VIC - Pulled over by Highway Patrol but No Physical Ticket Issued. Will I Get a Fine?

Typing this at my desk very sheepishly after being pulled over by an unmarked police car for going through a red light on a freeway onramp (those that control how many cars go through during peak hour). Officer asked for my license, asked me why I ran the red, and then told me to make sure to stop at red lights, then drove off. No physical ticket was issued.

Question: If no physical ticket was issued, what is the likelihood that I will receive a fine? (I'm in Victoria).
Just wondering whether I was just given a warning or whether I'll get a fine in the mail later.

For the background info - it was one of those freeway onramps with 2 lanes, and red light that allows one car through at a time during peak hour. I was traveling about 60k with no cars in front of me in my lane, about 2-3 car lengths from the light, when the light turned green and then red again. So instead of coming to a stop I just rolled through and then lights and sirens came on behind me.

I definitely acknowledge my mistake, it was laziness on my part and will definitely not do that again. Just wanting to know whether I should be expecting (and budget for) a surprise in the mail, or whether I can sleep easier tonight.


    • +1

      Hilarious !

      Please provide a link to that rule.

      And they need to be wearing a cap to arrest you as well, yes ? :)

        • +2

          I don't understand your thought process (or why you linked that article, cos it doesn't uphold your argument)…..

          1. your link is not legislation
          2. where does it say that members can't issue a ticket without wearing a hi-viz vest ?

          It says "So there you have it, Trent. Generally speaking, police officers must wear high visibility reflective vests when performing duties outside of their vehicles. But, that doesn't mean it's okay to break the law and use technicalities to get around infringement notices."

          You might be able to make a complaint about OHS, but that will have zero bearing on the validity of the ticket.

  • +3

    If he just looked at your licence, swore at you, and didn't take your licence back to his car to record the details you've got a good chance of not getting a ticket.

    But, like lots of things in life, that's not guaranteed.

    It was only a traffic metering light, not a light at a pedestrian cross or intersection where disobeying it created a serious risk of a collision and injury.

    In fact you make it sound like there'd no orange. If there isn't, is it a real traffic light that you can be booked for ignoring. Edit: Google says they are in Victoria and Queensland, and in WA there is a different lower penalty, and in NSW they are still deciding.

  • +4

    I hate those ramp lights.
    Worst invention ever.
    Just creates even more hopeless drivers trying to merge at 80kmh.

    • +3

      Yeah surely they've caused more crashes than they've helped.

  • +1

    Almost zero chance you'll get a fine.

    Highway patrol for sure would've given you a ticket.

    If it was at an intersection, you certainly would've gotten a fine as well, from the under cover cop.

    • Lmao you're wrong.

      • Wrong about which part?

        I don't think you know how police work works, they would rather not do paper work if they don't have to

  • You might get a ticket in the mail. What it sounds like though is that the cop checked your details, looked at your history and decided a telling off would be sufficient.

  • +3

    I'm sorry but those Red lights at the freeway are there to detect aliens among us. Because only an alien or a lotto winner would be able to make it on the green.

  • Very unlikely you will get a fine.

  • -1

    so cops can use offensive language to you but you cannot use offensive language to them or it's another fine?

    • What planet you on 60% use profanity when pulled over.

      • that's the thing it's double standards

        sure the cop can be upset and swear their head off at you without any issues but if you swear back they can issue you with a fine for offensive language

        when you said 60% profanity do you mean cop swearing at you or driver swearing at the cop?

        • Yes 60% of motorists use profanity at Police when they are stopped, as to getting a fine for swearing wont happen courts ruled Police cannot be offended by profanity. But use of profanity probably won't help your situation.

          • @Wayne7497: Why the Aussie police and RBT shows can issue fines for offensive language and give it to drivers?

            And if you right then you saying this is wrong?…

            I know most places overseas you can swear at police not an issue but in Australia I'm pretty sure you can't but if the cop swears first then I guess you can too

            • @Poor Ass: Time place and circumstances, mainly whos around that can hear, public can be offended by profanity, but most states in Australia have case law that says Police cannot in most cases claim to be offended. I disagree but thats courts for you

  • -2

    No you wont be getting a ticket, would have been written then and there, or would told it will be mailed. So no

  • I got my speeding ticket via mail. Apparently in NSW they don't issue tickets on the spot as often anymore to avoid confrontations and what not. A lot of tickets are mailed out. I was told I would be getting the ticket in the mail. So I'm not sure in your case. Also mine was for speeding and not running a light. So It isn't Apples to Apples comparison.

    • Pretty sure in NSW they just use their phones to record and issue the ticket electronically, hence no paper to give you on the spot, it comes in the mail later. Saves them having to write a paper ticket, then go back to the station and enter them all into the computer.

      I think Qld is the same, no idea about Vic though.

  • Yes you will get a ticket.
    Happened to me for using a mobile.

    • Did you paid the fine ? Cop issued the fine to me for using mobile and on fine he had put due date in past. I sent for review and it was waived as being invalid and new fine was issued with correct due date. Any chance i can contest and win as cop was not attentive and cant be believed ?

  • Everyone is assuming things, generally they always tell you if you are going to receive a fine and how much it is, from personal experience, in saying that there is no point stressing over something you have 0 control over, just take it easy and if it comes, it comes, it's not the end of the world.

  • Don't think you'll get a ticket, I'm pretty sure in VIC they have to inform you and/or provide a copy of the ticket on the spot. If they didn't mention to expect one in the mail or they didn't write one up then you got away with a warning.

  • I feel like if you were going to get one the cop would have probably told you even if they didn't have to?

  • If you did get a fine, id fight it.

    Legally they have to give you adequate notice to stop e.g. amber light.

    I ran one of these in a Melbourne work trip - heading up to green light at 60kmh, it went red when i was approx 5 metres from the light!!
    That's (profanity) downright dangerous.

    • Amber is supposed to stay lit for 4-seconds.
      I don't know VIC rules, but if you can prove that the amber light was not according to specifications / legislation, then you could fight your next amber / red infringement.

    • +1

      These are special lights at the entrance of a freeway. It's usually to manage traffic during peak hour. There is a sign that says "1 car a time" (paraphrasing).

  • +1

    There's no chance those lights are meeting the minimum amber times . Presumably the fine is not valid if they issue one

  • where is the poll to make it easier for us to decide?

  • -1

    Unless the officer wrote all your details down and told you ticket by mail NO

  • Hope so

  • You will NOT get a ticket. They let you go

  • I feel like this needs a poll!

  • You wont get a fine as it was probably a detective.
    But you are an assh@le for going through a red light.

    • Detectives don't drive around in highway patrol vehicles pulling over randoms running traffic metering lights.

      • From my own experience Sir Paint, you are full of shit.
        I have been pulled over by a Detective in an unmarked car but with hidden flashing lights.
        Whats your point?

        • Was the detective also a highway patrol officer?

  • -1


    PSO/Cops often don't give the fine out straight away, as to placate you. This is an actual tactic.

  • Wait, it was green before you crossed… don't they have a sign that says one car per lane per green? I thought it meant that so long as it went green and you were the one allotted car per lane, then it was alright?
    Often they go green as you're driving down (especially when its empty)… I think they have a sensor to know a car is coming and rather than making the bugger stop completely, since its better to let them drive through since they'll (hopefully) maintain/increase speed to merge correctly (people love merging at fkn 60km/h).

  • +2

    Wait, it was green before you crossed… don't they have a sign that says one car per lane per green? I thought it meant that so long as it went green and you were the one allotted car per lane, then it was alright?
    Often they go green as you're driving down (especially when its empty)… I think they have a sensor to know a car is coming and rather than making the bugger stop completely, since its better to let them drive through since they'll (hopefully) maintain/increase speed to merge correctly (people love merging at fkn 60km/h).

    • Its the "panic" situation that causes a lot of accidents though.

      Coming up to green as the one car allowed, then it flicks to red with no warning, many people would panic and slam on the brakes.

  • Wait, it was green before you crossed… don't they have a sign that says one car per lane per green? I thought it meant that so long as it went green and you were the one allotted car per lane, then it was alright?
    Often they go green as you're driving down (especially when its empty)… I think they have a sensor to know a car is coming and rather than making the bugger stop completely, since its better to let them drive through since they'll (hopefully) maintain/increase speed to merge correctly (people love merging at fkn 60km/h).

    Just having some fun

  • Had the same thing happen to me, I got stuck in an intersection because I didn't realize the traffic was all blocked up, ended up clearing it just after the light went red.

    Officer asked for my license, asked me why I ran the red, and then told me to make sure to stop at red lights, then drove off. No physical ticket was issued.

    Pretty much the exact same thing. Asked why I ran the light, I told him I (profanity) up by not noticing the traffic was blocked up at the other side, he told me off then drove off. Ended up getting a fine in the mail.

    I think they do this to avoid confrontation or something.

    • Not in the Melbourne CBD presumably? Often there are officers on foot who would have plenty of time to write the ticket for blocking an intersection before the car got more than a few steps further down the road, but I've never seen it happen.

  • Those lights are ridiculous, I completely ignore them as well if there's no one in front of me. They're just another one of Daniel Andrews "brilliant" ideas that achieve absolutely nothing, except for inconvenience to motorists. Those red lights are not for safety, they're for filtering the amount of cars that merge on to freeways.

    The police know they're rubbish as well, hence why he pulled you over so it looks as though he did something when you blatantly ran it (in case of complaint, "I saw a driver run a red light and the cop did nothing!"). If it was a red light at an intersection, can guarantee you would have received a fine.

  • Sadly you may or may not get a fine. It depends on the "feeling" of the officer at the time if they booked you in the system or just let it go.

    Expensive mistake and sadly they have no "provisions" for you to turn it into a warning if you happen to get a fine in the mail. As the provisions only cover speeding tickets, and they absolutely refuse "bending" the rules when it comes to running Red Light.

    And for the people who says "they have no evidence therefore they have to give you the fine on the spot" this is not true, all police cars have cameras on them. You may be able to argue if it was a speed related offence as they may not have the radar speed. But with just a regular camera…. no real way to argue it.

  • Yes. It will come in the mail.

  • Once I was stopped by a cop and was told I'd get a fine (for looking at the phone while driving) mailed to my address which I never did. This happened in Sydney a few years ago. The cop didn't actually see me looking at the phone but pinned me after seeing my phone in the centre console with Google Maps on (I was driving on a very familiar route which I didn't need navigation for; though as a habit, I keep google maps on with loudspeaker for any potential live traffic changes where it can be useful to find alternative ways). Perhaps he just changed his mind later realising he was too harsh or just forgot to do that, I did not get any fine.

  • +1

    If a highway patrol officer ever pulls you over, you're not just getting a warning, they are there to give fines. You could have the best excuse in the world and they will still issue a fine.

    • -1

      Nah. I got pulled over by highway patrol and they gave me a warning.

      Guy liked my story so made a deal that he would give me a warning since I was just within the discretionary/low range limit, but he would also radio and tell the other cars that if they see me even doing a couple km over the limit to stop me.

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