• long running

[VIC, NSW, SA, QLD] Sign up Credit: $150 Electricity & [VIC, NSW] $150 Gas @ Powershop (New & Moving Customers Only)


Receive up to $300 in sign-up credits
when you combine selected residential electricity and gas plans. Not available in all areas.
Combine it with Cash Rewards ($90 elec + $50 gas)
Or use referral code for extra $75 credit.

Switch Saver Terms and Conditions

To be eligible to receive the $150 (incl. GST) credit (Sign-up Credit):

  • you must be a residential customer switching your electricity to Powershop from another retailer, or an existing Powershop residential customer moving to a new premises where Powershop will continues to sell you electricity, and
  • the premises you switch or move to must be in VIC, NSW, SA or South East Queensland.

You’ll get the $150 (incl. GST) credit (Sign-up Credit) as an offset against the charges on your first electricity bill. If the charges on your first electricity bill are less than the Sign-up Credit, we’ll carry over the balance of the Sign-up Credit to your next bill. If your electricity market contract ends before you’ve incurred charges to the value of the Sign-up Credit and you’re taking up a new electricity market contract with us (at the same or new premises), we’ll transfer the balance to your first electricity bill under your new contract. The Sign-up Credit otherwise isn’t transferable or redeemable for cash. We won’t pay it as a refund, and it may not be available with other Powershop offers.

Power House Gas $150 Credit Terms and Conditions

To be eligible for the offer:

  • you must be a residential customer switching your gas to Powershop from another retailer, or an existing Powershop residential customer moving to a new premises where Powershop will continue to sell you gas;
  • your premises must be in Victoria or an area of New South Wales where Powershop sells gas
  • you must have a market contract for electricity with Powershop, and switching the same premises to Powershop for the supply of your gas.

You’ll get the $150 (incl. GST) credit (Sign-up Credit) as an offset against the charges on your first gas bill. If the charges on your first gas bill are less than the Sign-up Credit, we’ll carry over the balance of the Sign-up Credit to your next bill. If your gas market contract ends before you’ve incurred charges to the value of the Sign-up Credit and you’re taking up a new gas market contract with us (at the same or new premises), we’ll transfer the balance to your first gas bill under your new contract. The Sign-up Credit otherwise isn’t transferable or redeemable for cash. We won’t pay it as a refund, and it may not be available with other Powershop offers.

Referral Links

Referral: random (374)

Referrer receives $75 credit and referee receives $75 credit on first bill.

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  • Just found this but unfortunately no gas only plans, at least in NSW otherwise would have churned for the bonus

    • +1

      I was curious because I'm currently on a gas-only plan with them, but you're right—they don't seem to be offering that for new customer. What I did was initially have both gas and electricity accounts with them, but later switched the electricity to another provider. This approach might still work?

  • +1

    DAMN I joined a month ago and I didn't realised cash rewards was a thing. :(

    • +2

      I also joined a month ago. I am pretty sure this CR cashback offer wasn't around then.

      • +1

        Ok I feel better thanks! <3

      • It was available a month ago. I also joined then but the cash back offer plan has a more expensive rate than the one without.

        • +4

          You can move to the cheaper plan after activation and keep the $150 credit.

          If your electricity market contract ends before you’ve incurred charges to the value of the Sign-up Credit and you’re taking up a new electricity market contract with us (at the same or new premises), we’ll transfer the balance to your first electricity bill under your new contract.

          • @Cheapskate Paul: Thank you!

          • @Cheapskate Paul: I signed up got the credit then even changed to an EV plan and I don't have a EV lol

            • @ric317: how can you change to EV plan? call them?

              • @diazepam: I just went on line and selected it and existing customer and then they rang we later and did the old school voice recording 😄.
                Also while selecting just choose a EV that you like 😂 they didn't ask for proof

    • +2

      Great deal up front with $150 credits plus cash back


      I checked the rates for this power company and they are very high.

      So a classic churn opportunity

      Reap the upfront cashback and credits then move on

      • +1

        The ev day plan doesn't look bad, no?

        Super Off Peak tariff (inc GST)


        Daily supply charge (inc GST)


        Peak tariff (inc GST)


        Off Peak tariff (inc GST)


        • I literally signed up yesterday, but on their night EV plan. I was on OVO, but they bumped peak to like 58/kWh, and that's simply too high.

          Powershop has a flat 28.6c/kWh for peak and off-peak (I think), so that's much more reasonable. I also got $100 credit up-front.

          Let's see how it goes.

          • @friz: Their daily usage fee is a bit high but the rate is quite competitive. I just got my first gov rebate $75. Not sure how it goes when we change companies

            • @Bargain-er: the $1.10 is a bit high, granted, but the other fees are quite alright, so overall I think it'll work for it.

              Forgot to mention the FIT is higher than what I'm seeing elsewhere too, so sending 5kwh up basically makes it even.

        • Looks like EV plan only gets $100 sign up

        • Can you signup to this plan without owning ev? I tried to signup and got one checkbox to confirm whether i own ev or not which is registered to this property.
          I actually dont own one.

        • I signed up got the credit then even changed to an EV plan and I don't have a EV lol

  • +15

    Make sure you check your usage figures first. I moved away from Powershop as after their last set of rate changes and dropping the FIT to 1.4c, it was going to cost me at least $75 a month more to stay with them

    • +1

      They have the highest rates across the board.

      Classic churn job.

      Check out Alinta

      I found their up front credits and rates were the best on the market.
      But may depend on meter type and location

  • +5

    1.4c/kWh for Solar FIT (QLD) - what a joke! Great rates for anyone without Solar, or small system though.

    • Better use that to mine crypto.

    • Yeah it is a joke!

    • Better than 0

  • What about referrals, does it stack with this offer or cashback via shopback?
    - ShopBack just transfers to econnex, that would likely not be stackable with anything else.
    - Referral looks stackable:

    Congratulations - you’ve received a unique referral from a mate to switch your energy to Powershop. Combine your offers and you can also receive up to $300 in sign-up creditslike

    • How does one go about getting both the referral bonus and cashback from cashrewards or shopback? I can click to the powershop page from only one of the two options right?

      Would be sweet to get $300 + $75 (referral) + $112 (cashrewards) to move both electricity and gas.

  • +1

    What is the minimum period to stay with them for the benefit?

    • Most likely one billing cycle

  • One Big Switch last has the $150 credit + $150 gift card (well it did last week). That's for electricity. No idea about gas.

    • I'm pretty sure it was $50 gift card

    • Yeah unlikely they're giving up $300 just for electricity.

      EDIT: I just looked it up, it says the following:

      Up to $350 in rewards for One Big Switch members, including a $50 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® from One Big Switch. Take $150 off your first electricity bill, plus $150 off your first gas bill when you combine Powershop’s Switch Saver electricity and Power House gas offers.

    • They're just following powershop $150 gas credit with the addition to OBS $50 gift card. Got to stay on switch plan for at least 30 days to obtain $50 gift card

  • I'm with globird these guys any good

    • Rates slightly cheaper than Globird and fit is less

    • Me too, globird still slightly cheaper for me. Though considering churning.

  • +3

    If you change your electricity plan will you lose the government rebate ? I have received my first rebate of around $80 last month with my current provider, will the remaining balance carry over to the new electricity company?

    • -5


      • Why would you lose the rebate?

        • +2

          I think they answered the second question lol

          • +1

            @WhyAmICommenting: You will still get the rebate. It has nothing to do with changeovers.

    • Where can I see the government rebate in the bill? I cannot see any….

      • Powershop has a separate invoice showing the government rebate. Rebate also comes in installments and retailer has to refund you any excess if you switch

  • +2

    Before I switched to them 2 months ago, I found out their cheapest plan is not eligible for sign up credit.
    So you'll need to remind yourself switching back to the cheapest plan after you've used up all the credits.
    I like how they give you extra savings by buying $37 credit for $30, once a month.

    • I didn't even wait for the credits to be used up

      • One of the T&C says if you switch to an ineligible plan, they may cancel your credit.

        • If your electricity market contract ends before you’ve incurred charges to the value of the Sign-up Credit and you’re taking up a new electricity market contract with us (at the same or new premises), we’ll transfer the balance to your first electricity bill under your new contract.

          • @Cheapskate Paul: ah wasn't aware, guess I got lucky. I just went to check and realised I haven't actually paid anything in 2 months since I joined with all the credits rolling in from powershop, gov and an ozbargain referral

    • Is this credit system back? They seemed to flatten their system some time ago. It used to be about buying credits in advance and using them up (then paying the full price). Then it was just monthly usage and the fixed fee.

    • +2

      I was able to call them up straight away, and change my plan to the cheapest rate on powershop, while keeping all my sign up credits.

      • Did the same thing here - five minutes of time to save a few more bucks!

  • Power House Gas $150 Credit Terms and Conditions

    Damn! It was only $50 about a month ago when I switched from GloBird.

    • Me to my gas got swapped a few days ago but only $50 credit. Someone on ozbargain used my referral so i got another $75 though. Thanks whoever that was! My cashrewards for this is still tracking 70 days since I signed up

      • Someone on ozbargain used my referral so i got another $75 though.

        This $75 credit just gets added to your Electricity credit balance.

      • Have you got a referral I can use?

    • Me too and my gas is still in switching, not succeed yet.

      • Same here.

        They didn't want to pay for the cost of a special read.

        • Mine was also in the state of switching so I called up and asked about it, they said they'd manually add $100 credit onto my gas account for when it becomes active.

    • same haha!

      although my gas took 3 months to switch, I wonder if ill get $150 instead of $50, it only switched over a few days ago

      • I wonder if ill get $150 instead of $50

        You can certainly dream about it. :)

        • just checked, only got $50, zz lol

  • how does the switch work. Does the switch to new provider happens at the ending of billing period or the day requested?
    Does it involve disconnection, reconnection or final reading fees?

    Not moving home, just same property.

    • +1

      In general few days after requested, they will do meter estimation if cannot read it. Usually no fees, unless your current contract says otherwise.

      • Are the estimates that power companies do generally legit or do they estimate super high knowing you'll be gone so who cares?

        I was thinking to upload an image of my meter reading but can't get access to it now.

  • +1

    What is the manual connection fee? There is a $60 for manual connection in my area but free for remote connection, also what is special meter read? For general switch do you need to pay these fees?

    • +3

      There's no fees if you're just changing

  • +1

    I couldn't find anything about switching back to power shop again, to receive the offer a second time.

    Does anyone know if its possible to do?

    I received this or something similar maybe 6 months ago and have since switched away but would switch back if I could get another 150 off.

    • Haha.. I'm almost in the same boat except I switched out just a month ago after using up the credits and I only stayed with them for a month. Will switch back next month if there is no issue with getting the credit again

    • +1

      I read in the T and Cs that you cant be a customer in the last 12 months, to be eligible for the sign up bonus.

      • Thanks zorodluffy.
        Same boat for me, used powershop 6 months ago.

        This post reminded me I'm due for a churn.
        Looked around, Engie has a good offering at the moment:

        $200 + $200. Better than this Powershop deal.

        • $250 + $250 Black Friday deal until 10 Dec. + $75 referral code from OZB auto referrer - Then switch to Powershop in a few months for $150 + $75 referral

          • @MITM: link. I can only see total of $300 for my address….

      • I wonder, if its the same address but different name would they be okay with that?

        • Did you try? Considering signing up for the same address under a different name

  • +1

    I switched to powershop mid July. Gas still not transferred. They are useless.

    • +5

      Slow transfer of Gas has been commented on in Deals by other gas retailers.
      Not unusual to take at least 2 months - due to long time between manual gas reads by existing retailer. (Your gas bills should show interval between reads.)

      Transfer can't occur until gas meter is read for old retailer. That is outside of control of the new retailer. So useless blaming new retailer!

      Whereas transfer of electricity retailer can just take days, especially with a smart meter installed.

      • I had a manual read done 18 days after sign up. They did nothing. Been through all this with them on the phone. They are too tight to pay $7.99 for a manual read meanwhile I get shafted on high rates.

        • Exactly the same situation. I provided my own read to the old retailer, nothing happened. Almost one month now, still shows “switching over”, not succeed yet.

          • @IrisKyd: I provided a reading and got switched. Depends on the retailer

      • Where’s the gas smart meters, that’s what I wanna know. Elec and water has been remotely read for years.

    • same, my gas only got switched a few days ago, i signed up in july too. Im hoping theyll give me the $150 instead of $50 gas credit on offer back then lol.

  • Do they run credit check?

    • Yes

    • +3

      I want to know this too, Im thinking to put a credit ban on my credit n sign up.

      • +1

        yep I’m thinking the same @frewer, took the offer from AGL few months ago for a similar deal ($150 + $150 bonus) and they did that.

        • +1

          You can put a ban on your cr up to a yr. It's annoying to see it on my report. https://www.illion.com.au/credit-report-bans/
          And do selective sharing " If a ban is in place an individual may authorise us to share their credit information with a specific Credit Provider if required, this authorisation must be in writing. "

  • +2

    I switched away when there ongoing costs went way up, going through https://wattever.com.au/ I got $50 voucher from them and credit through engie ( currently 200-400 for my location with much better rates, always check with a compare site before switching, and the supplier recommended in case not updated recently, hope this helps others

  • None of these companies have a solar feed on higher than 2cente/kw… What's the point.

    • Try AGL. I get 7c in NSW.

  • -5

    This plan isnt a bargain.

    Shouldnt even be on this site.

    Did you not read the usage prices and FIT?

    The money is irrelevant.

  • +2

    "Red John Is Alive"

  • Expensive plan (compared to others in our area) only viable if you remember to churn away after 1-2 bills. Used OzB referral which seems to give $75 more - plus hopefully the same for a good OzB member!

    Good bargain but need to switch away .

  • This plan compared to the AGL with Solar FIT is expensive over 12 months

    My comparision here https://ibb.co/6DfspJc

    • Keep changing to get offers sounds best

  • Anyone else getting OTP error? I tried from wifi and cellular connections but the sms isnt coming in.

  • +1

    I will look into this when I get home tonight. Meanwhile can someone do the maf for me for point piper for a 20 bedroom home

  • damn it doesn't work for JUST gas? getting 50 bux a month from ovo referrals, too good to pass on.

  • +1

    Don't forget to sign up using a referral link from ozbargain in the referral section.

    I just added my referral link and the referral link shows as $375 credit which is a pretty tidy deal!

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