• expired

WDTV Live Free $50 Gift Card Promo (Valid with $99 Office Works WDTV Live)


Promo not limited to WDTV Live, includes:

  • My Book® Live™
  • My Book® Live™ Duo
  • WD TV® Live™ Streaming
  • WD TV® Live™ Hub
  • My Net Routers – My Net N600, My Net N750, My Net N900 and My Net N900 Central

Only valid from purchasing at:
Comp Now, Harvey Norman, JB Hi Fi, Next Byte, Bing Lee, Officeworks, The Good Guys or Dick Smith

This is valid with the $99 Office Works deal: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/86172

Promo opened on 26/11/2012 and ends for purchases at close of business for the Authorised Retail Stores on 24/12/2012 (“Promotional Period”)

Purchase any Connected Life product*. Be sure to keep your proof of purchase in order to be eligible.
Fill out the form and provide proof of purchase

To be eligible to enter the Competition and receive a $50 gift card (the “Gift”)the individual must, during the Promotional Period, purchase any of the following Western Digital product(s) (“Eligible Products”) whilst stocks last from a participating (i) Comp Now, Harvey Norman, JB Hi Fi, Next Byte, Bing Lee, Officeworks, The Good Guys or Dick Smith retail store (for Australian residents) (collectively, the “Authorised Australian Retail Stores”) or (ii) Noel Lemming, Dick Smith, Harvey Norman, JB Hi Fi, Warehouse Stationary, Bond + Bond or Youbee retail store (for New Zealand residents) (collectively, the “Authorised NZ Retail Stores” and together with Authorised Australian Retail Stores, the “Authorised Retail Stores”):

In the 25 words answer thing, make sure to include:
Mention “Western Digital”
Mention the Eligible Product purchased
Mention a benefit of the Eligible Product

Credit to: Lovemybargains, stilted

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. From the linked page:

Every valid creative entry will receive a $50 gift card.

PLUS be in the running to WIN a $1,000 gift card for the most creative answer.

Delay in rebate processing

"Thank you for your recent entry into the WD Christmas promotion.

The popularity of this promotion has been overwhelming, to the point where our claims centre has been inundated with entries.

As a result, all entries will be verified in the first half of January and the $50 gift cards will be sent to eligible participants by the end of the month.

Don't forget you are also in the running for the major prize: a $1,000 gift card for the most creative entry."

Related Stores

Western Digital
Western Digital

closed Comments

    • +2

      "Multiple entries permitted, subject to the following: (a) only one (1) entry and claim permitted per specified Eligible Product purchased during the Promotional Period..".
      So, you should be eligible for 2 claims. 1 for one of the Live TVs, and 1 for the NAS.

      • Well yeah I certainly took note of that at the start, but there are four people living at this address - three unique entrants, so I would interpret it as one claim per unit, per person.

        • I used two diff names/emails and i got two gift cards. Were your 25 words diff in every claim? I can't think on anything else.

      • They used three names, so presumably that would be three persons with one TV Live each, not one person with three TV Live claims.

  • Still haven't heard anything in respect of my claim, have emailed this arvo now hope something shows up….

    Anyone know if OfficeWorks have time limit on returns if my claim gets rejected? Mine is still in the box.

    • +1

      OW claim they don't have limit time to return

  • Recieved a succesfull email on one item yesterday. Waiting on the second still.

  • Still nothing. I'm worried they've deleted my claim after my cranky email.

  • +1

    People are starting to hang it on them on Facebook - probably the quickest way to get some action.

  • I wonder if anybody will actually get the 10K.

    • I think I have, they are going to let me know soon :)

      • What was your entry?

  • From the [email protected] email today….

    Hi All

    Thank you for your enquiry regarding the WD Christmas $50 Redemption Promotion.

    We have received an overwhelming amount of redemptions, as a result this has caused a slight delay in processing claims.

    However we are efficiently working through processing all entrants.

    You will receive a response in regards to your claim by the end of this week, this notification shall stipulate when your claim will be sent out.

    We sincerely apologise for the delay and you shall receive your $50 redemption shortly.

    Kind regards
    WD Promo Team

    • Wow, yours is a bit behind then!!!
      Most of us are starting to get the email that says they'll be sending it out within the next 2 weeks!

      • Just got another one with the Your a Winner…The card will be sent in the next two weeks…etc. So accepted but shall see when it turns up.

  • To all those who claimed more than 1 unit, I got this response:

    "Hi Jane Doe,

    Thank you for your enquiry regarding the WD Christmas $50 Redemption Promotion.

    We have received an overwhelming amount of redemptions, as a result this has caused a slight delay in processing claims. We are efficiently working through processing all entrants at the moment.

    However regarding your claim, congratulations 1 of your $50 redemptions has been approved, unfortunately the other 4 have been rejected as per Terms & Conditions #10

    Terms & Condition clause #10 –
    Multiple entries permitted, subject to the following: (a) only one (1) entry and claim permitted per specified Eligible Product purchased during the Promotional Period; (b) each entry and claim must be submitted separately and in accordance with claim requirements; (c) a maximum of five (5) entries and claims per person throughout the Promotional Period; and (d) each entry submitted must be substantially unique.

    The above outlines that only 1 product the same can be claimed for, if your other 4 products purchased had of been a 4 different WD qualifying promo products and were claimed separately these therefore would have been approved.

    Please view the link below for further WD Christmas Promotion Terms & Conditions –

    You should receive a response in regards to your claim shortly, this notification shall stipulate when your claim will be sent out.

    We sincerely apologise for the delay and you shall receive your $50 redemption shortly.

    Kind regards
    WD Promo Team"

    • Thats BS.. It says 1 entry per specified Eligible Product.

      Thats means if you have 2 Eligible products (e.g. 2 WD Live TVs) you can enter twice.

      Its not the same as 1 entry per DIFFERENT specified Eligible Product which is what they are saying now.

      • Definitely BS… It's misrepresentation!!!!!
        It states "(a) only one (1) entry and claim permitted per specified Eligible Product purchased…".
        Nowhere does it state "per specified Eligible Product 'TYPE' purchased…"!
        This would read in layman's terms that you could only make 1 claim per eligible product that you purchase, so that you may not submit multiple entries trying to claim on that individual product more than once!
        Each one of your individual products qualifies under the terms written!
        I'd take this through the ACCC or at least call the Ombudsmen's office in your capital city!!!

      • When I read it, I took it to mean 1 of each type of product. But reading it again I can understand people reading it differently because the clause certainly isn't clear enough. unless WD say that "per specified eligible product" means "1 of each product type" then it could easily be taken to mean that you can't submit multiple claims for 1 product purchase.

  • up to two more weeks apparently:

    Dear tonester,

    WD is happy to inform you that you have won a $50 gift card.

    The card will be sent in the next two weeks to the address that you nominated when entering the competition.

    You'll be pleased to know the card is a debit card and can be used to buy anything where EFTPOS is accepted.

    Thank you for entering the WD Christmas Redemption Promotion. We hope you're enjoying your new WD product.

    If you have any enquiries, please email [email protected]

    WD team.

  • Did my entries using different names, and different emails, but same address. All have been approved. Thanks again OP.

  • Signed up on one of first day and still haven't heard back.

    I emailed last Thursday and still haven't been responded to.

  • Just got an email to say I have "won"(*) my card, and yes it will be another two weeks. At least I finally have confirmation!

    (*) "This is not a competition"?

    • If you see comments below, I bet you can now understand why they used "won"

  • Yeah I got the same email saying I won the $50 gift card too.
    Wooooot!! :)

  • What has annoyed me is there has been no confirmation or denial or time frames to put mine and I am sure other peoples minds at ease.

    Sure I will be pissed if I don't "win" one but at least send me an email to confirm or deny my application.

    Even state that all entries will be assessed by this date for some sort of closure.

    It is the not knowing that is the pain.

  • Still haven't heard anything about I winning gift card..

  • Still have heard no news since email in January
    I made two claims for two WDTV live streaming and used same info as it said 5 entries
    What rubbish if they deny my 2nd claim.

    • Got my first email to say I did not WIN a card as I did not follow the T&C in regards to the 25 words or less. Rubbish, I read the T&c as posted on the original post.
      Noticed they are getting hammered on Facebook
      Hope the authorities take a good look

  • Got denied on the second WDTV live streaming…. so BS there terms and conditions are so badly written and would most likely not stand up in court. all my products are eligible it never says that you can only claim one per model of device.

    email from wdpromo….

    Thank you for your enquiry regarding the WD Christmas $50 Redemption Promotion.

    We have received an overwhelming amount of redemptions, as a result this has caused a slight delay in processing claims. We are efficiently working through processing all entrants at the moment.

    However regarding your claim, congratulations 1 of your $50 redemptions has been approved, unfortunately the other 1 has been rejected as per Terms & Conditions #10

    Terms & Condition clause #10 –

    Multiple entries permitted, subject to the following: (a) only one (1) entry and claim permitted per specified Eligible Product purchased during the Promotional Period; (b) each entry and claim must be submitted separately and in accordance with claim requirements; (c) a maximum of five (5) entries and claims per person throughout the Promotional Period; and (d) each entry submitted must be substantially unique.

    The above outlines that only 1 product the same can be claimed for, if your other 1 product purchased had of been a different WD qualifying promo product and were claimed separately these therefore would have been approved.

    if i just made up a random name i would have got it…..

    • Read my post above^ replying to the.piemaker!!!

  • +1

    Just got an email saying my 25 words did not meet the criteria. Absolute bull s#$%. I have requested them send me my 25 words and point out where I have not met the criteria.

    I will be taking this to the ACCC if they fail to do so.

    Don't think I will ever buy WD after this.

    Does anyone have a contact phone number for them?

    • +1

      Anyone that has actually been approved remember what they wrote? I am just wanting to compare mine to see if I have missed something.

      This is what I wrote

      "I love my Western Digital WDTV Live Streaming Media player as now I can watch Youtube videos without leaving the comfort of my bed"

      Have I not met the criteria?

      • That's bs… Now i start wondering if I am gonna get my gift card now.

        • Trust me this is not over by a long shot. Seems WD have done some major damage to their brand with this promotion and how it has been run.

      • As I said before, they are nitpicking all claims to find any reason to reject it. Somebody got rejected because the mentioned product name was "WD TV Live" instead of "WD TV Live Streaming". I'm guessing yours got rejected because of "WDTV" instead of "WD TV".

        • -2

          I think by not mentioning "Live Streaming" then the submitter is being lazy. I think people need to approach these cashbacks with the view that the manufacturer/promoter will do whatever they can to get out of paying up. As the submitter, you need to cover all bases!
          The entry requirements say it must "Mention the Eligible Product purchased". WD TV Live is a completely separate product to "WD TV Live Streaming". Read the entry requirements carefully, and this wouldn't have happened.

        • This is what's happened to me- WDTV live (without "streaming"). I can't actually believe a company would be that dodgey/fussy to avoid it.

          Has anyone got them to send them their actual response for them to prove it?

      • looks fine to me ..

        this is what I put :
        Thank you Western Digital,
        I must be dreaming,
        Got a new toy
        The WD TV Live streaming,
        My wife loves it,
        Can hear her screaming!

        I was denied via: (i) Mention “Western Digital”; (ii) Mention the name of the Eligible Product purchased; and (iii) Mention a benefit of the Eligible Product

        so I replied to them:

        I believe my response answered the three criteria:

        Mention “Western Digital”
        "Thank you Western Digital, I must be dreaming,"
        Mention the name of the Eligible Product purchased
        "Got a new toy The WD TV Live streaming,"
        Mention a benefit of the Eligible Product
        "My wife loves it, Can hear her screaming!"

        Now part 1 and 2 should be obvious and I have bolded this text. For part three I have mentioned that "my wife loves it" as the benefit, now I perhaps could have written "My wife is now able to watch video's and listen to music via the TV from down stairs thanks to wireless, where our existing wired network does not reach, which is great in the summer where it is cooler downstairs" but with a limit of 25 words and the other conditions that need to be satisfied I thought "my wife loves it" would be a good summary.

        • +1

          I would agree with them in your case. I don't think you have mentioned a benefit of the product.

        • I don't think you mentioned a real benefit of the product. Your wife loving it isn't really a benefit of the product. But I think they should have still awarded you a cashback card based on your poetic creativity!

        • Asif, benefit is retrospective. A person could find it beneficial as a paper weight, it is no less valid that what deedlee stated as a benefit. It might be used as a crude sex toy, still a benefit of owning the product. I call BS and i would be pissed for getting rejected for that.

    • Got the same email, I smell some seriously dodgy stuff going on here since I remember carefully making sure I met all these…

      • same here, got the same email
        What con men
        I asked them to send me a copy of my entry and to point out how it does not meet the criteria
        They think this is over! ha they are wrong

    • +1

      The ONLY requirement was you had to included the words "Western Digital"….and it wouldn't let you proceed until this was in the textarea as the form would fail validation.

      They are obviously getting to many "entries" and randomly rejecting people to reduces costs.

      • They are obviously getting to many "entries" and randomly rejecting people to reduces costs. I think you are right

    • Same this happened to me! I cant recall exactly what I wrote but Im sure it met the criteria. Maybe I wrote WD Live TV? Anyways, I returning mine to OW. WD, I mean Western Digital = Fail. I will never by a WD product again.

    • same

  • Apparently mine is on its way

    Subject: You're a winner! WD Christmas Promotion

    WD is happy to inform you that you have won a $50 gift card.

    The card will be sent in the next two weeks to the address that you nominated when entering the competition.

    You'll be pleased to know the card is a debit card and can be used to buy anything where EFTPOS is accepted.

    Thank you for entering the WD Christmas Redemption Promotion. We hope you're enjoying your new WD product.

    If you have any enquiries, please email [email protected]

    WD team.

    I'll see if i can dig up my wording but not sure i kept it aside

  • people with employee discounts are also prohibited

  • Just got an email advising my claim has not met the Terms and Conditions under T & C number 6, where you had to provide in 25 words or less - Tell us in 25 words or less how the WD product you have purchased has improved your digital life this (Dec 2012) Christmas?– the answer must be within these terms and conditions

    This is BS, and I will be returning the unit back to OfficeWorks. Glad I kept the box now !

  • i'm getting something new, that apparently i'm associated in someway with WD, i can't think of any person who i know who works at WD so seriously getting annoyed. Have emailed them asking for clarification.

  • Just recived an email denying my claim- such a joke! Clearly they are dodgeying it up and trying to avoid paying it out. Their emails says I didnt menion "x", "y", "z". But i habe a copy of my answer- and i did.

    Incredibly disapointed with this- REALLY WD cannot get away with it…

    How are my odds in returning it to jb hifi (being purchased in December)?? Have original box & reciept

    • Threaten them with Australian Consumer Law and watch them change their tune, TRUST ME!

  • What is the chance of returning to office works after 2 months?

    • 100%

      • Looks like it will be back there then and then look out for an Apple TV (2nd gen) and XBMC.
        Find the WD Live slow to use compared to my old Xbox (with XBMC), but need something compact which supports HD streaming.

  • I uploaded two entries for the two units I purchased (one for myself and another for someone but with a different mailing address I think).

    Both were successful. The emails were sent to me on Feb 5. I'm overseas and haven't checked to see if the $50 cards have been mailed out yet.

    While I don't remember the exact wording, I kept it to 25 words and didn't bother being overly creative or try any rhyming couplets or haikus, etc.

    I might have saved my competition entries but will need to dig it out from the old laptop when I get back from overseas.

  • +1

    When I submitted my claim in Dec, I have the email from them saying 'Congratulations, you've won a $50 gift card. It's our gift to you'. Now they say I don't qualify ! Poorly managed and obviously weren't prepared for the number of claims, I'll just never trust these WD promos again.

  • From memory, mine was something very lame like being able to keep the kids occupied at Christmas by streaming cartoons for them, and it was approved.

  • Received Feb 5

    WD is happy to inform you that you have won a $50 gift card.

    The card will be sent in the next two weeks to the address that you nominated when entering the competition.

    You'll be pleased to know the card is a debit card and can be used to buy anything where EFTPOS is accepted.

    Thank you for entering the WD Christmas Redemption Promotion. We hope you're enjoying your new WD product.

    If you have any enquiries, please email [email protected]

    WD team.

  • return it after receiving the card?

    • I would, although i plan on keeping it if i get the cash back.

      Why neg vote the guy when we are screwed around so much by a bullshit company, screw that ethics go out the door once the company no longer plays ethically.

  • I got mine from JB hifi 2 months ago and need to return it. Has original box & reciept. Will they accept it??

  • What a load of bullshit! I provided everything and I've asked them to provide me a copy of my 25 words.

    They're trying get out of honoring the cashback!

    Thank you for your enquiry regarding the WD Christmas $50 Redemption Promotion.

    We have received an overwhelming amount of redemptions, as a result this has caused a slight delay in processing claims. We are efficiently working through processing all entrants at the moment.

    · However regarding your claim, unfortunately your claim has not met the Terms and Conditions under T & C number 6, where you had to provide in 25 words or less - Tell us in 25 words or less how the WD product you have purchased has improved your digital life this (Dec 2012) Christmas?– the answer must be within these terms and conditions as highlighted below –

    T&C #6

    To enter the Competition, individuals must, within fourteen (14) days of purchase of an Eligible Product during the Promotion Period, visit www.westerndigital.com.au/25words (for Australian residents) or www.westerndigital.co.nz/25words (For New Zealand residents) (collectively, the “Website”) submit all requested information, including without limitation, serial number from the Eligible Product(s) purchased during the Promotional Period, a copy of their purchase invoice from an Authorised Retail Store, and an answer in an original and creative manner, using twenty five (25) words or less, to the question: “Tell us in 25 words or less how the WD product you have purchased has improved your digital life this Christmas?” (such answer, the “Answer”). Each Answer must also include the following information: (i) Mention “Western Digital”; (ii) Mention the name of the Eligible Product purchased; and (iii) Mention a benefit of the Eligible Product. Each Answer will be individually judged based on originality and creative merit. This component of the Competition is a game of skill and chance plays no part in the determination of the winner.

    Please view the link below for further WD Christmas Promotion Terms & Conditions –


    We sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to your enquiry and hope you are enjoying your WD product.

    Please feel free to look out for future WD offers.

    Kind regards

    WD Promo Team

    • I just posted on the WD Facebook page and it was deleted!

    • Yep, got the same rejection email from them. I don't think I remembered to keep a copy of the words that I used for the submission however I'm confident that I satisfied all the rules.

      Absolute BS. Will never trust WD again.

      They really want it both ways. You can imagine some sales manager eyes light up with his/her fantastic numbers over the Christmas period, and all due to a promotion that some other manager in the company has said no way am I paying those cash backs out. Well FFS WD and your Australian distributors, you can't have it both ways!

  • I've heard nothing at all, despite politely emailing [email protected]. Time to get social!

  • If you think you provided 25 words and below, you need to lodge a complaint with consumers affair. You will need proof that you wrote these words. Most people will not have that proof anyway.

    • Yep, I'm not sure I kept what I wrote because I TRUSTED WD.

    • We can ask WD, if they refused it usually ACCC can investigate and can do it on behalf of customer's name.

  • @Punkboy and everyone else:

    Heap it on them on Facebook - its the quickest and most public way to embarrass some action and expose the baloney.

    • May have to do it quicker than they can delete them. According to other posts here.

  • Facebook posts/comments on WD's page are immediately deleted. Im being reasonable too- but they're clearly in denial.

    They must be exposed- see this thread http://whrl.pl/RtdOtd

  • Are you sure?
    My Facebook posts didnt get deleted and somebody today linked the Whirpool thread and had a good whinge. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2054956
    I would say please definitely try, all the embarrassment by exposure you can cause them is good.

  • Got this email last friday. Another reasons from WD for not delivering giftcard.

    Thank you for your enquiry regarding the WD Christmas $50 Redemption Promotion.

    We have received an overwhelming amount of redemptions, as a result this has caused a slight delay in processing claims. We are efficiently working through processing all entrants at the moment.

    · However regarding your claim, unfortunately your claim has not met the Terms and Conditions under T & C number 6, where you had to make your claim within 14days from the date of purchase, as outlined in more detail below

    etc…..will return the product to Officeworks.

  • These WD $#!t$ still have me waiting….

  • This is the worst cashback I've ever been involved in. You basically only hear if you enquire and that's when they process your claim. They have not fulfilled their promised timeframes. They have pathetic reasoning for rejecting claims, almost lawyer like - betya they have one hired just to process these claims. If I don't get my way, the can accept the fury of ACL on them from me, GUARANTEED, not coz of the money lost, but for insulting our intelligence and wasting our time on this sham. Ozbargainers need to expose the WD crooks if they don't play ball!

  • MODS, I think we should have a poll started to see who actually receives there $50 card and who doesn't. And why?

  • Since many of us seem to have 'failed' the 25 words, would also be interested in seeing accepted/rejected phrases. Particularly if you got more than the generic rejection.

  • +3

    My feeling is that yes they have had an overwhelming response to this offer and they are just going through and rejecting at random.

    I think they are seeing how many of these rejections are actually accepted by the recipient to dwindle down the numbers.

    Unfortunately for them, there are a number of Ozbargainers and Facebookers that will not accept this.

    I don't care if this takes months, if I don't get the card I will be contacting the ACCC.

    It will get to the point when they need to decide whether or not it is cheaper to pay out the claims or pay the fine from the ACCC.

  • Vote changed to negative. No offence to OP, but the deal is no longer worth the effort it has been.

  • +2

    Just sent my last email to them. Given them 7 days to respond before I escalate and contact consumer affairs and the ACCC.

  • wow, maybe it's a good thing i didn't manage to get one at OW. What a disaster of a promo

  • +2

    Does WD own any other companies like Seagate or anything? I would like a list so i never buy from them again even if i get my cashback. This display of bad company practice and customer relations is why i started my own company to do right by customers no matter what. Absolutely fuming at the BS that has occurred to so many people, $50 or no $50 this is a dog act and a company i will never again support. Plus this Live Streaming player is a bunch of laggy shit. Your dead to me WD

  • Anyone had any joy with a particular email to them?

    • Edit - Are you asking if WD has changed the outcome from rejected to accepted after emailing them?

    • I sent one off around noon (the first email to them) and haven't heard squat. The rage is strong in this one. Nothing i hate more than having to chase people to their end of the bargain, i couldnt care less about the $50 anymore but the waste of time and disregard for your customer (should i say ex-customers) is staggering. Deleting facebook messages would be fine if they were alerted to the problem and jump on to rectify things but deleting complains and ignoring people is an arsehole move, one they will surely learn after this saga costs them heavily.

  • +1

    Lol wow….just wow. I too received an email saying "unfortunately your claim has not met the Terms and Conditions under T & C number 6, where you had to provide in 25 words or less - Tell us in 25 words or less how the WD product you have purchased has improved your digital life this (Dec 2012) Christmas?".

    This is despite the fact that I posted this deal (OP) with the terms and conditions and followed them to the letter. I emailed them a week ago and have not received a reply. I will be filing a complaint with the ACCC and recommend others to do the same.

    • +2

      Actually to WD, you would be Ground Zero; Ringleader; Number One Troublemaker, etc etc. ;)

      • +1

        Yikes…didn't realise that was the OP. That really sucks…

    • +1

      You have been on their blacklist for a couple of months. You should have realised that! :-)

    • +1

      "cloudsdbz" I'm thinking if you don't get the card, we should all (those that do receive it) chip in a dollar for bringing it to our attention in the first place!!! On the downside, those that don't get the card can personally email you about their frustrations!!! ;)

      • +1

        Haha that's ok but thanks for the offer. Still haven't heard anything and the ACCC says they take like 28 days to respond bah! Hmm then again, $1 x 11028 clicks sounds tempting :P

        • All sorted now :)

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