sydneysyd » user profile

Member Since 30/01/2020
Last Seen 26/02/2025
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

Last year they had a Black Friday promo for December intl terminal parking. I've been keeping an eye out and all they've got is for…
10/12/2024 - 23:59
Do they ask you if you're a Costco member?
28/11/2024 - 23:04
What phone number are you all putting in when it asks for a phone number for 2FA? Edit: Nevermind. I can use my aussie number. This isn't…
26/11/2024 - 23:15
If we're just using Apple ID, any reason for using Turkey and not India?
26/11/2024 - 09:33
I tested about 2 hours after charging. I dunno, maybe I just got a bad batch but eh. I figured I'd put it out there.
30/10/2024 - 16:50
I ordered two of these during the recent Prime day sale (one for a friend w/o Prime subscription). I opened mine, charged it, as far as I…
30/10/2024 - 10:45
My bad. I could've sworn it was $10/month at some point. Cheers.
23/10/2024 - 16:33
Your provider needs to support the number-sharing scheme; you can't get a separate number for the watch itself.
23/10/2024 - 16:31
If you've already got a plan with Optus or Voda it's a $5/month add-on. $10/month is Telstra.
23/10/2024 - 16:30
Matrix trilogy at $19.99 but that might be the usual price. I checked a few other bundles and it doesn't look like there's anything else…
25/09/2024 - 09:51
The last time this happened on the US iTunes store back in 2013 the Matrix trilogy was also priced at 9.99. I wonder what else might be…
25/09/2024 - 09:43
Sorry, just saw this, but I got one of the Leifheit.
01/09/2024 - 22:57
Bought a clothes airer. Tracked within ... 30 minutes? All good.
31/08/2024 - 16:26
For everyone else... when you do a search, at the search result, make sure you filter by "Sold by" and select "Everyday Market partners".
31/08/2024 - 11:56
Is it though? It says: Cashback rates Everyday Market Customer 20% New Woolworths Online Grocery Customer 20% Existing Woolworths Online…
31/08/2024 - 09:39
Wait. Really? I can get a PS5 slim disc for $600? It may not be all time low but ... is this for real?
31/08/2024 - 09:23
Can you stack giftcard and the cashback? I thought paying by gift card doesn't count?
17/11/2023 - 14:29
Jeebus. I kept checking kept checking kept checking ... didn't check during the 48 hours the third email was active..... sigh. I'll have to…
05/09/2023 - 11:16
Alternatively you can get the Hario Drip-Assist.
30/06/2023 - 15:48
OMG. This would be an instant buy for me if I didn’t already pay $1600 for it about a month ago. 😭
30/05/2023 - 19:30
27" 4K is actually perfect. I have 2 Dell ones and in Windows I set it to 4K then scale the display to 125% (or 150%) and I've got myself a…
17/05/2023 - 17:00
I must be blind because I can't see the coupon code?
15/05/2023 - 15:34
So this is instore only? And is it applicable to anything not on the exclusion list? T&C confused me with this opening: Bonus offer applies…
25/11/2022 - 13:29
This was previously priced at $919 if I recall correctly. I'm waiting for the 3rd gen (aka 1st gen M1 ipad pro) to hit the refurb shop.…
19/10/2022 - 13:01
Just so I'm fully aware of the process, this means I need to have the service active (and not work as I don't have a PPPoE client or a…
25/05/2022 - 11:40
Likewise. I’ve been with ABB forever and am not keen to jump ship but looks like they’re technically competent and well, cheaper.
24/05/2022 - 18:19
Hi, Currently happy with on FTTP with ABB and without a router. Am I able to do the same setup with Leap? (Copper goes from FTU and…
24/05/2022 - 16:52