10 Days China Tour from SYD/MEL $888 Per Person Twin Share ($500 Solo Surcharge) @ TripADeal


I went on this exact trip in May, and it was genuinely amazing. The trip is heavily subsidised by the China govt, which explains how they get away with the tiny cost.
You will need about min $1000 extra for the optional activities, tipping, and food.

I personally spent $2000 extra in total, but I bought a lot of things back.
I used Alipay almost exclusively which meant it was super easy to summarise every expense in the country and know where I was at.
Happy to answer questions too if people are concerned.

Reminder that the 15 day free visa makes this trip even cheaper and easier:


* 9th November

* 28th February
* 4th March
* 6th March
* 8th March
* 10th March
* 14th March
* 15th May
* 19th May
* 21st May
* 22nd May
* 26th May
* 28th May + $50 P/P
* 2nd June + $50 P/P
* 4th June
* 10th June


Day 1
Australia (or New Zealand) – Beijing, China
Day 2
Tiananmen Square & Forbidden City (or Tiananmen Square & Temple of Heaven)
Day 3
Great Wall of China
Day 4
Beijing – Shanghai - Suzhou
Day 5
Suzhou – Wuxi
Day 6
Wuxi - Hangzhou
Day 7
Hangzhou - Shanghai
Day 8
Shanghai History Museum & Free Afternoon
Day 9
Shanghai, China – Australia (or New Zealand)
Day 10
Arrive Australia (or New Zealand)


"Explore Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and Shanghai
Visit historic Tiananmen Square in Beijing
Step back in time at the UNESCO-listed Forbidden City or The Temple of Heaven (subject to availability)
Tick the Great Wall of China off your bucket list
Indulge in a delicious Peking Duck lunch experience
Enjoy a scenic boat ride on Hangzhou’s picturesque West Lake
Visit Lihu Park in Wuxi, a serene oasis nestled along the shores of Lake Lihu
Delve into the history of China at the Shanghai History Museum
Explore the Lingering Garden and a silk spinning factory in Suzhou
Visit a local Jade Museum and see incredible artisans at work
Learn about traditional Chinese medicine at ‘Tong Ren Tang’ in Beijing
Discover Longjing Tea at Meijiawu Tea Village with tastings"

Related Stores



    • +1

      @oliman is looking for a partner
      blind date ozbargain tour style

      • Meet first at OzB meetup.

      • yeah…you can refer me your girlfriend :)

    • Trip a deal is a 3rd party booking agent for china tour
      Once you reach China - it's run by the China Tour
      If your a solo traveler and paid the $500 single supplement
      Its not a guarantee you get a single room -
      Ask TripADeal where it states - guarantee solo traveler - single room in its terms & conditions
      If China tour want to cut costs or hotel is over booked - not enough rooms, they will put you with stranger
      Then try complaining to TripADeal …. they never want to know about it.

      Always please - read comments from solo travelers who have gotten single room - tripadvisor.com

  • is it a very fast paced group tour?

    • It is a fairly engaging trip, and there is little room for exploring unless you skip an optional activity to do so.

    • +3

      depends on whether you convert to Falungong I suppose

      • -1

        They do from prisoners and detainees as well. Do you still want to take the chance? :)


        • I wouldn't want to be a political prisoner in the US or any country either

          • -1

            @May4th: well that's not the point. US also do not harvest organs like China.

            • @DAT: no you just disappear or get tortured on a black site somewhere

              • @May4th: now I know who you are. Thank you for revealing yourself :)

                • @DAT: I can't care less who you think you know

      • Amen brother. I don't know why you are being negged so much for speaking the truth. We need to hold the mainstream media accountability for shielding the truth from the world and drive out those sino investors.

        P.s: cannibalism is the solution to world hunger and overpopulation.

        • -1

          those chinese immigrants eating all our cats and dogs!

          • +1

            @May4th: The right i word is invaders

            • @CptnObvious: Those damn invaders who came here in shackles!

            • +1

              @CptnObvious: yep all undercover sleeper CCP agents the whole lot of them!

          • @May4th: Corrections - China immigrants. Chinese not equal to China

            • @yanlianglee: ah still fighting the good fight I see.. good luck

          • @May4th: it was Vietnam where I saw roast dog, and someone tricked me into eating some - tasted funny to me, and not in a good way.

    • no - it's fully organised - you won't feel a thing … (?where did this scar come from?)

      [hmm - looks like the question I was responding to about organ removal has been removed - pro-China fifty-cent response team here?]

  • Appreciate all the info you've provided in this post, super interesting to read!
    China is a place on my list I'd like to visit some day, probably not in a structured tour like this, but you've provided great insight in the event that I do change my opinion.

    • I don't think I ever would have been brave enough to solo organise a China Tour myself, but doing this trip has given me that confidence.

      It's a great way to cheaply travel and experience the highlights, but if you're wanting a longer trip that lets you explore, then its fairly limited. The price point is tempting me to just skip all activities 2nd time round and explore the areas myself. The tour guides are generally okay if you ditch the bus so long as you make it back to the hotel via didi or something ready for the next day.

  • -1

    Are these the ones they give a DJI to foreigners to make happy happy videos then CCP propaganda team upload to YouTube with zombie accounts?

    • I guess so because I can't think of a better use.

    • I imagine they'd get paid more than forced shopping trips

  • -4

    Too risky considering the human rights record and abduction of journalists in China. I am not going to argue with these Chinese bots. Have a nice day and save your lives.

    • careful those CCP bots kidnaps people overseas too, is it safe to go outside?

      • No, it is not safe to go outside in China. CCP might kidnap you for not defending the country and its image well.

  • As a Chinese, I encourage everyone goes to this trip to feel the real China. The price is so cheap and I would book it if I have time to go back for traveling. If you want to ask me any questions, I can help as well

    • -3

      Real Chinese culture is within overseas Chinese communities such as Malaysia, Taiwan country.

      • wow yan liang lee. Taiwan is a province of China. I don't really care what you said about the rest. You can keep your hate about China.

        • +1

          No reason to hate- just waiting for West Taiwan to renounce their beliefs in failed communism and return to the fold.

        • +1

          Real Chinese was erased by Mao through the cultural revolution and the great leap forward. If you want to see what a thriving Chinese culture looks like in a democracy, Taiwan is where you want to be.

          • @Chumpmaster: Maoism is gone in all but name, even though CCP likes to pay homage to it. it's still a destination rich in culture/food and history/UNESCO heritage sites (which you just don't get in taiwan/HK whether they like it or not). If you are scared of the big bad CCP I suppose you might feel more comfortable in Taiwan or Malaysia but it's a big chunk of the world you are missing

        • -1

          I don't care what you think either. Taiwan is a proud country! Unlike China

      • This is simply not true.

        One example is the food (there are many examples but I think food is relatable for many people): China is a big country and every region has their own unique cuisine.

        Most of the Chinese food you eat in "overseas Chinese communities" is in fact southern Chinese cuisine e.g. Guangdong province (restaurants mainly run by Hong Kong migrants who speak Cantonese, which is a dialect of the Chinese language).

        You mention Malaysia - they have an entirely unique Malaysian Chinese cuisine that is very different to other Chinese cuisines.

        You would be missing out if you live in your shell and refuse to explore different parts of the world. I have my opinions on authentic northern Chinese cuisine (I'm used to the southern Chinese cuisine in Melbourne, so other Chinese cuisines and flavours seem weird), but at least I have tried it, and it adds to my life experience.

        Don't be afraid to explore and don't let social media and mainstream media colour your opinions before you visit.

  • I've done a version of this tour ~5 years ago from HK as I am Canto. The tour is really good value, but you need to have the right mindset that it is a shopping subsided tour.

    You have to attend and listen but aren't forced to buy, and prices aren't outrageous at all especially if you think you'll be getting souvenirs anyway. I bought tea and a silk eye mask and which I actually used. Breakfasts are buffet style, noodles, bread or bacon/sausage and eggs.

    I might go it again in the future and skip most of the optionals for more independent travel time.

    The travel time is expected since you are cris-crossing large parts of the country.

  • I have young kids, 4 and 2 year old. Is this tour suitable for them?

  • +1

    Happy to answer questions too if people are concerned

    How often do you have to report back to CCP?

  • -3

    Minus 1 vital organ for this deal.

    • tour is fully organised ;-)

    • Always got to be one racist comment, right?

  • What airlines did you fly with?

    • Its always a China Airlines

    • China Eastern.
      Or Shanghai Airlines, which is a subsidiary of China Eastern.
      Not the best airline in the world and the food is a bit meh', but for the price you pay it's okay.

      To upgrade to business it's ~$500 each way.

  • please read comments on - tripadeal China tour via tripadvisor

  • +1

    The only thing missing from this trip is a visit to Xi'an and the terracotta soldiers, but that's quite a distance away and the trip would have to be longer. Otherwise I think it's good value.

    I've been on several tours in South Korea, China, and Thailand and yes, eventually you'll be taken to a store where the tour guide gets a cut of the sales. Buy something if you like it, but don't be pressured into anything.

  • If I take you to buy tea and jade, forget it, but don't buy them. If you are not an expert in the jade industry, don't try it. Some of the stones may be soaked in various chemicals, and wearing them may hurt you. There are too many frauds, and some of these teas are not healthy. If you really want to buy them, just go to a local supermarket in Hangzhou and buy some tea. In addition, I recommend eating at a Michelin restaurant in Hangzhou that only costs 3 Australian dollars.

  • What are your views on travelling on this deal with a child under 2?

    • not specific for this tour but as a parent that has made a few trips with a tiny monster the thought of it makes me anxious.. a tour where you have have to leave by a certain time / where you don't get to dictate your schedule would be really challenging I think

      • Thanks just saw deal is only for those over 18

  • Just booked for May, this seems like a great deal, Flying from Sydney. Now for the Jetstar flights from Hobart. Do you know if you can eat at any outlet or are there only designated places to eat?

    • They have designated places to eat as a tour, or you are welcome to do your own thing.

      As an example, in Xi'an a buffet lunch organised by the tour was approx $15 (not bad), but I went out and got my own lunch (Burger, noodles and a drink) for $3

      • My tummy's rumbling already!

  • Are they allowed you booked solo, and they will fill a random person to your room?

    • You will be on your own - but you would need to pay the $500 single surcharge.

  • Kinda looks like 7 day tour.

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