Looks like a decent deal.
Note: I haven't gone into the fine print to see what the implications are of cancelling early.
Things to know:
• #For terms & conditions visit: jbhifi.com.au/mobile-plans
• Available in-store only
• * If you cancel or move to a lower cost/different plan then you must pay a Voucher
Repayment Fee to Telstra pro-rated against the remaining months of your plan’s
minimum term.
This offer is not available in conjunction with any other JB Hi-Fi mobile or broadband
offer or Trade-in coupon offer.
• If you cancel or move to a lower cost/different plan then you must pay a Voucher
Repayment Fee to Telstra pro-rated against the remaining months of your plan’s
minimum term.
• This offer is not available in conjunction with any other JB Hi-Fi mobile or broadband
offer or Trade-in coupon offer
implications are of cancelling early.
Interested to know