They are high voltage electrical transmission towers (not poles). This isnt as ambiguous as you are suggesting.

      • -1

        Assuming, of course, that OP used the official definition in their 2-sentence post.

  • +8

    Unconnected fluoro tubes for free lighting.

    • I know what this is without clicking on the link. Very cool testing.

  • +1


    You get the same feel as living next to the Sydney Harbour Bridge

  • +3

    Pro - ping on electricity supply is excellent

  • +9

    Fine unless you are Chuck McGill….

  • +4

    Just be careful, you will need a "non-conductive tin foil hat" to live near there. I would consider bismuth or titanium…

  • +2

    My old boss bought and built at Endevour Hills next to the big transmission lines.. he had some testing done prior to buying the land and it all came back within allowances.. What those allowances were I dont know - but I wouldnt do it.

    • +4

      Allowances for 2 headed babies

  • -1

    Do some googling (or maybe yandex these days the way google is 'curating' everything), I wouldn't do it nor would I trust 'official' figures on what are safe limits, especially when so many non-government experts tell a totally different tale.

    These guys might have more info for you:

    They do sell stuff so there's that, but if you're just after some info it's no biggy. Also as someone else asked "What kind of transmission tower"?

    • Of course people who think google is “curating” believe whatever yandex is telling them

  • +2

    Probably only pros in that the property is likely cheaper.

    There's no evidence transmission towers do anything to you.

    • but be sure to come back when you're 80 years old and tell us how it all went.

  • Depends if you want to live past 60 odd?

    • +1

      What if OP is already odd? Wont make any change.

      • Depends if he wants to enjoy his last few months I suppose

  • +2

    A few years back when my relatives were searching for a property, their lender told them that they wouldn't approve a loan for a property within 50 metres of high voltage power lines. It had to do with lowering the desirability. I assume that the lender didn't want the risk. In simpler terms, say you pay 1M because you don't mind the tower. In a year or so you stop the payments, the lender takes possession of the property and at an auction they can't sell it for 1M because not many people are ok with the tower.

    • +1

      This is still the case with some lenders, and mortgage insurers won't touch it with a (electricity) pole.

  • +1
  • -4

    The less you know the better. Melbourne has heaps of radioactive and toxic dump sites…..but not to worry, affordable homes for all!

  • Eh why risk it? Even if its harmless, you'll struggle to sell it later and it will be worth less than a similar property not near transmission lines

  • On health:

    But, there would be too few real cases of people to accurately test. Consider how many millions of people smoked for decades before 'evidence' proved anything there. And even then, it wasn't a guarantee.

    As noted earlier MOST people, including those who say it's fine, choose to live elsewhere.

    If you buy such a property, because they are generally cheaper, do also be aware of the rights of access and the restrictions on land use.

  • Can anyone share the pros and cons of having a transmission tower close to a property?

    depends, were you planning on having children?

    • +1

      eh, if its a TV/Radio Transmission Tower as suggested, then there's no issue. I've worked under one for 15 years and everyone has healthy kids.

  • Depends which tower in which city because many are getting decommissioned if its owned by the commercial networks.

  • No need to plug the old fluro into power as they light up due to RF.

  • -1

    Good tv/mobile reception - or for whatever the tower provides access for.

    Used to live near channel 10 transmission tower - was great reception, but caused some crossover interference when trying to get channel 7 (this was back in the day before digital tv).

    In terms of health/etc … Don't buy into the FB/scare stuff.

    If talking about HV power supply distribution/transmission lines … As another reply alluded to what type/voltages ?

    0.415kV - 66kV- 132kV - 275kV - 330kV - 500kV
    (The last 1 prob only find near rural areas).

    I can remember when (early 2000's) - a new housing estate in my suburb got built close to 330kV power lines … And all these ppl complaining it was going to cause cancer to ppl that bought into that estate.


    • OP still hasn't defined by what he means by "transmission TOWER" … If that were to happen, would settle some issues.

      +++ While there has been some "cancer clusters" identified within hospitals (with workers) … Yet to read about any proper study about "cancer clusters" from ppl that live near HV power lines.

      The estate I mentioned - built roughly 2002 … Very close to 330kV lines … 20+ years and still no actual signs/data of "cancer clusters" of ppl living within estate.

      Make of that what you will.

  • +1

    Will be harder to sell down the track, however the price you pay now may make up for that?

  • For aesthetic reasons, no.

    • But Dad reckons powerlines are a reminder of man's ability to generate electricity

  • Every property has pros and cons. We bought a property on a flat block & were flooded out 2 years later. We immediately thought that we would be stuck with that property " forever" , but when we tried to sell, it was snapped up within 2 weeks, for double what we paid. Is it a reasonably desirable property apart from the power lines? Good luck

  • Can anyone share the pros and cons of having a transmission tower close to a property?

    From experience next to a ~150kv towers:

    • Gentle buzz sound that increase with high humidity and/or rain, in particular a persistent drizzle. Not annoying, not an issue, but it is there.

    • As large transmission towers have lightning arrester wires your property will probably never ever be struck by lightning.

    No issues other than visual and being physically there (plonked inside the farm land in our case).

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