• expired

30% off Japan/Indonesia/USA eSIMs e.g. 30-day Docomo: 5GB $6.50, 10GB $11.86, 20GB $21.73 @ Klook


Seems like a like a good deal for those looking for an eSIM.

  • The voucher is valid for 180 day(s) from the booking confirmation date. It expires at the same booking confirmation time on the last day. (I.e. If the booking confirmation time is at 13:00, it will expire at 13:00 180 day(s) later).

  • Data per day package: The principle of fair use applies. After the purchased traffic is exceeded, the speed will be reduced to 384kbps. The traffic will recover the next day.

  • Data in total package: There will be no speed reduction before the traffic is used up and no more traffic after the purchased traffic is used up.

Part of the Klook Japan, Bali and USA sale.

Limited to 1 use

Only applicable to Klook Japan, Bali and USA eSIMs. Max discount $100 AUD. Must be AU or NZ resident. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. One time use per Klook customer only. Valid until 11 Aug 23:59PM AEST or until sold out, whichever comes first. Offer is first come first serve.

Referral Links

Referral: random (428)

Referrer receives $5 credit after referee's 1st completed activity. Referee gets $5 credit on signup.

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2024

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Klook Travel
Klook Travel

closed Comments

  • +3

    Can buy now and activate mid September?

    • yes, it should be in T&C before you purchase the e-SIM

  • Fine to use in November?

  • +24

    For people who were wondering…. the latest you need to activate the sim card is early feb… if you purchase today (07/08) then latest is 2nd Feb 2025.
    Sim Card valid for 180days and must be activated within that timeframe.

    • Website says "The voucher is valid for 180 day(s) from the booking confirmation date." What does this mean? I have to use the FRENZYESIM code within 3 months from booking date? And that is separate from activating the esim? Asking as this deal expires 11 Aug and i'm travelling to Japan on 13 November.

      • Booking confirmation date = when you receive the QR code for the esim.

        • And that is separate from activating the esim? Sorry, haven't done this before.

          • @Kibbelhs: 180 days ~ 6ish months
            You have around 6 months to activate the eSIM
            Once you activate, the SIM works for 30 days, up to its data limit.

            E.g. Buy today; activate on Jan 1; eSIM will work until Jan 31 (or until data limit reached)

  • +1

    Checked the unlimited deal for 15 days and it has this comment

    "Data per day: The principle of fair use applies. After the purchased traffic is exceeded, the speed will be reduced to 384kbps. The traffic will recover the next day"

    Is there a cap per day even on unlimited? There is no fine print in relation to this.

    • I've just purchased one and in the PDF sent to my email it reads -

      "The principle of fair use applies, and if a large number of abnormal uses are found (daily use over 5GB), the speed will be reduced."

      • Awesome, thanks SamuelIGT, great to know

  • +2

    Great price, even on esimdb.com the next best is 3GB/30 Days $6.74 AU

  • If not watching youtube or streaming musics, would 5gb eniugh for 7 day japan trip? So, checking map, train timetable, restaurant reviews, tourist guides, emails, whatapps, ozb. Hotel has wifi ofcourse.

    • Yep, should be heaps. I used to use about 7 GB a month for mixed use: OzB, Facebook, Insta, web, mail, Google Maps etc.

    • Please note If you are constantly looking at Google Map reviews on the go like I did on my last trip, that alone will blow through 1GB-2GB per day.

      • Try using offline maps, that should reduce data usage massively

        • +1

          Offline maps is only useful for offline navigation by storing details of the addresses, GPS co-ords and contact numbers for businesses/POIs

          I tested it just now and it does NOT provide review details of individual places. :(

          • +1

            @simplycurious: It won't have review of individual places but it will have the location/map data.

            To save data - switch off mobile data access access for apps. When I did this recently, I used only 1GB across 10 days including accessing reviews of restaurants, things to do, what's nearby etc.

            • @sydney_kings: I take your point and fully understand it is doable to limit data usage through the browser, but the fluidity and convenience of the app is unparalleled.

              I'm also not sure if I'm a typical traveller or not, but I have an itinerary of pre-planned locations for the day and then look up 10s of restaurant and meticulously look at a few of the individual reviews and photos before deciding on a place.

              The other issue is that Google Maps also auto-downloads videos from those reviews, which seems fairly common in Japanese reviews comparatively to Australian reviews given the number of foreign tourists.

            • @sydney_kings:

              switch off mobile data access access for apps.

              Also, get an app that shows you the permissions of all the apps on your phone, you'll be amazed at how many permissions aren't being shown to you, they're hidden in the app store and the OS won't show them to you either.

              Unless you are careful and inspect the permissions of every app as you install them, you'll find a heap have internet access with no justifiable reason. And you also have to set app updates to manual, because apps often "upgrade" to versions loaded with ads and/or data usage.

              • @Russ: What apps with permission do you recommend?

                • +1

                  @joomon: I'm using ARJSNA permission checker, which I got from Google Play a few years ago. But sadly it's not on Google Play any more. It said "requires no special permissions", and I can see there is still at least one app that doesn't have ads and requires no permissions:

                  But I haven't installed that one and tried it out.

                  When you do find good apps, I recommend using an "APK Export" app to save them to your phone's SD card, so you can re-install the known-good apps on future phones. Or if your phone doesn't have an SD card, save them to online storage, like Google drive.

                  Yes, when you get a new phone, Google will offer to install all your old apps for you, but Google installs the current version in Google play, which may have added advertising or changed in other undesirable ways. Having the APK stored means you can usually install exactly the version you are familiar with.

  • How many GB required to stay in Japan for 7 days? Google, google maps, transport for travel, not using for GPS driving in Japan.

    • As above commenter mentioned Google Maps eats a lot of data - about 1GB per day for me. Everything else barring video content is pretty minor imo.

      • How about if i download google map offline, area of osaka, kyoto, etc that would be better, right?

    • Hey are we going together???

    • I had a GB per day on my last trip, and found I was running out by late in the day. No media streaming, but frequent browsing and maps.

      Personally I'm not going below 2GB per day for my next trip.

      I'm actually eyeing off some unlimited plays via KKDAY, which seem to be better priced than Klook.

    • 5gb at least to be safe, and utilise free wifi as much as possible.

  • purchased, ty OP

  • If you need multiple, make multiple accounts

  • Does anyone know if you still have to register your IMEI with one of these eSIM cards when travelling to Bali?
    I’m heading to Bali at the start of September for a week, then travelling back to Bali in early November for a month. Would I be best just buying two of these?
    Thank you! :)

    • I'd like to know this too. The travelkon ones say you need to upload a copy of your passport and IMEI to a Google form.

    • No you don't. You only need to register your IMEI if you use the local sim card and pay tax (>$500USD phones for non-tourist SIM cards). The tourist sim cards do have a local number (+62).. but I usually wouldn't bother as that would require passport and registrations and only available at very limited places.

      So travel sim/esims will work with no issue, I've used different ones over the years while travelling in Indonesia.

      Note, whichever one you're buying (klook/airalo/eskimo/etc), ensure that it has Telkomsel coverage as the other networks are pretty much crap outside of big cities.

      • Thanks for the info. So do you know why the Travelkon ones say you need to provide this:

        Clear photo of an adult passport photo page (minimum 18 years old; Indonesian passports NOT eligible)
        Clear photo of the SIM card packaging by itself
        Clear photo of the actual phone with the IMEI number showing (Dial *#06# then take a photo of the actual phone)
        Flight arrival details

        Are they selling actual Telkomsel eSIM instead of a travel one?

      • Upon further looking, Klook allows you to buy a Telkomsel SIM and pick it up/activate it at the airport as well as their Klook eSIM which uses the Telkomsel network.

        Why would one want the Telkomsel one? They cost more and come with the additional activation requirements.

        • +1

          The Telkomsel one that requires passport for sim or esim is the tourist version (available for foreigners only and no imei registration required for short stays) https://www.telkomsel.com/en/perdana/tourist-prepaid-card

          Unless you need a local number I wouldn't bother and just use travel sims which will roam into telkomsel.

          Downside of 'roaming' with travel sims is network traffic would be routed via the sim card's home network country. This applies to most travel sims or even when you use Aus network sims and roam, not just in Indonesia.

  • +1

    This or wait for TravelKon’s deals?

    • +2

      Depends. Most of TravelKon's esims need to be activated within 90 days, so keep that in mind.
      Also I compared klooks 10GB data over 30 days - $16.89 without discount
      travelkon 10GB data over 30 days - $25 without discount.

  • What is "high speed"? Is this 5G?

  • thanks OP great timing. will be in japan next week!

  • +1

    Bali provider Telek cheaper direct on their websites?

  • How do you tell if an esim is any good? Compared to Ubigi/Airalo offerings etc

    • This used docomo which is the same network as ubigi but it states its 4g only unlike ubigi’s 5g

  • Anyone rented a wifi dongle in the airport as a cheaper option?.

    • I have in the past. But I prefer the convenience of the esim as I already have my phone and don't need to carry another device around / worry about battery life of the dongle.

  • No discrimination or anything, just stating the fact, if you have access to taobao, this is an everyday price

    • well, share it here then ?

  • Can I hotspot my phone connected to this eSIM?

    • Why not…

    • I would like to know too, just purchased one and there is nothing in any documentation about tethering, so I would say no. I have seen other networks over there advertise tethering.

    • +1

      Just got off chat, does NOT support tethering

      • I had no idea it was provider restriction.
        Always thought the phone was hotspot decider/provider

        • +2

          No, they can absolutely put restrictions on accounts, they utilise things like TTL on their back end which unless you are tech savvy and get around it, it stops the next hop after the phone

          • @BatmanAU: Does it say anywhere before you purchase or just go off what the chat says?

            • +1

              @theduckhunter: There is absolutely nothing on the site, I then contacted chat and was advised that it doesn't support tethering, so going off chat as the site doesn't say squat.

    • Some of them support hotspot and some do not
      If it does it will say "Hotspot Sharing - Yes" under the product details
      The Indonesia one supports hotspot

  • Thanks OP.

    Perfect time for my Japan trip, how does this compare with Airalo? As I'm currently thinking to get 5gb for $18 from Airalo

    Which one is better in service? Thanks

    • It’s just a disposable SIM card, I really cannot justify paying 3x the time, even if it’s better service…

    • +1

      they both just reseller you need to look who is the one you are connecting with, this one is DOCOMO.
      but again both are japanese company so i think both are fine.
      also depending where you go you cant just ask around which one is better.
      you see here some people hate voda some hate optus some like optus and voda.
      its like looking for a gf. my mate hot blonde young gf maybe not suitable for me

  • Confused by this

    “Data in total package: There will be no speed reduction before the traffic is used up and no more traffic after the purchased traffic is used up”

    So if I get the 10gb for Japan, I’m travelling for 3 weeks and then by 2nd week I’ve done 10gb, does the speed just get reduced? Coz lower speed should be suffice for using google maps and normal browsing if I eat up the 10gb

    • -1

      replace word traffic with "purchased data" and read again

      There will be no speed reduction before the data is used up and no more tiktok after the purchased data is used up”

      • +1

        …and no more traffic purchased data after the purchased traffic purchased data is used up”


  • damn, sounds like this won't be viable for me, not going until May next year :(

    • +2

      Wait for travelkon deals - they will have some upcoming it’s all good don’t sweat 😜

      • thanks for the tip, will do :)

  • +1

    Anyone having issues saying promocode already redeemed & cannot get the 30% off? I haven't bought anything from Klook since April, so not sure what I'm doing wrong

    • click on your logon id icon top right and then Promo codes, enter FRENZYESIM and then when you go to check out, discount will be applied.

    • +1

      I just emptied the cart, logged off and then back in again added the plan and discount was automatically there, must be a glitch

  • GlobalYo is cheaper.

    30 days, 10GB = 7.09 USD = $10.86
    30 days, 20GB = 12.69 USD = $19.44

    • -1

      pass, I've never seen a more obnoxious site in my life. not worth losing my sanity for a dollar extra, not counting international transaction fees.

      • I've been using them for years. Used it on a recent trip across Europe and Turkey - no issues and it "just worked"

  • I am trying to check out what the price is for the USA only. I've clicked on the 30 day Data only button. On the right it says Aus $3.35. Is that per day? and I can't find anywhere to click on to buy. What am I doing wrong?

  • +1

    For those who are interested, does not support tethering as per chatting with customer service

    • thats pretty big, i guess depending on your situation.

      with me, got a family so 2 small kids, bought a samsung A8 tablet thinking i can put a sim in it but then found you couldn't wtf
      anyhow travelling around japan and if i needed to tether data to it, it worked fine with the sim card i purchased from travelkon

      • Was thinking about Travelkon, but read some mixed reviews. Was just going to wait until we land in country

        • land in country and get a local sim instead?

          i guess each experience to your own but i've had a good experience with Travelkon; I've used esim cards purchased from them for japan and indonesia
          (1) good deals when they have a sale on
          (2) they have whatsapp support (you should activate a day before leaving the country as a rule but i did this as i was boarding the plane. suffice to say i had an issue which in the end was my fault long story short lol but they were helping me out on whatsapp whilst i was in the plane and literally about to fly. i was so worried because i was thinking whats going to happen when i arrive in japan and i need to contact them (even so i believe since they have whatsapp support any issues they are willing to help you out even if overseas) but they helped me out so i was grateful for that. The actual esim process is very simple too.
          (3) they are responsive as well too on their posts when they have deals

  • Oh the gamble, waiting for TravelKon with SoftBank 5G deals. Or even any other Japan deals!

    • +1

      Buy this as it's free cancellation. And if travelkon come out with something cheaper then you can always refund and buy that.
      Though I did a comparison -
      klooks 10GB data over 30 days - $16.89 without discount
      travelkon 10GB data over 30 days - $25 without discount

  • FYI - seems like free cancellation any time before booking expiry / activation.

    Also, best way to avoid their UI bug is to sign-in to an account before purchasing. On the product page, make sure to select the voucher after entering the code, it is not selected by default.

  • -1

    Can I purchase and use this eSim from Thailand? I just need it to activate my Yahoo Marketplace Japan account. Thanks

  • We are doing 30 day trip - USA, Finland, France and Japan. Anyone done a RTW trip like this and used a multi country eSim or just used ones like Klook above for each region?

    • On a side note, im interested in your itinerary. Who you flying with and costs. RTW is on the bucketlist

  • -1

    Anyone know if the Bali esim is for Bali only or if it works in other Indonesian cities too?

  • When I activate a 7-day eSIM from Klook, does it expire at the end of the 7th day (e.g., 11:59 PM) or at the exact time I first activated it 7 days previously (e.g., 1 PM on the 7th day if I activated it at 1 PM 7 days earlier)?

  • https://saily.com/esim-japan/ saily esim by Nord VPN has also same prices if you got referral code. But its data sim only but you can use whats app or other virtual caling apps

  • 5gb is $6.43 just now

  • I would very much appreciate some help. I have ordered the Klook eSIM but I haven’t received an email from them. How do I download the ESim and later activate it?

    • Its on the email. Chrck junk box etc

  • +1

    Expired now? I'm getting message that voucher doesn't work.

    • Seems like it has run out. Bummer. Was hoping to buy one tonight.

    • Damn! I just went to get one too, thinking the only restriction was until tonight.

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