Snoring Partner - What Do You Do/What Do They Do to You??

Was just wondering what people do when their partner starts snoring.

I tend to tap their shoulder but have started moving their pillow so they move their head position otherwise they will start snoring again. I feel mean but I need to sleep too. I am a light sleeper so I try to get to sleep first before my partner in case they start snoring and I also use ear plug to sleep but I can still hear it.

Any other suggestions/ cures for this I assume common problem? I know weight loss can help- which I have encouraged.

Poll Options

  • 59
    Other- specify in chat
  • 47
  • 19
    Kick bed/ move around in bed
  • 13
    Suffer in silence
  • 4
    Move pillow
  • 3
    Shoulder tap
  • 2
    Make noise/talk


  • +28

    Was just wondering what people do when their partner starts snoring


    • +6

      Probably wouldn't marry them in the first place if it was such a big problem. Try before you buy!

      • +12

        People’s snoring patterns change.

        • Usually a result of cardio/ weight gain though. If you've just started snoring, see if you fit a run in and have salad & soup for dinner. Can fix it in its early stages.

      • +15

        CPAP machine.

        • Unequivocally a CPAP machine. Although expensive and cumbersome for the person, you will not hear them snoring.

          • @RPGPlayer: but you will hear a machine going all night

            • @Jackson: They are pretty silent. My partner doesn't hear me with the CPAP machine. That is part of the point of CPAP machines: to not disturb others.

              • @RPGPlayer: i wouldnt say silent. The new ones are quiet enough to sleep through fine but in a silent room are clearly audible. I could hear one from the room next to me last time I went away and a friend brought one

        • I learned from Australia's Sleep Revolution (RIP Michael Mosley) that there are mouthguard type solutions that help many snorers who would otherwise need CPAP. Well worth watching the series if you think you may not be getting good quality sleep.

      • Try Amazon Dating Prime they have a mad refund on dating policies and they throw in a free prenup if you decide to tie the knot.

    • +10

      How individualistic? One can complain about nearly everything these days, marriage is so much about putting up with each others's faults, knowing that they put up with yours, and working through them together for the good of each other and the fam.

      Its a bit extreme, but "snoring is the sweetest music in the world. Just ask any widow."

      • +5

        One can complain about nearly everything these days,

        That's so easy to say when you're not the person affected. Sleep deprivation is literally a method of torture. If you spend years having poor quality sleep, it will absolutely impact your health. How do I know? Because I was losing 3-4 hours of sleep each night due to my snoring partner. I was irritable and short tempered most days, having memory loss at work with poor focus

        snoring is the sweetest music in the world. Just ask any widow.

        LOL, get real mate.

        • +1

          How did you work through it?

          • @Embaloo: Separate room, single bed in my study. Also helps because I work odd hours as needed.

            • +1

              @soan papdi: I end up doing this once every few nights. If I go to bed after my partner and she is snoring loudly I just use our spare room that night.

        • +1

          And you wouldnt know that I havent been the person affected. Thats something that I was reminded of though.

          • @Embaloo: My sympathies if you're also affected by this, hope you can sort it out. But calling it individualistic is unreasonable IMO.

  • +54

    Sleep in a different room if possible. No shame in that.

    • It was good enough for the Queen.

    • This is the way. Rich people in the olden days had their own chambers. If you can afford to, you should do that too.

  • +1

    Snore Converter

  • +4

    Can you get better ear plugs to block more decibels? I use earplugs for work and we have about 20 different types available. All have different sizes and decibel ratings to better suit conditions and ear type

      • +6

        This doesn’t fit with my experiences at all. I wear earplugs frequently to sleep in a high noise environment. I always hear my phone alarm, have been woken up by sirens but get decent sleep as the earplugs block out unwanted noises like door slamming, people yelling etc.

        • -6

          So you're saying some expansion foam in your ear chooses which noises to block out?

          • +1

            @frostman: most earplugs don't block all frequencies evenly, so yes.

          • @frostman: Have you ever even used ear plugs?

          • @frostman: Noise reduction not cancellation.

            There is a difference

          • @frostman: If my partner snored at the decibel level of a fire alarm I might be concerned about it being blocked.

  • +35

    If my partner was snoring, I'd leave a polite note on their pillow and go home to my wife. lol

  • +18

    Sleep in seperate beds and bedrooms. Many couples do. I wouldn’t get any sleep otherwise. Mine isn’t over weight either, if anything on the lean side. He’s refused to get it looked into even though I’m sure it’s terrible for his health.

    • Unfortunately we don't have the luxury. Could sleep on couch but might not be a long term solution

      • -2

        Could sleep on couch

        Yes, your partner could. Until and unless they address their problem.

        but might not be a long term solution

        If they don't address their problem.

      • You're partner won't bother finding a solution. He's not the one being impacted. You need to assert and put your foot down.

  • -1

    If the partner is a mouth breather, encourage them to slowly, consciously, change to being a nose breather. It might take a while to get used to it.

    • +20

      Why stop there, you should encourage them to slowly, consciously, change to being a non-snorer while you're at it

    • +1

      may need a septoplasty to fix…

      • +1

        I recently had septoplasty, not so much for snoring rather just to improve my nasal breathing, which was problematic. The operation has been a success but I'm still snoring (though not as much). I've been taping my mouth closed at bedtime in order to force breathing through my nose, but still snoring.

    • Re nose breathing - this seems worth a try. Although I can't comment from experience I have recently read "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art" by James Nestor (published in 2021) - interesting book, recommend reading. Physical book is currently $16 at Amazon & Big W, although I just borrowed the e-book from the library (via Libby app).

    • +1

      For anyone reading, the trick to breathing through your nose is to hold your tongue up against the top of your month.

      After 2 weeks you do it unconsciously while awake, but I'm not sure if you'll do it in your sleep.

  • +2

    Try the formable silicone ear plugs.

  • +2

    Sleep in another room

  • Advantage of being (still) married:
    Execute marital duties.
    Then knowing it was all fully legal and approved by most churches wind down end enter deep sleep.
    Clean up in the morning….

    • Then knowing it was all fully legal and approved by most churches

      Is this a normal thing to say

      • +5

        Obviously referring to washing the dishes with holy water during water restrictions 👍

        • Hmm, but "clean up in the morning" is listed as a later step..

          • @Crow K: Guys don’t tend to sleep in the wet patch.

          • +1

            @Crow K: Exactly..sleep easier knowing it will both church and state sanctioned in the morning.

            • @randomusername2017: Tbh, this interpretation is probably one of the most normal payless69 would actually have passed themself off as being so I guess we can go with that

              • @Crow K: Despite covering up with 3 white Pope approved blankets the lefties have managed to suspend our drivers licenses.
                Apparently we fail at being contemporary.

                Boiling the sheets usually gets rid of the evidence…

                • -1

                  @payless69: (waiting for bus arrive, staring straight ahead into traffic while the homeless guy with 8 plastic bags filled with various rags talks about how the worldwide government is removing Pope driver licenses)

                • @payless69: Any chance the embargo will be extended to internet licences?

      • Everyone says that after copulation. Did no one inform you?

        "Thanks darl. That was fully legal and approved by most churches. Make sure you clean up in the morning."

  • I get kicked and yelled at, which I never remember.

    Only started once I hit a certain weight - working to get down again.

  • +5

    Becoming single solved the problem. No regrets.

  • Get your partner to use an app, like SnoreLab - so they gain a more complete understanding of the problem.

    • I shall look into it

  • +13

    Get them to do a sleep study. Possible sleep breathing disorder like apnoea.

    • +6

      Yep this is what I did when my wife was telling me my snoring was getting worse. I did a sleep study at home, which found I was in the extreme range of sleep apnea. Bought a cpap machine and not only has it stopped my snoring, I now sleep and feel a lot better in the process. Took a little bit to get used to the mask, but now I have no issues with it. Highly reccomend a sleep study, was much cheaper than us putting another room on the house :)

  • +4

    I tend to tap their shoulder

    Yeah because that's a good solution that disrupts their sleep as well as yours.

    As someone who used to snore a lot, my (ex) partner would do this, and it drove a wedge between us because they would wake me up several times a night because I was snoring, so i wasn't getting any sleep, neither were they.

    The only real solution is a sleep study to see if they have apnoea or something else going on. Anything else would just involve you reducing the noise (earplugs).

  • +4

    If he just snores, having a seperate bedroom might be the best option.

    Otherwise, he might have a sleep apnea as well. Have him do a sleep study to find out. And if so, possibly consider CPAP machine. You might find the noise from the CPAP machine more tolerable.

    I was a snorer, and during my general checkup my doctor suggested me to take a sleep study. It turned out i have a sleep apnea. I have since used CPAP machine, so no longer snores nor have the sleep inturruptions. My partner finds CPAP machine a lot more tolerable.

  • +1

    I'm a snorer, partner wears Loop earplugs

    • Thanks for the suggestion!

  • +1

    We've slept in separate rooms since I got pregnant because I'm apparently 'snoring so loud'. We both actually get way better sleep as Im a light sleeper but I find it very hard to fall asleep, so any movement would wake me and keep me up for hours.

    • -4

      Sounds like a good solution. Keep going with it. Once you’ve weaned leave the cot in with him because it is his turn to coparent.

      • +1

        We've got 2 toddlers now, so we just swap kids every night 😂 but once they get their own rooms we have to be in the same bed again and I'm dreading the horrible sleep lol 😭

        • Time to look for a new house with an extra bedroom.

      • I can't leave cot with my partner… His snoring will just wake kid up

  • +2

    yeah well i am the victim in this party, always getting poked and kicked for serenading my wife with a love song.

    things to do:

    • sleep study
    • visit ENT to verify any issues physically in the breathing department

    i have purchased as bad as they sound a nasal dilator to open up my nostrils leading into the sinus passage. it does help immensely for my predicament and it could do to your partners. they are cheap and easily the cheapest first step, maybe look at a mouth guard that moves the jaw forward if they have an overbite as the tongue drops back and the guard helps keep the tongue from falling back.

    im a tummy sleeper, akin to the death pose of chief in halo or a large number 4 pose.

    it will be hard to figure out what best suits the needs but play around and see what does, and starting from the cheaper scale dosent hurt the pocket….. thats why you asked Dr. OzB

    • +2

      I’m a tummy sleeper as well. I seem to adopt the coma position they recommend first aid people use for unconscious people. I suppose I won’t choke on my own vomit 😀

    • Thanks for the suggestions!

      • NP, please do look into it, as snoring is a sign or symptom of sleep apnea and can lead to some serious health issues.

        Also please seek medical advice from your GP. They should set you on a path of sleep study and ENT visit post study to identify the issue.

        Good luck

  • Earplugs. If/when that doesn't work, go sleep in another room.

  • I like how many posts on this thread assume the OP is taking about a man snoring and also seem to assume it's men who snore.

    Newsflash for women out there: you snore too.

  • +1

    i snore and my partner never complains!
    but for some reason i always have the same dream that im in a boxing match and getting beaten up. werid

  • +5

    I'm a snorer - did the sleep study over 10 years ago. Highly recommend it if you're a snorer or like me and have sleep apnea.

    I have a CPAP machine - yes, it still makes noise but it is a million times better than snoring like a freight train.
    In the past when we've been on holidays I've tried things like provent and mouth guards that help to a degree.

    There are heaps of devices for snoring, find one that works for your partner.

    • Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Have a separate room for sleeping.

  • lose weight

    • +1

      Get the partner to lose weight.

      • The question is asking both the snorer and the other party what do they do.

        As the snorer in the equation I lost a few kg and stopped snoring.

        • +1

          Thanks for the clarification. My bad.

    • Yes I have gently encouraged that.

      • 2kg made a difference for me, 4 kg even better. I haven't totally stopped - if I have a boozy evening and want to sleep on my back it still happens.

        I'm 167cm and feel comfortable at 74-75 kg.

  • For me, all I had to do is lose a couple of kgs and I basically don't snore, above a certain weight, snoring again.

    Also have to sleep on my side, as when I'm on my back I snore. Apparently you can tie a tennis ball to the back of your tshirt to prevent your staying on your back

  • I snore if I lay flat on my back. if that happens, I get shoved/rolled over and I rarely remember it

  • +2

    When my partner snores i sackwack them

  • I sleep in my kids room. Is only a matter of time before I get kick out from the kids room too.

  • +2

    Go to dentist / orthodontist and get a mandibular advancement device built for your mouth. It is expensive as custom moulded but very effective - I was a heavy snorer and this solved it and no snoring when I wear it. Don’t waste your time with cheap imitations boil and bite devices from pharmacy / Amazon they don’t work. Get the free app “Do I Snore or Grind”. Your partner will get a shock to hear what it sounds like and how heavy the snoring is!

    • Thanks for the suggestion!

    • Can you share your thoughts or PM more details. Interested to hear more about your experiences in terms of cost and who does it. Dentists in Melbourne don't do this

      • +1

        Search Google for mandibular advancement splint or device Melbourne and you will find.

        Ask your dentist or visit a sleep clinic where they will do a sleep test on you and refer you to a dentist that specialises in this if suitable for you. They make a mould of your mouth and it works by pushing your bottom jaw forward a little which results in airway being kept open. When you sleep the bottom jaw relaxes, falls back and blocks airways which can cause snoring.

        Cost can be up to $2k but for me worth it as I don’t snore after sounding like a walrus in distress.

      • This method will permanently move your jaw forward (while using it) and give you an underbite. It worked, but I stopped using it as I didn't care for the look during the day.

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