New deals follow up from Black Friday sale -
Soundfreaq Bluetooth Speaker dock $149
HappiTappi iPod iPhone case for kids $19
Kraken AMS iPad Case - $49
Ozaki Notebook+ with Stylus case $29
Ozaki Backbone IPH4S case $22
Speck Pixelskin Black and Gray iPhone 5 $19
Speck Candyshell White iPhone 5 $19
Deals still available from last friday:
Story so far:
Otterbox commuter case for iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 - $28 delivered
Speck iGuy iPad mini case - $29 delivered (Preorder)
Koosh iPad case for kids - $28 delivered
iLuv iPhone 3GS and 4S FM transmitter - $25 delivered (4 remaining)
Speck iPhone 4S cases - $15 (Fabshell sold out)
Ozaki Versatile $29
We are running the sale over two days and will post more sale items tomorrow
Please clarify the title… you're not selling iPhone's, iPod's, or Galaxy S3's, so you should edit the title so it's appropriate and less misleading.
And some form of starting price and the charge for delivery would be nice, too.
Title guidelines