• expired
  • targeted

$100 Bonus for Depositing Salary (Minimum $1000/Month) over 2 Months into Orange Everyday Account @ ING (Activation Required)


Activate Offer and Deposit at Least $1,000 a Month into Your Orange Everyday Account for Two Consecutive Months | Get $100

Switch your pay to your Orange Everyday today

  • Simply have your pay of at least $1,000 a month deposited into your Orange Everyday account for two consecutive months and activate your offer before 31 October 2024.

  • And we'll pop $100 cash into your Orange Everyday account. How good does that sound?

Put even more in your pocket

Simply deposit at least $1,000 per month from an external source - like your pay - and make 5+ settled (not pending) eligible ING card purchases each month and you could get these benefits the following calendar month.

  • 1% cashback when you pay any eligible gas, electricity and water bills with your Orange Everyday account by BPAY, PayTo (when available) or Direct Debit using your BSB and account number (up to $100 per financial year). T&Cs apply.

  • $0 ING international transaction fees for online and overseas purchases. Other fees and charges may apply.

  • Up to 5 rebated ATM withdrawals (excludes international ATM operator fees) each month. T&Cs apply.

Referral Links

Referral: random (831)

Until 31/03/2025, referrer and referee will each receive $125 for opening new Orange Everyday & Saving Maximiser Accounts.

Referrer: Do not participate in the referral system if you do not have a current $125 referral code.

Referee: To qualify, you are required to deposit a minimum $1,000 from an external source into the new Orange Everyday account, deposit any amount into the a Savings Maximiser Account, and make at least 5 (settled) card transactions within any calendar month with the new Orange Everyday card.

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closed Comments

  • So does it have to be from payroll or just $1000 amount of cash?

    • I am not sure. But the second part of the deal says

      $1,000 per month from an external source - like your pay -

      So it might work.

      • +1

        'and make 5+ settled (not pending) eligible ING card purchases each month … T&Cs apply'

        that's a make-work for you …

      • Incorrect - the 2nd part is talking about getting extra value, ie:

        1% cashback when you pay any eligible gas, electricity and water bills with your Orange Everyday account by BPAY, PayTo (when available) or Direct Debit using your BSB and account number (up to $100 per financial year). T&Cs apply.

        $0 ING international transaction fees for online and overseas purchases. Other fees and charges may apply.

        Up to 5 rebated ATM withdrawals (excludes international ATM operator fees) each month. T&Cs apply.

        The $100 bonus is for pay being put into the account only

      • Deposit $1,000+ from an external source into their new Orange Everyday account within any calendar month.. other than pay what options do we have ?

    • -1

      "from an external source - like your pay"

    • +9

      never know with ING. given how many hoops that make you jump to get the interest, I'd confirm with customer care.

      • +9

        Yeah I'm considering cancelling them after about 24 years cause they keep taking features away and adding hoops. It has no value to me anymore.

        • +5

          Leaving ING was a great financial decision for me

          • +2

            @buffalo bill: What is an alternative with similar benefits?

            • +1

              @Miyagi: If you miss one month of hoops with ING, you're better off with any other HISA. I use ubank for my cash personally.

            • +4

              @Miyagi: HSBC is great, 2% cashback on paywave under $100. You can also store other currencies in it. I think when I signed up I got a $200 bonus, not sure if that's still around.

              • @Bdawg: Howd u get 200 bonus for hsbc

                I didnt get it when i signed up

            • +2

              @Miyagi: Macquarie

    • +5

      It can just be a transfer from any bank account, don't even need to keep the funds in there.
      I've done this twice now and got the bonus. Sad I didn't get this one though

    • +1

      @MegFan I got targeted for this offer last time (apx 3 months ago I guess) and today I just got the email saying they are putting my $50 reward into my account within 5 days (sadly it was only $50 last time!). I just did transfers from another bank. T&C's were the same last time saying "like your payroll" but they are giving it to me so it looks like it doesn't matter as long as its an external source.
      Make sure you also use the referral link to get $75-125 extra depending on what code the other person has.

      Mod: Edited comment

  • +13

    Targeted ?

  • does it include August if u activate it today?

  • that was quick! I received the email 10 mins ago. Just when I was thinking about closing my ING since I've moved to AMP.

  • +5

    What offer?

    • +5

      I never get any offers from ING.

  • +1

    my salary already goes in there maybe thats why i dont get the offer
    maybe i should change it temporarily

  • +3

    Targeted - I just got it too. Only $50 for me though. That said, you could try modifying the activating link to 100 instead and see how you go. Just modiy the link from offer=50 to offer=100. Quite likely won't work but I'll have a crack - lol.

    • +12

      Why stop at 100 :D

      • +3

        I tried other values but it just gave a generic html then instead of saying that it was activated for $100. That's mainly why I suspect it won't work - the amount they've approved for your account is likely stored separately and the activation link just shows whichever dollar amount your activation link points to.

        If someone uses this to get a cool $1M then I'll be asking for a commission.

    • +1

      I just got a confirmation and will be getting $50 deposited into my account in the next 3 to 5 days.

      • +1

        Same with me. But I had the get $100 offer.

  • +2

    Mad invite

  • Patiently waiting for the email. Pay to come next week

  • This is definitely targeted. Last time I clicked the link activated and they did not honour. You have to get the email from them to be eligible.

  • +5

    How to activate?

  • lol how can this offer not be for new customers?

  • No offer for me

  • I got an email from ING today for referring a friend to get 100 bucks.

    • +1

      I've got $125 for both referee and referral to refer someone with a code instead of this bonus for salary deposit.

      • Can transfer between accounts considered as deposit? Or does it it has to be salary?

        • +1

          It doesn't say anywhere that salary should be deposited directly from the employer account. Just that your pay of $1k or more should be deposited in your ING account.

    • I recently got both emails of this $1000+ and $125 offer for both referee and referral too through email from ING :)

  • Can't find the above offer. How to activate?

  • +2

    Not available to me but thats typical of ING, I've been with them two decades…and the goal posts have moved town.

  • i got above offer luckily my friend was looking for new bank account.

  • +3

    I got the $50 offer for same thing 3 months ago. Deposited $1000 from another bank account for 2 months.

    I moved my money out same day both times and it still counted.

    Got credited 9 days after the second transfer.

    Agree with other commenters ING is no longer what it used to be but free money is free money and I've never had a bad experience with them for banking in my last 2 decades.

    • Who is better than ING?

      • +3

        As another comment above, I'm using HSBC for everyday purchases below $100. 2% cashback on tap below $100. Need to deposit $2000 a month to activate cashback for next month. Anything above $100 in person I just use my credit card.

        For international online transactions I use ubank as they have best rates without transaction fees. Can unlock high interest rate by $500 deposit per month but I don't need it due to offset account.

        • is online banking with HSBC better these days? They used to give you a physical key…

          • +1

            @ippy: I would think so as I've never had to deal with a physical key myself. Have done everything through app. Osko payment are typically immediate, their app is fine for me as all I do is send money back and forth between banks and check my balance/transactions.

            Have never had need to call them as I've not had any issues.

  • +2

    You’ll be able to deposit $1,000 from an external source. They’d just like to see your salary in there as it ties you to them (e.g. inertia of setting up your BSB and account number with your employer, makes you less likely to switch away).

    • So transfer between our accounts is valid for getting the bonus ?

      • Yes, it has worked for me. But from a different bank.

        • I use ANZ, hope transfer from it will work.. does the money needs to in ING until I get the bonus ?

          After how many days of spending the 5 transaction’s you got the bonus?

          • +1

            @73sam: ANZ will work. You can withdraw immediately after it hits your account. For the $100 bonus, you do not need to make the 5 transactions but only for the additional benefits OP details in the post. These have to be done in the month before to get benefits. So if you do them in Sept you can use the benefits in October. Remember they have to be cleared so do them at least one week before the end of the month.

            • @Yola: Does paying with Apple Pay consider or it has to be with card ?

  • I've been busy moving my money out of there and I'd say that's what triggered the offer.

    • Where are you moving, and why?

      • Ubank.
        Same interest rate and less stuffing around.

    • I got the offer with the maximum amount in there.

  • +2

    the best strategy seems to be to deposit cash for these offers and then withdraw it straight away, this is the third time I've had this offer lol

  • Ive found an offer in the offers section of the mobile phone app. Its 'switching your pay to orange everyday' with a button to download salary deposit form. There isnt any mention of an $100 incentive though nor have I received an email. Is this the offer or does it mean the $100 won't apply to me?

  • +1

    Activate offer where and how

  • I haven't got this but I received an email today saying refer a friend for $100 and they receive $100 as well if this is what you mean?

    • thats what i got, different offer to the OP

    • I recently got both emails of this $1000+ and $125 offer for both referee and referral too through email from ING :)

  • +2

    No longer having free withdrawals from atms was the final straw for me. I mean ffs, how can a bank not have their own atms, but then charge you to use other banks atms.

    • -4

      Who withdrawals cash these days, unless slapping pineapple down pokies guts

      • +1

        also people buying bags of ..

        • +1

          HAHA and that

      • +1

        For work BBQ's mostly lol, so the cost is high when only drawing 10 or 20.

      • +4

        Lots of small business love cash and often give a discount if you pay by cash

        • The worst !! Businesses who don't pay tax

    • I'm still getting ATM rebates including international ATMs

      • Lol! Wot? Nice one!

      • ING rebates their own fee but not the operator's ATM fee

        • For me, they are rebating the ATM fee's as well

  • I was messed around very badly trying to open an account. Two phone calls and put on hold and still need to send more paperwork in? No thanks.

  • i only got some useless referral offer

  • I got $125 offer!

    • Maybe you mean $125 referral email.
      I recently got $125 offer for both referee and referral too through email from ING :)

  • Are people getting these emails from ING? I don't get any promotion emails

    • Yes, I got both emails from ING recently for depositing $1000+ and referral offer $125 :)

  • +6

    I had to neg this. I received this offer in May, and did exactly as required, but never see any bonus money deposited into my account. I never received any of the referral bonus either, even when they have been legitimately done. If ING expects me to have to follow up before they would deliver on their own promise, then I'd say I'd rather not do business with them anymore.

    • I did the May one too and thought they weren't going to pay me also - but I just got an automated email from them today confirming that they will be depositing the $50 into my account within 5 days (sadly the May offer was only $50). Hopefully you get an email soon? Looks like they are just really slow paying out.

  • HomeMe from MeBank is the best

  • Nothing here

  • -1

    I got an email for a $125 if I refer a friend - expires 30th september though

  • -1

    Also got a $125. $125 for you, $125 for your friend!
    By 30th Sep.

  • +1

    Last month ING sent me $125 offer and yesterday for $100.

  • Has anyone got the second $15 credit for the other promotion, by having to deposit $1000 / month ?

    • didn't see 2nd $15 yet, last month it was coming at 4th

    • Yes, just yesterday. Later than last month.

      • Got the email yesterday but no money in yet.

  • -1

    Is this for new accounts only?

  • +1

    Can we simply deposit $1000 from another bank then transfer out for 2 months?

    Or it has to be deposited from "Payroll"?

    • +2

      I have qualified twice and they were transfers from another bank. Deposited and withdrawn within minutes.

      • How long does it take to get $100 credited?

  • I got the 6mths $15 per month for depositing 1000.
    more work ;/

  • Do you get $100 cashback after the 2nd deposit within 9 business days?

  • Havent seen a email on this one

  • Hi guys - I have a question. Doing this first time.

    I have deposited $1000 from another Bank into the Everyday banking account.

    Can I withdraw the money straight away? or next day? or have to keep it till end of the month or till $100 is paid out?

    • +2

      Just needs to hit your account however briefly you choose. Did mine straight in and out, email confirmation from ING next day that I’d qualified for 1st month.

    • +1

      Personally I would leave it overnight just to be sure - but you 100% definitely don't need to leave it there forever because when I did mine I started spending and using it straight way so the balance didn't stay at $1000 and they still paid me on the last offer 3 months ago

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