Free GG Samples + Free Shipping @ GamerSupps


Found out about this today when watching the H3 Podcast and gave it a go myself. Sure enough, $0.00 for the samples and $0.00 for the shipping.

The link should take you to the free samples product. If a charge shows on the checkout page, make sure the code “H3” is applied.

Haven’t tried the product myself but I’m guessing it’s equivalent to G Fuel.

FREE SAMPLES ARE ONE PER ADDRESS. If you attempt to get more than one order sent to the same person/place we will cancel ALL of your orders and you will get NOTHING.

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Gamer Supps


  • +7

    You really can sell anything to anyone

  • +1

    free thanks

  • It's free but really it's pretty nasty. There's so much caffeine in these you won't sleep. I certainly don't like the taste of any of them.

    • +5

      There's so much caffeine in these you won't sleep

      that's what I'm hoping for

    • +1

      i think youre just too old to be consuming caffeine then lmao

    • Only 100mg though? Hardly more than a medium sized coffee, and a lot less than most preworkouts.

      Granted, I'm like you and I won't sleep at all if I take it in the afternoon.

    • It has 100mg of caffeine per serving. That's about the same as a standard cafe coffee. Sounds like caffeine probably just isn't for you…

  • I got the sample once and it was horrendous, tasted terrible and didn't make me feel any more awake than I already was.

    I definitely would not consider purchasing the actual product or getting another free sample.

    • +1

      If 100mg of caffeine doesn't register you're probably drinking too much elsewhere. Consider a tolerance break you degenerate druggie /s.

  • +7

    Have a banana

  • +1

    Use a throwaway, I signed up with a unique email alias and the emails started to roll in, all with the +gamersups modifier

  • +1

    Dan is the queen

  • What does it taste like?

    • +1

      to me. the gamer fart, atleast tasted exactly like a unfrozen green zooper dooper. like identical. the mango is is just typical mango, pretty good imo. the cocktail was like a pineapple coconuty, iirc. overall pretty meh, but not bad.

    • Got them last time. Had one and it was rank. Binned the rest. And I generally have no issue with artificial flavours.

  • +1

    I've had one sample before 2/3 flavours were alright but I split each pack into 2 serves and use it as a pre-workout. Crazy amounts of caffeine in each packet. 1 flavour made me gag (some milk one)

    • Ahh the tiddie milk

  • Have ordered these in the past with no issues but went to order today via PayPal and my bank declined it, same with my wife's card, we both got calls from the bank within 10minutes as they had flagged as fraudulent based on the merchant, not sure if it's a different site but just be careful

  • +1

    I had the melon flavoured one in the morning. I was bouncing off the walls all day and I’d like to think caffeine doesn’t affect me much anymore. But damn. I was wired.

  • Family Family Family

  • +4

    Would not want even if free

    • +2

      These people couldn't pay me enough to consume crap like this.

  • +1

    People still watch that guy?

  • +1

    I think I still have these sitting in a drawer from last time. Wonder if the tiddie milk is still good.

  • Ordered this last time it was on here 18 months ago or so and nothing came. Gonna give it another shot although they might send nothing as I've ordered before.

  • Ordered thanks op

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