This was posted 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Haval Jolion $25,490, Haval H6 $30,240 Driveaway @ Knox GWM


Hey OzBargain community!

We’re excited to bring you an exclusive offer that’s too good to miss! For a limited time, we're slashing prices even further on all Jolion's and H6's. That’s right—enjoy an additional $500 off the Jolion and a massive $750 off the H6! Whether you’re eyeing a sleek new ride or a top-notch upgrade, now’s the perfect time to make your move. Don’t miss out on these incredible savings—Only at Knox GWM! 🚗💨

Jolion Premium - $25,490 drive-away
Jolion Lux - $28,490 drive-away

Jolion Pro Premium (hybrid) - $31,490 drive-away
Jolion Pro Lux (hybrid) - $35,490 drive-away
Jolion Pro Ultra (hybrid) - $38,490 drive-away

H6 Premium - $30,240 drive-away
H6 Lux - $33,240 drive-away
H6 Ultra - $36,240 drive-away

H6 Lux Hybrid - $38,240 drive-away
H6 Ultra Hybrid - $42,240 drive-away

H6 GT Ultra - $42,240 drive-away

All prices above inclusive of on-road costs.
Metallic paint is an additional $495
ABN holders (at least 60 days old) get an additional $1000 discount on above prices.

Related Stores

Knox GWM
Knox GWM

closed Comments

  • +8

    Waiting for 20k Hybrid. ❤️

    • +40

      Drive one a meter out of the showroom and it'll be worth 20k

      • and if only drive in the showroom for couple of years then ??

        • +4

          Then your warranty works will be close by!

  • +1

    So many GWM/HAVAL/MG deals lately. Getting desperate? Word of mouth spreading on them?

    • +13

      A) buying market share
      B) lower cost of production
      C) govt support for a new export industry
      D) financially pressuring existing companies

      • +5

        Gotcha. Trying to destroy the competition so we’ll only be left with these 💩

        • CCP strategy all the way and steal all the competition. Who the hell buys this shit

          • +13

            @Senatekill: And previously a winning strategy for Japan and even Germany

          • +8

            @Senatekill: Every time I see the word CCP I know we're dealing with someone clouded that's not rational which is helpful in filtering out unhelpful comments.

          • @Senatekill: For a person\family doing it tough, and driving a 20YO Commodore, a Jolion would be a massive upgrade.

            Not my cup of tea personally, but it certainly has a market.

          • +2

            @Senatekill: Australia stopped subsidising domestic vehicle manufacturers over a decade ago and consequently the domestic industry ended. Say what you will about that decision, but given that, who cares if China is taking over the car industry?

            The US and EU are not going to allow in Chinese vehicles because they subsidise their own domestic manufacturing. Shit on Chinese cars for real reasons, not geopolitical games and bullshit none of us have any stake in. It's certainly not "stealing" lmao. Maybe OZB needs an "I am associated with the US State Department".

            • @spiev:

              Australia stopped subsidising domestic vehicle manufacturers over a decade ago

              We're still suffering the impacts of that, just try and import a car and see how difficult that still is.

              who cares if China is taking over the car industry?

              You should care that an autocratic regime gains influence and/or dominance over your local market. Just ask the wine industry how that worked out for them a few years ago.

              Shit on Chinese cars for real reasons

              See above. Chinese products have a reputation for being low quality. This is not imaginary it is earned. They also have no reputation in the auto industry here unlike established players - this goes for all new brands, not just Chinese, no support history in this country is a thing, regardless of what you want to believe.

              Maybe OZB needs an "I am associated with the US State Department".

              I don't work for the US State Dept, but given the choice of aligning with a superpower that has freedom and democratic process built into its Constitution or one that is a dictatorship with a long history of autocracy and human rights abuses, I know which one I prefer.

              • @1st-Amendment:

                We're still suffering the impacts of that, just try and import a car and see how difficult that still is.

                Can't be that difficult if we 100% import all vehicles to Australia.

              • @1st-Amendment: "Freedom" and "democracy" is an illusion touted by the government as a way to distract you from the control they have over you and an excuse to start wars.

                Why would you want to allign with a country that is going to implode on itself? The US is so focused on the affairs of other countries, its forgotten about its own citizens. High crime, drugs, poverty, gun violence, bad infrastructure. Its not even safe to walk outside at night in the majority of the cities. Not a country we should be alligning with, they are not a good role model.

                The CCP are not perfect but at least they invest the money back to their citizens. They literally lifted a billion people out of poverty and now have megacities with the best infrastructure. Best of all, low poverty and crime, no drugs, no gun violence. We have a lot to learn from them and we should not be ashamed to admit it.

                Wake up and realise that the media is pushing an agenda. CCP = Oppresive Regime, US= Freedom. Spend one day in China and you'll realise this is a complete lie. The citzens there are no less "free" than we are here. I'm not saying we should allign with china, I'm saying we should stay clear of the US and walk our own path.

                • @Tevtin5000:

                  "Freedom" and "democracy" is an illusion touted by the government

                  Take off the tinfoil hat…

        • +4

          Yeah, these companies that try to destroy competition are awful… thank god the rest of the car companies and companies in general don't follow this blanket rule.


          • +2

            @DingoBilly: Competition brings prices down. Otherwise, it will just be another coles and woolies mate.

            • @sunnyii: Yup, I'm all for competition as it will be us consumers who win. We've been moaning for years about how brands such as Porsche and Mercedes unfairly marked up prices here even after accounting for all costs compared to the US, so this is finally time that we see some real competition. If it pushes companies to invest in some real innovation instead of offering sausages cut in different sizes all the better!

              • +3

                @clubhonda: thing is the koreans did those exact four things 20yrs ago and now when the Chinese do it every cries in their panties

                also people should have a look at how much the US EU JP and KR subsidise their car industries… when they do it, its fine, when China does it, its no good

                btw. traditional companies arent responding to the Chinese threat of the $25-$30k car - shouldnt they do that? isnt that capitalism?

                • +3


                  isnt that capitalism?

                  No. Capitalism is a free market which is when the government doesn't interfere in the market (or does so as little as possible). The CCP is the opposite of that, it's fully state sponsored market manipulation. It artificially controls its national currency to ensure it keeps prices low. No Western democracy can legally do this.

                  • @1st-Amendment: It's as though you've read a book on capitalism but never lived in it.

                    There's no such thing as a free market - GFC bailouts, mining rebates, bank insurance, jobkeeper, etc. are welcomed government intervention when it suits businesses. Anti-competition laws exist as a free market would be a disaster, which we've been heading towards since the 80s.

                    Australia artificially controlled it's currency until 1984, and NZ and others still do. It's usually on the low side to keep exports competitive and from countries that don't have a lot of FX investment.

                    • +1

                      @Big L: Exactly, if we can kick out US influence in Australia it would be for the better! All they've done is beggar they neighbour and try to weaken the rest of the world while they enrich themselves. No impartial big brother actions only words.

                      If they think USA is gold and China is evil I want to sell them real estate on the moon!

                      • -1


                        Exactly, if we can kick out US influence in Australia it would be for the better!

                        Found the CCP bot…

                    • @Big L:

                      There's no such thing as a free market

                      Cool story. Now back to the topic…

      • +20

        There is some shifts in geopolitics taking place, and some major economies are placing large Tariffs on Chinese goods, esp cars.

        Australia isnt. We dont have a car industry to protect, and we also sell so much resources to China that we want to keep them happy. Its a win win.

        This is good for Ozbargainers. Expect lower prices. It will be interesting to see the new car market in 5 years.

        • +5

          apparently new model of BOTH of these next year

          people are looking for some nefarious ulterior motive and its just end of this MY lol

        • +4

          No car industry to protect, yet Australia keeps making it difficult for small scale importers of Japanese cars.
          They only care about which big company can line their pockets the most.

          • +2

            @SKobb: Thats more about ADR, compliance and safety testing

            • -1

              @King Tightarse: and that reason is bullshit too

              Japan Korean US and EU and even Chinese cars have to comply with UNECE and/or FMVSS regs. to be sold there

              what do you think ADRs can do better that a market with 330mil and 550mil people?

              even if you want to include only RHD markets Aust is very small compared to JP UK ZA etc.

              its just plain job creation and having regs. for the sake when we havent made a car in a decade lol

              • +3

                @tonyjzx: It's just about compliance and safety testing, not numbers. Every country is different. There are countries with massive populations but quite different auto safety standards. It depends on the very specific requirements of each country.
                Not saying I agree or disagree but I know that's just how bureaucracies are.

                • -1

                  @King Tightarse:

                  It's just about compliance and safety testing,

                  Nah, it's about bureaucracy and public servants trying to justify their own existence.
                  Most developed nations all have the same high standards, there is no reason Australia needs it's own separate set. Physics doesn't change when you cross a political boundary

                  • +2

                    @1st-Amendment: 'Most developed nations all have the same high standards'
                    Every country is different. The US and Europe for example, have lots of ice and snow all winter. Germany needs to prepare cars for extreme high speeds on the autobahn. Japan your rarely get over 40ks per hour ever and also each country has different safety emphasis. There is also the calculation of safety vs cost - again different for each country. Some countries care little about side impact protection and other safety features, that we consider important, but do care about low cost.
                    In Australia, we don't just ride on the coat-tails of other countries testing - we think and test for ourselves and our unique conditions and always have

      • +3

        D) financially pressuring existing companies

        Wish this was working more on the Japanese and Korean companies

        • -5

          I don’t. I don’t want them to enter the race to the bottom. We need slightly more expensive cars that are safe and reliable, rather than pricing being the primary aim.

          • +4

            @PainToad: the problem is that without cheap cars that are safe you are cutting out the very poorest in our society…

            • +2


              the problem is that without cheap cars that are safe you are cutting out the very poorest in our society…

              You'd be surprised how many people are ok with that.

      • Come on guys, help the Chinese army stay on top by buying Chinese products. Your car purchase could fund some rockets or pay for fuel to the South China Sea or help an overfly of Japan or Taiwan

        • +1

          Naa military conflict is oldschool. It's about economic victory. Have a country reliant on you economically and you can just tell them what to do.

          Much easier.

          • +1


            Naa military conflict is oldschool. It's about economic victory.

            It's both. Without a capable physical deterrent your economic power can just be taken from under you.

            Have a country reliant on you economically and you can just tell them what to do.

            Without a military threat, what is to stop another country from invading and taking it all?

            • @1st-Amendment: Can you stick to discussing actual deal bargains or are you guys here to moan about politics like old folks? Go join a whirlpool forum if that's your inclination. This is a deals website. Stick to actual deal discussions FFS!

    • +7

      GWM is in Australia's top 10 selling brands! All our vehicles come with a 7-year unlimited km warranty, 5-years of capped servicing and 5-years road-side assit.

      Word of mouth is definately spreading!

      • Is this deal only in VIC?

        • We can only register cars in VIC. We can provide you a vehicle without registration and stamp-duty. These can be paid in your home state.

          • @Raff: not much point

            you can find your local dealer and you will come close to gwm's new rrp

      • +6

        Warranty doesn’t negate the hassle of trying to get things continually fixed under warranty or being without a car.

        I’ll stick with brands with a long legacy of trustworthy reliability and customer service.

        • Try ACL, you ask for a car whilst it's off the road.

        • Indeed, try getting parts for a Haval/BYD and/or try to get service outside of a capital city.

          • @gimmedealspls:

            Indeed, try getting parts for a Haval/BYD

            Given the amount of cars they make worldwide, can't imagine the don't have spare parts to sell you.

            If I want to get my Land cruiser fixed in a remote area of Australia I still need to drive a really long way to get a proper service.

        • That limits your options quite severely. I'm not even sure any car companies haven't had significant issues, or have lied about emissions standards or similar along their way.

          It's also impossible to build a long legacy of reliability and customer service if people just stick to what they know/aren't willing to try new things. And if you don't let in new things you end up with conservative companies that don't innovate and are backwards. E.g., a great example is Toyota who still don't have a decent electric car when they really could be leading the pack.

          • @DingoBilly: toyota dont want to make a decent EV because they make too much money from conventional petrol diesel or hybrids

            if i'm making 8% on what i already have and i'm backordered why the hell would i want to make 4% on EVs???

            my shareholders would string me up

      • +3

        Warranty no use if they leave the market like Proton, Lada etc 10+ new Chinese auto brands are hitting the AU market this year
        They won't all survive

        • A lot of them will (as they're really just a few core companies) and new export industries are well supported by the Chinese government.

          They're much cheaper, and people buy cheap. We'll probably see the existing players exit.

          • +2

            @incipient: Pretty expensive loss if you have a car from one of the brands that pull out after a few years, leaving no parts and no warranty.
            I highly doubt our market is big enough for 10+ new brands to be viable. I hear what you are saying about the core brands behind the various sub-brands

            • +1

              @King Tightarse: Yeah there's no chance they all survive.

              Especially in the ev and hybrid market.

              Plenty of successful American and Euro companies are dead or dying - Fisker, Rivian (losing money per car), Polestar (was or is losing money per car and just terrible sales).

              • @Telios: polestar is volvo is geely ie. 100% owned by the chinese

            • @King Tightarse:

              I highly doubt our market is big enough for 10+ new brands to be viable.

              You are right. It is likely that the Japanese and Euro brands will fall over. I think in about 5 years no one will be able to buy a Nissan, Suzuki, Honda, other smaller euro brands etc.

              • @serpserpserp: It's possible.
                The established brands have a huge 'known quantity' advantage but there are no rules.
                Like all things, the market will decide

      • +2

        Do we even have 10 brands in the low to mid tier segment?

        And it's not really word of mouth. It's very heavy advertising and aggressive pricing.

        • +5



          but i mean who cares

          vote with your wallet, its the only thing that matters

          also as far as 'not suriving goes'… hows that worked out for citroen and honda

          honda is close to being zombie brand

          • @tonyjzx: Honda don't want to be in Australia it feels like - their dealerships are the absolute worst. I think there's only 2 or 3 left in WA and getting service from them on our Odyssey is like pulling teeth and everything costs a fortune.

            • @bunnybash: i would consider myself a fan of Honda… sort of…

              but if you look at what they sell in US and China you will find a whole bunch of attractive models

              so you can see where its going - they only care about US and China… they dont even give a shit about EU!

      • +1

        So is Chinglish, "definately"

      • Why only 7 years warranty when MD and Mitsubishi offering 10 years?

      • Should have also thrown in 7 years free full service to make it a real deal and very competitive out there.

        Not many brands do it these days. Love the good old days where servicing a car was also included when buying a new car.

    • MG just releases the new HS which is a direct competitor to the H6

      Watch the prices drop fast

  • +2

    temu car

    • Great timing. No cap here.

    • underrated comment

  • +1

    Fuel economy is atrocious

    • When you don't have any standards… what do you expect?

    • +2


      Below figures are for the combined cycle…. Economy is amazing!!

      5.1L/100km for the Jolion Hybrid
      5.2L/100km for the H6 Hybrid

      • +3

        now do it for the non hybrid models

        realistically i think turbo 1.5 and esp. turbo 2.0 cars will not have great fuel economy in the real world but its something you have be aware of when you buy the car

        the competition may have shitty 1.8 n/a fours

        i'd rather have a little more performance than suffer a 1,8 na with a cvt

      • Is that freeway, city, both?
        What's the city economy?

        • Combined cycle. So a mixture of both.

          • @Raff: Thanks. Whats the city rate?

            Also, how's the city economy for Jolion Premium?

            • +2

              @Joda: Jolion Premium Pro (Hybrid):

              5.1L/100km Combined
              5.0L/100km Urban
              5.8L/100km Extra Urban

              Jolion Premium (Petrol):

              8.1L/100km Combined
              10.4L/100km Urban
              6.7L/100km Extra Urban

              • @Raff: What about the poor folks who bought their cars at higher price, Asking for friend

              • @Raff: Are these tested or from label?

                Normally actual driving would cost higher than what the manufacturer proposed.

  • -1

    id rather use my legs

    • +3

      Not on aussie roads

  • -5

    I can't even tell how many seats an H6 has… fail

    • +3

      I mean - you can look at the picture and count 5 seats? I am not sure what the fail is.

    • Thats a tough one

    • Should be 6

    • -1

      I click on Vehicles, I click on H6, I can't click on any pictures or parts that look like buttons and… that's it.
      There's that external shot along the coast with a lot of road and a big tree.
      Theres one picture of that dude happy in the drivers seat and I can see the console a bit.

      I'm glad to see there's an infotainment system as well as some seats called Comfort-Tek. I'm also glad there's a DTS sound system as we all know watching movies is important to being in a car. Then theres some more tiny pictures that aren't buttons that say it is 5star ANCAP which is awesome, it's a hybrid (okay I guess).
      It also has an exterior and an interior so those are just bonus items at this price! - Thought they might up sell me that as it's "designed, just for me"
      Glad they tell me about the warranty as they're not telling me much else.

      I'm not clicking on their ex-demo stock etc and I don't care what colours they have.

      • +2

        its a 5 seat SUV

        i mean how dumb can you be if you cant work that out lol

        • +2

          I agree. Way to tell the world how dumb you are lol

  • Would you guys be able to swap with MG ZST ??

    • shit comes in, shit comes out

      you cant explain it

    • Please give us a call. We can work out a great change over figure for you.


  • How is this a deal?

    Another Victorian dealer is offering $39,900 for a new H6 Ultra Hybrid. Easy to find on CarSales

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