Chery Omoda 5 FX $26,800 D/A @ Costco (Membership Required)


This is the cheapest price for one anywhere in Australia

Yep, Costco sell cars, in partnership with Autoconnect

From what I seen, reviewers judged the Omoda 5 as being ok to drive, but marred by overly intrusive lane assist beeping, which was resolved by a software update.

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  • +15

    Can I buy and return?

    • +8

      If you have Costco premium black card, they accept 1 year return on everything.

  • +50

    Do they come in a pack of 48?

    • Wait. No up-vote for the deal!?

  • the dealers start at $100 more than this

    • +54

      So essentially saving people $100 from having to deal with a salesperson?


        • +14

          Are ming moles extinct now?

            • +2

              @KLF23: Times sure change quick; it wasn't too long ago that the Macquarie Dictionary asked if it should go into the dictionary.

            • +2

              @KLF23: someone needs their nappy changed

        • +12

          Losing an entire day to the dealership's shenanigans? I really don't need to meet the manager, or the finance guy, or the ming moll…

    • $40 after Costco membership fee

    • +9

      Yeah. I love to check in on the community but you really see a lot of stuff that isn't deals these days. In a world of inflation and flat out crappy value propositions being drilled into people's heads on every social media platform I genuinely think it's important to uphold the meaning of what a deal is and not let companies astroturf their way into pre-inflating and marketing creating huge overheads for profit.

      A deal is when you get to stick it to the big monolithic companies because they bit off more than they can chew. When they have excess inventory and they need to sell it at a loss. When a new company breaks onto the market and has undercut competition. When your favourite restaurant does something cool to celebrate a day or event and you can actually get a deal. When a product just is being replaced by the next new thing
      so it's going for cheap.

      It's depressing to see the slow brainwash hit our community where we have now have perverted ideas of what a deal is and it's so abstracted from any concrete
      market value. It's the classic "iPhone is worth more because we say so" which doesn't actually make much sense because the hardware is simply not differentiatable from other offerings. But now we apparently accept the trend of sellers upping prices before sales? So many companies marketing practices have this baked beneath the hood now. Ever notice how everything you buy from Woolies or Coles doesn't feel on special anymore? It's just $9 for a bag of lollies unless you're lucky and you pay $5 when we know the original price is so inflated it's actually stupid to buy them at RRP.

      I could go on forever. But your point is valid. This ain't a deal. It's a Costco post because most of us as ozb guys associate with some great deals we picked up from there in the past. Besides the conversation piece of oh wow Costco sells cars it really only has the effect of any guerrilla marketing campaign or astroturfer would shilling brands value propositions.

      I hate politics and caring too much about issues, I hate not being open to change but above all I hate the idea of losing our identity as bargain hunters by eventually just posting cash reward clones and a few 'bargains' when the next item of fascination is reduced by a measly 4% but it's a bargain because we all know it's a really cool thing that we all want more of. I don't like the direction I see the site slipping into at all.

      • Indeed it takes the value out of ozbargain, the best we can do is not up vote such listings

      • +2

        Post some good bargains for us then sensai.

      • We need to take a stand

    • The membership is fully refundable at any time, is that a deal now?

    • +6

      Does the Executive level membership apply? If so, it is 2% discount, which is $536 off, for a $130 membership

      • +4

        Don't forget to split payment and use 106x discounted Coles visa/mastercard gift cards for extra discount.

  • +10

    Costco shall sell house next, car, house, coffin

    • +3

      what about spouse?

      • +24

        If they do there will be no return policy

      • +4

        do they offer samples? asking for a friend

    • +19

      they do sell coffin

      • +4

        It is a marketing ploy. Making shoppers feel that their life can end anytime so have no regrets on buying things in bulk which you may not even need.

        • +3

          No it's a great table to eat 2 dollar hotdogs

      • +5

        Was gonna say lol. I love how it's just on display by the exit, right next to the jacuzzi

  • +4

    Nice looking car

    • +7

      Good luck finding a VY that isn't clapped out

      • easy to find, but they cost this much

        • well i mean a clean SS is this much…

    • +2


  • +10

    Time to stock up on discounted Costco gift cards.

  • +2

    Good to see that Chery are finally making automatic cars (their initial models were only available as manuals).

    • It's entirely because of demand.

      • +4

        no one is buying manual anything unless its MX5 86 or M3

        • Also WRX (excluding wagon)

        • +7

          no one is buying manual anything

          I prefer manual cars. People like me to exist. It will be a sad day when all cars are automatic.

        • Don't forgot work utes, surprisingly some employers still cheap out

  • -8

    Honestly speaking for the price these look alright id rather buy this then that weirdo Cupra crap which cost almost double

    • +15

      cupra is a enthusiast performance platform based on the VW Audi Q5 whatever so you pay for what you get…

      • +3

        I’ve had a Cupra for over 2 years and it’s a great car!

      • +2

        Made by seat i think, basically a hot vw with sometimes nice sometimes weird styling.

    • +2

      Only a $4k difference between this and a Haval H6 SUV, if people are looking for a bit more room.

    • +6

      Cupra is a performance car. It's actually been around as SEAT the Spanish brand. Cupra are the performance version of SEAT.
      Compared to
      Chery is something that might work with a 50/50 chance in 10 years.

      • +12

        Chery is something that might work with a 50/50 chance in 10 years.

        tbf ANY VW product also has the same odds…

        • +6

          I do find it funny how conveniently people forget about euro's and their deplorable reliability when it comes to chinese cars

          • +1

            @Drakesy: the difference is that the Euros will actually drive quite nice when they are working and I mean there's always the badge appeal…

        • +3

          Euro stuffs reliable…. As long as you have deep pockets for routine maintenance

          • @DannyBoy: I just bought a 2011 Skoda Octavia manual for $5K. Drives very nicely, fuel efficient, nice styling.

  • if you buy from Costco does it have the same return policy as other products

    • Drive for a year then ask for refund

  • -1

    Front of this car looks suspiciously similar to the Nissan design language…

  • +9

    Now I see why Americans call it Carsco…

  • +4

    I got a quote of $22k for automatic roof pergola 3mx4m now I feel that I'm being ripped off

  • +1

    with an approximate extra $3,000, BX is better value.

  • +2

    Only has 8GB of RAM, no buy.

  • -6

    I ain’t having any of that state-owned crap, ever. BYD is probably going to be the closest I’d get to state-owned Chinese cars (BYD isn’t state-owned but receives huge grants by the Chinese government).

    • +5

      Lol who cares

    • -8

      Addendum: Apparently BYD is ALSO linked to the CCP via its founder, and so is Geely and JAC. Literally every car manufacturer in China is linked in some way to the CCP, either through state ownership, or their top brass being linked to the government.
      Personally, I’d be fine buying Chinese EVs if either they open-sourced their car software or design so that either we can make our own derivatives of either the car or the software and be content that if it’s open-source, people can find any wrongdoings in the code; or the computers in the cars are easy to take out and replace with open-source alternatives.
      I’d rather buy a used Chinese EV from either someone else or a used car dealership and then find a way to fuse off any outside connections, even if it means bricking functionality.
      I have no issue with Chinese manufacturing, but devices that are DESIGNED or OWNED (Volvo, Polestar) by China is a no-go for me.

      • +1

        CCP probably will block your link on their end due to receiving too much meaningless scum talking :)

      • +4

        Is there any car manufacturer out there that actually open-sources their up-to-date core software or adopt an open-source, non-proprietary one?

        No offence intended but don't think too highly of yourself as a car buyer, all they want is the money.

  • The front grill of this car triggers my trypophobia.

  • +1

    Local Review

  • -3

    lol, ccp subsidised takeover of the world's cheap and cheerful motor vehicle market.
    be aware that profits may be used to fund ccp military spending after lining the pockets of ccp officials.

    • -6

      Actually, I’d edit my comment to say that you’re right, either the EV manufacturers are state-owned, or the people that founded them used to be or are currently in the CCP.
      I’d still buy them if either they open source their cars and/or software so at least the spying they do on you is at least tolerable and/or others can make EVs better, or there is a way to strip out their internal computers and replace them with open-source alternatives such as the RK3588.

  • +8

    What a bunch of morons with CCP comments show how ignorant most Aussies are. At least the CCP did not supply weapons for "confirmed" genocide and apartheid regimes like the US Gov.

    I really find it the whole argument that other countries use China's economic stimulus as an excuse for their own weak economy and years of poor economic policies. Want clean, advanced economies and offloaded everything to China for cheap labour.

    Our Aussie tax payer money got wasted on Holden and Ford which ended up in America which was state-subsidise manufacturing too. Our manufacutirng industries were uncompetitive in terms of cost and quality. China's vertical integration is unmatched in the world.

    Stop being foolish and buy into the US narrative "blame China" campaign.

      • +4

        I suspect his grass may be a lot closer to reality than yours.

      • +9

        You just talked contradictory trash.

        Just say you prefer to be a US puppet.

  • -1

    What a weird description, why did you need to tell us about the beeping inconvenience that's already resolved lmfao

    • +4

      Because many people just take youtube reviews as bible

      • +1

        As gospel 🙂…

  • +1

    Should I trust a brand which can't even spell Cherry or Cheryl right? 🤔

  • +1

    I would definitely be interested but the membership fee kills it.

  • 2023 Chery OMODA 5 1.6 TGDI Excellent POV Test Drive

  • Just note that on this cherry cars they do traditional pricing model where this is base model and anything else you need to pay for. So you final value might be lot more when you add all the standard stuff that comes with other cars.
    Most of other cars now simply have three options like base, mid range and premium rather than asking for $1000 for this feature, another $1000 for another feature.

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