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Apple Studio Display 27-Inch 5K Retina MK0U3X/A (Standard Glass) $2188 Delivered @ Mobileciti


Was able to successfully price beat at officeworks to bring the price down to $2078.60

If you have any gift cards from ultimate you can bring this total down even further.

I know this monitor cops a lot of flack but it has it’s purpose if your in the Apple ecosystem and your willing to pay through the nose for it. Having said that while it doesn’t have a lot of the features one would expect at this price point. It still looks absolutely fantastic.

Lastly it is rumoured Apple is looking at releasing another studio display at the end of the year. Didn’t want to wait and also probably why this monitor is finally seeing some discounts.


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    • +29

      Having been a pc user for most of my adult life and only recently switching to a MacBook Air honestly once the initial adjustment period has settled they really are a great product and the aesthetic is undeniable. But I get it as a value proposition it fits a pretty niche audience.

        • +16

          it's a bit sad y feel the need to post up at all, like who cares that you think, what, that mac users pay too much? that they like equipment they could buy more cheaply if they preferred a different platform?

          what are you objecting to and why would y think anyone who prefers macos to care?

        • +3

          Is this a poor man's Windows joke?

            • +7

              @Dollar Dreamer: what’s forbidden in the land of folks who like what they like regardless of what you might think about it is being an insufferable wnkr in public just to say you’d make diff choices. slow fckin clap, cowbye

  • +7

    Would be good if it’s a 32inch with similar spec and price

  • +6

    Comes with a stand. Bargain.

  • +3

    Wow, 10 times the price of my 27-inch 4K Dell.

    • +17

      This is cheaper than the 5K Dell and slightly higher res (being 16:10) as well.

    • +4

      You get what you pay for.

      • Yeah, I get a super-sharp 27 inch screen that gets 8.5/10 on rtings.com.
        In comparison, here is the rtings review of the Apple Studio Display. The Dell matches it or beats it in all categories except one.

        • +1

          I’ve bought about 12 of these for the office but we are starting to wonder how good the colour reproduction is. Especially for the designers. Wondering if it’s worth going down a colour calibration tool path or whether we need to swap them out.

          They are incredible bang for back and suit most users. Some of them have had weird issues over the years that are hard to diagnose and often go away. Had 2 or 3 replaced by dell for free without much fuss.

        • I don't care for this monitor (and I have a Dell u2723qe myself), but those 'categories' are basically moot for the use cases of both monitors.

          If I bought a Studio Display, I would basically only care about colour accuracy for photos (and not about PC or console?? gaming) at all.

          Also, even if you look at 'editing', it's basically just a mishmash of other categories and punishes heavily for non-HDR capability. I don't particularly care for HDR when I'm editing photos, or honestly much video either. The ability to serve HDR content and be sure that the audience can watch it is basically still only for high-end budget productions.

    • -3

      same here, I have more pixels with 2x 27" Dell & 32" Samsung 4Ks, all with ergonomic adjustable stands & non-reflective "Retina" (better than Apple Un-retina;)

      • +2

        How is that possible for 4K vs 5K? Oh, you mean two monitors compared with one. Shakes head.

    • +1

      It is three times the price of my 27 inch 4K Dell ultrasharp, which does go someway to having a quality screen, but I do understand that the studio display is vastly superior. Just out of my budget.

      Even the dell 5K is about the studio price. The other mainstream competitor, the Samsung viewfinity S9 can be bought for about $1700 on sale if one keeps their eye out.

  • +4

    $500 stand for free? omg what a bargain

    • +1

      relative to retail, squeaky jean, it's a bit of a bargain

  • +3

    What exactly is the benefit of using a monitor in the Apple ecosystem?

    From what I've see and read this is simply an over priced monitor?

    • +20

      if you use a monitor you can transform your mac mini from an expensive paperweight into a general purpose desktop computer

      • from expensive if a little awkward frisbee..

    • +9

      I initially thought this as well, did some digging there’s some good videos on YouTube. It’s mainly to do with the way Apple does ratios and scaling so 5k just works a lot better than 4K plus you get around 77% more pixels on a 5k. Once you start looking at other 5k monitors it quickly becomes apparent that the stretch for the Apple isn’t actually as bad as I originally thought.

      • +3

        It’s mainly to do with the way Apple does ratios and scaling so 5k just works a lot better than 4K

        I watched tons of videos on this too. But then I got a 27-inch 4K dell monitor for my Mac Mini and it just works perfectly. No problem with scaling. No problem like tiny icons or tiny text or oversized app interface or anything. Text is super-sharp.

        • Nice! Which dell did you go with ?

          • +1

            @pizzapock3t: 2722QC. I’ve seen a number of people recommend it for the Mac Mini. Obviously not as good as the Apple Studio Display, but it made me realize a lot of those videos on YouTube are nonsense. Just trying to get views.

            • +1

              @ForkSnorter: Ah yep very good monitor for the price, came across a really good reddit review that was super detailed.

            • @ForkSnorter: I went with the U2723QE. Beautiful with my MBA alongside. I do know it isn’t as great as 5K, and I wistfully remember the 5K screen on my old 27 inch iMac. But the dell will do the job.

      • +1

        for 27 inch i highly doubt most people will be able to tell the difference between 4k and 5k quality

        and also most content is 4k

        • +2

          It's not about watching 4K content, it's about being able to edit 4K content with a 1:1 pixel accurate window whilst still being able to have space for menus around said content. If you edit 4K on a 4K screen, by the time you add menus, you aren't viewing pixel for pixel. For most people this really isn't an issue, but when you are a professional editor it can be. Hence this is not remotely targeted at you or I.

    • -3

      It's not overpriced, it's applepriced, don't mistake it for anything else.

      • ApplePriced = Less is More$$$ & fake iMarketing :( our retinas are much better than Apple's myopic ;)

        • +2

          Your obsession with bashing Apple every single chance you get is seriously perverse.

          • -1

            @ThithLord: Perversity is enshrined in apple product pricing, so there's that…

    • No hdr, no high refresh, no oled, bad contrast ratio.
      5k scaling for text clarity.
      Ye nah.

  • +2

    Well I do design I can clearly see the screen is amazing, but.. is there really another cheaper option that is equally as good as the Apple screen? Gotta be one right? Please suggest! Thanks

    • Probably the LG 5K Ultrafine :)

      • Actually yes, I’ve used it in the office before and it’s pretty close to Apple’s colours gamut.

    • I reviewed the asus pro art 5k which is sitting at $1299. Looks like a really good contender but at that price point it does have draws back such as speakers being way worse and few other issues build quality etc.

    • +1

      I still use a LG 24” 4K Ultrafine that I bought used for $250.

      The 21.5” 4K Ultrafine, 24” 4K Ultrafine and 27” LG 5K Ultrafine were the precursor to the Studio display (just in a cheaper housing) and the display is practically identical with the same glossy finish, colour gamut, etc. the 21.5”, 27” models have webcams, the 24” doesn’t but has thunderbolt pass through.

      They can be found cheap on eBay, FB marketplace if you have patience, but you do have to look out for ones that have pink edges on the display as that’s a sign of image retention that previous wedge-shaped retina iMacs suffered from too.

    • +1

      Get a 4K OLED screen at 27, 28 or 32". I don't see how this would be any better than an OLED.

      • +1

        Depends on the use case. 5K might be the most important for the buyer.

    • +2

      You can diy one if you want dirt cheap. $500 for a panel and $150 for the driver. Find a broken 27"imac on fb for cheap and use that as the frame.

      Always wanted to do this when I saw someone make one about 5 years ago. Can't imagine how much gpu you'd need to game on hat though

      • Did that. Was disappointed, iMac panel had the pink edges. Bought a studio display from officeworks with a price beat and discounted gift cards. Love the studio display

        • +1

          It’s unfortunate that a lot of them developed the defect. From memory I think 2017 and later were okay.

      • Loved my old 5K iMac. Of course, you could buy one of those for the price of this studio display alone. Which is why Apple doesn’t offer it anymore.

  • -1

    What? a Mac monitor without a huge signature bottom bezel?

    • +2

      I think you’re thinking of an iMac

  • You can use this on Windows with the the Belkin VR Charge and Sync Cable (without needing Thunderbolt). I personally use the LG 5K and its great!

  • +1

    great - I'm in the same boat and about to go for it, although I'm hesitating a tiny bit after reading about the refresh at the end of the year

    if you have 10% apple GC then the price is quite similar if you buy at AOC or edu store (price is the same between the two for some reason) - roughly $2105

    been scouring gumtree for months and these things virtually never come up at second hand price.. they all want close to 2k

    • Yeah was alittle bummed too but unfortunately need a new monitor now and you could probably expect to see some kind of price rise possibly and it becomes even more unaffordable then it currently is.

      I felt like it was worth mentioning as someone else may be willing to wait for it.

      I know right absolute lunatics, one even had a chip in the housing of the screen and he still wanted 2k 😑

  • +2

    Legit question - who would buy this over a top of the line, latest gen 4K OLED screen at 27" or 32"?

    • +2

      Professionals that need a calibrated screen out the box.

      I'd imagine oleds still have aggressive ways in mitigating image burning? Like dimming etc

    • +2

      Mac is meant to scale and look better in 5k 27, 4k 24, 6k 32. It's not like it'll look like trash using a 4k 27 though. I'm sure most people do.

      Aside from that it has good webcam and speakers in a nice package that's the LG 5k 27" panel with mac friendly software integration and colour. So it's a decent buy for people in content creative field.

    • +1

      Apparently I would, use case is not for gaming so didn’t really need high refresh rates. Wanted something that would seamlessly integrate and keep things minimalist on my work station and honestly just looks aesthetically pleasing. Hard to quantify when it’s just comparing specs.

      • +1

        Seamlessly integrate? Help me understand your point of view - No offence (honestly) but how can "seamless integration" be genuinely worth monetary value to you in this specific case? What is there to "seamlessly integrate"?

        It's a monitor. Any modern monitor with the inputs you need would do. You'd have enough cash left over for a thunderbolt 4 dock too if need be.

        The aesthetics I get. But $2.1k? And it's still just IPS? (if I am correct). I just find that hard to digest that's all. It's an insane amount of money to spend for what is obsolete tech.

    • If you edit code / read text all day, then the high PPI is pretty damn nice.

  • +1

    For those all saying their 4K monitors are just fine, how well does MacOS handle the icon/UI scaling?
    Just worried 27 or 32 inch at 4K might make the UI look small etc?

    • +3

      Have had 4K 27” , 4K 31.5” and the studio display (5K 27”) with a Mac.

      The scaling makes the icons and UI larger the smaller resolution you go. Example: if you scale you 4K 27inch to 1080p the UI and text will be bigger. 5K makes the Ui quite small.

      Having had all 3 sizes. My opinions are:
      4K at 27” is fine without scaling
      4K at 32” is a bit rougher of text and edges (I suggest scaling to 1080p)
      5K is perfect for text, UI slightly smaller though.

      Scaling down the resolution is only for UI/Icons and text. When watching Videos/Movies still uses the original resolution of the monitor so 4K.

      4K is fine for Mac overall.

      • I used to have an iMac 5K, but now I’m using an LG 4K. The difference is huge. 4k is fine - but its nowhere near the clarity and sharpness of 5K.

        • Same experience with 4K Dell ultrasharp. A step down from the old iMac 5K, but quite acceptable.

      • Thanks mate! Super helpful.

        I'm running 1440P at 27" at the moment but was thinking of 4K at 32".
        Is 4K 32" at 100% (No scaling) still okay or is that where the edges are a bit rough?

  • +4

    Great monitor, money well spent (already have one), the built in mics that work with the camera tracking stuff, the built in speaker stuff sounds great and it's a really good calibrated monitor for editing with.
    If you're on the fence already about one, do it.

    • Literally has an A13 Bionic running the webcam, and insanely good speakers, there's six of them I believe.

      Haters gonna hate

  • I have a 48 inch 4k oled https://www.gigabyte.com/Monitor/AORUS-FO48U#kf

    When I plug an m2 macbook into the HDMI (above m1 does 4k 120hz vs 60hz) it's a ripper. 48 inch sounds ridiculous to start with but when you get used to it, hard to go back.

    • How far do you sit back from the screen?

      • About 70cm. Bought an iso mounting desktop stand from Amazon for rotation. I see the LG one looks good these days, and already has a central stand. https://www.lg.com/au/monitors/ultragear-gaming/48gq900-b/

        • I also have the AORUS-FO48U for $1K, but I use it as a TV.
          I found the text blurry for monitor use.

          • @congo: Maybe you don't have it set up right. Mine is razor sharp

  • +13

    I'm firmly in the Apple ecosystem but use 2 x 32" Dells (U3223QE) in my home office. They retail about $1500 each, got 'em on sale for around $1000 each. They're perfectly good, although frankly 2 x 32" is actually a bit too big, you have to turn your head a lot with that much screen real estate.

    But I use 2 x 27" Apple displays in my work office, and they look a lot better, even though smaller. It's quite amazing how the 5K v 4K resolution difference allows much nicer scaling. Text is incredibly sharp, contrast is perfect. And physically the monitors and their solid aluminium stands look beautiful - aesthetically nice in an environment where clients come to visit.

    The "I can't believe you'd spend that much" argument is pretty tiresome. With that attitude there'd be no Porsches or Maserati's, a Hyundai gets the job done, right? Buy what suits your situation, your requirements and your budget, and accept that others do the same.

    • what car do you drive? asking for a friend

    • I have the 27 inch U2723QE. I have been thinking of jumping up to U3223QE, and the alternative was a second U2723QE. Which is two thirds the price. The dilemma is space on the desk in a home office (thus the 32 as a replacement) or go for realestate but still amangable (the 27).

      Or wait for a 6K 32 inch studio display and really splurge, but hoping a lot less than the XDR.

      • +1

        The U3223QE is a great monitor, and the built-in USB hub with ethernet port is great, because I use a Mac laptop. One cable into the MBP and I'm charging, using the monitors, connected to ethernet and all my USB peripherals. It's a very tidy setup.

  • $2248 now

  • +1

    For people who's worried about the scaling issue on 4K monitors.

    Technical info:
    - Mac external displays for designers and developers (Part 1): https://bjango.com/articles/macexternaldisplays/
    - Mac external displays for designers and developers (Part 2): https://bjango.com/articles/macexternaldisplays2/
    - Chart: https://bjango.com/images/articles/macexternaldisplays2/ppi-…
    - YouTube: macOS 4K Scaling Explained: The TRUTH About Quality And Performance: https://youtu.be/5HZO-tfsQ-A

    Software solution I use: BetterDisplay for macOS (US$15): https://github.com/waydabber/BetterDisplay

    Of course, having the cash to buy the 5K monitor from Apple will be a my preferred solution 😂

  • +1

    the only 2 models worth getting to me is the vesa mount version. or the tilt and height version the standard stand in this version sucks.

  • +1

    I've looked at these from afar without any intention of buying and can say they look spectacular.

    What is the use case for the Apple displays? graphic editing, watching movies?

    Can anybody offer some personal use cases?

    • -3

      The best reason I can find, because it matches the decor.

    • +3

      video editing and any photo editing work in 5k resolution.

      This is not a HDR monitor though, if you want that you need to pay about 7k or more to get the XDR 6k display.

      Apple displays as also high-quality made monitors, they are all thunderbolt monitors as well.

      People apple displays mostly because they are made for creative work, and in most cases are loaded with built in features designed for Mac OS and macs in general so its seamless. as well as custom colour calibration profiles added to get the best colour for you tasks.

      at 99% p3 colour gama your getting a very colour accurate display.

      remember this is not build for games its built for creative work.

      its one of the cheapest creative monitors you can get, if you ever look at studio or production monitors from sharp and sony they cost about 10k to 30k

      If you are a home user don't get a monitor like this because your won't use it for what its built for.

      • Great, thats exactly what I needed to know. Many thanks!

  • +1

    I bought one, splurged probably a better word. Yes it was expensive but as I have everything else Apple it not only 'fitted in' but it does a very good job and great quality.
    I suppose if you wanted to justify it to yourself you could say, "divided by the 10 years I will probably have it, it is $219/year".
    Also as something I use every day it's good to have something nice that just works. I have a second larger monitor which I turn on only when I'm working on a lot of spreadsheets etc, which is a BeNQ. It does a good job, is a bit bigger and was a lot cheaper. But I don't use it often.
    Hope this helps someone.

    • Congrats on the purchase and enjoy! Beautiful monitor that!

      You deserve the 'bargaining with oneself' badge

    • my LG ultrafine 5k display I had this since 2016 before I decided to replace it with my apple studio 5k display, main reason for that was it was having some serious ghosting for some reason.

  • +3

    I'm willing to pay out the nose (i work wfh in frontend dev so I could expense some of it), but I'm just waiting on an upgraded model, so if that article is correct, hopefully after wwdc this year we'll have an idea of when the 2nd gen monitor is coming out.

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