This was posted 5 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Starlink Hardware Kit $299 (Was $599) + Delivery | Service $139/Month @ Starlink


$299 for a Generation 3 Starlink.

Doesn't look like JB, HN or Bunnings have price matched (yet).

Update, other retailers have dropped:

$139 per month for the Starlink Residential. $195 for Roaming (it's just gone up from $174).

Offer Ends 12th of October.

Referral Links

Referral: random (110)

The referrer and referee receives bonus credit for a month of standard service, 30 days after the referee activates and keeps their Starlink. Referrals will only issue credits to Standard Plan (Residential) and Mobile Regional (Roam) subscriptions. Kits purchased from a retailer or reseller are not eligible for the referral program. No credit will be given even if a referral link was used during activation.

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closed Comments

  • Can I buy one and bring it to China? Is it possible to pass the great firewall?

    • +12

      i know you try to be funny but i would still want to know why and what you want to achieve to bring this to china.

      ps: you can just turn on international roaming on your local service…that doesnt get filtered by the great all

      • -7

        But with this stuff friends can share access to X ins fb etc…

        • +8

          just use vpn?

        • +3

          As stated above if you use roaming with an AU carrier - last time I used Felix - there is no filter on any apps FB, Goog, Insta etc. it’s just the same as using your phone in AU.
          However you will probably want a Chinese number so you can use WeChat pay. You can use alipay but some attraction booking (chengdu pandas, terracotta warriors), food delivery etc isn’t on alipay.

      • Any recommendations on prepaid international roaming sims?

        • +2

          Just buy from that TravelKon, they always promote here.
          We went for 10 days and used their esim service. 10/10

      • i assume skylink wouldn't have satellites over China. I'm trying to plan a trip to China and the biggest in problem is the uncertainty around being able to work from there, so it's a fair question.

      • International roaming does get filtered at least it did when I was there was an absolute pain in the butt as my email was blocked and we had some reservations in email.

        I had to have someone show me how to use a VPN which was embarrassing also the VPN would only stay connected for a few minutes before being disconnected….

    • +1

      Just set up an VPN or roaming before you go.

    • +12

      No. Starlink is not available in China -

      Even if you do and use the "Global Roaming" (which is like $300 a month), it is only for a short time. Starlink are cracking down on Global Roaming in a specific country for a long period of time. More info here and here

      • +3

        Noticed. Thanks for sharing these important info.

      • +3

        Correction for Global Roaming - $670 a month!

        Global Roam
        Use Starlink at any location on land across the globe with active service coverage. Pause and un-pause at any time. Service will be deprioritized behind Residential and Priority customers and can result in slower speeds during times of peak usage, and use is not permitted for use on the ocean. Metered Mobile Priority data, with high-speed, ocean access, can be purchased by the GB on this plan. By switching to a mobile plan, you may not be able to change back to the Residential plan at your address.
        $670.00 /Month

        • ooft that's expensive

          • +3

            @May4th: Not expensive if you activate on a Filipino address and with roaming it can be used on whole continent of Asia

            • @FeZZa21: is it the same price in phillipines?

              • +2

                @May4th: I paid AU$89 for roaming last week and it's gone up $17 now. Working great in an unsupported country. Getting 150-400mbps and 60-400ms latency depending on time of day. I activated it while I was in Australia without opening the box to avoid the new $300 fee and almost a week has passed and haven't been charged.

                • @FeZZa21: thanks good to know, i wonder if you can use an airbnb short term address, be worthwhile even considering the flight/accommodation given the significantly lower cost

                  • +1

                    @May4th: I just used a random business address in Manila

                    • @FeZZa21: does it not get shipped to the address?

                      • @May4th: I purchased from JB here couple of months ago when it was on special $349, so I just signed to the roam plan by ticking the "already have hardware" tickbox

                        • @FeZZa21: ah very interesting good hack thanks

        • +1

          I got this email the other day:

          Effective immediately, you will have access to the following features with Starlink Roam:

          In-Motion Use
          International Travel
          Coastal Coverage

          International travel includes 2 months per trip in supported countries.

    • +15

      Don't worry about China. With the Ministry of Truth coming down under, you will need one here soon.

      • Keep in mind though, that where Starlink services/operates as per their map, they need to comply with any Government laws and ISP rules. Just because it is a satellite service doesn't mean that any laws/rules do not apply.

    • Are you sure you are safe to go through customs?

  • +6

    FML, I just paid $629 to get one delivered 2 weeks ago.

    • Return it for a full refund, order another in your wife/husband/gf/bf/dog/cat/fish's name

      • +6

        /dog/cat/fish's name

        how dare you forgot hamster

    • And before that, I paid I think $899 for what was Gen2 at the time. fml

    • +3

      just contact them and ask for a partial refund. we did this when they had the price of the original one go half off a week after we ordered one.

      • +5

        Thanks! Just did this and they have a 30 day policy and have credited my account $300.

  • I am currently on FTTC, Starlink Residential or FTTP is the way to go?

    • +13

      Go FTTP.

      Starlink is only good if you are on NBN FW/Satelitte or maybe FTTN. But if you have FTTC or FTTP, go down that path.

      • Or HFC.

        • +1

          HFC is trash

          • @WhyAmICommenting: speed wise, in a metro capital city not obstructed by apartments, would starlink speed be comparable to HFC?

            • +2

              @May4th: I have no idea, I just find I get a lot of dropouts and weird outages on hfc that I doubt would happen on fttp.

              • +2

                @WhyAmICommenting: I have HFC at work; it works really well probably 98-99% of the time. I'd take that any day over Starlink.

                You must have bad cabling or something in your area.

                • @eug: Most of the cabling is bad, especially the houses where they put coax under ground they get flooding issues in wet.

              • @WhyAmICommenting: Sorry to hear that. I don’t get that and have high speed overprovisioned service on HFC.

                Definitely better than a wireless or satellite service.

                But if I lived rural like my parents, Starlink has proven a no brainer. Thank you Mr Musk. skymesh is pathetic rubbish in comparison.

                • @entropysbane: Thanks, also i wasn’t having a go at you. HFC is good enough if it’s your only choice.

                  I got free 50mb nbn (hfc) through the schools thing but I’m trialing 5G at $55 a month just for my work computer as vpn drops were so bad via hfc.

          • +1

            @WhyAmICommenting: I'm not sure why you say that. I'm getting around 850mbps down and 50mbps up on my HFC connection. Not sure what my ping is as I don't game but haven't had any stability issues. I can't remember the last time I had an outage. I've had HFC connections for the last 13 years.

            Although if I had fttp I'd definitely go a plan with a faster upload speed.

            • @Name: I have HFC and have had it since around 2002, mostly because it is the only option. I'm almost permanently getting 800-900Mbps down and change, and stability has been great. I wish the upload was a little more beefy, but it's hardly trash compared to Starlink.

    • +10

      FTTP is a no brainer.

    • +4


      How can data signals travelling to and from low earth orbit faster and more stable than hard wired fiber optic cable on earth.

      While the bandwidth may sound good, the latency is terrible, no go if anyone in your household do online gaming.

      • -6

        If it were $100/m I'd consider it over FTTP due to crappy entitled ISPs that provide"best effort" service when they feel like it.

      • +1

        Nothing wrong with the latency, been running starlink for years, over a ubiquiti nano station set up on 5 acre property and have never noticed it. 30ms ping.

        Only issue is the low upload speeds, can only gamestream to my tablet and watch Plex at low quality when away from home.

    • +9

      FTTP is cheaper and better in every way. Leave Starlink for people that actually need it.

    • ISDN would be a much better option.

  • What's the practical difference between residential and roam? (i.e. what's stopping someone from taking the residential plan to roam?)

    • Residential - Locked to an address location
      Roam - You can go anywhere in the country.

      What's stopping someone from taking the residential plan to roam

      Nothing. But sometimes you cannot go from Roam back to Residential.

      • There's no hardware difference isn't it? So the residential plan is software locked to just a location?

        • There is 0 hardware difference. I had a Gen 2 and moved from Roam to Residential as a failover at home. I now have a Gen 3 on Roaming (bought in the June $359 hardware sale). The Residential Plan is just GPS-locked to the location. There is no software locked.

    • +2

      It is just software/server side enforcement. You can change plans. They will disconnect you when they detect a fixed service has moved location.

  • +6

    139 per month is pretty expensive compared to Home 5G broadband these days. If it came down to 100 p/m, Id sub.

    • +8

      If you can get NBN FTTC/FTTP or even Home 5G, then you are in a good area that isn't targetted for Starlink. Starlink is usually for regional areas with no Home 5G available or using NBN FW/Satellite looking for a more reliable service.

      • +3

        Only because Starlink is targeting those people with its pricing. It changes its pricing around the world - e.g. in Italy it's 29 Euros/month for a lower speed plan and 40 Euros/m for the standard residential plan.

        • +1

          yes, italy has shit internet, it's notoriously bad, so there is a market for it there.

          • @lulzenberg: Really? but you can get Iliad for $10 EUR a month with 180GB and the coverage is wicked.

    • I moved from Telstra 5G home due to constant drop outs and having to put the 5G modem in a specific place within the house due to where the best signal. I always had problems at 9-10pm at night.

      $139 is expensive, I can't wait for December 2025 when they move my area from rubbish FTTN to FTTP.

    • +3

      Irrespective of technological comparisons, $100 would definitely be a sweet spot. Though that may mean it becomes oversubscribed, catch-22.

      • +1

        They could decrease the bandwidth to 100mbits.

  • +2

    Getting 142 up and 7 down on NBN FW and just not sure starlink is worth the extra $50 a month… as tempting as it is.

    • Exactly what my Dad says and he gets 50/15 on FW. But he steals my roaming kit when the power goes out and NBN FW goes down.

    • +3

      I get about 250/20 on Starlink typically. Can go as high as 350 sometimes.

      • bt your paying alot more PM and paid a huge up front cost. so for MOST fw is a much better solution with plans starting from $60pm for speeds that most aussies dont mind using.

        • If FW is an option for you, I agree. I can only get Skymuster, so Starlink is a no-brainer.

          • @loksmack: Yeah, also look is TELSTRA or Optus 4g options are available to you, these are alot cheaper. If $ is no issue, starlink is best.

    • if you can get a stable fixed wireless connection it is not worth getting starlink residential.

  • +1

    A friend just paid full price a few weeks ago, anyone contacted support and requested any sort of compensation?

    • +2

      if your in the return window (30 days from memory) then chances are they will look after you with a credit

  • Can I use this on cruises?

    • +2

      Some cruises have starlink already, worth looking it up

    • You would need Boam Roaming Plan and you would need to check with the Cruise Company, not sure if they would allow it.

  • Can also use the $80 50GB roam plan now on all hardware if your only using it for a weekender camping etc

  • We are with Opticom and having outage almost weekly. This will be a good alternative option.

    • +1

      100% would be.

    • Optus 5g or Vodaphone 5g home internet is a better solution and alot cheaper.

      • But possible a higher latency and that is even if it is available in their area.

  • I have one I bought from HN and is still in the box, I don't need it anymore but don't know how to sell it

    • Facebook and/or Gumtree.

    • The same way you sell anything else?

      • I don't sell anything else

  • +1

    Telstra has a starlink plan for $124 per month. The speed is capped at 50up/10down.

    For those on NBN satellite or FW looking for a replacement on a budget, this might be a bit more platable.

    You can buy this discounted kit and transfer your subscription to Telstra.

    • +4

      Why give the parasites even more $$$ , in a format where they did zero heavy lifting?

    • +8

      Telstra has a starlink plan for $124 per month. The speed is capped at 50up/10down.

      highway robbery

    • +1

      Better to go to Starlink directly. Because Telstra won't be able to fix any Starlink issue itself and they rarely have outages. They are a lot quicker than NBN in resolving issues and I can only remember 1 major outage in the last 12 months which was 1 hour in length.

      You are paying Telstra for pretty much nothing but feeding their pockets. If you are on Starlink, you will rarely have to reach out to support.

  • +1

    Literally bought this yesterday from JB with a discount and $30 perks came to $523.

    Hopefully they price match today so I have a decent argument to get the difference refunded.

    • Update in-case it helps anyone, got in touch with JB via Live Chat and they've refunded the $283.

      • nice

  • Does it stay on the price you signed up with or increase over time

  • That $80 50GB roam plan is actually really tempting from an occasional camping perspective. Does anyone know if I use a remote machine RDP or whatever does is help address the limited included data? and what are the additional data costs?

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