VIC - Pulled over by Highway Patrol but No Physical Ticket Issued. Will I Get a Fine?

Typing this at my desk very sheepishly after being pulled over by an unmarked police car for going through a red light on a freeway onramp (those that control how many cars go through during peak hour). Officer asked for my license, asked me why I ran the red, and then told me to make sure to stop at red lights, then drove off. No physical ticket was issued.

Question: If no physical ticket was issued, what is the likelihood that I will receive a fine? (I'm in Victoria).
Just wondering whether I was just given a warning or whether I'll get a fine in the mail later.

For the background info - it was one of those freeway onramps with 2 lanes, and red light that allows one car through at a time during peak hour. I was traveling about 60k with no cars in front of me in my lane, about 2-3 car lengths from the light, when the light turned green and then red again. So instead of coming to a stop I just rolled through and then lights and sirens came on behind me.

I definitely acknowledge my mistake, it was laziness on my part and will definitely not do that again. Just wanting to know whether I should be expecting (and budget for) a surprise in the mail, or whether I can sleep easier tonight.


    • +21

      You run a red light and want to sleep easy?

      How can you not run a red on those lights?

      They stay green for maybe 0.5 seconds…

      • -6

        If a toddler can recognise patterns, I'm sure an adult can too.

        • +10

          By the time you commence to accelerate when they change green, you will be crossing a red light again, therefore crossing red lights, which is illegal.

          • +8

            @jv: This! I never quite agree with that red light on freeway in the first place and the fact that it went green for 1 second (which is equivalent to reaction time to hit the pedal) only before it went yellow makes it impossible NOT to cross the red light.

      • +1

        Get a faster car.

        • +1

          Like this ?

          • @jv: That car won't so so fast after a storm.

            • +3

              @Sammy2000: It's a pasta car though…

              • @jv: How about a quick car?

              • -1

                @jv: JV , "you've done it again".

      • It's not rocket science.

    • +6

      Although I'd agree with you had this been a normal set of traffic lights, but this was a completely empty set of traffic metering lights

    • Well there's plenty out at Craigieburn , probably not the right suburb for you to visit .

  • +16

    An actual answer:
    Yes, you can still get a fine in the mail if nothing was actually given to you on the spot.

    • +2

      Thank you! :(

      • yes you will.

  • -3

    I dont think so. Im fairly sure they have to issue you a fine on the spot. Either that or they didn't actually have enough to pin it on you? kind of like when they dont actually get a radar reading…but im not sure how this works in context of a red light.

    Were they in uniform? Sometimes detectives like to tell you off.

    Unless it was a highway patrol car it was probably just another officer going about their business and saw you do something stupid and wont bother taking it further.

    Its happened to me a few times when I was younger (and no doubt stupider) and never got a fine.
    Once they even physically took my license and made me come and pick it up in the morning so they could give me a stern talking to, but in the end still let me off with a warning. Ironically I was just following their cars speed on the freeway so they were in the wrong too which is probably why.

    • +2

      It was an unmarked car (BMW X5 SUV) and the officer was in uniform.
      He took my license and looked at it and then handed it back to me.

      For the record, he actually did tell me off - "you should bloody !&#@#$ stop next time".

        • +4

          Uno reverse!

      • +1

        That's not professional.

        • +6

          OP would rather take the "Telling off " than a on the spot fine. :)

      • +1

        Bloody bloody. No you bloody.

      • I rather get told off than get a fine IF you actually did something wrong.

        Too much softly softly approach worried about hurting peoples feelings. We now have serious youth crime etc that could be attributed to society's leaner approach.

        Problem is so many entitled people out there now as soon as something doesnt go there way its like they are back in kindy and run to mum to have a cry.

        Police get verbally abused every day of the week for doing nothing wrong just doing their job but people think thats okay to treat police that way.

  • I run those red lights all the time when the freeway is empty.

    Fingers crossed for you. Hopefully the copper may be too busy to complete the paperwork later on.

    • I'm hoping with my fingers and toes crossed that this is the case!

  • +7

    Those telling you a fine needs to be issued are wrong. You MAY get a fine in the mail, you may not. Wait and see, 2-3 weeks and you're then usually in the clear.

    • You MAY get a fine in the mail

      How will he have your details? He didn't take a record of the licence number.

      • He did inspect my license and asked me if I'm still living at <address>, but he didn't bring my license back to his vehicle which is where I thought they usually write you up and issue you a ticket.

        Was wondering whether they do it differently now and maybe lodge it electronically without giving you a ticket.

        • Is the car you were driving registered to you?

            • +1

              @cuteseal: Then the viewing of your licence was a formality to establish your identity.

              You might or might not get a ticket in the post.

              Give it a couple of weeks.

              • @oscargamer: Ok thanks… will just have to wait :(

                • -6

                  @cuteseal: How about you don't run red lights, then you won't have to worry about tickets….. Just saying

                  • +1


                    How about you don't run red lights

                    It is unavoidable at the ramps on the freeways.

                    • -3

                      @jv: Nonsense.

                      • @oscargamer:


                        It's not possible to avoid the red light if you are at a stop. Most cars cannot accelerate fast enough in 0.5 seconds to cross whilst still green.

          • +1


            Is the car you were driving registered to you?

            Without doubt…

    • +1

      sometimes longer.

      If its a regional cop, it can take months. I got one a couple of years ago and it was mailed to me (the bloody carbon copy of it).

      Dont worry, I contested it.

  • +3

    You might, in QLD I have been pulled over for speeding and the cop said I'd get sent a fine, which came to me via SMS.

    However the cop was quite clear about it and told me what would happen. Sounds to me like you just got a warning

    • -1

      which came to me via SMS.

      What if you don't have a mobile ?

      • +5

        Maybe you'd get a telegram or morse code flashed through your window

        • +1

          I only accept registered smoke signals…

          • @jv: That explains why I didn’t get a response about the question I had for the next goat sacrifice, I sent an unregistered smoke signal.

            • @mapax: Were you following the new handshake protocol?

      • The cops ask you to confirm your mobile number, and that they can send you the penalty via SMS.

        • The cops ask you to confirm your mobile number

          Many people don't have mobiles though.

  • +4

    Just go to the cop station, say you ran a red light and ask if they will fine you …

    • say you ran a red light and ask if they will fine you …

      they will need proof

      • Which they will likely have, being all HWP vehicles have video cameras…. And police officers in them. Both of these sources can provide sufficient 'evidence'.

        You do know that people were successfully prosecuted for offences before cameras came along…..?

        • -1

          Which they will likely have

          Not if they weren't right behind you to show it was red when you crossed.

    • Why on earth would anyone do this?

  • +8

    Officer asked for my license, asked me why I ran the red, and then told me to make sure to stop at red lights, then drove off. No physical ticket was issued.

    Sounds a lot like just a warning to me.

    The red lights at the bottom of onramps are there to stagger traffic entering the freeway. Running one of those isn't nearly as dangerous or heinous (imo) as running a red light at an intersection, which is likely why you were let off with just a warning.

    In any case, be more careful in the future.

  • +2

    If he didn't take your licence and sit in his car for 5 minutes then I'd highly doubt you'll get a fine. Probably just made sure you have a valid licence.

  • +1

    You mean the policeman didn't say you are getting warning or a fine?

    • No he didn’t mention a warning or a fine.

      He just said something along the lines of “next time bloody %%#!%!#! stop”, then walked back to his car and drove off.

      • That sounds like letting you off with a warning.

  • +2

    It does sound like a warning. But who knows? I don’t agree with others that say what you did was the same as running a red light at an intersection. The purpose of those lights is to stagger traffic as busy times.

  • +1

    Sounds like you got off with a warning.

  • +1

    You'll be fine. You won't be fined.

    • So no HJ voucher needed then?

    • +1

      Phone is fine

  • -6

    Was the police officer wearing their high vis vest? There are exceptions to the rule, but generally they need to have a high vis vest on for a fine to be valid.

    Strange rule though

    • Hilarious !

      Please provide a link to that rule.

      And they need to be wearing a cap to arrest you as well, yes ? :)

        • I don't understand your thought process (or why you linked that article, cos it doesn't uphold your argument)…..

          1. your link is not legislation
          2. where does it say that members can't issue a ticket without wearing a hi-viz vest ?

          It says "So there you have it, Trent. Generally speaking, police officers must wear high visibility reflective vests when performing duties outside of their vehicles. But, that doesn't mean it's okay to break the law and use technicalities to get around infringement notices."

          You might be able to make a complaint about OHS, but that will have zero bearing on the validity of the ticket.

  • +2

    If he just looked at your licence, swore at you, and didn't take your licence back to his car to record the details you've got a good chance of not getting a ticket.

    But, like lots of things in life, that's not guaranteed.

    It was only a traffic metering light, not a light at a pedestrian cross or intersection where disobeying it created a serious risk of a collision and injury.

    In fact you make it sound like there'd no orange. If there isn't, is it a real traffic light that you can be booked for ignoring. Edit: Google says they are in Victoria and Queensland, and in WA there is a different lower penalty, and in NSW they are still deciding.

  • +3

    I hate those ramp lights.
    Worst invention ever.
    Just creates even more hopeless drivers trying to merge at 80kmh.

    • Yeah surely they've caused more crashes than they've helped.

  • Almost zero chance you'll get a fine.

    Highway patrol for sure would've given you a ticket.

    If it was at an intersection, you certainly would've gotten a fine as well, from the under cover cop.

  • You might get a ticket in the mail. What it sounds like though is that the cop checked your details, looked at your history and decided a telling off would be sufficient.

  • +1

    I'm sorry but those Red lights at the freeway are there to detect aliens among us. Because only an alien or a lotto winner would be able to make it on the green.

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