• long running

Free Yearly HIV Self-Test Delivered @ hivtest.au


HIV self test delivered via partnership of Australian Government and Gilead.

Description from website:
HIVTest.au is a free, accessible, and discreet HIV self-testing kit delivery service that provides one year’s worth of HIV self-testing kits to people living in Australia aged over 18 years.

To order your kit, all you need to do is provide a name, an address, a contact email, and your age. Your kit will then be delivered in a discreet, unidentifiable express post package through Australia Post.

Kit only requires a finger prick of blood to detect. As usual please consult doctor if you have symptoms or suspect infection.

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hivtest.au by NAPWHA
hivtest.au by NAPWHA


        • Get off Facebook mum and stop sharing me whackjob conspiracy theory posts

  • +5

    Very important - everybody should get a test at least once in their life.
    Remember there is a test window if you think you've been recently exposed to HIV - this window varies a lot based on a number of factors so see your GP for a definitive answer :)

    • What do you mean test window. So once we are out of that window it will not detected by test?

      • +3

        The window period for an HIV test is the time between infection and when the virus can be reliably detected by a test. The window period depends on the type of HIV test. The tests provided through HIVTest.au have a window period of three months. This means the HIV self-testing kits may not detect HIV that has been acquired in the last three months. "From the website"

        • +1

          An odd term from the medical community. I’ve never heard of the word being using in a negative sense, rather the ordinary meaning of window is in the positive sense such as a “period of time in which the test does work”. Very interesting!

      • +1

        Yeah as mentioned by OP.
        Sorry I should have been clearer!

  • +8

    I've worked with several HIV-positive patients, so this is quite helpful. Thank you!

  • +15

    And remember PrEP as a preventive measure is something that should be considered too if you're more at risk.

    • +6

      Very important! Thanks @Clear

      Unfortunately there is a shortage at the moment so for anybody thinking of taking it OR anybody who currently takes it and is thinking not to bother because it's hard to find, there is a website which lists some places with stock until the shortage is over


      • +3

        I didn't realise there was a shortage. Time to be extra careful then because there's a lot of guys out there who don't want to use protection.

        • +7

          Yeah! Quite serious unfortunately - some states are completely out too

          Remember if you're at very high risk and are looking for PEP (post exposure), this is ALWAYS available from your GP/local hospital :)

        • +1

          Why isn’t that getting more media attention!

          • +2

            @PainToad: Unfortunately I think we all know why :(

          • +2

            @PainToad: Especially with how many journos are on Grindr.

  • +7

    Some friendly advice.

    If you think you are high risk for a blood borne virus, please see your GP to discuss tests. Whilst HIV serology is one test there are also risks of Hepatitis viruses which should also be tested for in parallel. To extend that further if there was unprotected sexual intercourse with a non regular or higher risk partner then an STI screen is recommended.

    Another consideration is window periods. Even if you test negative for a HIV now, the recommendation is to test again in 3 months as the test might be positive in that window period.

  • +7

    Christ these comments are a dumpster fire. Unless the deal is bad on its merits, just keep scrolling, not everyone needs to hear your bigotry ffs

    • I disagree. It's a good reminder that bigots are everywhere.

  • -3

    Even the most upbeat and happy of people wouldn’t want this to be positive.

    • +16

      You can get HIV from donating or accepting blood, being accidentally pricked by an infected needle, etc. Don’t be quick to label people for a disease.

      • +11

        Even born with it. So many ignorant comments in this thread. Like what @PainToad elequently said it's like we are in the 80s again.

    • +2

      What is the lifestyle that causes someone to get HIV?

    • +13

      I wonder if people who have HIV regret the lifestyle that causes it for the rest of their life, etc?

      One of my close friends caught HIV caring for his dying Father, who had unknowingly caught HIV through a tainted hospital blood transfusion.
      I can assure you that he doesn't regret his lifestyle of caring for his dying Father.

      • +1

        Sorry to hear that… but question… your friend caught HIV from his dad by caring for him? How?

        • +3

          It is a reasonable question, since I wouldn't want to give the impression that normal care of a HIV infected person would result in transmission.

          The exact circumstances of his infection are impossible to pinpoint, but he was quite young, living in impoverished (crude shelter with no running water or electricity) and unhygienic conditions. He often came into contact with blood, and other fluids, from his Father's wounds while dressing them. He would often have injuries (including open wounds) from working to feed the family and, lacking proper education, he would not cover or protect himself. He had quite advanced HIV (near death) before he was old enough to be sexually active, so his Father is highly likely to be the transmission source.

          As I said, he has no regrets about caring for his Father, and he is now "undetectable" thanks to modern medicines and a healthy lifestyle.

  • -8

    Drug companies are too powerful and have a lot to answer for. Promoting hiv management rather than prevention. Sickening.

    • +3

      Drug companies are too powerful and have a lot to answer for. Promoting hiv management rather than prevention. Sickening.


      Both of what you claim they do and don't are available.

      Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is medicine taken to prevent getting HIV.

      Then there are drugs that help you manage HIV.

      • +6

        Promoting hiv management rather than prevention. Sickening.

        When governments try to push vaccines as a preventive measure, complaints pour in about big pharma and cartels. When management options are provided for an incurable disease, again complain. Nothing is ever good enough for some people.

      • You just proved my point. Why take drugs to prevent when you can do it naturally.

        • +1

          Sex is not the only way to get HIV.

          • @Lucille Bluth: So we all should take drugs to prevent HIV?

            • @grasstown: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is also used to prevent you from HIV from accidentally being exposed to it - through sex or other means e.g. blood transfusions, organ transfers, sharps, mother to child e.g. It prevents you getting HIV in these circumstances if taken within 72 hours of exposure.

              It's use is not only to regularly take it. Respectfully, I think you should read up on it, doesn't seem you know much about this topic.

  • +19

    Wow the ignorance in these comments, it’s like it’s the 1980s again. Did a whole bunch of people just defrost today and walk out of their caves?

    I guess governments have become complacent with education campaigns.

    • +2

      Depressingly well put there.

    • I do wonder , if a person doesnt want to listen due to unconscious or dare i say conscious bias, then no education message will be received.

  • +15

    Pretty shocked at the retro comments in here. This is a great service, thanks OP.

  • -3

    Cheers OP, grabbed a couple of these for the wife.

    She's been running a muck lately, can never be too safe.

  • Great value for all the nurses that have to get tested yearly as apart of their AHPRA registration

  • +1

    Good to test after a seggsy trip to bangcock

  • I did not know test kits were 'diy' approach. What other STD's can we get test kits for?

    Aids… what others?

    • +1

      You're testing for HIV not AIDS, it's not the same thing.

      Depends on your state/gender - some have self-testing for Chlamydia

      • Where are the info for nsw?

    • You can request a free hepatitis C test kit here if you fit the criteria. This page should ask you the relevant questions to find out if you qualify:


      Edit: should mention that DBS stands for Dried Blood Spot which is the sample collection method. The test is for hepatitis C (HCV).

      Edit again: I should also mention this is a NSW specific initiative. Other states may have something similar but not that I know of.

  • -3

    If it doesn't include a Monkeypox test it's no deal

    • -2

      Not sure why you’ve been negged, the at risk groups for these two diseases would be practically identical.

      • +1

        And why would that be?

  • -3

    HIV perhaps is not the cause of AIDS.
    Time to end the fear.


  • +3

    Does this detect VAIDS?

  • I'll store these with all the boxes of condoms I've gotten deals for, I'll use them one day, just not today.

  • -4

    These would almost be redundant if a certain subset of the community acted in a more responsible manner.
    Also… hardly “free” if our tax dollars are funding it.

    • +5

      These would almost be redundant if a certain subset of the community acted in a more responsible manner.


      • +2

        If only intolerant people didn't exist, people could just go get an HIV test without stigma so we wouldn't need discreet self testing.

        Surely that's what Mike meant, right?

    • Which subset and in which manner specifically? Because pretty much anyone could get it.

  • +2

    least homophobic ozbargain comments section

    • Yes, im afraid this thread has bought that out. I would imagine its the same attitude that drives posting condom deals , then wait for the teenage replies.

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