28 Degrees - New $8 Monthly Fee (Effective 17/9/24). Alternatives?

Hey all,

Just got an email about the 28 Degrees Mastercard introducing a new monthly card fee of $8 per month, which is quite steep as I only use it for travel and YouTube Argentina.

Any other recommendations for alternatives?

28 Degrees Global Platinum Mastercard Credit Card Changes FAQs

Effective from Tuesday 17 September 2024, there will be some important changes to your Latitude 28° Global Platinum Mastercard credit card product. A card fee of $8 per month will be introduced and the interest rate on purchases will increase to 27.99% p.a. New features will be available including a new rewards program where you will be eligible for a $10 e-gift card every statement period when you spend $1,000 or more on eligible transactions within the statement period, and access to complimentary E-Commerce Protection Insurance and Purchase Protection Insurance.

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    • How do you test for serviceability?

      I’ve recently had 6 months off, leave without pay.

      Have already cancelled 28deg and planing to get 2 months payslips (paid monthly) before applying. Any idea if this will be a problem?

      • How do you test for serviceability?

        ¯_(ツ)_/¯ , each bank will have its own metric to rate applications, *just like vehicle insurance can wildly differ between providers*

  • +1

    I dropped 28 degrees and went for Bendigo Bank.

  • +1

    yeah the fee $8 came through dammit. anyone had any luck calling up and asking for 12m deal or waiver?

    • I got charged today. Did you call and get a waiver?

  • +6

    As per Legoman suggestion on another thread, I emailed [email protected] this morning politely asking for the $8 per month waiver as I had not received any text message like others have. I received a reply within 2 hours saying they are applying a $96 credit to my account to offset the $8 per month for 12 month. Much easier than phoning them.

    • NGL my first thought was "cancel the card after the credit for profit??" since I suspect most here would cancel once the waiver ends… XD

    • Nice outcome. I've shot off an email. Hopefully get the same answer.

    • i sent an email and havent got a reply back yet

      • Neither… will give it another day…

      • I emailed them on the same day as Axe, but only got a ticket 2 days later. Still awaiting a formal reply.

      • +1

        I got the email. Yay.

        • When did you send the e-mail? I only sent mine off yesterday myself (however I'm asking it to be applied as an apology for closing my 28 Degrees when I requested my David Jones Mastercard be cancelled)

          • +1

            @kerfuffle: It may take a few days before they get back to you. I sent mine off on Friday, and only today I received their reply of crediting the 12 months worth of fees back.

            • +2

              @bluesky: Same outcome for me.
              Email sent on Friday and reply received today for credit of 12 months worth of fees.

    • +1

      Wrote my Legoman letter on Friday morning and got the standard 12 months of fees back on Monday evening. It seems there is still some fruit left in their money orchards. 12 months pause whilst deciding what I want to do next , and also let Bendigo Bank process all of their new applicants 🤔

      • Yes same here. Now that I've got ~a year of breathing space, I'm going to wait a few months for Bendigo Bank to clear their backlog before jumping ship

  • Finally got approved for my Bendigo card

    • Pls share your timeline. I applied on Aug 20 and am still waiting for the outcome.

      • Applied Aug 26

        • Applied Sept 10, still nothin. Looks like taking a month

  • +2

    After e-mailing on Monday, got a response today saying they'll waive the $8 monthly fee for twelve months

  • What are eligible transactions to qualify for 1000$ monthly purchases to get 10$ gift credit?

    • Just got the $96 fee waiver email yesterday. Was wodnering what the qualifier is. I have some council rates coning up so wondering if that is eligible for the gift cards. If anybody knows, please let me know. I also have the 3 months interest free offer, so may take advantage of that too,

      • +1

        I believe it's any transaction as long as your total is above $1000 a month, and all transactions must clear before the new statement is issued. i.e not pending. I used it to pay council rates last month and I got the gift card about 2 days after the new statement was issued.

        • Was the 17th sept during the statement month you got the $10 card for? I did 1000 during that statement but didn’t get the credit,

          • @grasstown: I used my card on the 19th of September. It cleared about 2-3 days later. My new statement was issued on the 24th, then got the gift card around the 26th September.

            • @cynical17: Ok so you did the whole $1000 after the 17th?

              • @grasstown: Yes that's correct, full spend was over $1000 after the 17th, but cleared before the statement issue date of the 24th of September.

                • @cynical17: Thanks for answering. I spent it before the 17th but my issue date was earlier than yours.

        • Great! Thanks. Will use the 28 degrees card to pay it off then. Its a shame, we had another card that we closed before the statement date last month, before legoman posted the email method, could have kept that card too.

  • +1

    Emailed but only got 3 months fee credit. Better than nothing I guess.

    • Same

  • +1

    This is so dodgy for 28 Degrees to announce a fee waiver but then to not give it to all customers

    I have just emailed them asking for my fee to be waived. Will cancel if they do not waive it.

    • Update: got 12 months credit

      • Can you share what you sent them? Tia

        • +3

          I think some people here tried to get the fee waived but only got a 3 month credit, so when I emailed I wrote that I knew everyone had been getting a 12 month credit and I wanted the same one

  • I guess I spoke too soon with my earlier comment and got charged an $8 fee on the last statement day. Checked my rewards and still says 0 even though I met the minimum spend. Guess I'll be emailing too

    • Takes a few days before the reward comes through, after the statement billing.

      • +1

        It's been 6 days. Emailed them and also didn't get a response :(

      • My husband's card statement date is on the 15th and he got the $10 right on the last day, but mine is on the 9th, still got charged the card fee but no reward. So annoying

        • Mine took about 3 days after statement billing before the $10 reward came. I spent $1K after the 17 Sep, since that was the date the card fee/reward scheme commenced. Did you spend at least 1K after 17 Sep (in case the 1K spend would be counted only after that date)?

          • @bluesky: Oh damn that's right I thought it was just in the whole statement date, not 'spend starting from', did a tyre change for $900 on the 12th and thought it was all sorted 🙄🙄

          • @bluesky: The scheme commenced 17th but the scheme said to spend in the statement month. I spent in the statement month before 17th. I didn’t get reward. You are right with how they applied it, but I think they applied it incorrectly.

            • @grasstown: And @MeesusEff - You guys would have a good case to ask for the $10 reward back, given the terms were not clearly stated for the 1st month, so worth contacting them. If they can't put it back as a reward, they could credit your account with $10 - as they did with the card fees.

  • Got my bank West cc yesterday. Pretty painless process.

  • +1

    received an email saying that they waived the fees for 12 months. But I have been with them for more than 10 years and always used it for our annual overseas trips

    • +1

      You're not happy that they waived 12 months fees?

      • I think LSGH are just saying that 28 Degrees might have only waived the fee because they are a longtime customer

        • 15 years here, no 12 month waiver. Only got 3 + 3 after complaining.

          • @gadgetguy: Might depend on the support rep? I got 12 months after emailing. Not sure how long I have had the card, but at least 10 years.

  • I've emailed them 5 times now (various issues) and I'm getting no where.

    I've only had one reply and they 'explained' why I was charged. My original email wasn't complaining about that but something else. And my first complaint was in August. And on my latest statement, I've been charged interest but I made full payment before it was even required (knowing I probably wouldn't get a reminder email and I was right).

    I've just emailed them again and if I don't get a reply, I'll just go to AFCA

    I'm really fed up now and would cancel the card, but I don't have an income, so can't apply for another credit card elsewhere…..

    • I literally lodged a complaint to them yesterday and automated reply said it will take up to 30 days for a respond. From few days to 30 days. Lol.
      Their chat also said 5 mins but no one respond after 45 mins.

      • AFCA is the way to go - you'll get a reply in a few days at most. The process costs them a lot of money.

        • How do you message afca please ?

          • @yht: They have an online chat (M-F) and you can also lodge a dispute.


            Latitude have not gotten back to me (after a week for this 3rd attempt and ongoing from mid-August), so I have lodge a dispute with AFCA, which I submitted last night. There is lots of info to supply, but I think I got my message across.

            • @Trekky: Thanks, I had the respond with $96 credit, but have not seen it in my account yet.

    • Turns out I've also been charged shoppers protection despite paying off the full balance. What gives!

  • +1

    Finally got charged on 9th sept. submit my query via [email protected] on 12sept. no response.

    then raised a compliant form via https://latitudefs.zendesk.com/hc/en-au/articles/36002088923… yesterday

    got a response about three hours later give me a $96 credit which will appear on the next statement.

    don't like their customer service and treatment overall on this at all. but if this is correct, I will see another $8 charge on next statement. so if close the card out from then. that's probably $80 earn for the effort and frustration from the process. however, will see from now and still evaluate should I even keep the card until next September

    • You will see another $8 charge on next statement

    • +2

      then raised a compliant form via https://latitudefs.zendesk.com/hc/en-au/articles/36002088923…

      Just wanted to say thanks. I did the same this way and finally got this response.

      Your Concerns
      We understand your concerns to be regarding the monthly $8 card fee that was recently introduced to our 28 Degrees accounts. You are aware that a 12-month fee waiver was extended to some customers, and you would like this to also be applied to your account.

      Review of your Complaint
      The fee waiver was a targeted promotion provided to select customers with eligible accounts. We are unable to provide details on the eligibility criteria as that information is commercially sensitive, but we can confirm that your account was not eligible for the offer.

      However, as a gesture of goodwill in recognition of your time with us, we have now applied a credit of $96 to your account to offset 12 months of the card fee.

      The waiver credit is being applied as a lump sum to your next statement, the monthly $8 card fee will continue to be charged for each statement period moving forward.

      • Thanks @Shortgum I'm giving it a go. Was previously offered 3 months + 3 months after emailing. Customer for over 15 years.

      • I just received same exact respond from them today after filing complaint form for few weeks.

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