• long running

Free Yearly HIV Self-Test Delivered @ hivtest.au


HIV self test delivered via partnership of Australian Government and Gilead.

Description from website:
HIVTest.au is a free, accessible, and discreet HIV self-testing kit delivery service that provides one year’s worth of HIV self-testing kits to people living in Australia aged over 18 years.

To order your kit, all you need to do is provide a name, an address, a contact email, and your age. Your kit will then be delivered in a discreet, unidentifiable express post package through Australia Post.

Kit only requires a finger prick of blood to detect. As usual please consult doctor if you have symptoms or suspect infection.

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hivtest.au by NAPWHA
hivtest.au by NAPWHA


      • Also doesn’t help that the site mods refuse to actually moderate the disgusting shit being posted on here.

        • -3

          There are no “disgusting” comments on here. Just comments you don’t agree with. Very telling that you want to censor those with opinions that differ from yours.

          • +3

            @Mike Nolan: If these people actually wanted to have a good faith discussion they wouldn’t be opening with
            “gay people should feel ashamed of themselves!”

            As it stands, none of said people have tried to offer up any constructive discussion on how to manage HIV transmission. Just saying gay people are to blame and nothing else.

            So yeah, masking hate as “it’s just my personal opinion” is actually pretty disgusting.

            I don’t want to censor opinions for being different, I want to censor them for contributing absolutely nothing constructive or informative and being there for the sole purpose of hating on one group of people.

  • +2

    Get a real phone consult and referral for real pathology tests here. Fully covered by Medicare.

    • Can also do it entirely online - have used them quite a lot! Quick results too

    • Test: bulk billed.
      Consult: bulk billed.

      Referral slip: $20-50??? Am I missing something? What kind of ripoff merchant is this.

      • It is free as long as you have Medicare and meet the criteria to justify testing and don't want something physically posted. Unless something changed recently?

        • I fill in their questionnaire including Medicare details, and it wants $50 just to get a pathology request form. How are you doing it free?

          • @haemolysis: I think the difference might be the "want to speak to a doctor" option rather than "get tested today".
            The doctor then decides if tests needed.

            Perhaps the questions have an impact too?

            All I can say is the doctor call and his referral never charged me anything.

  • +5

    I just sent one to a mate as his wife opens all his mail.

    Let the shenanigans ensue :P

    • Lmao

      • I’d watch your arse around here if i were you, or are you secretly a fan , there is always a saying the ones that protest too much are the ones to watch

  • -1

    I'm happy to read the comments.

  • +1

    Where all my homos at

  • Any good/bad news so far anyone ;)

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