HP 975 Backlit Multi-Device Dual-Mode Wireless Keyboard $30.25 + Delivery @ Elite Print Solutions


Found this while searching for a Backlit keyboard. Came today.. Look and feel solid and high quality, aluminum body USB-C charging. Seem to be good price for a multi device keyboard with dual mode. Can pair with 3 devices 2x Bluetooth devices and 1x 2.4ghz dongle.

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Elite Print Solutions
Elite Print Solutions


  • +5

    Ouch, 87 clicks and website is down
    “Error establishing a database connection“

  • +1

    I think it back on now

  • +1

    Just bought one. Shipping was $11.44 so came to $41.69 total.

  • +3

    One little annoyance, there no where to store the dongle. Otherwise, overall nice keebs for the price

  • -2

    I decided to order one. I use a Logitech MX Keys S keyboard at home with my personal laptop and my work laptop when I work from home, however at the actual office even though we just relocated to a new office where everything is brand new and there’s a lot of expensive tech (for example $2000 Lenovo ThinkVision P40w-20 39.7-inch ultrawide curved monitors is what the team I’m in uses), they opted for wired keyboards and mouses… I’d rather use a wireless keyboard in the office like this.

    • +3

      Please provide an update on how it feels compared to the MX keys S. I love my MX keys so much.

  • What’s the icon on the middle key right of the space.. looks like a ghost from packman or a Ethernet plug ?

    • Looks like emoji and microphone key.

  • +1

    Website dead again.

  • Non-replaceable battery so I'll pass.

  • Serious issues with the website. Repeatedly got database errors, finally made it through to the cart only to have it crash. Fought through to the cart again only to find the shipping had nearly doubled. Can't seem to complete payment via Paypal. Have given up.

    • Yeah same. Delivery kills the deal.

      • Its not a $200 keyboard. More about $40 to $50 on sale.
        Its a HP keyboard.

          • @Cevolution: But the RRP is misleading, hence you are misleading us by stating the RRP only.

            • -7

              @congo: According to you. Lodge a case/complaint with the ACCC and fair trading if you feel you have a valid case regarding the RRP and the high price that some retailers are charging for this item, and it supposedly being deceptive and misleading and poor conduct on their part… Good luck, let us know how you go.

              • @Cevolution: Why would I lodge a case/complaint with the ACCC and fair trading? Retailers have the right to charge any price.
                Have you seen $1 coins being advertised on eBay for hundred of thousands of $$$? They are not doing anything illegal.
                I just wouldn't buy it.

                • -5

                  @congo: You’re the one complaining on here that this keyboard is apparently only worth $30-$40 (whinging about it to me like you have nothing better to do with your time over something so pointless, like you think it’s important and that I care and want to actually have a conversation with you about it when I certainly don’t), and that’s misleading for retailets to charge more for it, particularly substantially more up to $200… Well they are, therefore why bother complaining to me about it? If you feel so strongly about it that you feel the need to waste your time jumping on my comment when I was simply stating a fact, it’s pointless, and you should be complaining to the ACCC and fair trading instead.

                  • @Cevolution: I am just saying that the rrp is inflated.
                    It was $50 here:

                    • -3

                      @congo: And? As is the RRP for the majority of products. I said that I paid $30 for it plus $10 shipping, and that I think that was a good deal and value for “my” money, particularly when some retailers are selling it for substantially more. Your opinion is irrelevant to me, and you didn’t need to tell me what you’re subjective view is about the product, I’m not interested, and I’m sure why you think you’re important enough that I needed to hear it and I should listen?

                      • @Cevolution: It wasn't for you alone, and you don't have to listen or respond.
                        And I am not important, I don't know why you would think that.

                        • -2

                          @congo: You responded to me first, you didn’t have to listen and respond. Why did it need to be for me at all? If you wanted to make a general comment you could’ve easily done that without quoting me.

                          • @Cevolution: There is freedom of speech, I was responding to your $200, saying that it was inflated. I didn't quote you.

                            Its not a $200 keyboard. More about $40 to $50 on sale.

                            If you don't agree, then that is perfectly fine.

                            • -2

                              @congo: And that (freedom of speech) goes both ways. You told me that I don’t have to listen and respond, and that goes for you to. You are still failing to explain why you originally commented and what your actual valid point is? At the moment it just seems like you’re arguing for the sake of it. I simply stated a fact about the price that some retailers are charging for this product, however even though that has nothing to do with me you decided that you wanted to argue with me over it… Again I don’t care what your subjective view is about this product and what you think its value/worth is, go tell someone else if that’s all you have to say.

                              • @Cevolution: I know that you don't care, its obvious from your tone and language.
                                I didn't quote you or give you negative votes, so don't be offended.

                                • -2

                                  @congo: You’re just figuring out that it’s obvious by my tone and language now? You sure did quote me first, go back up to my original post, where I speak about ordering this keyboard using my iPhone and having no issue with their website or PayPal, and follow it down.

                                  • @Cevolution: I don't know why you are angry? upset? Are you?
                                    Relax man, none of this is important. It's only $40.

                                    • -1

                                      @congo: I’m not upset at all. I just want you to explain what the purpose of you responding to me in the first place was, and if you have a valid point what that actually is for a reply to have been warranted? Otherwise, acknowledge that you didn’t need to and probably shouldn’t have quoted me at all, and then we can move on.

                                      • @Cevolution: The purpose was to let readers know that the $200 rrp is inflated, and it has been on sale for much less.

                              • +1

                                @Cevolution: seriously? people losing cool and sleep over what? what a waste of keystroke and brain matter!

                                • @id: Yes, agreed. I want my 5 minutes back!

                                  • -3

                                    @congo: Well you’re the only one that’s in control of how you spend your time…

                                    • -1

                                      @Cevolution: Yes, I chose to respond, so I can't ask for my 5 minutes back.

                                      • -3

                                        @congo: Remember this moment, and save it for when you’re on your death bed wondering why you wasted so much of your time on OzBargain posting 14740 comments, and probably commenting on many other websites too.

                                        • @Cevolution: I've been a long time member of OzBargain, and yes active member on other sites as well.
                                          I don't regret it.

  • -3

    Yeah just buy a keychron never buy another keyboard ever again

    • Which keychron? Do you have a link?

    • I have keychron the battery sucks now and i dont know how i can replace it

  • I use this for work as the default company issued keyboard and think it’s a great low profile keyboard, would recommend if that’s your vibe.

  • +1

    Great keyboard, had mine for about a year and it hasn't skipped a key. The backlight is a nice touch.
    The only negative is the battery life with the backlight feature on isn't great ~ lasts about 1 week between charges for my 10ish hour usage per day.

  • This is old stock, battery life on mine was terrible, had to recharge it every day.
    And it developed double typing after a couple of months. I'm not alone in this:

    Also HP software is garbage.

  • +1

    been using it for quite a while, only downside is bad battery.

  • Does anyone know of a cheap HP mouse to pair with the keyboard and use the same keyboard dongle?
    There is also a HP USB-C Travel Hub G2 (7PJ38AA) for $16.50 which sounds promising for that price:

    • I m thinking of getting a HP 935 mouse, can use same dongle.

      • That seems expensive :-)

        • +1

          yes waiting for price drop 😁

    • Yeah, that hub seems like great value. It won't compete with a full dock but I doubt you'd find better for the price.

      • Yes price wise seems too good

    • What a strange combination, an USB-C hub the supports analogue video.

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