Good dishwasher from Samsung, Save $230 on this little Gem!
NOTE: this product cannot be delivered to a number of postcodes( in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA (as well as all of TAS and NT).
Good dishwasher from Samsung, Save $230 on this little Gem!
NOTE: this product cannot be delivered to a number of postcodes( in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA (as well as all of TAS and NT).
not sure they do good dishwashers. i have this one. got broken 11 months after purchase.
made warranty claim. guy came said "fixed" and left. was still broken.
contacted them again and they already resolved the previous claim. wtf. opened new one.
second visit they actually "fixed" it. both times no notice, just a call "hey mate i will be in 15 mins. anyone home?"
we were 3 weeks in total with broken dishwasher. fantastic experience.
so yeah… maybe samsung knows how to make phones.
but i am not buying their appliances.
(also heard that their fridges leak)
Can also confirm their washing machines are complete garbage aswell
Ordering direct from Samsung also means you'll be waiting months for it to arrive
Samsung and Gem don't go together when talking whitegoods
We've long established here that Samsung white goods are complete rubbish. People keep falling for the brand name grift.
Lucky this one's black
Same here, experiences of my friends tell the same story, unreliable Sumsung white goods r*bbish ..
This thing is a POS, I have the same one and whilst it hasn’t broken it performs poorly and you can even fit cups in the top drawer
The top drawer is for cutlery…
Thanks for your valuable comment
I have this one, works well
Didn't realise Samsung did a good dishwasher. I'd probably go with Beko at that price point