• expired

Mini GPS GSM Tracking Device. Track Your Car, Pet, Kids. - $43.95 (+ $8 Shipping)


Mini GPS REALTIME GSM Security Tracker device . Track Your Car, Pet, Kids.. $43.95 ( + SHIPPING - $8 )

Track exactly, track secretly. This GPS tracker can be used to determine the precise location of a vehicle, person, or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at certain intervals. It can response latitude and longitude information to your mobile phone by SMS. Get it today to prevent your car, children and asset from getting stolen or lost.


Connect the GPS tracker via power adapter(sold as accessory) to car's battery and keep it working forever!
Buy PET's collar and track you pet in realtime

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closed Comments

  • Why does it say $43.95 on the site? is it $43.95 + shipping = $51.95 (inc 'free' shipping)?

    • $43.95 +$8 shipping

  • -1

    yes, including shipping. Just can't adjust my web site.

  • +1

    Why not just list it here like you have on the website? At the end of the day it avoids confusion and its the same price!

  • How it works?:

    It is easy to use. Insert a SIM card with valid phone number to the GPS tracker just like what you do with your mobile phone, then attach it to a secret position of your car (example, under your seat). When you want to check the location of your car, just send a SMS to the number. The GPS tracker will then response a message with its latitude and longitude information. Input this information to Google Earth or other related software and you will be able to identify the position

    I thought GPS devices had to have a clear view of sky, or a line of sight to the satellites.
    This seems to be working off mobile towers locations - is this right ?
    If so, it isn't a GPS device at all

    • -1

      but most of AU are covered by Mobile network so no issue with it.
      Moreover, if your car is stolen, nobody knows that it has GPS device.

      I have some customers-investigators, they have been using it for several months and no complaints.

      • If it's not a GPS device then you're illegally misrepresenting your product.

        • +4

          But it is a GPS device.

    • +3

      These specs indicate that it does have a GPS chip in it:

      Chip: SIRF III chip
      GPS Sensitivity: -159dBW
      GPS Accuracy: 5 M
      Time to First Fix:
      Cold status: 45s
      Warm status: 35s


      • +2

        YEs, it has GPS function but other people complained for misleading without careful look

        • -5

          You're right, I didn't look at your website, I was only commenting on your answer above.

          Since you're not misrepresenting your product, I have removed my neg vote. Still cheaper on eBay though ;)

    • GPS receivers don't need uninterrupted Line Of Sight. They work off radio signals. Thick overhead infrastructure (such as shopping centres, multi story houses or car parks etc. will attenuate or block the signal. But a car roof, seat, person, most single story houses won't block the signal.

    • -4

      Do you even know what GPS means?

      Doesn't matter if it uses Mobile towers, satellites whatever.

      If you don't send a SMS to the device, how else are you going to read the device from a remote location other than physically locating yourself.

      • I advertised - free WEB platform!

        once you buy it I provide WEB site and you will be registered their so can locate wihout GSM

      • +1

        You are the one who needs to look up what GPS means. It matters very much if it uses mobile towers or satellites. If the device only uses GSM triangulation then it's not GPS.

        But this particular device does appear to contain a GPS chip, as clarified in other comments, so the seller wasn't wrong.

    • Too COSTLY to operate…

      Better to install a tracking App into, eg, an Android phone that can -eMail- or send TCP/IP packets with lat/long. pairs. at near-ZERO cost.

      'just sayin'

  • +5

    But on 14th November it was $43.95 + shipping too!


    Misleading and no deal

    • adjusted Guys, sorry for inconvenience.

    • +1

      nice detective work!

    • +4

      Rep, this appears to be the regular price for this product. As such this is not a "bargain" for the users of this community and your deal is considered spam.
      Perhaps you can adjust your offer so that it does become a bargain. e.g. reduced price &/or shipping

      • -5

        the web site has been created couple week ago so all prices now are bargain.
        I sell all this stuff to retailers and recently created the web site to sell directly to

  • +4

    Cheapest equivalent product is $28.30 on dx.com

    • +2

      interesting name on that one

    • -1

      that one completely different - GSM tracker
      but my one with GPS function you can realtime track

      • Wait… you just admitted above that yours isnt actually a GPS tracker, but rather works from the mobile phone towers.. ala a GSM tracker!

        "but most of AU are covered by Mobile network so no issue with it."

        • I think he misunderstood the question

    • Mate,

      the exactly the same device costs on DX almost $100


      So my one is real deal

      • Does your one have the SD card slot? Can you explain what it does? I assume it allows for local logging of GPS data?

      • Actually the exact same device costs $49.99 on DX…

        And $42.99 on eBay.

        • LOL

        • initially, you provided $28.3 for equivalent product
          I provide TAX invoice and local warranty

        • Initially I thought your device does not contain a GPS chip. I was wrong.

          The two links I later added (DX and eBay) are the exact same product.

        • problem solved:)

    • Price range on DX $50-$109

      I sell for $51.95 with TAX INVOICE and local warranty

  • +1

    Back in my day, we had this thing called 'trust'…

    • +2

      You can't trust kids these days :P

      • You can't trust x-girlfriends either. This is going in her car.

    • +12

      I dont trust my dog, that bitch could be planning world domination…….

  • -2

    so this needs a SIM installed ?

    • +1

      Insert a SIM card (not included, sorry!)

  • yep, any AU's SIM card

    • i'm not trying to confuse you, but why only Au's SIM card? is the device locked to only australian networks?
      Wouldn't an overseas sim card with sms roaming(most sim cards do anyway) work the same as the australian ones?
      Also, how much power does the device/car charger draw? cause if it has a gsm module+gps module working 24/7(especially in areas with bad gsm coverage) i wouldn't want it attached to the car's battery

      • +1

        I seriously doubt these would be carrier locked considering DX sell the exact same item

      • hi,

        it is not locked to any provider. you can use in the most countries.

      • And how long does the internal battery last before requiring a recharge?

        • normally -20hours, but all depends on how you use.
          2 batteries are included

          By the way, for car you can connect the device to car's battery via adapter so no need worry.

        • in standby mode -72hours

        • +1

          from your item's specs :
          "Battery: Rechargeable 3.7 V 1000 mAh Li-ion Battery
          Battery life: 80 Hours standby"

          so, what is the "normally -20 hours" you are talking about?
          The device has to be on and with gps and gsm working in order to be able to track and send the location via sms. Most sirf iii gps devices (i owned 2 bluetooth models for my old nokia phones) had a similar battery and up to 10 hours autonomy(yes, they are bluetooth but i don't think bluetooth uses more energy than the gsm module)
          And what is standby mode?

        • standby mode is similar to mobile phone's mode and varies - depends on how frequently you use device.

  • -4

    Enough ……….

    I brought exactly the same item with sim card capability and all the bells with it for less than $10 posted it to my door…..

    No we ozbargainers are not falling for this….

    • +2

      If you could give me a link I might consider buying one.

      • +1

        Yep, I would buy 200-300pcs as well/

        There is no price $10 for such device as factory price above $30

      • -2

        I brought it from ebay auction for less than $10 just few months back… but checking it now ….its seems like now no seller is starting it at 0.99 everyone asking above 50……. I think I was just too lucky ….

        So cant really Neg this deal…. It is actually not bad deal…..

        • +1

          I'm surprised you were able to win the auction for less than $10. Those Chinese sellers normally use sockpuppet accounts to jack up the prices so real buyers are forced to pay more.

        • ebay item no???

    • never mind…

  • Does it drain up car's battery if I keep it plugged in and go traveling overseas?

    • Probably. Disconnect it if you wont use it for long periods.

    • +1

      12mAh per hour in standby mode so almost nothing

  • I will (+) this one because the rep is being bashed , but he is resisting pretty well.

  • "Track Your Car, Pet, Kids"

    let's face the reality. "Your wife"

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