10 Days China Tour from SYD/MEL $888 Per Person Twin Share ($500 Solo Surcharge) @ TripADeal


I went on this exact trip in May, and it was genuinely amazing. The trip is heavily subsidised by the China govt, which explains how they get away with the tiny cost.
You will need about min $1000 extra for the optional activities, tipping, and food.

I personally spent $2000 extra in total, but I bought a lot of things back.
I used Alipay almost exclusively which meant it was super easy to summarise every expense in the country and know where I was at.
Happy to answer questions too if people are concerned.

Reminder that the 15 day free visa makes this trip even cheaper and easier:


* 9th November

* 28th February
* 4th March
* 6th March
* 8th March
* 10th March
* 14th March
* 15th May
* 19th May
* 21st May
* 22nd May
* 26th May
* 28th May + $50 P/P
* 2nd June + $50 P/P
* 4th June
* 10th June


Day 1
Australia (or New Zealand) – Beijing, China
Day 2
Tiananmen Square & Forbidden City (or Tiananmen Square & Temple of Heaven)
Day 3
Great Wall of China
Day 4
Beijing – Shanghai - Suzhou
Day 5
Suzhou – Wuxi
Day 6
Wuxi - Hangzhou
Day 7
Hangzhou - Shanghai
Day 8
Shanghai History Museum & Free Afternoon
Day 9
Shanghai, China – Australia (or New Zealand)
Day 10
Arrive Australia (or New Zealand)


"Explore Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and Shanghai
Visit historic Tiananmen Square in Beijing
Step back in time at the UNESCO-listed Forbidden City or The Temple of Heaven (subject to availability)
Tick the Great Wall of China off your bucket list
Indulge in a delicious Peking Duck lunch experience
Enjoy a scenic boat ride on Hangzhou’s picturesque West Lake
Visit Lihu Park in Wuxi, a serene oasis nestled along the shores of Lake Lihu
Delve into the history of China at the Shanghai History Museum
Explore the Lingering Garden and a silk spinning factory in Suzhou
Visit a local Jade Museum and see incredible artisans at work
Learn about traditional Chinese medicine at ‘Tong Ren Tang’ in Beijing
Discover Longjing Tea at Meijiawu Tea Village with tastings"

Related Stores



  • +9

    Tipping!? That sounds very un-chinese and un-aussie.

    • +15

      The "Tipping" is exclusively the fee you pay per day to the bus drivers. it comes to ~$10aud per person. It's more reasonable to call it a "daily transport cost"
      This was one of the things that confused me when trying to read the itinerary, and made me carry extra cash for no reason.

      • I didn't know that since I never experienced driver tipping in any tours. But I wasn't in a tour for a very long time.

        I've only done day 2 and day 3 and probably a little bit of day 7 myself. Maybe opportunity arises I should try a tour like this one again. (I'm a chinese BTW)

      • Did you have to tip each day or was it on the last day? Asking because I’ll be doing one of their other China trips in November

      • Tipping expense - $10 aud per day per person x 10 days = $100 x 2 people = $200 -pls add this to your budget

    • +1

      They are making back those subsidized costs

      • illegally

      • +5

        I think it's reasonable given forced shopping in tours in China are mostly forbidden by law now.

        A few days ago I watched a video on a tour between Tianjin and Beijing, return bus fare included with healthy combination of sightseeing and some meaningful shopping, which costs less than one way train ticket between the two cities LOL.

        But I do enjoy the flexibility of travel by myself, a lot.

        • -1

          So we should be subsidizing their lives because China made a law to rule out unfriendly tourist practices?

          • +2

            @knobbs: No, it was because a long time ago some travel agencies in China are ripping tourists off by creating zero-yuan tours and forcing them to buy stuff. Anti-competitive practices, etc.

            I don't know about foreign-targeted tours. I'm talking about domestic ones facing Chinese nationals. These news were all over the place in early 2000s I recall.

            Laws are made pro-consumer. Subsidised tours are pretty common these days. Also tourist industry is a very efficient industry, the actual cost can be unimaginably low.

        • ahhh I remember this game now. Saying, "I don't speak English" in English worked wonders. Works also on your side quests.

    • it's the same here pre covid, the chinese tourist groups would tip the driver, which the money then gets split up if there's a guide on the bus as well. Calling it tip is more like a fee.

    • -2

      Chinese not the same as China :)

  • +2

    Cheaper than a two night stay at a Motel in Moe.

  • Is the trip suitable for a limited mobility traveller. Eg wheelchair or elderly?

    • +1

      There were plenty of of elderly, but unfortunately it did require a bit of walking from place to place for the activities - normal walking pace.
      I probably wouldn't recommend it if you need a wheelchair, but I also wouldn't say impossible. Might be one to reach out to their support and see if they have any specific accommodations.

    • Greatwall alone is relatively wheelchair unfriendly. It's significantly more accessible now compared to two decades ago and I do see people in wheelchair on the wall, but I doubt a tour would be able to accommodate that.

      Maybe there are speciality tours optimised for people with disabilities?

      • +1

        you didn't need to climb the wall, they bring you to a flat area where they have coffee shops and souvenirs. Then again, you'd need someone confident in helping them up short flights of stairs where present - else probably doable

    • I went to China earlier this year, it's not even stroller friendly at train stations, had to help a few struggling mums trying to carry their baby. It was interesting to see no one offered help at all.

      They will need to be able to walk some distance to enjoy the country

      • it depends on the city and what part of city.
        shanghai for example, I had no problems with any metro stations or around town. so shanghai/beijing/hang zhou/guangzhou in urban areas should be ok
        if you are in a tier 2 city, or "old town" part of the city that wasn't master planned in the last 1-2 decades, its quite difficult to get around and I would use a carrier instead

        • This was in Beijing.

  • +2

    Will they force your tour group to buy overpriced items from their duty free shop? Also, I've heard they don't let you leave until your group has hit a certain quota.

    • +36

      They take you to 4 very clearly associated shops during the trip, they do not have a quota, but you are there for like an hour or two.
      It was actually super interesting how they did their sales pitch though, each one was unique, and it was more fun watching the people in your group who bought into it.

      Opal Store
      - They bring you into what is basically a big jewellery shop for Opals, all are cut into different things and many are priced in the thousands. They start with a little explainer on Opals, how they are cut, and how to tell real from fake (lol) - then they let you loose to just look around the place. I personally spent nothing but took heaps of photos of the display items because they were extremely pretty and impressive. Overall 1.5hrs of my life, and was easily distracted. The place was big and had free coffee.

      Eastern Medicine
      - This one was weird, they sit you in a little room and a guy gave a presentation on eastern medicine and its benefits, as well as its apparently improving popularity in western countries (lol) - they have people give you a foot massage during the presentation, but that too was optional. It cost $10 for the foot massage. Then you can optionally have an Eastern medicine doctor come and diagnose you with something and try to sell you random pills for too much money. They gave you the option to have a doctor assess you to begin with, I opted not to. This one was fun to watch others in the group buy into it all. 1hr of my life, you are engaged the entire time, so not exactly 'boring' - there are shops nearby you can go to afterward.

      Silk Factory
      - They go through what feels like a museum and explain how silk products are made. They have actual silk you can feel, and it was actually kind of cool to learn about. Then they sit you in a little room, explain the difference between real and fake (also cool to learn) and then offer you a deal, its a bed set and a suitcase for $800ish from memory, and surprisingly most people bought this deal. This is where a lot of people learned that tripadeal lets you take 2x 20kg bags back home from china, and the silk factory is where they capitalise on that. Still, optional, and you arent pressured at all. 2 hours and pretty fun. lots to look at outside of the presentation etc.

      Tea Shop
      - They take you to a farm where they pretty much exclusively plant green tea. This place was awesome, beautiful, and they let you walk among the fields close to the little shopfront to get some pics. They seat you down in a room where someone gives a presentation on the benefits of green tea - and everyone is poured fresh green tea as part of the explainer. The tea was nice and it was the one thing they sold me on. I spent like $120 on the green tea pills and heaps of green tea. it was fine to bring through customs. Nobody was pressured to buy, many didn't. 2-3hrs, and was a highlight location in its own right.

      • +2

        My wife and I are going next week (slightly different 10-day itinerary, though, but mostly the same destinations - terracotta warriors the main difference).

        Really appreciate the rundown on your experience. Really glad you had a great time. I think a chunk of it is mindset and just being happy to go with the flow. Some stuff will be good, some bad.

        A couple of quick questions though.

        • Did you have decent hotels/breakfasts?
        • Any tips for dinners? Hotel restaurants the best option? If so, how much do meals set you back?
        • +4

          The breakfast was pretty much the same the whole trip, buffet style hotel breakfast. The only difference is that they cooked noodles at most places and it was amazing. I went to a hotel in melbourne a couple weeks ago and everything bar the noodles was the same lol.

          Dinners are easy to come by, and are usually in like a food court options - or optional activities that include the meal.
          Dinners occurred during the daily activities so there wasnt options for restaurants - and where there were the guides gave some recommendations.

          Mindset is a big thing, all the ozb comments from previous deals by people who never went to begin with - did their best to scare me into thinking the trip was a mistake. It was far from it.

          • @fratzhaus: Cheers! I take it there are supermarkets around the place to pick up snacks to nibble on during the day?

            I imagine it was all pretty cheap otherwise (in true OzBargain style).

            Enjoy your next trip!

            • @mc85: plenty of supermarkets! plenty to eat.

              There's also a Walmart in Suzhou, you gotta find it for the photo op lol

        • Get a recommendation for hotpot. It's a good laugh and even better food when in a large group.

          • +1

            @humperdoo: My one biggest regret was not doing hot pot.
            I had a million opportunities but either ate too much earlier on, or told myself I'd do it later.

            • @fratzhaus: you can have it in sydney/melbourne anyway there are chains that have opened up here. it's good fun and actually a fairly "safe" eat out if you are worried about bad food/gastro as everything is boiled

            • +1

              @fratzhaus: Just go to Haidilao.

  • I did this a few months ago and it was good! The section of the great wall was pretty much a replica though, seemed to be something rebuilt for tourists in the past decade or two which left me feeling like I still haven't really seen it.

    • The original ones were damaged during the wars years ago, they rebuilt on the same site, like many city walls in china. You can still find damaged wall remaining not far away.

  • The itinerary suggests a lot of your time is spending on transportation, and change to new accommodation/hotel each day (probably late check in early check out)?

    • +4

      yes and no, it felt like a very long 10 days, and I do wish I had more time to explore.
      We skipped an optional activity in Hangzhou and explored the entire day - we used the train system too to get around, super easy.
      For $888 you can't be mad about changing location every few days, and it wasn't a big hassle.
      You were on the bus each morning at 9am to do activities as part of the itinerary, it was a very engaging trip.

  • +6

    I'm from Hong Kong, and been to mainland multiple times , such travel package is good value, but they will take you to overpriced shops and expect you to spend money. Just be mindful of that, avoid buy things from associated store.

    Best way to do it Is to get a Chinese friend imao, or a guide, but it's tricky to find , and some of them may also take you to associate store.

    And China don't have good disability infrastructure, so be mindful of that.

    • Or a local guide who knows their business if no Chinese friend to guide you.

      In one of the Sammy and Tommy episode they mentioned a special tour organiser that take them to experience local street food: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EfW1OCK8lU

      Man I can vouch that aussie knows Beijing very well! Probably better than many native Beijingers.

  • +2

    Great explanations of what you did on the tour. Was the tour conducted in English?

    • +3

      thanks :)

      Entirely English.

  • +1

    How do these things work anyway? Lets say

    A: I don't want to buy anything
    B: I maybe don't want to do their activities

    Can I buy nothing, and can I bugger off for the day and come back to the hotel when I please ooooooor?

    • +1

      you ever been on a school excursion? you need to hang with your peers during the designated hours and activities but outside of that you free to roam

      • +2

        Safe to assume he hasn't been to school

    • You don’t really have to buy anything although some tour guides will not like it. Just a polite and firm no thanks is enough.

      Same with optional activities. Obviously the guide makes a big cut on those but in our case, there was enough people (about 80%) doing each activity and buying crap that the guides were happy enough.

      Technically, you are supposed to be with the tour at all times.. but we asked nicely to skip a day in Shanghai and went to disneyland instead. Tour guide didn’t mind. But be prepared to be told no because legally, you have to stick with the tour except for the optional ones where you can go and do whatever but that is less than half days.

      • +1

        Ah yeah someone on our tour did this too! they went to Disneyland instead of the ancient city and the tour guide was awesome and organised transport and the tickets for them.

        Our tour guide gave us recommendations of what to do in Hangzhou and made it a better experience overall

    • +5

      A little further above is my breakdown on the 4 associated stores, you are required to go as they are on the way to the next destinations, but you are not required to buy anything.

      You do need to join them each day on the bus, and the optional activities are clearly communicated and are in every right - optional.
      You are also there for the included activities, it'll typically be: we go to a place and do an inclusive activity, then we arrive on time for the optional.

      I personally skipped the 'ancient town' activity and explored Hangzhou and the train system. We went to West Lake on our own and found a night market. so cool.
      Others skipped some of the shows (golden monkey / circus) - and walked around the shopping centers/city instead.

      I did all optional activities, and I recommend them all except the circus - that was a bit of wasted time imo. Golden Monkey was interesting and a good one time experience.

      Ultimately if you dont want to participate in any of it, buy a return ticket instead and organise it yourself. You're there for the tour and the flights, not just the flights.

    • They will pretty much force you get into the shops. The tour price definitely doesn't cover the true cost, so where is the money coming from? If you have a lot of time and doesn't mind wasting time on those shops, it is fine. They will not force you to buy anything but they will keep telling you that your tour price does not cover the true cost, which is true.

    • you are not thedukeofchina so
      A: I don't want to buy anything - can but just buy small thing wont harm your wallet
      B: I maybe don't want to do their activities - cannot

    • Appreciate the responses, everyone. Too many to reply to right now, hands are full, but very good to know, thank you all.

      To be honest, I would want to do the activities if we went. Moreso I was just wondering if it's a completely hand held guided 10 days, you know? Like if there was ever any "bugger off and do your own thing" kind of time.

      As for buying stuff though, yeah, I don't know, I probably wouldn't tbh, touristy stuff is always so tacky.

  • How did you connect to Alipay? Was it difficult without having a Chinese bank account? I heard it's not easy connecting to those services without one.

    • +1

      It works fine with an australian card. I used Macquarie with no international fees.

    • Easy, you can do it now from australia with whatever card you want..

      • Yes, but you only get the QR code in AliPay, but you cannot use the App to scan other QR codes, because that needs a working Chinese SIM card.

    • as others said, works with aussie card.
      You do need to do a KYC through the app if you want to spend more than the small $ account limit though.

      • wow now i can go to sydney chinatown and feel like at home…. tap here tap there

        • It's not economical to use Alipay or WeChat Pay with international card outside of China. I use these apps to pay in Australia only because sometimes the forex rates are good and there are incentives to take advantage of. Pretty popular to visitors and international students, too, for the same reason.

          • @xmagic: Also most shop owners are happy to charge you multiple 200rmb if you are getting something big as I think they sting you with a 3% fee once the cost goes over 200.

    • +1

      Also you can get WeChat Pay international version work with aussie cards no problem. Alipay, the international version, is comparatively more polished for non-chinese users, though.

      You should get both if you're travelling around China. Most places accept both, but in places that only accept one of them, Alipay is more popular in the south and WeChat Pay is more common to the north.

      • fair, this trip is more south, everywhere had Alipay, many did not have wechat

    • WeChat and alipay are both super easy to set up now: create account and link your card. Just came back from 2 weeks in China. Used WeChat 95% of the time. When WeChat gave me an error (no idea why) I used alipay.

  • +4

    Went on this trip in May. Its honestly quite good for the price.

    Not sure if all the stores they took you to are all overpriced, but the silk and tea are actually quite well priced according to my Chinese friend.
    They are both premium items so they are expensive yes, but good value for the quality of the item.

    There are fair bit of optional tours but we opted out of most of it and just explored the city ourselves. Didi is quite cheap even at Beijing/Shanghai when the hotel location is 1h away from the city.

    • +1

      I'm booking again, and skipping most the optionals and doing exactly this.

  • I have 14 and 9 y.o kid, would they be accepted in this trip?

    • Others have found that it is 18+ only. Sorry :(

      • +1

        Oh really, I rang the one of the tour operators and they said kids were welcomed with accompany adult. They just can't go on their own, hence the 18+

  • Can you share how you used Alipay in China? Was it directly linked to your Australian card? No issues with payment? I understand Alipay can be used basically all across china, just like wechat/wepay

    So could you realistically only carry cash for tipping?

    • +1

      just with an aussie card, you can link it up.
      You can do it in AU right now if you'd like to see how it works.

      Tipping is just the bus fee - you can pay via alipay too.

    • +2

      I don't think you need to bring cash at all. Locals would prefer cashless over cash in almost all situations.

      I personally haven't seen (let alone use) cash for years when I back home for holidays. People often having hard time to give you change if you offer them a large banknote 😏.

      Also paying with QR code is a bit different from RFID contactless. But in general it's quite easy to understand - either you scan me (customer scans merchant's static QR code, and need to enter how much to pay, feels like paying cash) or I scan you (merchant uses POS terminal to scan customer's dynamic QR code on the app, feels like paying with a credit card).

  • $500+ surcharge from anywhere that isn’t Sydney or Melbourne, surely it’s cheaper to buy separate domestic flights and a hotel room for a night…

    Edit apparently not, wow domestic travel is expensive these days

    • I only put SYD/MEL in the title for that reason haha

  • with there are dates in october next month.
    maybe different provider? it dont hink its exclusive to TripADeal, right?

    • The dates I put in the post are from Melbourne, there might be different dates for Sydney but I didn't think that'd be the case.

      Other providers provide very similar tours because of the govt subsidy, and the freelance tour guides basically have a routine and route on lock.
      They are different companies though, and have different (though similar) inclusions.

  • +1

    Has anybody gone on these kinda trips with a 4 year old? Would it be difficult because of too much walking required? Do the tour operators even allow it?

    Edit : Nevermind.. have to be 18years old at least

  • Do you get to be tourists behaving badly, like many videos of chinese tourists overseas?

    • Yep just like the ones in Bali

  • Australians have 15 days visa free travel to travel. They could have just extended it a little. Looks like very hurried trip.

    • +1

      there is a 13 day trip inclusive of a terracotta knights trip, but its about 500 extra I think.

  • +1

    I want to travel alone on 4th of June 2025. Anyone want to travel on same date and share room with me (to save $500 extra for solo room requirement for single travellers)? If yes then PM me so we can book together for sharing room saving. Cheers.

  • would it be viable to take kids on something like this?

    • -1

      Others seem to have confirmed you must be 18+. Sorry :(

  • Anyone wants to travel alone and book a sharing room with me to save $500? 4th of June suits me.

  • +1

    Op would finding food during the tours a problem for vegetarians?

    • +1

      I don't think you'll struggle too much.
      There were tofu dishes and the like available at many of the places.
      At worst, keep some packaged food from the supermarkets with you :)
      One of my friends I went with was Vegetarian and seemed to not have much issue.

    • +1

      vegetarian is reasonably easy, if you are vegan that can be tough though

  • I know alot of bogus western bots has a slight racist opinion whenever something Chinese related pops up,
    so for those silently reading this that know they can’t neg this deal, why you gotta be a fear mongering sheep? Are u any different 😂

  • I wish these offers were sometimes catered for solo travelers as well. Always a twin share condition attached.

    • +1

      Time to start a OZB page to pair like minded travellers to go on twin share tours like this.

    • +1

      @oliman is looking for a partner
      blind date ozbargain tour style

      • Meet first at OzB meetup.

      • yeah…you can refer me your girlfriend :)

  • is it a very fast paced group tour?

    • It is a fairly engaging trip, and there is little room for exploring unless you skip an optional activity to do so.

  • -7

    Do I need to pay extra to keep my organs intact?

    • depends on whether you convert to Falungong I suppose

      • -2

        They do from prisoners and detainees as well. Do you still want to take the chance? :)


        • I wouldn't want to be a political prisoner in the US or any country either

          • @May4th: well that's not the point. US also do not harvest organs like China.

            • @DAT: no you just disappear or get tortured on a black site somewhere

              • @May4th: now I know who you are. Thank you for revealing yourself :)

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